II Congress of Science and Spirit, Barcelona November 21 and 22, 2009

The next 21 and 22 November 2009 we will celebrate the II Congress of Science and Spirit in Barcelona. The event will take place at the Hotel Princesa Sofía in Barcelona, ​​with a capacity for 635 people. There we will discuss issues of vital importance for Humanity, by the hand of people who, with their work, have demonstrated their love, courage and dedication to the dangers that lurk in our daily lives.

Sr. Teresa Forcades, doctor and Benedictine nun, together with Dr. Miquel Pros will provide us with scientific data and arguments that will make us reflect on the probable global vaccination requirement for Influenza A. Lluís Botinas will tell us about the “Made in USA” assembly of AIDS Alfred Webre, former advisor to President Carter will tell us about Exopolitics, and we also bring from Jessica Jessica Schaw, the crystal girl who re-incarnated to give a great message to Humanity.

At the same time, we will discuss topics such as the truth about September 11 and its consequences, the “Chemtrails” or chemical traces, the electromagnetic pollution that we receive daily, the true truth about the Moon as an artificial satellite and other talks about the great importance of our eternal spiritual body, facing the insignificant temporality of our physical body.

Structured in two days, the most scientific Saturday and the most spiritual Sunday, we will have the opportunity to meet great people, coming from all over the world who will talk to us about issues that will help us better understand the moment in which we live and be able to, from there, act accordingly and with knowledge.

A congress that can save many lives and some souls, where not only facts will be reported but multiple solutions will be provided. We are waiting for you!

Saturday November 21, 2009 (Science Day)

• 8:30 Accreditations

10:00 Miguel Celades of www.cienciayespiritu.com Opening of the Congress

10:20 Dr. Miquel Pros Casas of www.doctorpros.com with the talk: “Influenza A: the vision of natural medicine”

11:00 Llu s Botinas of www.plural-21.org with the talk: “AIDS, a montage 'made in the USA', an example of the rupture of the Modern Western Society with Tradition "

11:40 Pause 12:10 Iris Aneas of www.irisaneas.com and Miguel Celades of www.exopoliticaeuropa.com, (with the collaboration of Mario of the Jedi-Awareness Network) with the talk Chemtrails in the air

12:50 Antoon Moonen of www.stetzerizer.eu with the talk: “The invisible pollution and its solution”

14:00 Eat

16:00 Diana Castillo from www.investigar11S.org with the talk: “The whole truth about 9/11”

16:40 Gabriel Silva, from www.piramicasa.com with the talk Political Alternatives ”.

17:20 Pause

17:50 Jose Luis C. from www.mundodesconocido.com with the talk: “The whole truth about the Moon and Mars”

18:30 Andreas Kalcker of www.mmsmineral.com with the talk “The miraculous Chlorine Dioxide” 19:10 Alfred Webre of www.exopolitics.com with the talk: “Science, spirit and exopolitics ”

20:30 End

Sunday, November 22, 2009 (Spirit Day)

9: 30 Accreditations 10:30 Jordi Orus from www.athanor.com with the talk “Group Soul”.

11:10 Anna Ferrer from www.evana.es with the presentation of the book: “The Bible of the Quantum Era”

11:30 Krystael and Lux ​​Nwanda of www.omega432.com with the talk: “Musical vibration 432”

12:10 Pause

12:40 Xavier Pedro y Blanca from www.espainovaterra.com with the talk: “The Essenes: the meaning of living and the simplicity of being”

13:20 Jose and Miriam Sanrom from www.ecosistemasocial.org with the talk: “From the pyramid system and monopolies to planetary networks and Free Software”

14:00 Eat

16:00 Montserrat Gasc n of www.vivalavida.org with the talk: “The Pericardium, guardian of the secret of our divinity”

16:40 Service Unit Manel with the talk: “I don't believe it”

17:20 Pause

17:50 Jessica Schab, the glass girl of www.jessicamystic.ca with the talk: “My message for Humanity”

19:00 Sr. Teresa Forcades, Doctor and Benedictine Nun with the talk: “Bells for the Flu A”

20:10 Debate with the public

20:30 End

SOURCES: http: //www.cienciayespiritu.com/


http://www.elblogalternativo.com/2009/10/30/ii-congreso-de-ciencia-y-espiritu-en-barcelona-21-y-22-de-noviembre-del-2009-con-la- presence-of-the-nun-teresa-forcades /

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