Aguila Azul Astrological Report - March 2013

  • 2013


Written by: Ana Maria Frallicciardi

Report number 119 March 2013.

Reflection before the change

We are receiving the radiation of the Sun from the sign of Pisces.

He was accompanied by three more planets in this sign: Venus, Mercury, Mars. Many of the thoughts, emotions and actions we are perceiving in these weeks pass through the lens of Pisces. Good time to understand the special energy of Pisces and Pisces, slowness, parsimony, dedication, hypersensitivity, indecision, desire for spiritual connection.

On March 10 and 11 we will have a Stellium of 5 planets in this sign, the Moon will also enter and the moon will be made in 21 ° of Pisces. At times everything seems stopped in time, a very pisciana characteristic. From another angle we observe as spectators the movements of the world game board. Reality turns to new horizons, which are no longer questioned. Changes happen beyond personal decisions.

Mercury is retrograde (walking backwards) until March 19, which makes communications and agreements difficult (I think there are more disagreements in the negotiations than understandings)

Communications are choppy and slow, understandings will have to wait for more propitious moments.

Let us pass every attempt to make ourselves understood, if the other is not willing to look from another place. Let's not waste energy to force actions that do not flow quickly, better to reflect and observe. Perhaps what was important before is not now.

There may be a sense of disconnection or disorientation, it is at this point that the multiple timelines open new unforeseen realities, unknown paths.

From ordinary consciousness, most do not realize, the rational brain is trapped in old mental circuits, it is not enough to perceive dimensional changes, only a deep connection with our essence perceives the reality that the spirit lives in another higher frequency. Connect the intuition. Almic memories are being activated, the work is imperceptible to the physical eyes, it happens in the spirit planes.

The activation codes arrive as light impacts, our being may be going through a deep realignment. These changes usually manifest externally with physical problems, body aches, uncontrolled anxieties that reach panic, or periods of depression, ruptures with the external world, need to be alone. We are adapting to new energies - new realities. In the external world this is manifested in projects that seemed to go smoothly and suddenly stop and other unthinkable possibilities arise that slide like on a galactic highway.

Relationships and friendships also go through similar interruptions and disconnections.

These are some of the manifestations of the enormous changes that are being implemented, where every human being who assumes his own evolution feels driven to align himself in another evolutionary path.

Throughout the month of March Jupiter from Gemini squares Venus and Mercury, the mind does not have much clarity in ideas, disagreements between loved ones, anger, affective disagreements. It is better to rethink things several times before acting or making hasty decisions.

A few days ago I was wondering what the cardinals conclave will be like with retrograde Mercury?

It is interesting to observe the capacity for reflection and prudence and also the division of waters between each other and purpurados. Who wants to inherit this heavy throne? One of the most powerful human-religious institutions on the planet is reeling from the quantum leap. These beings are also evolving spirits, trapped in labyrinths of beliefs. Silence and compassion

The physical departure of Hugo Chavez is also a significant change. From the vision of the cosmic fabric, an enormous amount of energy is released in the collective mind so that beings continue their evolution.

Whether or not the road is successful, it is part of the freedom of beings to assume the path of personal growth.

This week's teaching will be: listen to the other and reflect deep inside our hearts before speaking hurriedly. Find another way out to the corralito of your mind. Do not demand from our rational mind, give way to the intuitive mind. Creative ideas shine by their absence. Time to ripen the new seeds in our intern. Take advantage of these days of apparent serenity before the impulse to start Aries.

From one day to another, on March 13, Mars enters Aries and everything begins to move with incredible speed. Mercury is released on March 19. We will have a disturbing cocktail between Mars, Uranus and Pluto from the equinox on March 21, when the Sun enters Aries. Well, prepare your seat belts, we get on a roller coaster.

For those who know astrology: from March 29, Sun in conjunction with Uranus in Aries, Venus and Mars are added in Aries, these four planets will square with Pluto in Capricorn.

For what they do not know astrology: be very cautious, a lot of impulsive energy will be released.

It can cause lack of control and abuse on all levels. Do not take risks in risky sports, a lot of caution when driving.

Those who expected a great opportunity to change and free themselves from submissions, here they are, these astrological aspects will be powerful catalysts for everything that can no longer be sustained from the past. A window of opportunities for change and activation of the new energy patterns that we are receiving opens up.

We suggest walking, connecting with the earth, doing physical activity, it is not time to remain still. These aspects begin to decrease in intensity as of April 8.

If we synchronize well from our center and focus on a “highway of peace and balance”, we will slide activating new light potentials.

I have been experiencing in myself and in other people that we barely tune into balance from the heart, we flow without obstacles in life, everything glides beautifully.

The universe can no longer wait for everyone to wake up from the sleeping kingdom of Earth, so infuse the evolutionary impulses to wake up those who refuse to listen to the coded calls.

With the equinox of Aries, March 21, all the energies released on December 21 have just arrived and the process of definitive anchoring in each human being begins. You can be open, prepared and flexible to receive the new, or you can remain closed and suffer the surges of energy that bring flavor to freedom.

The New Earth asks us to assume the responsibility of rebuilding a devastated and divided land.

Conscious beings tune into the planetary service from their Heart and act in resonance with the Spirit.

Ana María Frallicciardi

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Author of this report is: Ana María Frallicciardi from Capilla del Monte. Cordova. Argentina

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