2012: A look at the magnificent year ahead ", by the Archangel Metatron

  • 2011

Greetings Masters!

We surround each and every one of you with a nutritious energy and with the field of self-empowerment, for each of you are truly Masters in the path of Ascension. It is our purpose to offer inspiration and clarity, but in fact it is always a requirement that you, as a sacred and sovereign being, use discernment about this and any other "channeled" message.

We will begin this essay regarding 2012, a truly promising year, facing the fears that some of you may have. First, I will tell you that Ascension is on its way, and it will occur in fact. You have done so. In many ways, Ascension has already taken place. What remains, however, amounts to the termination of the Crystalline Grid, and the final activations of the Crystalline Transition.

Now, regarding your fears, I gently ask all of you to look at the world around you for a moment. What do you see?

The media outlets report on wars, hunger, disasters and economic collapse. And what is broadcast is what you see in 3D. It is often full of darkness and doom, isn't it?

The prophets of the end of the world are experts in spreading at full speed on this subject, right? Some of the speculators of the destination find a particularly fertile ground in this field, generating fear followed by collisions of comets, asteroids, cataclysm polar reversals and economic collapse. Regardless of what these detractors recognize or not, they feed on the fear they generate.

Dear ones, we tell you once again that Ascension will occur, and humanity has made it possible. It's time to put aside the old energy of fear. The prophecy of the ruins, the global cataclysmic disaster will not take place.

We tell you that it is a new rising sun, and in fact it is the sun of change. Brings the light of the magnificent New Earth. And Dear, we mean magnificent.

Teachers, there have always been pessimists on the planet, who predict pessimism and threats of fear. And this has a purpose in duality, and certainly a quick glimpse of everyone seems to justify their position. But we tell you that that is from the old energy. And it is not the role of the Spirit to ever tell you to give up hope, or to let go of your free will. Our message is to tell you about your Divinity, and you as teachers, that as a matter of fact, as a point of truth, the planet and humanity will really ascend ... and they are absolutely on the way for that to happen. New paragraph. So let's talk about 2012!

Next year

2012 is a very important year. It contains within its linear sequential flow, the multidimensional intersection points and the gates of time. They are, in fact, the improved points of the time collector that have allowed Ascension to occur. These points are the doors where many of you are sent from the future, (Syrian-Pleiadian Navigators and Transporters of the Code) to be here on the planet during the Ascension.

2012 is a final wake-up call for many of the code bearers. And there is much to do in 2012. In many ways, your work has just begun in 2012.

The Envoys of 2012

Now, many of you who participate in the planetary ascension are in a time phase of the Earth where from time to time they cannot fully understand it, they cannot fully embrace it. These are moments as if you were a visitor here, far from your home, and your energies do not exactly match those of the land of 2011 and beyond. In fact, you could sometimes feel lost during the last decade.

Dear ones, know that these feelings are valid and are - in a true sense - in a cultural shock, while waking up to the flourishing multidimensionality that is developing as you enter 2012. See many of you, in your t Terms, they are people of the future!

There is a great number of souls that you have chosen to come to Earth at this time, of dimensions beyond the future of the Earth, beyond the fifth and the future of the higher dimension worlds, which you will understand better in the progression of linear time, especially in 2012.

Moreover, you are Sent of the Crystalline Light, Ambassadors of Love. You have moved from the future, in your terms, in the linear time of the Earth, to help humanity in navigation. Through the tumultuous times that have developed in the last 40 years, and in the times that will occur in the next 20 years. See many of you who are waking up to the future in previous roles in 2011 and 2012. And that is by design. The doors of the time of 2012 are trigger points.

They began to accumulate in mass in what is called the Baby Boomers generation, the time after World War II, and its number has steadily increased in what is called Generation X, children indigo and crystal. You are the ambassadors of the Crystalline Light, the pioneers of the Earth alternated with Ascension. Many of you walked in your current bodies during your seventh seven year cycle and the eighth 7 year cycle, your 49 and 56 years in terms of linear age. You have walked in physical bodies that were in versions made of you, and in what could be called the second stage without prior appointment. And it is a more developed version of its own future, stepping back in time for a specific purpose. This is similar - but a little differently - to an integration of the soul, which is a specific role in which time is linked from a precise and evolved own future to a present for a specific purpose. To help Ascension.

