The inheritance of Atlantis, by Master Jesus

Dear friends,

I am Jeshua. I stand before you and send you my energy and love.
I would like to support you in these challenging times.

This period of transition on Earth brings many old things to the surface. Old energies emerge from remote past times, times in which you were incarnated and had lives in which you experienced many things. All these old layers resurface now.

Today I would like to talk about these old days, bring you to a deeper understanding of yourself, who you are here and now. You are old beings, elders, who carry a great deal of experience inside. They have made long journeys through time and space, and not only on planet Earth.

Please let me take you back to the beginning. There was never a beginning, but to clarify this story I speak of a beginning in time, because there was a starting point towards the long cycle of lives in which you are now seized.

I am taking you to the moment of your birth as an individual soul, as a separate 'I'. The 'I-ity' that is now so familiar to you was a totally new phenomenon in the universe. Being unique and being separated allows you to acquire countless experiences, and yes, illusions as well. But that doesn't make it less valuable. It is precisely by being an 'I', by being separated from the totality, and by experiencing the illusions that accompany it, that you can discover what it is not. You can discover an illusion and experience it from the inside out. At first this was not possible. At first there was the One and nothing was outside him, like an undifferentiated ocean of love and unity. Now try to experience fear and ignorance from there!

Being vulnerable and prone to illusion you acquired a tremendous amount of experience, which allows you to really understand what unity means, what love means at the level of experience. You will understand what love is, not as an abstract concept, but as a living, creative force that excites you and fills your heart and spirit with a deep sense of joy and satisfaction. This is the final goal of your trip, the return home you are craving: to be like God, to experience unity as an 'I'. You do not want to surrender your 'I-ity'. It is through the connection of your 'I' with the whole that you experience the deepest joy and add your own unique energy seal to all creation. Being like God adds something new and precious to creation.

I ask you to return to the moment when this 'being a self' took shape for the first time. At that time you were, or were created as, angels. Can you feel the tenderness and innocence of that original energy, that distant beginning in which you were 'molded' for the first time, getting to know the 'form'? Suddenly they were 'you', distinct and separated from the others around you, and experienced the miracle of being an individual. They were still so close to the source of divine light, that they were filled with love and overflowed with joy and creativity. There was an incredible desire in you to experience, to know, to feel and to create. Please go inside for a moment, and see if you can feel the truth of that: that you are an angel in your deepest part….

Now I take a big leap in time, since I can only give a comprehensive summary of this long story. I take them to the beginning of planet Earth. You were present there, you are older than the existence of the Earth as a physical planet. Its birth as a primitive self-consciousness is much further behind than the origin of the Earth.

Now imagine that you were contributing to the development of life on Earth. Slowly life evolved on Earth, through the presence of material elements which offered a wide range of possibilities for consciences to incarnate in material forms or bodies: minerals, plants, and later animals. And you were deeply involved in this creation process. How?

You were the angels and devas who sustained and nourished the vegetable kingdom, who intimately knew the 'fabric of life' on Earth and took care of it deeply. You have also supplied animal life forms with love, care and etheric nourishment.

You carry inside memories of 'paradise' or the Garden of Eden, of a perfectly balanced nature in which you participated as caretakers and custodians of life, emanating from this ancient era. You were not yet incarnated then, but hovering between the etheric and physical realms. You were an angel about to be born into matter.

Remember the innocence of that time, remember what it was like to be this angel-deva-consciousness and how deeply you loved the Earth and all the manifestations of life in it. Feel the innocent aspect of your consciousness at this time back. You were like children playing in paradise, always in the mood for adventure, joking, laughing, experiencing the joy of expressing yourself freely in a safe place. In spite of your playful nature, you felt great admiration for the laws of guiding life and you would not have thought about treating life forms with nothing but deep affection and respect .

