Divine Mother - The Lower Bodies

  • 2014

The four lower bodies are: the emotional body whose purpose is to help them externalize the sentimental nature and help them feel. The mental body which must be used with wisdom the heart; He is the creator and receiver of thoughts-form. You have a superior mental body. So, your higher self has many important things to tell you. The etheric body with its memory, energy receptor centers and meridians; it is the repository of the experiences of the present and previous incarnations; and the physical body that is the smallest, which is interpenetrated by the other three and was made to be the Temple of the Triple Flame or Divine Spark and to anchor the light on Earth. You my beautiful children know how to live with the pulse of Mother Earth.


Attention is a highly refined tool, to direct the flow of vital force. We are working to unite the mind with the heart so that the ego dissipates. If your mental body is confused or stunned; soften with my light in the heart. Soften deeper in the heart, attention in the heart. Leave the rest of the attention in the heart chakra with the intention of softening, which is achieved when your attention remains in the area of ​​the heart where there are no filters and find the answers.

This softening is taking your consciousness to a more extensive place. Soften more in the heart. By softening, rigid boundaries dissolve, boundaries become more vague, and in that vagueness consciousness expands more than within the defined rigid boundaries of the mind. This is very nice for attention, since it can move more. Trust your intention to keep drawing attention more deeply. The intention of softening, letting go, so that curious attention is occupied. Let yourself go deeper, because if you stay at a stage of the borders, the attention will become boring, and will begin in the search for something more interesting. Therefore, it is up to you to keep the attention fascinated. The attention is more fascinated by the expansion.

Thus, when you notice the heart and soften, then your attention has a deep experience and you dissolve the limits of the heart. They enjoy expansion and openness towards the whole, if they remain focused on the area of ​​the heart. Soften more in the heart. The intention of opening the heart as if there were a door or an opening or a hole, or the way you wish to see the image. With an open heart, open it again with each softening and so on. I remind you to soften, since your habit has been to define the limits. Wherever you go, the thinking mind has had a habit of finding its limits. I am teaching you that you have no limits. They can soften across all borders. They are learning to use their intention when they soften, when they open deeper, when they release.

The intention is very fluid. Things happen quickly with the intention. Soften in the heart. Because the intention is so fluid, the attention remains interested. I am guiding and illuminating you in the use of those skills to create a beautiful life. They have to have some experience in consciousness before they can understand the use of attention and intention. So when they have that experience, they start practicing the use of attention and intention. As long as you are in a physical form and with a vibration within the life of that physical form; It is their purpose to discover more about their own abilities for creative expression.

It is like learning to walk at a much more advanced level, since they are now learning to walk with their conscience. Consciousness is not just one thing. It is a power that can be used to help you love God more and expand to your upper bodies. This power of conscience can also help many other people learn to love God more. When many people love God more, life changes significantly. Life wakes up. When many people wake up and become aware, there is a possibility that progress will multiply exponentially. When I speak of progress, I am talking about life with magnificent creations, which help everyone in the exploration of the gifts God has given them.

Attention and intention are the tools for creative expression. They have not used these tools for a while with much skill. Of course, they have been used randomly, without the knowledge of their purpose. And look at the mess that has been created. Now, you are learning to use the mental body with the wisdom of the heart where the truth is and with skill, of intention and attention, to allow the true purpose of creation to occur; to manifest in your life


We are creating a new Earth, where children do not suffer emotional traumas that mark them for the rest of their lives - until the age of seven the emotional body is not yet structured. When they have a well structured emotional body that does not control them; They have reached maturity.

I want you to grab the infinite and pull it to the finite, that is what I want you to do, and then the Light will know what to do. They are ready for it. When I say grab from infinity, that means that I want you to keep your attention on what you want and soften at infinity. Softening is transcending through what they want. It is the softening that grabs the infinite and leads it to the right, to that particular point of focus. Your Divine Presence is in the infinite, sending light to what you wish to create, until your creation is within a circle of intense white light.

This is how life on Earth works. You show with your actions that you have committed to change and start doing things. At first, you could be working alone. With their commitment, with their persistence, they are showing the Universe that they will not stop until they reach the goal.

To keep the emotional body healthy, you have to disconnect yourself daily from the collective consciousness, enter into silence and feel at your heart source your union with God, to God increasingly awake within you. They will have realized that when they are in the heart; The mind quiets down. Many of you who are alone, in your meditations; they are integrating with the etheric body of their twin flame.

Emotions and feelings; they are flows of energy that can move and change places.


