Interpret your dream - Dream about Urine

  • 2016

When we sleep and dream it is the moment we have to receive what our interior wants to communicate to us. Dreaming about urine can be understood in many ways. Interpret your dream in the right way and you will know the meaning of the messages.

Dreaming with urine has several meanings and depends on the situations you are living, the interpretation they will have. Dreaming about urine is a sign that care must be taken with the decisions you make . It is advisable not to take risks . Avoid any changes that you think may threaten you. The dream that is being urinated implies that you feel the need to let go of negative thoughts .

Dreams tell you what you want to do awake.

Dreaming of Urine

Interpret your dream - If when you are dreaming it causes you to urinate on the floor but you do not dare your dream is interpreted that you are afraid to share your problems, having an introverted behavior will not help you.

In the dream the urine is cloudy.

If you dream that you are urinating and the urine looks cloudy, your body is telling you that you should take care of yourself. Dreams serve as a tool to deliver the messages that the immune system sends.

Interpret your dream and you will realize a possible disease warning that may afflict you in the present or in the near future. Dreaming of urine is telling you that you have stagnant problems and have not been able to solve for a long time. These problems are affecting you in your daily life and do not allow you to develop well in your activities.

If someone urinates you in your dream.

It means that some person is exercising dominion over you. In the workplace you can be a partner who is pressing you at work and has managed to produce negative effects on your person, not letting you develop your ideas.

On the family level he may be taking you on a path you don't want. Do not let their will be imposed on you, do what seems right to you even if many disagree. Interpret your dream.

If it is you who urinates another person in your dream, you want me to do your will, you might want to give orders and not receive them.

If you dream of urinating in public and urinating in public and with people who see you, it is interpreted as having the desire to communicate your feelings by attracting attention. Many times people do not know at what time or how to express what they feel. The meaning of this dream is telling you to have courage .

Dreaming of Urine

The interpretation of the dream is the royal road to the knowledge of the unconscious. Sigmund Freud.

When you dream of urinating, you see yourself urinating in a WC and pulling the rope, it goes away, leaving everything clean, this is a sign of good omen . Your problems are easy to solve, since when you pull the rope they disappear. This ease of eliminating waste in sleep, warns you that your problems have an easy solution for you.

If when you dream of urine you see that a cat urinates you, this means that there is a person who wishes you evil. Envy is the worst counselor, with this dream image you can interpret that they want to separate you from your partner.

Dream that you urinate with blood.

Interpret your dream as a warning that you may be suffering from a disease that is affecting you without your noticing. It is necessary that you make a visit to your GP and undergo a review to get you out of doubt, and if it has been a warning take the necessary corrective measures to treat the disease that afflicts you.

If you interpret your dream in the right way, it will help you solve endless problems that affect you on a daily basis, which will improve your quality of life.

AUTHOR: Antonio, editor of the great family of

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