Infinity - Traveling between Los Mundos and Py R. - Kirael

Numerology: One day "8" means that the present is being shared in two realities at the same time, as in a loop. You are in simultaneous connection with the energies of the spirit as with those of the womb. If you can stay in the center of the loop facing both directions, you are in a good space.

Channel Comments: I imagine feeling out of place most of his life, then waking up one day to find out that they are of galactic origin. A friend of mine has no memory of his childhood, except looking up at the sky for infinite time and wondering if he was from somewhere out there. Can you imagine the relief he felt when he learned from Kirael that he was certainly of galactic origin, and that he was on Earth to fulfill a mission.

Many of these beings have incarnated in human form to be part of the Change. His dispatch units created ego systems so perfectly formed that their galactic origins were forgotten almost immediately after incarnating on the Earth plane. Now that the energy of the Change is exerting such traction on the magnetic drag of the Earth, however, many are remembering that they are not really from this planet.

I hope that by reading this chapter you will discover that aliens are our galactic brothers and sisters. In that context, I share with you my first interaction with a new friend, a galactic being of extremely high telepathic mental powers.


One night, when I entered into meditation, I was acutely aware of a presence that was veiled from my direct vision. Since this was not the first time, I was ready to interact with her, as long as she was from the Light.

I was aware that this energy was watching me without trying to intercede, so I ignored it and slipped into the familiar feeling of my dream state.

Abruptly, and without notice, I was pulled forward and propelled into a deep space at the speed of light. I checked to see if I was breathing. To my alarm, I realized that if it was, it was not apparent to me.

Suddenly, I was immersed in a light so bright that I tried to close my eyes. I have to admit that I felt fear. At the same time, I found myself connecting to a mental organizer, without having the slightest idea of ​​what it was.


In a non-existent period of time, I became aware of the same presence that was previously in my meditation. I found myself approaching a being who stood a little taller than an average-sized human. This feminine-oriented being was so bright that he would describe it as electrifying beauty.

We were both studying each other for a while. I looked at her curiously, while she seemed to regard me as someone from her distant but warmly remembered past.

Gradually I began to hear harmonic sounds. They were forms of words that came directly from this feminine entity. While they enveloped me, his mouth remained motionless. Listening carefully, the sounds became more audible and I began to understand the series of tones that were being reported. It was apparent that a beginning of communication between us was possible.

The first meeting began without any formality at all. She explained that she had communicated with Kirael. I noticed the reverence with which he pronounced Kirael's name and that she referred to him as "Master" Kirael. Knowing this helped me relax more.

I realized that I was here to learn about beings from other realities. More specifically, I was there to learn about our friends from galactic realities. In the way she described the hierarchy of the ET world, and I perceived that this beautiful being of light was of an advanced consciousness. In his presence I felt like a kindergarten student.

Finally she identified herself as Tara and explained that she was my hostess for this trip in other dimensions. She let me know that she was a direct descendant of one of the Guardians of Development Societies. Tara transmitted to me that she had incarnated in more than one hundred civilized planetary systems, including a life span on Earth prior to the life of Jesus. He also conveyed much about the ancient Lemurian and Asian cultures.

Its original vibration according to the measurements of the Earth was approximately a distance of 900 billion miles from the planet Earth, or about 150 Light Years. Tara should have read my thoughts about this when she interrupted with, "It's much closer than you think."

Imagine an entity filtering through your thoughts, your lifelong thoughts. It was as if I was scanning my brain's file system, unsure where to begin his lesson on galactic entities. He finally looked deep into my eyes, and I'm sure he said, "In the beginning."

I pride myself on dealing confidently with different realities, but I knew I was out of my league. While looking for ways to save my earthly dignity, I realized that my hostess was also in communication with my higher self, as if I were not present. She assured my superior being that a great alignment could be formed with her human component, me. I guess that was meant to make me feel better.