The intention serves to soften the energies. You put your attention on what you want and soften it, even if there is vibrational turbulence - when you soften in the different chakras; paying attention to them, they will have realized that the energy begins to move, and the bodies improve, this is clear, this is to clean what is not necessary. This is the cure. Your divine being knows how to cure everything in a way of rising vibration.

The ethereal Body, which is the ether counterpart of our physical body, is larger in size and serves as a vehicle when the soul changes its plane It is invisible to human eyes and visible to the third eye and the pineal gland.
Within this body are the records of all the experiences lived since our first incarnation, which also leave with the soul, when the soul transmigrates. The ethereal body; its system of chakras and nodis or receptor centers and meridians; It is also the means by which the vital energy is transmitted to us. It determines the health condition of the physical body, it is the replenishment and transmitter of energy.

Through the portal of the heart, it is the intermediary between the internal and external worlds. In view of the fact that the Ethereal Corps keeps all the good and / or bad records within itself, from the beginning, it is of the utmost importance that all the errors of the life stream of the individualized self registered therein, whether they are transmuted through decrees of the violet flame or by means of regression and meditation, we go on a light train and ask our Spirit to stop at the part of our past that began that error or that problem that we cannot overcome and that every time becomes bigger when we visualize the cause, we let go of that negative energy in the form of anguish or fear that is trapped there And the knot of energy is unleashed, then we begin to heal and with our spiritual authority that is such without will, love and enlightenment, we put our attention so as not to fall back into the same error and overcome it completely.


The Physical Body is made up of the elements of Mother Earth. This body is composed of particles of Substance-Light or electrons., And these are emitted from God. The physical body is our anchorage on Mother Earth for the Twelve Rays of Light that we receive from the Source.

Now I am activating the divine template in their physical bodies and the glands know it. Powerful regulators of the body need to be boosted at their maximum capacity; to balance and heal the system. Glands are like the jewels of the physical system; They keep it bright, awake, alive and beautiful. When we polish them, we must also relate to the rest of the body, so that the advanced glands do not shine less due to less skilful players in the other parts of the body. Soften We are bringing the whole system at a faster speed.

The physical body is mainly composed of water; That is why I want you to exercise, to move, to use the command to break or divine light, defeat me. Receive healing in the part of the body that you need, receive my grace through the pineal gland; visualizing it as a pearl with ruby ​​tones that emanates grace.


There is a connection between the etheric body and our upper bodies and it is the Ba body, at the height of the eight upper chakra - it resides in a place of consciousness that is out of time and space while building it. Its entry point is located above the head where your hands can meet when you raise them together and touch. This inter-dimensional aspect of your being, the BA, is highly receptive to recognition. And it is from the BA that they receive the energy that strengthens the KA, etheric body or soul body and prepares it for the influence of solar flows and cosmic tides.

This particular Holon or Ba, according to the Hathors, is based on a disk. They are positioned inside the disk. The upper part of the disc corresponds to the location of the BA (CHAKRA 8). The lower part of the disc is the base of your spine if you sit cross-legged. If they do this standing or sitting in a chair, then their feet will be at the base of the disc. The central line that goes to from the top of the head, through your body, and through the perineum is the central axis of the disc. In your imagination, turn the disk around the central axis. For most people the natural direction would be on the right, but it may be on the left, whatever feels right to you will be the right direction - try to put it in white. This rotary movement creates a vortex. Once they start the turn, their attention is placed on the BA over their head and they send recognition to the BA.

There will be an answer from the heavenly soul; the BA. At this point, move your attention to the base of your spine, to the root chakra, this rooting is the one that pulls the celestial energy from the soul to the KA body. Then, in the next five to ten minutes, simply reside within the disk, allowing it to spin, putting your attention on your BA and at the base of the spine. There will be a flow of energy from the BA to the physical body and down to the base of the spine. And while the energy descends from the BA to the base of the spine, it radiates to the body KA, energizing it. If they practice it very often or for a long period, they may experience healing caused by celestial energies flowing from the KA body to the physical organs of the body producing a release of negativity, toxins and other negative material that constrains the life force. While the KA body becomes more energized in a period of time, it will be able to incorporate particles from the solar flow and accelerate the ascent. This is the basic method, and as we have already suggested, once a day for five to ten minutes, it is what is required as long as our intention is clear to move in ascending consciousness.

Divine Mother via Susannah

Source: http://esferadelaunidadmaitreya.blogspot.com.es/2014/07/madre-divina-los-cuerpos-inferiores.html

Divine Mother - The Lower Bodies

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