Healing Decalogues

  • 2012


There are mantras that we repeat to seek our healing. In the same way there are mandras that we repeat ourselves, customs, phrases made, attitudes that can guide us towards our integral healing as a person or the opposite.

Check out these 3 decalogues and see where you are currently. Maybe he gave you a clue to change the dialogue if you are living a personal situation that is not what you want:


1. Do not pay attention to your body. Eat a lot of insane food, drink too much, use drugs. If you are and to stress, ignore it and continue to push your limits.

2. Cultivate the experience of a life without meaning and of very little value.

3. Do things you don't like and avoid the ones you really want to do. Follow the opinions and advice of everyone, while continuing to consider yourself an in a situation with no exit.

4. Be very and hypercr, especially with you

5. Fill your head with horrific images, and then become obsessed with them. Worry, if you can't all the time, at least most of it.

6. Avoid deep and lasting intimate relationships.

7. Blame others for the blame for all your problems.

8. Do not openly and sincerely express your opinions or your views. The others would not thank you. If possible, don't even find out what your feelings are.

9. Avoid anything that resembles a sense of humor. Life is no laughing matter!

10. Avoid any changes that can bring you more satisfaction and joy.


1. Think of all the scary things that could happen to you, gloating in negative and overwhelming images.

2. Depress yourself, pity yourself continuously, fill yourself with envy and anger. Blame your illness on everything and everyone.

3. Read articles, books and newspapers, watch TV shows and listen to people who reinforce your conviction that "there is no hope." You cannot modify your destiny.

4. Get away from everyone. Feel like an outcast, and lock yourself in your room to wait for death.

5. Abhor yourself for having destroyed your life. Recriminate yourself ruthlessly and tirelessly.

6. Go see a lot of different doctors. Run from one to another, spend half your time in waiting rooms, gather lots of conflicting opinions and countless drugs in the experimental phase, and start one program after another, without following any until the end.

7. Leave your work, stop doing projects completely, give up all the activities that give you the feeling of having goals and enjoying. Look at your life as something essentially meaningless and without a future.

8. Complain about your symptoms, and if you interact with someone, choose only other unfortunate and bitter people to mutually reinforce your feelings of hopelessness.

9. Don't take care of yourself. What will it do for you? Try to get others to take care of you, and then get angry with them because they don't take good care of you.

10. Think about how terrible life is, and what the same thing would give you But, in order to suffer a little more, make sure you are absolutely before death.


1. Do things that give you a feeling of fullness, joy and meaning, that confirm your value. Look at your life as your own creation, and strive to make it positive.

2. Loan, affectionately, a lot of attention to you ; Tune in to your needs at all levels. Take care, that is, number yourself, support yourself and encourage yourself

3. Release all negative emotions: resentment, envy, fear, sadness, anger. Express your feelings properly; Do not hold on to them. And forgive yourself.

4. Look mentally at images and positive goals, pictures of what you really want to achieve in your life. When disturbing images appear, focus again on those that awaken feelings of peace and joy.

5. Love yourself, and love others. Make love the purpose and the main expression of your life.

6. Establish pleasant, friendly, sincere relationships that leave room for the expression and fulfillment of your privacy and security needs. Try to heal the wounds of past relationships (former lovers, brothers, parents ...)

7. Make a positive contribution to your community, through some form of work or service that values ​​and that you also enjoy doing.

8. Commit to health and wellness, and cultivate your faith in the possibility of total health.

9. Accept yourself and accept everything in your life as an opportunity for growth and learning. Be When you feel you have behaved badly, forgive yourself, learn everything you can from the experience, and then move on.

10. Keep the sense of humor.


Reiki Therapist

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