So, in some sense you have been the parents of life on Earth. This explains why they can be totally shocked by the alterations of nature caused by modern technology, and the general abuse of the forces of nature. Why does this affect them like this? It is because you have appreciated and nurtured these true energies from the beginning. From your essence you are connected to that, to the Earth and to its many forms of life, as a father is with his son and a creator with his creation. And at this time back when you were angels nurturing life on Earth, you didn't know why you were doing that. They acted as children who are attracted by the call of another adventure, the excitement of the new, and simply let themselves be carried away by what you felt as joyful and exciting. You planted your energy anywhere you were welcome.

Thus, they helped create paradise on Earth: the splendor of life, the abundance of plant and animal kingdoms, the diversity of life forms and the natural development of all that. Please hold this picture well for a moment remember who you are.

Even if this seems too great, when I tell you this, just let yourself fantasize that you were part of this, that you were present as an angel in that Garden of Life, Naughty, innocent, nurturing and caressing life.

Outside of paradise or the first fall in the Experience

Many events took place on Earth for millions of years, which are difficult to describe in a few words. But, at a certain point in time, his blissful adventure in the Garden of Eden was disturbed by an external influence, which could be called mala u dark .

From other dimensions in the universe, certain beings began to intrude on Earth. Its purpose was to exert power and influence over life on Earth. This fact, the interference of powerful dark energies which, from his point of view, arose from nothing, deeply shocked his angelic nature. You were not prepared. This was his first encounter with the maldad and shook his world to its foundations. For the first time they experienced what it was like to no longer feel more saved. They got to know the 'human emotions': fear, shock, anger, disappointment, affliction, indignation: what is this ?, what is happening here ?!

Feel how the shadows fell on you in that first encounter with darkness, the dark side of duality. Slowly, the craving for power, which had shocked and horrified you, began to take possession of you. This was because you felt outrage and anger towards the attackers, and wanted to defend and protect the Earth against this strange invasion.

I speak of an extraterrestrial influence, a certain race as it says, of which for our account the origin does not matter much. What matters is that you partially absorbed the energy of these beings, and thus caused a fall. I do not speak of a Biblical Fall, as it is associated with this phrase with sin and guilt, but of a fall in experience, in the dark, which in one sense was 'predestined' because you were part of the world of Duality. Being an 'I', experiencing the separation of totality, the seeds of duality were born within you. It is part of the logic of creation that you will explore all extremes of duality, once you are in it.

Gradually you became warriors, as soon as you wanted the power to protect your 'territory'. A new scenario ensued in your history, in which you were entangled in various wars and galactic struggles. Please take a moment to feel this event, the fall from the playful energy of the angel-child to the cruel and choleric energy of the galactic warriors. We are talking about long periods of time. It must seem like something huge and unfathomable that you have been through all this, yet I ask you to let your imagination travel with me for a moment.

You were entangled in a fierce and impressive battle. Part of the science fiction literature familiar to you, describes all this and is really inspired by real events from a distant past. It is not mere fiction. A lot has really happened and you were deeply involved in that. You lost yourself in the struggle for power and during this stage of your history you fully experienced the energy of the ego.

I have talked about this before in the Lightworkers series (published on this site), and now I want to take another huge huge leap and tell you what the next important stage was.

After a long, long time, you got tired of fighting. They had had enough. They were feeling sad and tired of fighting, and a kind of nostalgia began to show in their hearts. They had long been obsessed with the wars and conflicts in which they were involved. The illusion of power can exert a hypnotic influence on a naive, inexperienced mind. You were naive and inexperienced when you experienced your first fall into darkness.

But then, at a certain point, an awakening occurred within you. A vague memory of the ancient days in Paradise stirred in their minds and in their hearts, reminding you of the cheerful and innocent you once knew. You wished you could go back there and you didn't want to fight anymore. One could say that the energies of the ego had been exhausted in you, by the complete experience of that. They had known all sides of the battle, the full range of emotions that have to do with winning and losing, controlling and surrendering, being murdered and killed. They had become disillusioned with power and had discovered that power does not give them what it promises: love, happiness, satisfaction. They woke up from their hypnotic numbness and wanted something new.

When you came to rise above the fighting energy, and connected to the energy of the heart, you were again naive and 'inexperienced'. They were like children who stamped their heads against the wall of a completely new country, in which neither the struggle nor the power were the dominant forces but love and connection. You followed the call of your soul and climbed the wall. And they began to meet again and recognize each other as soul mates, members of the same family. They had once played together as angels in the Garden of Eden.

