How do you recognize your soul plan? Yeshua channeled by Pamela Kribbe

  • 2017

December 13, 2016

Dear friends:

I welcome you all, I AM I'shoa; I greet you all from my heart. I am connected with you, so feel my presence; I AM what connects your hearts, because I represent the unity that exists between all of us.

Now I ask you to take root, to connect your body with the Earth under your feet; and that you imagine that roots of your feet sprout towards the ground. Feel that your consciousness is completely present in this space; and that through the roots penetrate the Earth from your feet. Feel the power of our collective energy, so that together we create a Field of Consciousness with a deep and pure intention.

Today we are talking about the Almic Plan and how to recognize it in your daily life. For many it is difficult to recognize the direction and goal of the purpose of their Soul, because you often feel lost in this World. It is important that you can go inside and that you recognize yourself as the Soul that you are, that you make a connection with your infinite Essence; and from there you look at the world around you. Only in relation to your Essence, with your Soul, do you feel truly free and safe. Free to spread your wings; and sure, because the power of the Soul is not tied to the Earth ... It is unlimited. Feel that power for a moment ... Find out who you are ... And feel that strength in the depth of your body. That force is your soul, here and now.

Connect with your feet, with your legs, with your whole body

Connect with your feet, with your legs, with your whole body ... Concentrate on yourself, not on the intentions and sounds coming from outside, but only on yourself ... Feel your body from the inside ... Feel how with your consciousness you can travel quietly all over your body without being interrupted by external noises ... Feel how you can experience silence in the midst of noise; That silence is independent of what is happening to you from the outside.

A new consciousness wants to be born on Earth. Now more than ever, this is the new order of things and you feel it in your lives; in many of you there is an impetus now; and what is driving that current forward is your Soul, that Essence of which I speak. This Essence wants to go hand in hand with the current of this time, it wants to help; and from the past, from the old energies based on fear, he wishes to make a transition to a New Age, to a Heart-based Consciousness.

your soul is connected with the whole

You are not alone in your soul path, your soul is connected with the whole. You are here not only for yourself, but as part of a larger flow of change that is now touching Earth. And now I ask you again to connect with this flow and feel its greatness. You are a Soul, it is not that you have a Soul, but that you are your Soul ... And that Soul is here with a mission, something that the Soul wants to accomplish in this life.

Descend to the level of your abdomen, inhale and relax ... Make your connection with the Earth because it is very important that you have Almic knowledge on the material level, in the practical and in the earthly. Feel that soul knowledge fully and shape it. At this time it is not only about feeling and experiencing your deepest dreams and desires, but also about shaping them in your daily life; because now the earthly reality is ripe for change.

Feel from your abdomen the connection with the heart of the Earth; and feel welcome here on Earth; Here you are very dear and desired. Feel that the Earth itself is engaged in a great wave of change; Feel floating in that great current while Mother Earth embraces you firmly ... You are sure; You have been called to be here.

What is your contribution?

Descend to your abdomen; Let your imagination, your dreams and your wishes fly freely, without limits or restrictions ... For you what would be the most beautiful future and with whom would you like to share it? ... Imagine that you are truly open and that you have no fear, that you dare to follow your deepest inspiration; you let it go up unhindered through your head, your heart, your abdomen and your legs, going down to Earth ... How do you visualize yourself and do what?

Realize that when you go along with that flow you don't just do something with yourself and for yourself; You also connect with this larger image: The renewal dynamic that is waking up now on Earth and that is progressing faster. And you will have a lot of support from something bigger than you; Feel this larger flow and ask yourself: "What kind of stimulus does that flow give me? ... What message? ... What urgency comes to me?" ... And that message may be concerning something external; for example an indication of something you need to let go of your life, something you no longer need: a job, a living environment, relationships. It may also be concerning an internal attitude you have adopted, an attitude of resistance and self-prosecution; a thought that you cannot succeed, feelings of inferiority For you what is the most important thing you should let go now?

You are carried by a current larger than you; that current originates on Earth, in its desire for change, for evolution. Imagine that you are safely carried in that current and that now it gives you a stimulus, an urgency to do this or to abandon that. Dare to satisfy this urgency, dare to take this step. As many more individuals take this step and dare to begin to live according to their deepest desire, it will be easier for others to follow them, because they will become in living examples of what can be done, of what is possible. In this World there is an enormous need for hope and inspiration, a need for leaders, not bossy foremen, but for those who are willing to lead by example, fully including their vulnerability and their humanity this is the new leadership.

As we talk about finding and recognizing the purpose of the Soul, I would like to emphasize that there is a link between the purpose of your Soul and that of many other Souls who also want to go to the same with the movement of change and renewal to feel supported by that. But dare to take the steps that are required in your personal life, even when to do it you are alone, in the sense that it is you who has to decide, the choice will make you corresponds: The choice of more freedom, of more happiness.

I summon you to be the leaders of this new time, to be the examples, even when you doubt that you can do it and that you can make it happen. But that only implies that you be truthful with yourself and allow that truth to flow freely. When old fears get your head out, look at them and open them, because they also belong to you. Precisely because of the conscious connection you make with these fears, the Light gradually begins to radiate through them; and that makes you a Lightworker; and give an example. And setting an example means being Human to accept darkness and Light in all its aspects; That means having warmth and compassion, both with others and with yourself.

This is being a Pioneer of the New Age.

You do not have to wait until you have all your affairs in order, until you have reached a kind of perfection, because this does not really exist. It's about getting up every day and taking a step forward, or parting with something: A prosecution, a fear, a self-demand that does not correspond to who you really are.

I ask you to believe in your call. Your soul plan is constantly developing; new paths and new opportunities continually arise; It is not something established and made to measure, it is a dynamic set. At any moment in which you are a Portal for more Love, in which you trust yourself, in which you make a connection with your Essence, new opportunities will appear that you will have activated with your joy and your enthusiasm ... That is what it means to have connection with the purpose of your Soul… Decide to take that step, believe in yourself.

I thank you all for your presence. I feel our connection from the heart and I appreciate it ... Feel your beauty and your wisdom; and trust them!

Many thanks.

Translated: Jairo Rodríguez R.

Energy and Spiritual Consulting

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