The mystical drive of Teresa de Ávila through her poetry, by Domingo Díaz

  • 2012

Andish Divine Union
Of the love I live in
He has made God my captive
and free my heart.
And cause in my such passion
see God my prisoner
I'm dying because I don't die

From the 16th century we receive the echoes of Teresa de vila, Saint Teresa of Jesus for Catholics, of the instant perceived on earth, by a mortal, of the union with the divine that is produced in the breeding ground of Love.

Love feeds the mystic fire, the flame of living love, produces the union, the ethereal touch of divinity in a sacred moment of luminous fullness. Light that acts at the same time as the engine and fuel of Love, giving life to the divine triangle Love-Fire-Light-Love, to a magical Trinity-One that expands and radiates, by means of laws Ethical, to the remotest confines of the manifested universe.

Your I am, for you I was born,
What do you have to do with me?

When he has burned at the stake of the merger, or in the words of the mystic sufferer Rum, when the wine of the union has been drunk, the human ego he knows that he has finished his way; that only remains to throw into the arms of the divinity, without ties or conditions; that there is no space or time for the satisfaction of the human, that there is no gift or reward in physical dimensions, that the end of the personality is a bottomless precipice where only the souls of pure hearts are thrown driven by faith that God's arms wait:

I am, because you created me,
You redeemed me
you, because you suffered me,
You, then you called me.
You then waited for me,
You, because I didn't get lost:
What do you want of me?

The echo of unconditional surrender is perceived through Teresa's rhymed verb. It transmits that desire of unbearable fusion, the overflowing passion of being His, in the unison of the rhyme, that voluntary abandonment of the personality, once the divine frequency in the entrails is recognized.

“When the sweet Hunter
threw me and left
in the arms of love,
My soul fell.
And taking on new life,
in such a way I have exchanged
who is my beloved to me
and I am for my Beloved ”

All Love comes from God, the human being is the receptacle of that Love when, as Teresa said, he prepares the King's throne inside him and he comes to take it, because he has been called, summoned by the Soul, for the sacred moment of the divine fusion that leaves us surrendered in the arms of that divine Love, which through our manifested existence is humanized and expands for the enjoyment and fullness of all creatures.

On October 15, the Catholic saint celebrates Saint Teresa of Jesus, whom I prefer to call, more familiarly, Teresa de Avila.

In a society in need of examples of life, Teresa de Avila offers many and of great value, but the one in which she shines with more own and intense light, with a specific light that transcends her time and her religion, is in that of her powerful and non-negotiable impulse of fusion with God.

That is why we have chosen this day, the day of this Universal Mystic to open the subject of Mysticism of Montecarmelo, in an attempt to radiograph your boiling soul through the peak moments of your mystical poetry.

To be continue

May the flame of love live in human hearts.

Sunday Diaz

Montecarmelo Coordinator, high Iberian spirituality.

The mystical drive of Teresa de Ávila through her poetry

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