The members of the family of lightworkers, who are part of the same wave of birth of souls, respected each other again and were attracted to a common call, a shared mission. You knew you had to do something to build the greatest step towards the consciousness of the heart. The return to Paradise actually happens for you. Once again they felt they had commitments to the Earth, but this time as a human being, embodied in a human body, to experience from within what had happened on Earth due to the galactic wars and their abuse of power.

In its struggle for power, Earth had always been the focal point of attention. Many galactic sides fought for dominance on Earth and this negatively affected the Earth, all life on it and the collective soul of evolving humanity. The reason why the Earth was such an important target for all these galactic sides cannot be easily explained. Expressing it briefly, the Earth is the starting point of something new: it is a place that brings together many different dimensions and realities and therefore constitutes a crossroads into the future. Many, many energies meet and combine all together on Earth - within the vegetable, animal, and especially the human realms. This is very special. When these energies can coexist all together peacefully, they will cause a huge explosion of light throughout the cosmos. This is why the Earth is playing a key role and the reason why she has been at the center of a great Battle.

Once you were part of this battle, as offenders, trying to manipulate life and consciousness on Earth in a totally aggressive way. This caused damage in the development of the human being. Humanity was then in its infantile stage, the 'stage of innocence'. Humanity was 'inhabited' by souls that were of a different wave of birth than yours. We have called them 'Earth souls' in the Lightworkers series. It was a group of souls younger than you, who had manifested on Earth before and had to deal with extraterrestrial external manipulations which reduced the capabilities of the human being. The extraterrestrial forces projected energies of fear and inferiority into the young and open consciousness of man. This allowed them to gain control over them.

Now I return to his decision to incarnate on Earth as a human being. You had two reasons. First, they felt they were prepared for a change and an inner transformation. You wanted to release the fighting attitude of the ego and grow into another way of being. You did not know what this meant exactly; They still could not fully understand it, but they felt that incarnating on Earth would offer them precisely the challenges and possibilities they needed.

Second, you knew that you had to compensate for the things that had happened on Earth, partly because of your actions. Somehow you felt that, originally, you had a deep bond with the Earth based on love and mutual respect, and it had become corrupted when you let yourself be entangled in war and in the battle for this same Earth. Its two extremes, the angel-child and the hardened warrior, needed to be assembled and transformed, and what place could have been more appropriate for this than Earth? You felt deeply connected to this planet and also felt a 'karmic obligation' to improve conditions on Earth. They wanted to change and raise the state of consciousness on Earth. Then they became 'light workers'.

You incarnated on Earth in the time of Atlantis.

Atlantis - the second fall in Experience

Atlantis was a civilization that extends much further back in time than its family historical era. Atlantis originated gradually about 100, 000 years ago and came to an end around 10, 000 years ago. The first beginnings even date back 100, 000 years. Atlantis gradually evolved when extraterrestrial races began to 'invade' the Earth by actually incarnating in human bodies. These souls in general had a high level of mental development. At that time, societies and communities on Earth were composed of Earth souls, and were 'primitive societies' as you call them.

There were, even before Atlantis, many extraterrestrial influences on Earth, from galactic kingdoms that in various ways sent thought forms to Earth. Thought forms are energies that connect humans to the etheric or auric level, and thus influence people's thoughts and emotions. This happens continuously when you absorb ideas and forms of beliefs from your education and from your society. These surround them like an infectious network. But it can also happen from the 'astral levels' that surround them. The forms of thought projected upon you by the galactic warriors were generally controlling and manipulative, but there have always been influences of light and goodness. It is the human himself who decides what allows and what does not. At one point, the galactic sides wished to have a deeper influence on Earth and there was an opportunity for them to really inhabit human bodies, in short to incarnate on Earth. The Spirit or Life opened this possibility for them because it adjusted to their inner path of development. You were one of these sides. In their spiritual literature, people who come from these galactic kingdoms are often referred to as 'star people' or 'star seeds'.