Then in the midst of an earthly access of ego-driven thoughts, I felt surrounded by the most gentle energies. Kirael had just interceded. He told her that if I was not treated gently, he was going to take charge of the teaching. That would mean that Tara was going to become a student for the third time. This seems to have had a lot of meaning for Tara, because suddenly I became Tara's long-lost friend. To my relief, the nocturnal experience that had begun on trembling terrain was rapidly moving towards higher levels of consciousness.


Tara began to explain that she came from a galaxy just outside the Milky Way Galaxy. The sun in the solar system of its guardian essence had been at a time almost five times greater than our sun. But after great periods of time, that sun had contracted to approximately the same size as ours.

Tara reminded me that every thought I had was being processed simultaneously in the qu quadulactic layers (do not run in search of your dictionary) of your presencia presence recorder frontal lobe . She must have perceived my fainting because of my inability to catch her explanation, so she offered a parallel energy thought through an analogy of dolphins. She said that if I simply remembered how dolphins communicate, their recorder would make sense.

Then he addressed another topic. Tara talked about evolutionary systems, explaining that all evolutionary systems are functioning in a delayed manner. In essence, the magnetic resolution of each evolutionary system is fading from the very beginning. The existence of the Third Dimension is limited in the same way due to decreasing magnetic energy fields.

When my mind tried to ponder that, she explained that our planet had been chosen to reshape its energy in a higher vibrational sequence. This would allow humans to move into the Fourth Dimension, where the energy of the sixth sense plays a prominent role.

At the same time I was being shown the vibrational codes that gave existence to the current Earth matrix. I realized that Tara was showing me the programs of the matrix system of the third dimension. I learned that the architects of planet Earth still maintained the conversion formula to adjust the frequencies of the main systematic converters. She said the architects were going to wait to make frequency adjustments until just before the Change. This was going to ensure the non-intervention of the galactic worlds until the human population was ready to interact with them.

My brain burned with so much information that I received from so many levels. It was as if I was on an accelerated route and my brain was overloaded.


Sensing that my mind was wandering, Tara began to emit scintillating particles of light in my direction. This immediately caught my attention, and I felt dragged into its midst. It seemed that my head was lightening. I was definitely losing my focus ability.

As quickly as it began, this sensation ceased. I found myself in a sterile environment very similar to a hospital. As my focus cleared, I realized that Tara was on my right. To my left was another being, much larger. I'm not going to bother describing this immense being because I really don't want to remember it more than necessary. Simply, this entity did not resemble anything that its sharpest imagination could conjure.

Another trip was unfolding. We were moving at an accelerated pace. I had a feeling similar to dizziness in navigation. When we stop, I almost lost my balance.

They had taken me to a pyramid-shaped structure covered with mirrors. The colors that emanated from these mirrors were so fascinating that my brain unexpectedly turned to porridge.

Sensing my dilemma, Tara gently placed her hand on the lower part of my back. Then, with a look at the other being, Tara proceeded to place a large appendix, which looked like a finger, on my third eye. Immediately I found myself in one of the most lush gardens, with tall grass that swayed, and with trees and flowers of the most abundant. I was at peace.

Then I was informed that this is how your species handles any overwhelming situation. They simply go to the most beautiful place within the censors of their memory.


After what appeared to have been hours, which probably lasted only seconds, I was returned to the pyramid of light particles, and the download of information continued. Unfortunately, my brain quickly reached the point of feeling totally overloaded again. This time, I knew that I could no longer handle the level of thoughts that were being transmitted. So I called Kirael.

As always, Kirael's presence was with me instantly, and he continued to translate Tara's transmission into a language that I could understand.

KIRAEL SPEAKS: His name is as he heard it. She is known as Tara and is one of the descendants of the Guardian of Peace and Tranquility. They are known as Ascending Oriented Light-charged Particles. Tara's mission is to be at the service of species that recover their knowledge about love.

