The origin of the Great Invocation

  • 2012

Man invokes the divine approach in different ways; by the so-called vague, unexpressed, or the summoning cry of the masses; also for the planned and defined invocation of the aspirants of spiritual ideas and guidance and of the intelligent and convinced worker.

Little attention has been paid to the invocation factor, as expressed by the peoples of the world; however, over the course of the ages, the so-called invocation of humanity has risen to the spiritual Hierarchy and has brought an answer. It is illustrated by the spiritual declaration of Shri Krishna, exposed in the Lord's Song, the Bhagavad Gita; It was the enunciation that prevented the coming of Christ. In that Song he says:

Whenever there is a breach of the Law and an emergence of illegality everywhere, then I manifest myself.

For the salvation of the righteous and the destruction of those who do evil, for the firm establishment of the Law, I am born again age after age .

In the licentious era and in the evil period of the Roman Empire came Christ.

Another example of a remarkable and very old invocation is in the Gayatri, where people invoke the Sun with the following words:

“Discover the face of the true Sun

hidden by a golden light disk,

so that we know the truth

and do all our duty

as we approach Your sacred feet ”

Let us also add to it the Four Noble Truths enunciated by Buddha, known to all of us, since they synthesize the causes and sources of all the difficulties that concern humanity. There are many translations of these truths; they all indicate the same yearning, calling and meaning. During the Jewish Dispensation a statement was made concerning human behavior in the words of the Ten Commandments; on these the human law has been based and also the laws that govern the relations of the western peoples have been founded. Then Christ came and gave us the fundamental law of the universe, the law of love, also the prayer of the Lord (Our Father), with his emphasis on the Fatherhood of God, the advent of His Kingdom and the establishment of right human relationships.

Humanity is today in a peculiar and exceptional midpoint between a hapless past and a future full of promises, provided that Christ's reappearance is acknowledged and preparation for His coming is carried out. The present is full of promises and difficulties; today and in the immediate present, humanity has in its hands the destiny of the world - or if it can be expressed like this, with all reverence - the immediate activity of Christ.

The agony of war and the anguish of the entire human race led Christ (the Instructor of the World) in 1945 to make a great decision, manifested in two very important statements. Announcement to the spiritual Hierarchy and to all His servants and disciples on earth, His decision to emerge again, establishing physical contact with humanity, if the initial stages for the establishment of right human relations were carried out.

He then gave the world (to be recited by the common man) one of the oldest known prayers, but which until now has only been allowed to use the most exceeding Beings. It is said that he himself used it for the first time in 1945 during the full moon of June, recognized as the full moon of Christ, as well as the full moon of May, the Wesak Festival, is that of the Buddha. It was not easy to translate these ancient phrases (so old that they have no date or background) into modern words, but this has been done, and the Great Invocation may eventually be a world prayer.

The Great Invocation has come out of the combined Ashramas of the Masters and the Hierarchy; It is used by its Members with constancy, accuracy and power. It will serve to integrate the two great centers: the Hierarchy and Humanity, and relate them in a new and dynamic way with the "center where the will of God is known", Shamballa

Only a few, very few employed the Our Father in the early days of Christianity, because it was necessary to register and express it in understandable terms, and translate it properly before being widely used. This effort took centuries. We have today all the means for rapid distribution, and have been used to spread this Great Invocation.

That is to say that the origin of The Great Invocation is decidedly hierarchical, it comes from the Planetary Spiritual Hierarchy or from that set of Masters of Compassion and Wisdom, of which the Instructor of the World is one of his Fundamental Guides (called Christ by Christians and with other names in different religious and philosophical traditions of our Modern World.

It was translated by Tibetan Master Djwhal Khul into modern English and transmitted word by word to Alice A. Bailey, with whom she was writing the Blue Books, who was responsible for starting public distribution with the help of many who were serving at the School Arcane and Good World Will.

Text adapted from the booklet: "The Great Invocation - Its use and meaning" and other books.

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