KRYON: “The old Lemuria”, Lee Carroll in Valencia - Spain, September 19 and 20, 2015

  • 2015

Ancient lemuria

Kryon- Monika Muranyi

Monika Muranyi is the author of The Gaia Effect and The Human Akasha (published by Vesica Pisces Editions). These books are monographs written from Kryon channels transmitted through Lee Carroll, his original channeler, and contain dozens of Kryon's unpublished answers to questions asked.

In this article the essential information about Lemuria, our old legacy, is compiled.

Lee Carroll and Monika Muranyi will be present in Valencia on September 19 and 20 . During the event, we will be presented with the latest revelations about our evolution as divine humans. Now that we have passed the 2012 score, the enlightened civilization has begun to manifest itself and its apogee is inexorable.

The most important thing about you is who you are now. The energy of the planet is here to help you remember your spiritual wisdom, knowledge and purpose.

Information about Lemuria is elusive and often contradictory. It has almost always been described as a mythical place or a lost continent, located somewhere in the Pacific or Indian Ocean. Most myths and legends are based on real events, as in this case. Here is the story as Kryon has told us. - Lee Carroll

Have you ever heard the term Lemuria ? The first time I heard about Lemuria was when I read Book VII of Kryon, Letters from Home, written by Lee Carroll [original Kryon channeler]. Have you ever heard of Kryon? Kryon can be described as a loving entity that has been transmitting deep messages to humanity for more than 24 years.

According to Kryon, Lemuria was the first isolated spiritual civilization on the planet. It was not a technologically advanced civilization, but it did represent a culture whose DNA worked at 90%, compared to most of us today, in which we are at 30%. This made their conscience and intuition much more advanced than in today's society: they knew how to cure with magnetism; They knew quantum DNA, and they knew the solar system and the galaxy. Lemuria was the oldest civilization on the planet and the longest with a single government, and a civilization that never knew war.

The Lemurians were different from any other society. The only reason for the Lemurians and all the peculiarities of their DNA was to plant seeds of Akashic energy inside thousands of human beings, who could potentially wake up in the future: if consciousness The collective of humanity once decided to create a planet of peace, love and compassion, instead of extermination through war and hate, this Lemurian consciousness will be activated. That moment has arrived.

The Lemurians represented the relationship between Gaia (planet Earth) and humanity. In a spiritual sense, they were preparing and building the Akashic Record of planet Earth. Lemuria was the center of population of the divinity, and each of the souls who lived there received a pure imprint, unlike others who lived elsewhere. Therefore, the DNA of the Lemurians was the purest on the planet. With a few exceptions, each Lemurian lived a single life in that culture . This was by design, so that there was only one Akashic experience of old souls. Once a soul had passed through Lemuria expected or reincarnated elsewhere.

Lemuria was what is now Hawaii, and those who participated in this experience lived there during a time when the whole mountain was a single island, not like today, when there are many islands, which represent only the peaks of a single mountain. The immense mountain of Haw i [the largest on Earth] is located on a geological hot spot. As in many other hot spots on the planet, active magma created a bulge near the surface that pushed the mountain up and left it exposed almost entirely. When the Lemurians lived there, the peaks were at much higher altitudes than they are today. In the highest peaks it was very cold; they were perpetually covered with snow and ice, and many glaciers formed. Now geologists have discovered that, in history, something similar happened at another hot spot: Yellowstone National Park in the United States.

At one point in time two things happened that frightened the Lemurians very much: (1) the mountain began to sink into the ocean, while large volumes of magma came out of the volcanoes. The bulge of the earth's crust was receding. This was the signal to leave the island, which announced the end of Lemuria and the beginning of humanity's work on the planet . (2) The Lemurians became a navigating race and began to jump into the sea in search of other places to live. Some succeeded and others did not. Many went south and others did not. They were often at the mercy of unknown sea currents and trade winds.

Lemurians who left their mountainous island, now known as Hawaii, established populations on Easter Island, New Zealand and the west coast of the Americas, among many other places. Many of them went to Mount Shasta, in California: that is why the energy of the old Lemurian soul is felt so strongly when one is on this mountain. In the end, the Lemurians who left Hawaii ended up initiating other cultures or joining those that already existed throughout the Earth. During a message from Kryon channeled by Lee Carroll it was said that one of these cultures was in the Indus Valley, known as Sumeria, in the Middle East; It was the one that, many years later, ended up giving rise to Egyptian culture.

Is there any evidence of the existence of Lemuria? Most of the land in Hawaii where the Lemurians lived is now underwater. Underwater ocean currents are very strong, and any object that could constitute proof of that ancient civilization was long buried by sand and sediments or by water. However, Kryon has said that there are still numerous Lemurian everyday objects still intact within the small boats that sank and are still waiting to be discovered. Also according to Kryon, some have already been found and are in the hands of collectors who keep them hidden for fear of the ridicule of scientists, since they are objects that are "out of the timeline" of our current understanding of civilizations past it would be like finding a printed book that the carbon 14 test dated back 30, 000 years ago: according to official history, it "could not" exist.

In summary, Lemuria was established to create the cosmic Akashic Record of the Earth . For thousands of years Lemuria remained the same, unchanged, so that many humans could once have a soul experience within a highly developed spiritually speaking society. Once the Akasha of the planet had been established, the Lemurian society had already fulfilled its purpose. The new purpose of the Lemurians is to take the wisdom of the mountain-island of Hawaii and spread it throughout the planet, creating a high awareness in the right places.

Even today, lemurians tend to share a common feature. In the past, they had a natural tendency to join with like-minded others and create a separate society, such as a "spiritual island." Again and again, they made many attempts to recreate an isolated and illuminated city, but they always ended badly due to floods, earthquakes or volcanic eruptions. This happened so many times that those who remember him will associate it with having lived in a place called Atlantis, even if it was not so [it is what Kryon calls "the Atlantis effect"].

The spiritual seeds planted by the Lemurians all those years ago are available to all the souls of the planet. This means that everyone, whether Lemurian or not, has the potential to awaken the ancient Lemurian spiritual wisdom and knowledge . Your light is necessary on the planet. If you live your life as an empowered Human Being, who demonstrates love and compassionate action to others, you can positively influence those around you. The time has come for you to claim your spiritual wisdom and knowledge and to be in places that need to see a balanced Human Being.

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