The science of love Understanding the Earth. Understanding the Sun and the Cosmos.

  • 2011

I.-Intelligent universe: The science of love.

There is no greater proof of love in the universe than that of giving life, another is that you must know yourself and learn to love yourself because only then can you get to love others.

God in his maximum expression of love allowed men to participate in the miracle of life. The energy of the Universe is intelligent and everything in it is life and intelligence. The question lies in understanding that energy from integration into it, not from confrontation with it.

Before my little self was born I already loved him deeply, I remember when the doctor showed me the first ultrasound where it was only the size of a pea and yet in that little pea all the information of the adult man that one day will be was already encoded.

In the same way, the entire Universe is fractal,

The entire universe is contained in us, the universe is fractal taking into consideration the full range of scales from the realm of the infinitesimally small to the Planck scale, to the macro scale of the known universe.

Table 1: Fundamental physical constants




speed of light in a vacuum

L / T

Gravitation constant

L 3 / T 2 M

Planck reduced constant

where is Planck's constant

ML 2 / T

Coulomb force constant

where is the permittivity in a vacuum

ML 3 / Q 2 T 2

Boltzmann constant

ML 3 / T 2 K

(Two protons are rejected because the electromagnetic repulsion is much stronger than the gravitational attraction between them. This can be verified by seeing that the protons have a charge approximately equal to a natural unit of charge, but their mass is much smaller than the unit natural dough).

If you understand how a tiny atom works, you will come to understand how a star works.

In the first days of pregnancy, the mother's brain, modulated by the fetus, deactivates the stress hormone and activates, however, the hormone of trust. It is as if the mother received an order from the fetus that said: "It's me, don't worry, I'm not a strange individual." Thus that attachment bond grows and emotional balance arises. It is the first mother-fetus communication that develops at the molecular level. And the most surprising thing is that the signals sent by the fetus influence the mother's brain, shading behaviors and feelings, making her feel calm and relaxed.

Although it may seem a lie, fetuses like music. Vivaldi's violins calm the fetus, but he worries if the volume or music is raucous or if the music plays with interference, put your hand on your belly while listening to a Vivaldi flute and you will see how the fetus calms down.

II.-Interacting with life: The simile of pregnancy

The control of the fetal heartbeat rate is one of the most important aspects of prenatal care. Once you have reached the eighth week of your pregnancy, the medical professional who was attending to you and you might be able to detect the frequency of the fetal heartbeat, by monitoring and subsequent periodic control of these beats; and in this way, you could both ensure that the baby was enjoying an optimal state of health and was developing in a healthy way.

It is very important to keep in mind that, in addition to being an extremely exciting and amazing stage, pregnancy could also generate a state of anxiety and constant nerves in the future mother very difficult to cope with; That is why for a pregnant woman, being able to hear her baby's heartbeat will make her feel more relieved and calm.

The pluripotential cells pass from the fetus to the circulation and maternal bone marrow. The cells travel to the mother's organs and even favor the repair of hearts that have suffered heart disease. They are stored in niches, especially in the bone marrow, and dispersed in the mother's organs.

From the first day the embryo and mother send signals, the molecular dialogue established by mother and child makes the maternal immune system tolerant towards the embryo.

The immunological tolerance is activated at the request of the embryo, through a network of substances that release and act locally and silence all the maternal cells that would generate the natural rejection towards the strange.

III.-Life and frequency ranges.

All life vibrates in a certain frequency range, an atom, the Earth or the Sun.

A wise man once said that the Earth is not a living organism but behaves as if it were, the Earth vibrates at a certain frequency, the Schumann Resonances that constitute a set of peaks in the extremely low frequency band (ELF) of the Earth’s radio spectrum. How solar storms interact with our biophysics.

This is because the space between the earth's surface and the ionosphere acts as a waveguide. The limited terrestrial dimensions cause this waveguide to act as a resonant cavity for electromagnetic waves in the ELF band.

Polk measured these resonances in 1989 and subsequently several times in 1991, obtaining what we call the Polk diagram in bands ranging from 7.83Hz to 32.4Hz, with three important central peaks: 14.1Hz, 20.3Hz and 26.4 Hz, which are the ones that interacted with our Beta cycles.

