Incoming Energy Umbral from March 27-28 until April 12 by Melkizedec

  • 2010

Threshold from March 27-28 until April 12. by Melkizedec

through Elsa Farrus

These days in Gaia, after the current threshold, begin days of great peace for a few, and restlessness for others.

Most of you who have dedicated yourself to helping others, have forgotten a little about you. They are times to start from scratch. And for this it is necessary to leave behind the concepts of: “special in the future, chosen for”. Gaia's ascension is now, in fact it is over. It is no longer time to heal anyone, except yourself.

The important thing is that you begin to give tools for self healing. Give help in timely information to what people need, outside of levels, courses etc., whatever you ask, do not make them wait; tell each one about the gears of their fields, so that they can adjust to Gaia's new vibration, either with light breathing or visualization, each at their own pace. So they can assume their new physical reality. Only from the present can it materialize. And many are anchored in a longing for the future, which prevents precisely this, that things take hold. By moving them endlessly, with dates, with predictions etc, only the present is tangible and models the subject.

These are times of great changes and that is why it is review. It's not that the past comes back, it's that he never left. That is the big difference about it. That is why in these days of so many incoming energies, patterns are repeated or feelings are repeated, to identify how we resolved them, to identify how we experience them and make peace in us, or they will come more .

Some of you are like trying not to dissolve alliances, groups or relationships, which had a common interest, not only in metaphysical plane, but also at level f Physical, business, shops, companies etc. It is logical, every threshold you pass is reborn, and the ascension process is personal and non-transferable, totally personal, so it is time to know how to be alone, to recognize yourself, and thus recognize those who go in a similar way, but not in yours.

It is a very complex and simple paradox at the same time, to enter the unit, the globality of souls, it is important to know and love your own individuality, as a whole, light and shadow, only then can you be at peace in front of others; since there will be nothing to hide or discover from yourself, that process is over, so that I am in ..Gaia, my life, this city, this relationship etc. So you can enjoy the journey of each moment of this process, forget the goal, since each moment is a new achievement, if you go to yourself. Thank you brothers from the Sun of Halcyon, your brother Melchisedek.

Channeled by Elsa Farrus

You have my permission to redistribute who you want this information to thank you, Elsa.

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