Atlantis was the result of a meeting, a mixture of native Earth societies and the influx of souls that came 'from outside'. You, the wave of the light-working souls, incarnated on Earth because you wanted to generate change and progress and because you wanted to grow yourselves, from an ego-based consciousness to a heart-based consciousness.

When you arrived, it felt very awkward and uncomfortable at the beginning, to be within physical human bodies. Living in such dense physical matter gave you a feeling of oppression and imprisonment, since you were accustomed to much more fluid and volatile bodies, which you possessed. more psychic power. At higher frequencies or dimensions (less material or dense), your psyche has a much larger direct influence on the material environment. By simply thinking of, or wanting something, you can create it or draw it immediately towards you on these planes. Their minds were accustomed to creating much faster than was possible on Earth. You could say that the reaction time on Earth is much slower. So when you are here for the first time you have the feeling that you are somehow locked into a solid and rigid body and feel insecure, because that his desire and aspiration no longer materializes so easily and his continuing with his life and circumstances seems to be totally limited.

Then you felt confused when you arrived here. At the same time, they had highly trained mental abilities that were developed during their previous galactic lives. Sending ways of thinking and projecting them to other living beings requires that you possess enough psychic power. His mind was like a series of sharp knives, which had to prove their value in a completely different environment. Your trained mental abilities were an old achievement, and because of this sense of alienation and oppression that you experienced on Earth, you instinctively tried to find your way here using this old achievement. Thus you began to exercise your mental powers on Earth. Originally, his intention had been to connect with the reality of the Earth from the heart. Before you incarnated, you knew that, despite your formidable analytical and psychic powers, the fields of your heart were fallow and needed seeds, small pl peque Light nulls. This, however, you forgot when you dived into the reality of the Earth and your consciousness became vel .

On Earth, you had to deal with Earth souls, who lived there as human beings, and you did not understand them well. You thought they were barbaric and instinctive beings. You did not understand your direct, spontaneous way of expressing emotions. They were primitive in their eyes, they were more in tune with their emotions and instincts than with their minds. You had abilities and faculties that were different from the natural inclinations of the people of the Earth.

Although you were often born and raised as your children (when you were born to Earthly soul parents), a social divide gradually developed between you and them. Due to your superior mental abilities, you developed technologies that were previously unknown. All this happened slowly and naturally. We speak of thousands, even ten thousand years of time.

Without going into detail about this process, I want to ask you to feel the essence of what was happening here. Can you imagine that you were part of this? Can you imagine how it must have felt to end up somewhere where you didn't really feel at home and know: there is something I plan to do here, but what is it ...? Let me see, I have certain skills and powers at my disposal ... ... this distinguishes me from many others in my environment ... ... I will use these talents to impose myself. Do you recognize this kind of pride and ambition within you? Can you remember what happened to you? This is a typical energy of Atlantis.

Gradually, a new culture originated on Earth, a civilization that produced an unprecedented technological development that affected all parts of society. I would like to say a little more about the kind of technology that evolution in Atlantis. What you as 'star people' still remembered clearly, despite the veil of oblivion, was that you can influence material reality using the power of your mind, especially the third eye. The third eye is the energy center (chakra) of intuition and psychic knowledge, and is located behind its two physical eyes.

The power of the third eye was still very familiar to you in those first incarnations, as a second nature to your soul. You knew 'how it worked'. You knew that matter (physical reality) has a form of consciousness, it is consciousness in a certain state of being. Through this essential insight into the unity of consciousness and matter, you could affect and form matter, establishing an internal contact with consciousness in the matter portion. In this way, you could literally move matter, manipulate it from the mind. You knew a secret that was forgotten in the most recent times.

