Aguila Azul Astrological Report - April 2013 "Understanding the multiple realities

  • 2013

Understanding the multiple realities

Thursday, April 25 Taurus Plenilunium- Full Moon of Buddha and Illumination + eclipse

The Sun is in Taurus, at the time of the full moon it radiates on Earth the energies of the Divine Will that are embodied in the consciousness of humanity.

This full moon has special astrological aspects that are deeply mobilizing personal structures:

It is performed with a partial lunar eclipse on April 25. This eclipse happens between Taurus and Scorpio that tells us about our deepest values ​​and our sense of security. Security both financial and emotional.

Several more planets are present in this full moon, indicating unforeseen changes and new directions of realization. The Sun is 5º from Taurus, next to Mars and Venus. They oppose the Moon and Saturn in Scorpio. Therefore, Saturn and Mars in opposition speak of a change of orientation in our reality. They lead us to confront reality inescapably. We have to accept what is presented, without turns, or suffer the subsequent consequences of being disconnected from the necessary changes.

- For some people these planetary tensions generate certain pressures that must be released and dissolved with bold decisions to make changes that will eventually be more beneficial instead of continuing to sustain pressures.

- The Taurus Scorpio axis tells us about power games. This time we observe how these power games are locked and change scenarios. We know that there are many threats of conflicts in the world, apparently the belligerents cannot act and are blocked in their initial decisions. Venus also in Taurus, allows to balance the forces in conflict, radiating energies of conciliation and balance.

- This full moon is a great opportunity to balance the pairs of opposites within our consciousness and merge them into their superior unity.

- These weeks that we are going through are not easy to describe, infinite experiences are happening, at all levels, internal and external, personal and worldwide. The mind feels the disorderly whirlwind of ideas, sensations, emotions, of different realities. Sometimes it is not easy to define whether they are personal or collective changes. What we are sure of is that we are all powerfully interconnected, we receive and emit light frequencies never before experienced.

- If our Being is prepared to receive and transform these energies within our bodies, we can radiate more light and awareness in our environment. We are the beings in conscience who assume the responsibility of sustaining the new human from silent and loving places.

-If our Being is not aligned or centered enough to receive these same energies, the answers may be personal crises, diseases or uncontrolled and violent actions. Each draw their conclusions.

- We continue to experience many endings of old things. You have to have your eyes wide open to know how to distinguish everything new that begins. The key is in the knowledge of the heart.

It is time to choose where we want to lead our lives…. Without fear, there is a place for everyone on the New Earth. We are polishing the pieces of our own puzzle once again.

- The biggest challenge of this moment is to move from duality to unity, through neutrality of thought, to act from compassionate love. There are still many old energies on the planet that surface in the form of violence and confrontations of each other. These old energies of dualities and wars are no longer being supported by the earth, so they seem to seem more virulent, but they become extinct very quickly and become neutralized. You have to know how to see these changes with new eyes.

- The workers of the light, do not take sides because they would continue to hold old energies, assume neutrality of thought to be able to act from the compassionate love that integrates opposites and thus sows peace in the midst of human storms.

- The task is to dissolve duality to be a pillar of light and compassion. This is not to be soft or inoperative, it is to be a very powerful spirit that sustains itself in its center and spiritual conviction.

- We are traveling on a galactic highway, with faster vehicles and in other dimensions of time, we cannot continue with our third-dimensional formats, complaining about everything and looking for material safety. On this galactic highway you drive with the laws of the wisdom of the heart.

- Although there are still many corrupt people swarming the streets of the old world. Beings aligned in the power of the Spirit know how they are building the Framing of the New Ascended Earth.

Ana María Frallicciardi

Blue eagle

Thank you for holding the Pillars of Light for the New Humanity

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