Jeshua talks about: December 2012 The awakening of Christ

  • 2012

Beloved, you will soon be celebrating what has been agreed upon that was my birth, like Jeshua ben Joseph, although I was really born in what you would call the end of summer. Arbitrarily, it has been established that I did it at the time of greatest darkness in the Northern Hemisphere, to bring the light there. In any case, it is not my personal birth that matters, but the birth of the Christ Child in you, who is waking up and that is increasingly evident to you and others.

So within a few weeks of your time, you will celebrate the day of the birth of the true Christ. When you do, recognize for yourself, that it is the birth of your own Christ that you are celebrating. Offer the gifts that are a symbol of your love, to your loved ones, but keep in mind that the greatest gift of all is the love and friendship you share with them. Tangible goods work as a symbol of your love, but they are things that come and go, sometimes you have more tangible gifts in your closets than they can contain, to the point where they no longer fit, so you decide to give them to them to others, or to some organization to redistribute them.

This year, in these days prior to the celebration of the birth of Christ - what really happens every day - allow yourself to feel more and more the holiness that dwells in you, goodness, joy, innocence, and the Light within you . Every morning upon awakening, say to yourself “I welcome the Christ I am, I welcome the Christ who walks through this world but is not from this world. I am in the world like the Christ, and I am creating changes that produce a great impact. ”

Every time you decide to recognize the power of Christ in you, you change the vibrational frequency of collective consciousness and allow it to ascend, and really at some point the collective consciousness will awaken and will ascend. It may happen that the bodies also feel this ascension and rise physically, although this is not the most important goal. Physical ascension can occur when you reach the place of “Aha!”, When you have the insight that causes everything to dissolve in the light and you no longer need or want a dense body and feel so light that you ascend, but as I have noted, this is not the main objective.

The objective is to wake up to the place where you will have a moment of clarity in which you will know with certainty "I am what I am", what I have always been. I am the Christ and I celebrate the Christ in me, and since there is no separation, I also celebrate the Christ of all I meet.

Each person you meet, has been invited by you to your consciousness, share the same energy and the same substance that you are made of. All are the Christ, whether you know it or not. And every day that passes, you will increasingly recognize the Christ who walks and interacts with you, to the point where you are going to smile and welcome him.

During these days before Christmas, allow yourself to recognize each morning "I welcome the Christ within me, I am really very happy, happier than ever in my life." Some Christmas, they have been for you full of stress and you have become a lot of questions, including the kind of gifts to make, if you have time to buy them all, etc.

Other times, the stress has been even deeper and you have asked yourself questions like “why am I here? Why am I again celebrating something I don't understand? ”You have asked yourself these questions as the years went by. “What am I really celebrating at Christmas?” During some Christmas you have felt very disappointed, because what you felt would have to happen did not happen.

Maybe the family and relatives were there, and there was someone who looked badly at a family member, resentments were produced, they were not really happy, and you wondered “why does this have to happen just the day of the birth of Christ? The family could be happy for at least one day… ”

Quite often, since it is supposed to be a special day, some relatives bring out what least resembles love and Christ. And why do they do that? They do it in order to know that you can still love them even if they act totally contrary to what a Christmas celebration is supposed to be.

They are sometimes asking in a very scandalous way: "If I spoil this day, will you still be able to love me?" And you answer them "Even so, I love you. I love you today and I will love you tomorrow too. I will always love you, because I know who you are. ”You don't really say these words out loud but you show yourself loving and joking with them, and you bring your light and your laughter to these celebrations.

We have already spoken several times, about the changes that are taking place and those that are coming. As everything that is not of the light is being shown openly so that the light shines on it.

You are in a place where you can feel these changes, there will be some that you understand and others before which you will have to take a deep breath and choose to distance yourself a little by saying to yourself: “Well, I know this serves the plan of God, because everything what is happening leads us to Unity. ”

Sometimes you will have to take more than one deep breath, so I recommend that you surround yourself as much as possible, of like-minded people who support the Christ who is being born.

Now, I know that you will also walk between brothers and sisters who do not use your same language and do not share your same views. You will love them and be with them, but as often as possible, look for those with a similar mind and who support the same changes that you desire.

You are very strong, so you will not feel hurt if you are with others who have different points of view, but you will want to go more and more with people with whom you can show yourself without any armor, because you have already used them for many lives, ... and now you simply want to be with friends who love you, understand you and know what is really happening - not what appears to be happening -.

So as often as possible, surround yourself with like-minded friends. You don't have to reject others, but always go to friends who support you and those you support, since the changes are going to be great. There will always be changes for the greatest good of all although sometimes it may seem to us that it is not so.

In those cases, if you are surrounded by friends, and you can affirm “this is also happening so that the Christ is born in all of us”, then everything that is happening will acquire a different aspect, sometimes literally.

