Astrological Report December 2011 by Ana María Frallicciardi

  • 2011

From the full moon of November 11 to the next full moon of Sagittarius of December 10 we have been assimilating the experiences lived.

Whether or not you have meditated on the famous event of 11.11, the world confluence of souls that gathered in all parts of the world managed to produce a unique resonance for anchoring the frequencies of unity and integration. As a New Humanity, we are practicing leading The Earth Ship towards the next galactic synchronization. It is not just a day, nor a particular event, it is the accumulation of intentions, acts, thoughts, feelings, individual and collective that is producing the planetary change. We are all responsible and important actors in the day.

Each one of us is fulfilling his mission, in the third dimension one can feel that he had a small or difficult place in the distribution of the "mission", but from the higher planes things look different. What matters is the state of consciousness that we project in the universal framework. You can be a silent employee among meaningless roles, however your spirit may be resonating in a high frequency of love and from there radiate peace and balance in that part of the universe that you had to inhabit. You will surely be learning to strengthen your spirit in the midst of difficulties, to be a powerful light in the dark. Only true unconditional love knows about its silent and effective task.

December is a month for reflection and rest, let the experiences settle peacefully and open towards a broader vision of reality.

Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius until December 15 leads us to that reflection, turn inward and observe what experience the spirit is absorbing. There is a deep calibration of new energy fields that is occurring throughout the planet and in each of us, we need to be calm to incorporate these frequencies without resistance from the mind. It is not a time to project the future, but to introject and assimilate the experiences that arise, observe internal tensions and dissolve them with meditations.

On December 10 there will be a total lunar eclipse, the Sun will be in the 17th of Sagittarius and the Moon in 17th of Gemini. Meditating during this eclipse means being able to go to our pure spirit to integrate our sense of identity, set aside mental doubts and connect the infinite Self, the Sun is in Sagittarius, one of the most spiritual signs. The Light of the spirit descends entirely upon our being and illuminates it.

A simple meditation is to align our energy centers in a golden column, place the attention in the upper chakras and allow pure light to descend to the lower centers, illuminating and integrating all our states of consciousness, called chakras. Then place the attention in the heart center and silently allow the truth and impersonal love to radiate from there. Seek connection with our higher self, with new evolutionary ideas, and focus on the heart.

This eclipse is an opportunity to connect the superior mind of Sagittarius and from there illuminate the Moon in Gemini, which is often debated in the trivialities of the everyday and loses the focus of the true. The ancient sages used eclipses as moments to accumulate the energies necessary for the changes they wished to make. When the energy fields of the Sun and the planets converge, they are events full of power and those energies can be used in meditation and inner strengthening. This full moon is an opportunity for mental and emotional adjustments, decanting ideas and feelings that does not help us evolve. It is an evolutionary push for those who seek to change their life patterns.

Another astrological aspect that is ordering human consciousness is Saturn in Libra

Saturn transits the sign of Libra from July 2010 to September 2012. It is tidying up all kinds of human relationships, with special focus on couple relationships, teaching that under the energies of the new consciousness the links must be clear and transparent . The way of relating to others is of fundamental importance in this evolutionary process, we are all resonating in the same electromagnetic network of the planet, our thoughts create realities continuously, with them we can synchronize or distort the group mind. It is our responsibility to maintain authenticity and balance in all human relationships.

While Saturn and Libra are not related to love, all human ties carry a load of feelings and affections. Libra is known as the sign of the couple and from there, couple and love should go together, as the old social canons say. “I join the being that I thought I loved, I form a love-based couple” until I discover that coexistence, the dark side of each one, appearances, emotional blockages are undermining the believed love. If Saturn teaches us something in Libra, it is to love beyond selfish attachments, to respect the other in his own identity and to respect ourselves in our deep feelings.

The solstice of Capricorn on December 22 marks the last turn of the Sun before December 2012. It will be another year of end of cycles, a year to close everything we do not want more on our trip back home.

On December 25, the new moon of Capricorn will be made in conjunction with Pluto, indicating a Plutonian energy of dissolving old structures and ancient forms of relationship. A new way of celebrating these ancestral festivities emerges.

In these Christmas holidays: reunite with the family of the heart, celebrate in essence what the Birth means to the Christ consciousness of Love. Remember the true meaning, Jesus came to Earth to bring us LOVE. Opportunity to express the feeling of forgiveness and reconciliation.

In the energy of infinite love

Ana María Frallicciardi

Chapel of the Mount. Cordova. Argentina

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