Currently, you see matter (physical reality) as separate from consciousness (mind). Influenced by modern science, you have forgotten that all beings have souls: everything that is has some form of consciousness with which you can connect and cooperate in a creative way. This knowledge was evident to you in those ancient times. But, during Atlantis, when their heart centers had not been fully awakened, their third eye was predominantly controlled by the center of desire or ego (the solar plexus or third chakra). You were standing on the threshold of a new inner reality, the reality of heart-based consciousness, but due to the shock of being immersed in the dense reality of the Earth, your tender and fresh inspirations were temporarily lost. You let yourself go astray by the excessive use of desire mixed with the power of the third eye. You aspired to improve things on a larger scale ('work of light') but you did it in an egocentric way, with an authoritarian attitude towards Earth souls and towards nature.

In the rise of Atlantis there were many possibilities and the technology was highly advanced, in some areas even more than its current technology, because the power of telepathy and psychic manipulation was used and understood much better. Instant, telepathic communication took place between different people who were at a great distance from each other. It was possible to leave the body consciously and travel around. Communication with extraterrestrial civilizations was sought eagerly and was carried out.

Many things became possible during Atlantis, but much went wrong too. There was generally a divide between the political-spiritual elite and the 'common people', which was predominantly made up of Earth souls. They were considered as inferior beings, a means to an end, and they were really used for genetic experiments that were part of Atlantis' ambition to manipulate life at the biological level, so that higher life forms could be created.

A positive aspect of the society of Atlantis, by the way, was the equality of men and women during that time. The battle of power between man and woman, in which women were horribly oppressed during the last stage, was not part of Atlantis. The feminine energy was totally respected, especially because it is directly related to the power of the third eye (intuition, clairvoyance, spiritual power).

Now I want to take them to the collapse of Atlantis. There were energies at stake with which you are still trying to reach an agreement. You were deeply committed to what went wrong at that time. In Atlantis, you lived from the centers of desire and the third eye. His heart energy was not significantly accessible. At a certain point, you fell in love with the possibilities offered by your own technology and the ambition to create superior life forms. You applied genetic engineering and experimented with various life forms, and you were not able to understand, to feel, that with this you were being disrespectful with Life. Those they experienced did not count on their empathy and compassion.

The energy present in this stage of perversion in the civilization of Atlantis returned specifically in the twentieth century as the Nazi regime in Germany. Cruel experimentation and the general attitude of analytical coldness towards 'lower life forms' was a substantial part of the regime. The lack of compassion and empathy displayed towards the victims, the lack of emotion and the mechanical way of 'dealing' with the victims, was similar to the attitude in Atlantis. This now fills them with a deep sense of horror. You have seen and felt the other side of this, the victim side, in lives that came after Atlantis.

But during Atlantis, you were the offender. That's where a particular 'karma' came about. Atlantis is the key to their 'lives of offenders', their dark side. I am telling you this, not to make you feel ashamed or guilty, in any way. All of us are part of this story, adopting different roles and disguises, and this is what it is to be in duality. It is to experience and play every conceivable role, from pure light to pure darkness. If you allow yourself to know your dark side, if you can accept that you also played the role of victimizer, you will be more balanced, free and happy. This is why I tell you this.

At one point, the technological developments that you - and other groups of souls - sought, had such an impact on nature, that the ecological systems on Earth were interrupted. The fall of Atlantis did not happen suddenly. There were many warning signs - signs of nature - but when not heard, huge natural disasters occurred, through which the civilization of Atlantis was flooded and destroyed.

How did this affect you internally? It was a shocking experience, a traumatic experience; it was another Fall, a second Fall of Experience in the deep.

During your incarnations on Earth, you had finally lost the connection with the energy of the heart that you had reached. More than ever, after the collapse of Atlantis, you realized that the truth was not going to be found by controlling life, even if the purpose seemed noble. Then you began to really open up to the soft voice of the heart, which tells you that there is a wisdom penetrating Life itself, which does not need to be managed or controlled. En el flujo de la vida misma, en el flujo del corazón y de los sentimientos hay una sabiduría con la cual ustedes pueden sintonizarse, o alinearse, escuchando y rindiéndose. No es una sabiduría creada desde la cabeza o por el deseo, es una sabiduría que viene de permitir una perspectiva superior, la voz del amor.

