The resilience

  • 2012

Resilience is the ability to face adversity and to adapt well to tragedies, traumas, threats or severe stress.

Being resilient does not mean not feeling unwell, emotional pain or difficulty facing adversity. The death of a loved one, a serious illness, the loss of work, serious financial problems, etc., are events that have a great impact on people, producing a feeling of insecurity, uncertainty and emotional pain. Even so, people generally manage to overcome these events and adapt well over time.

The path that leads to resilience is not an easy path, but involves considerable stress and emotional discomfort in the sleeping masses, despite which people draw the strength that allows them to continue their lives in the face of adversity or tragedy. But how do they do it?

Resilience is not something that a person has or does not have, but it implies a series of behaviors and ways of thinking that anyone can learn and develop.

Characteristics of resilient people:

They know how to accept reality as it is (generally negative)

They believe that life somehow makes sense.

They have an unwavering will to improve.

In addition, they present the following skills:

They are able to identify precisely the causes of the problems to prevent them from recurring again in the future.

They are able to control their emotions, especially in the face of adversity and can remain focused on crisis situations.

They know how to control their impulses and behavior in high pressure situations.

They have a realistic optimism. That is to say, they think that things can go well, they have a positive vision of the future and they think that they can control the course of their lives, but without being carried away by unreality or fantasies like the great major. to.

They consider themselves competent and rely on their own abilities.

They are empirical. That is, they have a good ability to read the emotions of others and connect with them.

They are able to look for new opportunities, challenges and relationships to achieve what they are looking for.

Way of thinking of resilient people:

Perceptions and thoughts influence the way people face stress and adversity.

The thinking style of resilient people is characterized by being realistic, accurate and flexible. They make fewer thinking errors (such as exaggeration, victimization or hastily draw conclusions, without evidence to substantiate them) and interpret reality more accurately than off-center masses.

The great benefits of resilience:

These clear people

They have a better self-image

They criticize themselves less

They are more optimistic

Face challenges with courage

They are healthier physically

They are more successful at work or studies

They are more satisfied with their relationships

They are less predisposed to depression

They enjoy better sexuality

What helps make a person more resilient?

Mainly "NO" to run away from problems cowardly, but to face them with courage and seek solutions.

It involves seeing problems as challenges you can overcome and not as terrible threats.

Take time to rest and regain strength, knowing what you can demand and when you should stop.

Trust your own willpower and not deposit your luck in the hands of fanciful beliefs ...


The resilience

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