Cocoa Ceremony

  • 2014

Cacao used in a ceremonial and therapeutic way, is a great tool to deepen the personal work that everyone is willing to do.

Cocoa has a gentle and at the same time very deep way of working with emotions and consciousness, its expansive effects put us in touch with a sense of openness in which we can see more clearly the issues in which we have to work, it opens the doors for us to get in touch with our personal wisdom and the teacher we each have inside, showing us the multiple possibilities we have to create, flow and share.

In the ceremony we made a trip into our being, where our wisdom resides. Therefore, for the Maya, cocoa not only opens the door of the heart but also the door to greater awareness. For when we connect with the Love that resides in us, we enter in tune with nature and the Universe. It is a way that helps us open the body and mind to experience the soul.

Cocoa is an old medicinal plant, a guardian of wisdom, a teacher and facilitator and unlike other power plants, cocoa does not push, cocoa invites you on a journey of self-knowledge, but only if you You choose it . Ceremonial cocoa is pure chocolate that contains the balance of components and energies ideal for healing and stimulating the union of the spirit and the vibration of the heart from very subtle and deep levels.

This ceremony is perfect for all those who wish to accelerate and activate their evolution, release what no longer serves them, activate the stagnant and heal it, increase the vibrational energy and for all those who wish to stimulate the heart to heal it and expand it in loving vibration. .

Cocoa food of Gods

Cocoa was already cultivated by the Maya more than 2, 500 years ago. The name "cocoa" derives from the Nahuatl word cacahoatl or cacahuatl, which means "bitter juice", and "chocolate", in turn, does it from the Mayan word chocol, that is, "hot" and "water", respectively .

In the 18th century, the naturalist Carolus Linnaeus, based on the beliefs of the Maya and Aztecs, called the cocoa tree with the scientific name of Theobroma Cacao, its meaning in Latin is "food of the gods." This tree is a symbol of abundance, governability and ancestry (race, caste) and serves as a metaphorical conduit through which the souls of humans and gods travel through the earth, heaven and hell.

The fruit of the cocoa tree is a large berry, called “cob”, fleshy, hollow, yellow or purple, 15 to 30 centimeters long by 7 to 10 thick, pointed and with a kind of channels along its length; Each ear usually contains between thirty and forty seeds embedded in the pulp. Such seeds are large, the size of an almond and bitter in taste, and covered by a mucilaginous white flesh with a sweet and acidic flavor. They are commonly called "beans" or "beans" of cocoa.

The Aztecs learned from the Maya how to grow and use cocoa . It was appreciated as a restorative to give strength and arouse sexual appetite, treat fatigue, gain weight to the malnourished, stimulate the nervous system in exhausted and weak, improve digestion and stimulate the kidneys.

They were also used as currency, in fact, Hernán Cortés paid his soldiers with cocoa and in the Aztec Empire, Moctezuma received part of his taxes on cocoa berries.

According to Mayan grandparents, cocoa was one of the most powerful deities in their cosmology.


Cocoa Ceremony

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