Invitation to work harmonizing the strength of the elements on Mother Earth, by Arwen

  • 2013

For centuries man has dedicated himself to breaking the perfect balance that nature has maintained, by trying to quench an uncontrollable thirst for power in many ways, but today more than ever this has been reflected in the consumerism that today's societies manifest regardless the damage they cause with it to nature, disappearing life in many places of our beautiful planet .. The damage caused today is taking its toll, demonstrating the great climatic changes that bring unprecedented natural phenomena ... It is true that for some For decades, an “ecological conscience” has been awakened but unfortunately it has not grown so much as to end up at once these destructive acts t that the only thing they do is leave a very deep mark of heartbreak on earth.

Those of us who have understood that our beautiful planet is a LIVING BEING full of love, we also know that she is cared for by Guardians who maintain the balance between her kingdoms and those who feel the damage we are doing. to GAIA they are in a total disarmament of the heartbreak we show in an incomprehensible response to them, a to the love that the earth gives us.

I wanted to share a small work seeking to restore that harmony, taking into consideration that this work must be accompanied by a change in attitude from and with the end of heart. to allow future generations to enjoy what we can do so far, but taking into account that if we continue with an attitude of indifference it will only be a memory that will be narrated to future generations as a story where only they had to imagine and dream about what one day was Mother Earth ..


A glass of plain glass (without carvings)

Tap water or energized water

A heart filled with faith in that you are an instrument of the Divine through you transmit your Infinite Love.

Locate yourself in a place of nature, but you can do it in your garden you can not have a pot with soil

Nature music


In front of you place the glass with water ..

Inhale and exhale a couple of times watch while you do it as your body begins to glow and feel the beating of your heart .. the more you shine you enter a total peace and tranquility observe how from you a lot of golden white light expands towards your outside ... and with each exhalation it expands like great waves that cover everything the chakra of your heart has begun to rotate forming a spiral in shape hour of a beautiful pink color see how that light completely covers you

In a very slow voice and surrounded by the energy you have anchored say:

Father Mother listen to the words that flow from my heart

Today I ask you to return the harmony a between the elements on the planet

And center your attention on (name the site, today we will say: the drought that the Cordovan Mountain Ranges live in Argentina )

Let the water element manifest through the rain

bringing again verdor and life to the fields ..

That the sun who represents the sacred element of the fire

Wrap hard on the earth only with the intention of sheltering and heating it.

Let the air element through the wind caress the face of the earth as a gentle breeze.

What about her just wants to dance and play

May the earth receive in perfect harmony everything that nourishes your heart

Reflecting on the beauty and perfection of nature

for the good of the planet and of all the Beings that are on it

Aligning ourselves in the unity that only Love gives us

Visualize how your heart turns on and take the glass of water in your hands, bring it to the level of the heart and watch how its light energizes the water (take a few minutes for this).

Make a small hole in the ground, water the energized water in it (garden, pot, park), watch as the water nourishes the earth and slowly joins it until it reaches his heart ... then say:

To the element Life-giving water THANKS ..

To the element of the sacred fire THANKS ..

To the precious element of the Air THANKS ..

To the blessed element of the earth THANKS ..

Under the Power of the Love of the Father Mother that flows from my heart, today I expand it, returning with it the harmony between the elements of nature ... erasing any imperfection and pain that the Human Being through the ignorance of Love has caused. Fact is in your name .. Fact is with your Infinite Love .. Fact is through the magic and strength that exists in my heart.

· The work includes 21 days in a row where only the first and last day will be delivered to the earth ... the remaining 19 days you only need to pray.

· This work can be done in any situation we feel affects areas of the planet.

· The time can be whatever you choose during the day, the important thing is to complete the 21-day sequence.


ARWEN (Antonella Weisson E.)

Copyright (C) 2013 by World of Angels and Fairies

Guayaquil, Ecuador.

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Invitation to work harmonizing the strength of the elements on Mother Earth, by Arwen

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