Tibetan Master Djwhal Khul: Treaty on White Magic

  • 2015

About Fear and Fear :

Fear is one of the most common manifestations of astral energy constitutes, for the most part, the Dweller in the Threshold and, in the last analysis, evil Basic astral. Every human being knows fear; The scope of the vibrations of fear ranges from the instinctive fears of the wild man, based on his ignorance of the laws and forces of nature, and his terror of darkness and the unknown, to the fears, so prevalent today, of losing to loved ones, friends, health, wealth, money, popularity, and so on until the last fears of the aspirant - fear of failure, fear rooted in doubt, or the last rejection or annihilation, fear of death (shared equally with all mankind), fear of the great illusion of the astral plane, the phantasmagoria of life itself and also fear of loneliness in the path, even fearing fear itself. This list could be extended, but it is enough to indicate the prevalence of all fears. They dominate most situations and obscure many happy moments. They reduce man to a timid and frightened tomy of sensory life, frightened by the enormous problems of existence, aware of his insufficiency as a man to solve all situations, and unable to abandon his fears and doubts and inherit the Freedom and life He is often so overwhelmed by fear that he even fears losing his mind. This gloomy picture could never be sufficiently described, because fear is the astral energy that predominates today, and sensitive humanity succumbs too easily to it.

They will ask: What are the root causes of fear? This question, if we take it retrospectively to the origins of the esoteric history of the solar system, has no intelligible answer. Only the advanced initiate can understand it. Fear has its roots in the plot and warp of matter itself, and it is par excellence the formulation or effect of the mind principle and result of mental activity. The fact that birds and animals know fear, places the issue on a broader basis than if it were simply human weakness and the result of the activity of the functioning of the human mind. It is not something that comes from the power of reasoning of man, but if he used his reason correctly it could eliminate fear. It resides in what is called cosmic evil - high-sounding phrase, but that says nothing. It is inherent in the reality of matter and the action of pairs of opposites - soul and matter .

The sensory souls of animals and men subconsciously realize factors such as:

1. The immensity and, therefore, the felt oppression exercised by the All.
2. The pressure of other lives and stocks
3. The inexorable performance of the law.
4. The feeling of imprisonment, limitation and its consequent incapacity.

In these factors, which arise from the same manifested process, and persist and increase in potency during times, reside the causes of all modern fear and the basis of all terror, primarily the strictly psychologist and not just the instinctive fear of the animal.

Consequently, with respect to the common man, let's see where the waves of fear that constantly drag him come:

1. Fear of death, is based on:

to. Terror, in the final process of tearing in the act of death.
b. The horror of the unknown and the undefined.
C. Doubt regarding immortality.
d. The regret for having to abandon loved ones or be abandoned by them.
and. The ancient reactions to past violent deaths, deeply rooted in the subconscious.
F. Clinging to the life of the form, for being mainly identified with it in consciousness.
g. The old and erroneous teachings concerning heaven and hell, both being unpleasant perspectives for certain types of people.

As I know the subject, both for the experience in the external world and for the expression of internal life, I will say that:

Death does not exist. As you well know, there is an entry into a fuller life. There is liberation from the obstacles of the carnal vehicle. The much feared tearing process does not exist, except in cases of violent or sudden death, then the only unpleasant thing is the instantaneous and overwhelming sensation of imminent danger and destruction, and something that resembles an electric shock. Nothing else. For the non-evolved, death is a dream and a forgetfulness, because the mind is not awake enough to react, and the memory archive is practically empty. For the common and good citizen, death is the continuity in their awareness of the process of life, and carries out the interests and tendencies of that life. Your awareness and sense of perception are the same and invariable. He does not perceive much difference, is well taken care of, and often does not realize that he has passed through death. For the wicked and cruel selfish, the criminal and those few who live solely for the material aspect, there is that situation called "tied to the earth."

The links they have forged with the earth, and the attraction to it, of all their desires, compels them to remain close to it and its last ground environment. They try desperately by all possible means to get in touch and re-enter it. In few cases, a great personal love for those who have left, or the breach of a recognized and urgent duty, keep those who possess goodness and beauty, in such a situation. For the aspirant, death is the immediate entry into a sphere of service and expression to which he is very accustomed, immediately perceiving that it is not new. In the hours of sleep he has developed an active service and learning field. Now it simply works on it for twenty-four hours (speaking in terms of physical plane time) instead of the short hours of sleep on earth ...

By Tibetan Master Djwhal Khul

Tibetan Master Djwhal Khul: Treaty on White Magic

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