The vibration of the Earth is in a certain frequency range, each organism has its own frequency range. The Sun also has its own frequency range.

Between these two bodies there is a symbiotic relationship, it is a relationship comparable to that established in a minor fractal, between a fetus and his mother and the communication between them through s of the umbilical cord.

The vibrational waves and the information that arrives from the sun to the earth do so in a certain frequency range, when they reach the nucleus they are modified in the Schumann resonance range.

The heartbeat of the mother is around 70 beats per minute while those of the fetus are approximately 120 beats. The frequency of the beats of both is different but the communication between both is perfect.

Between the Sun and the Earth, the same symbiosis process occurs, an intelligent flow of information.

Recently and in this sense NASA has discovered that every 8 minutes an energy vortex opens between the Sun and Earth. Scientists at the University of Leicester UK confirm that every 8 minutes a Vortex opens between Earth and the Sun. And NASA also confirms that there is a Space-Time Vortex that surrounds the Earth.

Both, Sun and Earth speak different languages, one asks in a frequency range and the other answers in a different frequency range but through the flow of particles and signals through waves a convergent flow of information is established in a Transform of Fourier

When the earth's frequency range reaches a certain level the communication flow is accentuated until it reaches its equilibrium range.

Just as the baby increases the frequency of beats at the time of birth, synchronizing the processes with his mother.

At 8 weeks, my baby had arms, legs, main joints formed and starts to move. The fingers and toes are visible. The blood already begins to circulate.

Similarly, the magnetic field of the Sun presses the magnetic field of the Earth on its side closest to the Sun, fusing approximately every 8 minutes forming a cylinder-shaped portal through which particles can flow. Scientists from the University of Leicester UK confirm that every 8 minutes a Vortex opens between the Earth and the Sun.


We are just beginning to know this symbiotic relationship between the Sun and Earth and there is something we should not overlook, our scientists hardly know a few elementary particles and the relationship between them, but there are many more and the relationship they establish between them It is still an unknown.

Just as the Earth is synchronized by the Sun, it is also synchronized by the central superonda of the galaxy. The information flow process cannot be interrupted, if we do it, we generate a problem that is difficult to solve.

The informational flow can be manipulated as we are doing, creating a fictitious frequency range.

You throw waves and particles into the upper layers of the atmosphere in the Schumman frequency range, in the equilibrium range of the Earth's vibrational frequency, thus interfering with the flow, the intensity of the particles that reach the nucleus is lower, although you saturate the upper layers of the atmosphere and the symbiotic relationship between the Sun and the Earth becomes chaotic.

It is as if we cut the umbilical cord of the fetus before birth. We must not interact or artificially compensate for the effects of communication between the Galaxy, the Sun and the Earth. Fermi discovers two giant supersymmetric bubbles of X-rays and Gamma rays coming from the center of the galaxy.

Additional documentation and Reference Bibliography:

1.-All geophysical anomalies censored by scientific journals come to light. Awkward evidence II.

2.-Fermi discovers two giant supersymmetric bubbles of X-rays and Gamma rays coming from the center of the galaxy.

3.-Human consciousness goes far beyond brain activity: The quantum dimension of the human being.

4.-How solar storms interact with our biophysics.

5.-Earthquakes.TGTRPT-Japan, Haiti and other issues. Logical and scientific analysis.

6.-Cellular mitosis: As above it is below. The cycle of the Earth?

7.-Spectacular solar flare on April 24. Sun emissions can change the states of matter.

Advanced documentation on Schumann Resonances:

1.-Advanced documentation on research in Schumann Resonances.

2 .- "The universe sounds and each person has a sound": Universe and Resonances

3.-Relevant Current Issues: TGTRPT. Seismic activity and fundamental issues.

4.-A scientific paper that in 2008 already analyzed the incidence of Schumann Resonances in the seismic events of Japan comes to light.

5.-New solar storms and more frequency in seismic activity.

6.-Podcast: Linking very important issues: Schumann Resonances, Climategate and Photon Belt.

7.-Towards the theory of Everything: Ether. Intelligent universe. Global Scaling: Differential Quantum Radio Frequency and Global Convergence.

Thanks to the collaboration of Isaac Rodríguez.

URL: StarViewerTeam International 2011.

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