These particles, such as Tara, are illuminated through incarnations of the pineal gland and are among the energy patterns of the matrix, scattered throughout many universes. It is their task to wake up everything they come into contact with. However, not everyone reacts positively due to the broad vibrational sequence of their processing codes.

Planets of any level of consciousness are subject to Tara's light. Incarnate dimensional forces never intercede or limit it in the awakening she produces in the ascending forces. In fact, Tara was the guiding force that brought the Federation of Intergalactic Borders (IGFF) to the table. It was also she who brought the approach to abductions of processing units from many planetary systems.

Through its guide the Federation, a council of twelve representatives, illuminated the group of the federation in charge of the Earth-Lunar system. Through the efforts of the council, each system currently vibrates at the most common level of its inhabitants.

The last time Tara interceded fully in this planetary system was at the beginning of the Buddha Light. From there, he passed it to the teachers of multiple consciousness. In reality, much of Eastern philosophy integrates its teachings.

Tara was not present on the Earth plane at the time of Jesus. However, it is widely known that she introduced an aspect of her light into Mother Mary when Jesus was still in her belly. This light that was placed inside the pineal gland of Jesus is called the Ascending Energy Particle of the Matrix.

Their interactions with any species mean that they reached a stage of evolution as to understand the true and full meaning of conceptual love.

When I had the honor of guiding the Light of Tara, it was a time when the decision to repopulate his planet was still questioned. It was not clear if the Third Dimension could be designed to allow the evolution of a spice into the Fourth Dimension while still in its body. In previous situations, planets similar to Earth were completely eradicated in terms of physical existence, at certain times prior to planetary change. This allowed new life forms a clear awareness to begin new levels of evolution.

Tara explains how those of her council had realized that multiple societies had become adept at shifting shifts. The council had learned that when these societies felt that a change was in process, they withdrew beneath the surface to survive. This became a new form of evolution for developing societies. The best way to describe the process would be as an "inverse reflection in the mirror of the ego system." That meant that the entity was no longer in the evolutionary process, very similar to when a human is in a coma. In this way, the superior being reduced its conscious alignment or connection with the human to only one fiber, through the umbilical cord.

When the Guardian councils of this planetary system saw this process, they perceived that the Earth plane was ready to enter the next Change, this time with its population intact.

You will remember that until a few years ago, the human population was not fully prepared for this new evolutionary experience, even with the presence of Jesus on Earth.

Understand that your third dimension matrix is ​​based on possibilities, most of which have not yet been experienced. In that sense, each approach is a possibility. In the last two thousand years, the human life force has proven its resistance and desire to experience a planetary change. Each member of the human species has evolved into a system of full operation of complex "e-motion energizers". This means that everyone is now able to raise the frequency of their body to align with the vibration of the Fourth Light.

In preparation for the Change, the superior beings of Earth beings have been tuning these e-motion energizers, also called matrix crystals. These crystals are found in the cell matrix within the subcutaneous walls of the physical body. The tuning of these matrix crystals regulates the pulsation of each DNA fiber. Instead, each fiber directs charges toward its non-physical or etheric equivalent fiber. When this happens, each fiber is instructed to begin its journey of incarnation at a higher vibration. This process is also defined as the "prescribed formula for double fiber DNA to sustain life for functioning in the illusion of duality."

This is why their scientists are now detecting the existence of these new fibers. Individuals with extended DNA remain the exception yet. However, many light workers are feeling this increase and are now experiencing the move to the next level, the Fourth Dimension.


In her presence of being of light, Tara shares the vision of how Mother Earth is tentatively anticipating her inaugural deployment within the new energy. She shows the lightworkers releasing the confines of duality as they align to a triune movement of cellular awakening.

In the current process of the Change, Tara sees the lightworkers in the process of awakening from their deep sleep during the "three days of darkness." She also sees that the world will appear as not suitable for human life if this is seen through the physical eye. People will have trouble standing up straight since the severity has been altered.

