What it means to be the spectator, by Wayne Dyer

  • 2013

Take a moment to reflect on how you see yourself. While doing so, think about what it means to say: I was telling myself that ...

I will discover that the phrase implies that you are two people.

A person is the one I was saying. The other is the one that received the

words of which he spoke. The self spoke to myself, which, when one examines his internal dialogues, is done hundreds of times a day. When the condition of the spectator is cultivated, one departs from both the position of the self and that of the self.

Here, from an invisible space, oblivious to his physical body, the spectator

It follows from all emotions, feelings and behaviors. Since

there, the viewer lovingly observes the events of his whole life.

Several years ago I treated a case in which the patient suffered what she

I called terminal sadness. I was always depressed. Describe your

Feelings with phrases like: All parts of my being are depressed.

I am depressed every day, at all times. I wake up depressed and I'm going to

sleep depressed Apparently I can't get rid of this terrible feeling of


One day he was asked a question that became the turning point of

Your sadness

Tell me, you've been warning this depression with greater

frequency in recent weeks?

She answered:

Yes, I have warned that it is expanding more and more.

Now think carefully before answering - I continued - The person who

notice that is depressed? - She asked me to repeat the question

person who notices that is depressed? - I repeated.

She was too bewildered to respond. But for the first time it was

able to contemplate that there was another aspect of herself apart from the


That aspect was the part of herself that warned of depression. This what

the warning was the witness, the observer, who had not been caught by

the Depression. That invisible entity, without borders, was his spiritual self.

Before that session, the woman had never known that part of herself

I spent months teaching him to stop identifying with thoughts and

depressing feelings He learned to part with them and observe them

from the position of the understanding spectator, regardless of their

thoughts and your physical body.

Becoming a spectator is an act of love. It takes us out of the world of

borders and forms and allows us to enter a space of pure love.

So, start now to notice realities of your life. Notice what

placid you feel, or how much anxiety you have. Notice your appearance

physical. How much it weighs, how fit it feels and the degree of fatigue.

Notice how much time you want to spend with your family, at work, traveling,

Playing and praying

Let yourself be penetrated by everything you own. Your nails, your driving habits, your


Now examine the number of times I have used the word "warns."

Remember that there is an activity called warn, and that includes the

warns and who is warned. So focus on being the one who warns

and get used to going to that place of your conscience during your life



"In my world, nothing ever goes wrong." These words were pronounced by

Nisargadatta Maharaj in response to an interviewer who, exasperated,

He asked Maharaj to talk about the problems of his life.

For me, it is the strongest affirmation I have ever heard. I got it

present every day of my life and I have hung a reproduction of it

in a strategic place in my office as a reminder of its supreme value

The interviewer insisted that Nisargadatta had to have problems

Like all other human beings. Nisargadatta told him:

You have no problem, only your body has problems ... In your

world, nothing endures; In mine, nothing changes.

Why would this enlightened teacher say that in his world nothing ever went wrong? I

I think it was because I was talking from the viewer's position


Within all of us there is the eternal and immutable dimension of our

spiritual me This is the invisible self that speaks to the physical self. Is the

Thinker of the thoughts. This understanding observer does not reveal himself with

scientific instruments and does not appear in autopsies.

When one is really able to believe in the spiritual domain of

spectator, then nothing goes wrong because evil does not make sense to him

observer. Everything has its order. Nothing is questioned from that perspective. Is

how to live in paradise, where eternity and soul are, while

One is in the physical body. But in this space, the body is not

The center of existence.

I am not suggesting you to withdraw and dispose of all your possessions

materials in order to find that key to higher consciousness,

although, of course, it is a possibility. Instead, I want you to consider

how these words of "nothing ever goes wrong", of "having no problems" and of

«Living in the world of the immutable» can be applied to your awakening


There is so much to learn from these ideas. Cultivate the condition of

spectator will put you on the path where your Higher Self begins to influence

about your physical ego instead of the opposite happening.

As Maharaj says: «Dedicate all your attention, examine it with loving care

and you will discover heights and depths of being with which you have not dreamed,

absorbed as you are in the insignificant image of yourself ».

These words describe the power and value of cultivating the condition of


From the book YOUR SACRED ZONES, by Dr Wayne Dyer, page 119 to 121

Source: Visit "The Kryon Teachings" by Mario Liani: http://38uh.com -

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