You have had many roles, many assignments and many duties. You are the guardians of Wisdom, the Guardians of the Earth, the Angry Shamans, the Dancers of Fire, Dreamwalkers, Warriors of Light, Shape Changers, Star Beings, Elders, Force Carriers and Time Healers!

You came to design the reconstruction and achieve a different result here on the planet of duality, here on Earth! They are here to guide humanity through the parallels of probable calamities and potential catastrophes, which could otherwise wreak havoc, as has happened so many times through s of turbulent waters. You are here to make history not repeat itself. And we tell you: they have already succeeded.

Come, you are the problem solvers, the renegades, the destroyers of the paradigm! We use the analogy of the sea to clarify this concept of the Envoys of Light. Imagine the ascent as an offshore ship, the Envoys of Light are navigating experts who know exactly where the currents are dangerous, where the tides crash against the rocks ... and the Envoys know how to avoid them, how to pass over there, how to navigate, how to maintain the ballast. They are the teachers, with experience in many fields, and in their extensive meeting, they provide a collective knowledge that has no parallel on earth at any time or in the history of the planets.

Come, many of you have experienced Ascension on other planets and other worlds, several times, and you know the dangers. They understand the mechanics. And now they are almost ending.

There are a few rough patches left in 2011 and 2012, and then the game changes, as they keep leading the masses in 2013, since 2012 ... at the real start.

Perhaps the most important role for you, the envoys, in 2012 will be to help everyone radiating the radiance of your light, and not succumbing to the fear or anguish of the Old Energy.

Do not be discouraged. In 2012, the old energy will give them hard kicks to discourage change. Amplify your energies and anchor the light. Line up in the Crystalline.

What will happen in 2012?

What will happen in 2012 is a new beginning. That new beginning is the New Template of the New Earth. The Ascension of the Earth will allow dimensional review and expansion of the planet. The Earth is transferring to a Crystalline Field, expanding from the fourth to the 12 dimensions.

The crystalline matrix is ​​generated from the following primary events and their consequences:

** The encoding of the Christic Solar Disk and the Crystal Vortex on 11-11-11. MAX (the crystal skull) is the 13th paradigm, the original Extraterrestrial Crystal Library is called to be in Arkansas to encode the frequencies for the Crystal Transition. This happens on 11-11-11 and 12/12/12. MAX is the source of the codes.

** The Crystalline Grid, which is completed on 12/12/12

** The Unification of the 12 Primary Solar Disks, which represent the new DNA, codes or the draft for the frequency of the new Earth.

** The Global Unification of the Crystal Vortex Fields, the two main ones are in Arkansas and Brazil.

** The completion of the Pyramidal-Octahedral network that involves the transfer “Crystalline-Cosmic” through the infrastructure of the pyramidal network and energy of the nodes on planet Earth with which the Planetary Network and the Cosmic Grid connects with Orion and Arcturus.

It is about making the final adjustments that are required in 2011 and 2012 to finish the announced Ascension. In many ways, Ascension has been ongoing since 1987, but it is the Grid, Solar Discs, Crystal Vortices and Pyramid Network that has not yet been adjusted and needs to be completed.

Many of you are, in fact, code carriers, lens engineers and quantum mechanics who are here to help complete the picture. Some of you are sent from the future. Others are members of the 'Syrian-Pleiadian Alliance' that help modernize power structures, Portales-vortex centers and the Law Line in turn. This applies especially to those of you who are called "Guardians of the Earth."

That is why they are forced to align the energies in mega centers such as the Arkansas Crystal Vortex or local Disks. It is a job in which you are intuitively attracted completely, and that you know very well. Many of you have your counterpart between the Pleiades and Sirius ships designated to assist in this stage of conclusion.

Energy dates and activation phases of 2012

There are certain key frequencies that occur on specific dates in 2012. The equinoxes, solstices and eclipses are very powerful, and each represents final codes of the Ascension.

What is called the 12th. Wave of Ascension begins at the end of January and continues until 12/12/12.