Each cell in the human system will have expanded its matrix energy. Its density will have decreased by 30%. This will create a situation of imbalance which can be re-aligned only through thought. Your awakening to the vibration of the fourth dimension will need a comprehensive realignment of the way in which everything is experienced.

To illustrate this, Tara offers the scenario of what happens when a human sneezes into the energy of the Fourth Light. The first time they sneeze into this new energy, the sneeze will send them reeling across the room. This is because your body no longer functions based on oxygen. By habit of the third dimension, you will have made a great inspiration before this action and then expel it with a great push. The difference is that together with your great inspiration, you will also have inhaled an extremely large amount of prana into your system. This is because in the Fourth Dimension oxygen will be combined with prana in order to physically lighten the body system. Then before you know it, there will be an urgency to expel all this energy, while the gravitational resistance to which you are accustomed will no longer exist. So they are pushed to the other side of the room.

Tara wants everyone to feel the taste of this new dimension. In truth, however, there is absolutely nothing that can be shared to prepare the human fully in the face of all the changes that will come. However, to assist the masses even more in their better preparation for waking up in the new light, Tara and I will collaborate to provide a work that is totally readable for everyone.

As a small preview, our readers will discover that a thought is defined as "a sequence of reality in formative spontaneity" in the Fourth Dimension. In this energy, they will learn that questioning any segment of the aligned patterns of thought formation will automatically create an eventual holographic solution with which to experiment. All potential results will be recorded according to the way in which each one chooses to experience the final results. Thus, in the Fourth Dimension, no trip will be subject to chance.


Yes, the ego will continue to exist in the Fourth Dimension. However, it will assume a different role. Instead of acting like a veil surrounding life itself, the ego will be able to adjust to special individual lessons within a controlled reality. It will be totally controlled by thought. You can increase or decrease the density of the ego at will. For example, if you wish to go through a different level of an experience, you could amplify the ego system for a longer time, if necessary.

The adjustment of the ego system will be fully practiced before the change takes place. Even in the density of the Third Dimension, the ego can be adjusted through its cellular consciousness. When you accept that the ego is one of your greatest allies and not some kind of search for lawsuits, you will begin to use it in an advantageous way.

Why is there an ego system? You just have to remember Eva's trip. It was she who saw how damaging it would be for the human journey to experience All That Is. Therefore, the Creator allowed the ego system to serve as a veil, so that humanity I could fully experience the Earth plane.

If it weren't for the veil of your ego, you would have complete control of your thoughts. You would be experiencing everything through the six senses. Everything could be seen according to your true nature, and you would not want to leave this level of evolution. For this reason, the Creator allowed the ego system.

How are we going to know?

How are they going to know that a Great Change is about to take place? Always before a Great Change occurs, the planet involved in the process of change is re-aligned. The inhabitants of the planet perceive things they never saw before. Your physical world is more intricate. The green of the foliage is brighter and the fragrance of the flowers is more delicate. The five senses are elevated to their full potential.

As indicated above, another sign of a planetary change that is about to occur is when energy patterns, such as Tara, align with a planetary approach. When this happens, we must recognize that time is approaching. Therefore, I want to thank Tara for sharing her light with the human world. Love will prevail on Earth, especially now, knowing that Tara's energy is present.


Only a short time ago, Tara sent her emissary, Almon, to this planet to study the conditions of the Earth. Its mission was to find out if the Earth was ready to accept the ET world within human reality. For the most part Almon's research was positive. However, he realized that there was a problem to hear among Earth beings. So, humans listen to what they want to hear and rarely focus on what is really being said.

The Almon Report was used by Tara's advice to determine the level of love achieved by the collective consciousness of Planet Earth. The degree he indicated was extremely passable, based on the positive experiences he had had in his encounters with humans.

It is with the highest respect that his galactic brothers and sisters prepare to help lightworkers align the grid system of Mother Earth. They have in their hearts the highest interest in the human world. At one time or another, they have experienced similar lesson plans. They know how wonderful it will be for those who choose to make the Change.