Este conocimiento místico, que es acompañado por un sentido de humildad, ustedes comenzaron a sentirlo desde adentro. Pero incluso entonces, el tiempo no estaba aún maduro para un despertar alegre de las energías del corazón. Una sombra había caído sobre ustedes durante la Atlántida, la sombra de haber afectado negativamente a otros seres. Las consecuencias de esto tendrían que ser profundamente sentidas y experimentadas por ustedes antes de que el despertar pudiera tener lugar.

Otra vez doy un gran salto en esta vieja historia, y los llevo al momento en el que ustedes regresan a la Tierra, después de que la Atlántida había desaparecido, arrastrada por las olas del océano. Una vez más ustedes encarnaron en cuerpos humanos, el recuerdo de la Atlántida enterrado bien en lo profundo de su memoria del alma, unido con una sensación de vergüenza y de desconfianza en sí mismo. El derrumbe de la Atlántida los había aturdido y desconcertado, pero también había dejado sus corazones un poco más abiertos.

¡Qué enormes acontecimientos tuvieron lugar en semejante escala de tiempo!

Rechazo como un trabajador de la luz – la tercer Caída en la Experiencia

El siguiente ciclo importante comenzó con la llegada de la energía Crística en la Tierra, más visiblemente representada por mí. Muchos de ustedes estuvieron presentes en aquél entonces o aproximadamente en aquél tiempo. Algunos siglos antes de mi nacimiento, ustedes comenzaron a encarnar otra vez en grandes números. Una voz los atrajo, los convocó desde su corazón. Ustedes sintieron que 'tenían que estar ahí', que era el momento para ustedes de dar otro paso en su viaje espiritual, el cual se había entrelazado tanto con la Tierra.

La llegada de la energía Crística, mi llegada a la Tierra, fue parcialmente preparada por ustedes. Yo no habría podido venir sin una capa de energía presente en la Tierra que me hubiese recibido, 'agarrado' como quien dice. Su energía proveyó el canal a través del cual yo pude anclar la energía Crística a la Tierra. Fue un esfuerzo conjunto, realmente. Sus corazones se habían abierto a mí, a lo que yo representaba. En aquella época, ustedes fueron la parte de la humanidad más abierta a recibir el amor y la sabiduría del corazón.

Un cierta humildad había surgido dentro de ustedes, en el mejor sentido de la palabra: una rendición a no querer saber, a no querer controlar o 'manejar' las cosas, y una genuina apertura a algo nuevo, algo que se mantiene apartado del poder y del control, algo diferente. Y debido a esta confianza y apertura en sus corazones, ustedes pudieron recibirme.

Yo era como un rayo de luz cayendo sobre la Tierra, recordándoles a aquellos que estuvieran preparados su naturaleza angelical, su núcleo divino. Ustedes fueron conmovidos por mí, por lo que yo les expresaba y les radiaba desde mi núcleo interno, y desde entonces la energía Crística los ha afectado profundamente, en aquella vida cercana a Cristo y en las vidas después de ésta, hasta ahora. En todas esas vidas ustedes han intentado traer la energía Crística abajo hacia la Tierra, de esparcirla de diversas maneras a través de la enseñanza y de la sanación. Ustedes fueron trabajadores de la luz inspirados y apasionados, trabajando duro y trayendo m s justicia, equidad y amor a este planeta.

En aquella era, la era del despertar de la energ a Cr stica, ustedes fueron aquellos que se opusieron a las religiones que estaban demasiado r gidamente organizadas, a los modos autoritarios de dominar a las personas. Ustedes lucharon por la libertad, por la emancipaci n de la energ a femenina, por los valores basados en el coraz n en una era que a n era escasamente conciente de esto. En los pasados dos mil a os ustedes fueron defensores de la libertad y fueron rechazados y perseguidos por esto. Fueron castigados y torturados por ser quienes eran, y frecuentemente terminaron en la estaca o en el cadalso. Ustedes traen mucho trauma emocional desde este episodio de la historia.