There is nothing to fear, listen to it well, because once you accept this idea inside you, fear will lose its power forever. Fear has been your partner for many lives, and you have learned how to arm yourself because you thought there was something out there that was stronger than you.

First of all, there is nothing ah out . Everything is within your consciousness, in addition to that, there is nothing you are creating that can harm you, since you are the creator, and if you are you are and I guarantee it to you as you believe it, you can undo it.

Fear is not real. It is true with v min scula, but it is not true with a capital V . Fear is something you created to feel the adventure, to feel the adrenaline rush. There is nothing outside of you and there is nothing against which you have to defend yourself.

One of the great changes that are approaching is to let go of fear and judgment. Fear no longer has power over you. It only has power when you give it to it and think it might be true, but it is not Real. The judgment comes from the belief in separation, and plunges its roots into fear.

The only Truth of your being is that you are energy, the energy to what I call Love, I have matched the energy to love because when you are in love you You feel expansive, and when you feel love for someone, you forget the little me and you are only interested in the other. For a moment, more or less long, you realize that you have forgotten yourself and the armor that you thought was necessary; and you feel yourself as one with the person you have before you, and at that moment you know only Love.

Love is expansive, Love is energy and you are energy. You have always been energy, and you have always had the power to choose how to use that energy, what form to give it; and then, having created with your own energy, you have found yourself in love with your creations to such an extent that you felt you had to defend those creations. You thought something out there could come and tear down your sandblast or whatever you had created, and so you began to identify with your creations and forget that you you were the one who created them in the first place.

This has been called the loss of grace, the forgetfulness of I am the divine Being who created this in the first place, this has also been n the fall within the density, and now you are ascending out of it, because you have had enough. I've heard you say it, I've had enough, I've got tired of fear. I've had enough time with problems and feeling vulnerable. You are not vulnerable. The Sacred Child never needs to defend himself, he is not vulnerable, the Sacred Child is energy.

It is the same as with the electric circuits that turn on the light. What creatives you are when it comes to bringing symbolism to reality. Especially during this time of the year. You decorate all the places with lights to remind you if you stop for a moment to think about it, that it is you who are creating those lights. You have put the symbols of the light around you to remind you that you are the Light.

You are the Christ Child who is born in a world that still believes in darkness, in the possibility that there is darkness, but you are ascending out of that place now, because you have already completed that hologram.

This year, when Christmas Day arrives, you will not be in the same place where you were one, two or ten years ago. Now you are waking up the inner Christ, which is the place where you know your own power, not how the world defines what power is, not how it is done in duality where one day you can have power and the other lose it.

The true power lies in becoming aware of the Christ within you, which you never lost. You have experienced many adventures, but you have never lost yourself, and you have never sinned. You have made choices and you have lived with their results, then you have returned to make other choices, but in Truth, you have never sinned. You have only played.

I am simply giving you some ideas so that you understand that there is nothing to fear. As one wise person said: "there is nothing to fear except fear itself", and once you come to realize that there is nothing to fear - and there really isn't - then you will feel that you are free. You don't have to worry about the body "not going to work as you would like", or fear that your friends, co-workers or your boss will disappoint you, neither your leaders nor the government have that power, and you don't have either to worry about 1% as you do now, let them go, let them have fun playing their own games. Because by your belief system and your awareness you know that you are well and that you will always be well.

You don't need a job, you don't need someone to direct you and tell you how you can earn money, if you didn't have that job, you would be serving somewhere else, because that's what life is all about: love, serve, and remember. So if you weren't where you are, you would be serving and loving somewhere else, and there would be an exchange of energy because that is what there has to be, there is never a "vacuum", there is always an exchange of energy.

My beloved, especially during these holidays, during this sacred time, allow yourself to live in joy, it is the gift that I give you, I give it to you freely, and you can accept it freely because it is given to you without ties. You are the Life, you always have been, you always will be in one way or another, you have always been serving the Light, because you are the Light, and you recognize what you are.

You recognize those who are beginning to wake up to the Light that they are and join to celebrate the Light with them. That is why I tell you to go out and look for like-minded people and be with them as much as possible, because this will expand and grow your feeling and knowledge of the Light and divinity that is in you.

So to the extent possible, look for those people who are ready to enjoy life, know innocence, who are willing to play, laugh, sing and truly celebrate the birth of Christ. It is the Christ who awakens who is reading these words.

Wake up every morning and greet the Christ in you by saying, “Well, what would you like to do on this holy day? How can we serve the Light? How can we know the Light? How can we know that we are the Light? ”And you will jump out of bed, tickle your toes, and move on like the Christ you are.

So be it.

- Jeshua ben Joseph (Jesus)

In expression through Judith Coates

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Jeshua talks about: December 2012 The awakening of Christ

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