Let the unit begin.


QUESTION: How is it that an energy pattern such as Tara's, that she herself is a direct descendant of a Guardian of Development Societies, refers to Kirael as "Master"?

Once you have studied with someone of that appreciation, you will always want to offer the honor and respect that you are owed. You simply know that "Teacher" is a term used for those who rigorously expose the Truth.

So those of my light, meaning those who have reached the level where others choose to call us Masters, know that everything is perfect when something is in a constant state of enlightenment. No matter what level of consciousness one obtains, one never ceases to crave the next possibility. One knows that each level of consciousness exists only to open new frontiers of ascending potentials.

QUESTION: In all the history of Mother Earth, what has been one of the strangest incarnations on this planet?

One of the strangest incarnations on Earth has been a compound of machine parts and thought processes. They were sent to work in the gold mines that we have found on planet Earth. They mistakenly believed that the gold of gold was the same as the golden particles of light that are the building blocks of a broad type of corporization processes.

Humanoid entities managed to accumulate large amounts of this new substance with golden properties. They felt the need to protect her. These entities eventually developed an ego form and began competing with each other.

Over time, the realms of consciousness forgot about the humanoids on planet Earth. They were not considered to be of a valuable evolutionary process. Therefore, they were free to experiment in a number of different levels. They became so advanced in the art of territorial division, that a new form of society began to emerge. However, they decreased over time because they were not activated or regenerated into particles of light. In other words, they had no soul energy or any way of understanding love.

With many of these first populations on Earth, the intervention of the highest powers became imminent. The true essence of the Creator is Love, and it has to be present to assist any form of evolution. When love does not exist, life fails anyway.

QUESTION: How does cloning affect the development of societies?

Many of the societies that were entrenched in the consciousness of duality began their "de-evolution" by duplicating themselves. Called cloning today, in the past it was defined as "exact duplication of particles of conscious perception."

What has to be understood is that while the cell body can be explained perfectly, there is only one soul or superior being that remains, for all its aspects. The danger is that when the higher being has to control two aspects of an incarnation (the original self and the clone), he has to distribute his conscience. That is, each aspect has to operate with a limited capacity. Therefore, the lesson plans become entangled because the original being is still trying to evolve, while the clone has little energy to do the same. With a diminished awareness of their superior being, the clone has little desire to learn or "make the trip." Then each one has a limited connection to the source of its origin, the Creator God.

When the inhabitants of a planet implement the cloning process, it is only a matter of time before the cloned entities become abominable. The galactic group, known as the "Grays", is an example of such a situation. These ETs in particular are the last survivors of a cloned society. They had escaped the collapse of their systems just before their own acts annihilated it.

Before the current collapse of these worlds, remote control ships are usually sent in search of so much new land and / or ways of reproducing their life forms. They travel through space looking for habitable planetary systems where they would find little resistance. His first choice is a planet in which the whole society has been eradicated due to the misuse of its abundance. Their second choice is a planet whose society is so immersed in their self-indulgence that they are obsessed with protecting their personal wealth. On such a planet, they know that the inhabitants are so self-centered that they pay little attention to things that do not directly affect their particular worlds.

Needless to mention, the latter are the conditions that the Grays found in the Earth plane. Initially, the Grays succeeded in abducting humans and taking them to their advanced ships. However, the high vibration of the soul consciousness of this planet prevailed. Attempts to invade the Earth plane of these renegade forces were truncated. Indeed, many more humans would have voluntarily surrendered and entered the advanced ships, had it not been for the higher light of the One Consciousness that was aware of the drama that was unfolding. In this way, new attempts were aborted by the Grays to abduct humans.

Even clones have to respond to higher awareness advice. By losing their connection with the Creator, these cloned entities risked their interstellar traveler relationships and delayed intergalactic alliances for many, many years.