En las luchas y en la resistencia que encontraron, el karma de la Atl ntida (y el gal ctico) estuvo trabajando. Los roles ahora fueron invertidos. Ustedes se volvieron las v ctimas y atravesaron las profundidades de la soledad, del miedo y de la desesperaci n. Llegaron a conocer ntimamente el profundo dolor emocional del rechazo. Esta fue su tercer Ca da, una tercer Ca da en la Experiencia, y aquella que los llev al coraz n de su misi n: comprender la unidad impl cita tanto en la Luz como en la Oscuridad, aprendiendo qu significa realmente el Amor. Esta tercer Ca da los ha tra do hasta el presente, hasta quienes ustedes son ahora.

Hoy, al borde de un nuevo ciclo, en estos tiempos de transformaci n, ustedes est n verdaderamente abiertos al significado de la energ a Cr stica. En su coraz n est brotando una sabidur a que abraza y trasciende los opuestos y que reconoce el nico flujo divino en todas las diferentes manifestaciones. Su amor no es un mero conocimiento abstracto, sino un puro, real y sincero flujo desde el coraz n, que alcanza a otros, ya la Tierra. Ustedes ahora se reconocen as mismos en el semblante de los dem s, ya sean luz o oscuridad, rico o pobre, trabajador de la luz o alma terrestre, hombre, animal o planta. El amor embebido en la conciencia Cr stica puentea la brecha entre los opuestos y les da una tangible sensaci n de interconexi n con todo lo que es.

Como un ngel, ustedes alguna vez custodiaron el para so en la Tierra. Se desconectaron de este estado de inocencia cuando participaron en la danza del poder con energ as que quer an robarles el para so. A causa de esto ustedes abandonaron el reino espiritual y encarnaron m s profundo dentro de la realidad material de la forma y de la ilusi n. De ngel pasaron a ser guerrero. Cuando ustedes encarnaron en la Tierra y pasaron a experimentar lo que es ser un humano, fueron nuevamente tentados por el deseo de controlar las cosas y esto condujo a la ruina de la Atl ntida y de ustedes como un guerrero. Ustedes regresaron a la Tierra para experimentar el lado bajo del juego del poder, para sentir lo que es caer v ctima de la agresi ny de la violencia. La secuela de esta ltima parte del ciclo a n est claramente presente en su forma de experimentar las cosas y todos ustedes est n trabajando duro para superar el trauma al rechazo dentro de ustedes. Con eso ustedes terminan en el punto de partida, en el punto donde esto comenz . Regresan a su verdadera naturaleza como un ngel, pero ahora como un ngel plenamente encarnado, con un real y vivo conocimiento de los extremos de la luz y de la oscuridad, del amor y del miedo. Ustedes son un ngel sabio y compasivo, un ngel humano

Yo siento un gran respeto por ustedes, por el incre ble viaje que han realizado. Estoy ahora ante ustedes como su igual. Yo estoy aqu como un maestro y como un gu a, pero tambi n como un hermano y un amigo. Me gustar a ofrecerles mi amor y mi amistad, no de una manera abstracta, sino como una energ a tangible de camarader ay de comprensi n. Yo s qui nes son ustedes. Ahora recon zcanse en mi semblante.

Ustedes est n al final de grandes ciclos de tiempo, en los cuales han atravesado muchas experiencias. Hoy quise hablar de la Atlántida, ya que el reconocimiento de las energías que ustedes encarnaron ahí, puede ayudarles a alcanzar un estado de paz y de integridad con ustedes mismos. La energía de la Atlántida es la energía del gran poder mental, combinado con un característico orgullo y arrogancia. Atrévanse a reconocer esta 'energía oscura' dentro de ustedes, atrévanse a aceptar que han experimentado y vivido eso alguna vez. Sientan que han sido el ofensor y el victimario así como también la víctima. Admitir este hecho dentro de su conciencia abre la puerta a la más grande sabiduría que ustedes pueden abrazar en su vida: la sabiduría de no juzgar. Al ser concientes de su lado oscuro ustedes dejarán de juzgar a los demás, por tener o no la razón, o incluso a ustedes mismos. Todos los motivos para juzgar se eliminarán. El juzgar le cede el paso a la comprensión ya la compasión. Entonces ustedes realmente comienzan a entender qué es el amor, que significa el 'trabajo de la luz'. La palabra 'trabajo de la luz' de hecho sugiere falsamente que está teniendo lugar alguna clase de lucha entre la luz y la oscuridad, y que el trabajador de la luz es aquél que está batiendo a la oscuridad. Pero el verdadero trabajo de la luz no es nada de eso. El real trabajo de la luz supone que ustedes son capaces de reconocer la luz del amor y de la conciencia en todo lo que es, incluso si está escondido detrás de máscaras de odio y de agresión.