The key dates for 2012 are the following:
January 25 - start of the 12th. Wave of the Ascension.

February 3 - Neptune in Pisces: Great Interior Vision is improved within the 12th. Wave.

February 8 - Chiron in Pisces: A great opportunity for individual liberation and global healing.

March 20 - Equinox - The fourth wave and last Cosmic Trigger, download and initialization of the Crystal Codes.

May 20 - Solar Eclipse: macro integration of humanity - the Divine Masculine balance.

June 4 - Lunar Eclipse: micro integration of Humanity - Divine feminine balance.

June 6 - Transit of Venus: Integration with the 'Syrian-Pleiadian Alliance', the complete return of the energies of the Golden Dolphin, the initial integration of the Divine Feminine to the Divine Masculine.

June 20 - Summer Solstice: Extremely powerful, the date quartet is completed with the Solar eclipse of May 20 and the Lunar eclipse of June 4 with the transit of Venus on June 6. This will be a very intense energy, which incorporates a final entry of the energy codes and allows the release of all obstructions.

September 22 - Autumn Equinox: initial formation of the networks of all the Solar Disks of the 12 Primary Disks to the crystalline format.

November 13 - Total Eclipse of the Sun: Activation of the 144 Solar Disks Satellites in the 12 Primary Disks. Final Integration of the Divine Masculine Grid in the balance.

November 28 - Lunar Eclipse: Penumbra - The final Grid is completed with the integration of the Divine Feminine.

December 12 - (12/12/12) Triple date portal: Final completion and conclusion of the Crystalline Grid. Final activation of the Atlantean Temple Crystals in the new code, with the unification of the Pyramidal structures and Solar Disks. Combination and balance of the masculine and feminine energies in the Divine Unity. Max's final coding in the Crystal Vortex.

December 21 - Winter Solstice: Restart of the Ascension Grid and the Crystal Network of the Quantum Field. Expansion to greater access to the 12 dimensions. The "Finger of God", formation of Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto.

The restart of 12/12/12

On 12-12-12 all systems will be fully coded. Bimini Fire Crystal Activation correlated with the Arkansas Crystal Vortex and Crystal Disc. A brief restart is then carried out and everything will be reactivated in full functionality with all the systems of the Crystal Field on 12/21/12, or December 21, 2012.

The economy

Many see that the roller coaster of the economy continues to bring tension on areas that generate great fear and concern. Some have predicted a total collapse. Dear ones, while the economic system must and will change, a total collapse in global chaos would not serve the New Earth. The total crash will not happen, it will not be allowed to occur. The change to the new system will take place, but many decades will pass. It will be a gradual process.

The 2012 US presidential election

Now, before finishing this essay, let's talk briefly about the elections that take place in November 2012 in the United States. We will not predict a winner, but we will tell you that it is a very important moment. Let's say that President Obama is a soul of greater light, and offers a better way for the United States. The choice will be difficult for him, but the best odds lie in his re-election. But this is not a certainty, there are many factors at stake. The future is always a moving target, and in this scenario it is not our function to anticipate the result, while this result remains an option and is not yet determined. Let's say that Obama is a man who cares more for the care of all citizens. However, the United States is many decades away from having a true representation of its government.


We tell you that 2012 is the announced time. It is the linear termination of the Planetary Ascension. The planetary ascension offers a new Earth within the expanded and fully functional template Crystalline Grid 144. These are the energies that allow the harmonious mass conversion of humanity to reach Ascension. But we tell you that the changes will be gradual within humanity in terms of movement of a linear time.

The majority of humanity will look at December 22 and say: "Nothing has happened, what was the problem?" However, the enlightened ones like you know that something magnificent has happened and that the true beginning of the Ascension has indeed dawned.

I am Metatr n and I share with you these Truths. You are loved.

And that is so, and so it is.

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Translation: Claudio Alvarez-Dunn

ENGLISH TRANSLATION ENGLISH TRANSLATION : http://en.hermandadblanca.org/2011/11/25/earth-keeper-archangel-metatron-2012-a-glimpse-into-the-magnificent-year- ahead-through-james-tyberonn-281011 /

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