QUESTION: There are those who believe that humans are closely connected with the worlds of dolphins and whales. Would you comment on this, please?

I frequently mention these beings as their older brothers and sisters since, like humans, whales and dolphins are recognized for having salty tears.

At one point in their evolution, whales and dolphins learned to live both in and out of the water. Its legacy for humanity is the grid system of magnetic energy patterns that surrounds the Earth both inside and outside the water. Es un legado porque las ballenas y los delfines han hecho accesible esta información para los humanos en sus registros etéricos. Hasta hoy en día, las ballenas y los delfines aún navegan alrededor del mundo utilizando estas líneas de la rejilla.

En las primeras etapas de esta encarnación, los humanos empleaban su sexto sentido para los viajes, en forma muy similar a las ballenas y los delfines. Lo más probable es que los delfines fueron los que les enseñaron a los antiguos exploradores como usar este sistema de rejilla vibratorio para sus viajes.

Los humanos de hoy en día emplean aproximadamente un 10% de sus funciones cerebrales, mientras que los delfines, como así también las ballenas, emplean el 100%. Solamente cuando los delfines duerme cierran aproximadamente un 50% de su sistema de pensamiento masivo. El otro 50% dirige energía a partes de su anatomía para rejuvenecer. En la nueva matriz, después del Cambio, los humanos regenerarán las vibraciones corporales en una forma similar.

Las ballenas, los cuidadores de los registros de todas las épocas, están trabajando actualmente con otros sistemas de vida para preparar el Cambio. Ellos están coordinando las condiciones atmosféricas que los humanos necesitarán para operar con sus cuerpos de luz en la Cuarta Dimensión. Sin la información que las ballenas guardan para la Madre Tierra, el Cambio no se efectuará. Así, dado el papel importante que las ballenas tienen en el Cambio, llega a tener sentido el ocuparse más activamente de su protección. Es verdad que las ballenas mismas podrían hacer un intento mayor para protegerse. Sin embargo, las leyes del Creador le permiten a las ballenas, lo mismo como a los humanos, tener el libre albedrío para elegir su propio destino.

PREGUNTA: Es sabido que en cierto momento la re-población del planeta, se estaba cuestionando. ¿Cuál fue la señal de cambio que persuadió a los poderes de la luz de seguir adelante?

El tiempo al que se refiere es cuando el planeta Tierra se había hundido en un período en el cual solamente la presencia oscura penetraban a la tierra habitable. Las sociedades se habían quebrantado, porque la gente creía que el Creador ya no se fijaba en su energía evolutiva. Ellos sintieron que habían sido abandonados para crear sus propios niveles de conciencia. Esto tuvo lugar en el período entre las civilizaciones de Lemuria y Atlántida.

Muchos buscadores espirituales de aquel entonces creyeron que la única forma para sobrevivir a los grandes levantamientos era la de desconectar su energía de cualquier manera posible, así que ellos se rindieron y denunciaron al amor. Aquellos que ya habían logrado el nivel de los trabajadores de la luz fueron enviados desde los continentes de Lemuria y Atlántida que se estaban hundiendo, para efectuar un transporte molecular. Todos los que quedaron en el medio fueron dejados para creer que el mundo había llegado a su fin. En este sentimiento de falta de esperanzas, ellos sintieron que nada iba a poder salvarles.

Esto llevó a un debate entre los consejos cuestionándose de si permitir que semejante fuerza debilitada continuase. Después de todo, se argumentó que había muchos sistemas planetarios capaces de hospedar las entidades de realidades debilitadas.

Al final, eran los del Reino de los Guías los que se atuvieron a la única cosa que realmente importaba, la esperanza. Ellos hicieron saber que si había un pronunciamiento del consejo para que continúe la vida, ellos, del Reino de los Guías, estarían listos para apoyar al mundo de los humanos para todos los tiempos venideros.

¡Que compromiso llegó a ser esto!

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