Ustedes aún se ven tentados de juzgar a la realidad de la Tierra, por ejemplo en el modo en que funciona la política o en el modo en que la gente está tratando al medio ambiente. Es fácil decir que está todo mal y sentirse un extraño en este planeta Tierra, alienado y desamparado. En esos momentos intenten hacer contacto con la energía del ofensor dentro de ustedes. Permítanse acceder a la energía de la Atlántida, la cual aún está ahí en su memoria del alma, y sientan que ustedes también han sido eso, e incluso que eso estuvo bien. Todas sus 'caídas en la experiencia' finalmente los llevan a ustedes al punto de partida y abren su corazón a la esencia de la creación de Dios: el amor, la creatividad, la inocencia. Ustedes, quienes han experimentado los extremos de la oscuridad y de la luz, todo a lo largo de su viaje no han sido otra cosa más que un niño inocente del paraíso, emprendiendo viaje con un espíritu de franqueza; valiente curiosidad y deleite por la vida. En este viaje, ustedes sólo podrían aprender desde la experiencia. Las 'caídas en la experiencia' no se podrían haber evitado, ya que ellas fueron los medios para alcanzar algo nuevo y más satisfactorio. La esencia de su viaje es que ustedes alcancen la sabiduría a través de la experiencia. Por lo tanto, por favor reconozcan y honren el coraje de este ángel-niño que ustedes fueron. Vean su vitalidad, coraje y perseverancia al aventurarse dentro de lo desconocido, y luego sientan su propia inocencia, incluso en su lado más oscuro.

Yo les pido que se respeten, incluyendo su parte oscura. Tan sólo sientan el poder y la propia conciencia de la energía de la Atlántida por un momento. Hay un lado positivo en esto también. Ustedes fueron talentosos de muchas maneras. Inviten a esa energía a entrar, aquí y ahora. Permitan que regresen a ustedes la sensación de autoestima y dominio de sí mismo, y perdónense por las atrocidades que tuvieron lugar en el pasado. Sí, ustedes han infligido dolor a otros, ustedes fueron los agresores ahí…….pero sientan también cómo han llegado a arrepentirse de esto profundamente, y cuánto se han abierto ahora al genuino respeto por todo lo que está vivo. Cuando ustedes se perdonan, se abren a la alegría de dejar de juzgar. Esa es la consecuencia, ustedes ven: si reconocen su parte oscura y son capaces de perdonarse por eso, ya no necesitan más juzgar ni a ustedes mismos ni a los demás. Esto es tal placer para su alma…

Ustedes aún se exponen tan a menudo al tormento de sus juicios. Se dicen a ustedes mismos que todavía hay tantas cosas que tiene que realizar. Hoy, yo les pido que miren hacia atrás y que vean lo que ya han realizado. Sean concientes de la profundidad de su viaje por todos estos grandes ciclos de tiempo. Y no me miren más como a un maestro. Yo he cumplido ese rol, dos mil años atrás, pero ese tiempo ya se ha terminado. Ustedes son los Cristos de esta nueva era, ustedes traerán paz a un mundo de dualidad y de polaridad, al irradiar la paz que yace dentro de sus propios corazones. Sientan cómo están listos para este rol y simplemente déjenme ofrecerles un poco de apoyo y aliento como su amigo y hermano. We are one.

© Pamela Kribbe 2006
Translation: Sandra Gusella

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Esta canalización se presentó ante una audiencia en vivo el 8 de Octubre de 2006, en Oisterwijk, Holanda. The spoken word has been slightly edited to make it more readable.

English to Spanish translation by Sandra Gusella

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