Channeling Water and Spontaneous Healing, channeled by Belen De La Paz

  • 2013

Healings are now dimensional, which means that it heals by being in different dimensions for a balance, readjustment and multidimensional alignment, thus heals on a large scale at light speed and protects the individual from external and distorting attacks.

There are 4 phases of healing and those phases are invasive borders that are closed and activated for a perfect gear and alignment with the light and superior dimensions.

These doors have been revealed and given and within those doors there is a package with forgotten memories to wake them up and condition them in their energy and consciousness so the being begins to view, understand, remember to re-couple, readjust to connect and thus be who It is and have access to higher dimensions, activate your body of light and ascend.

Welcome to the world of spontaneous healing.

The Luminous Stations, the keys that open the sacred books with decodes of energy packages with information on how to be your new life.

Fatima is a Universal Divine prodigy.

And I see all the beads of all the rosaries rolling and the water running down the Fatima esplanade, the beads of the rosary scattered over Fatima as pearls that have given their fruit and from each account an intention will flourish and it will bear its fruit and everything it was requested will be granted because as I said it is time to reap the rewards

And I see the Christ who rolls with his bare feet above all the beads, of all the pearls like when he walked above the waters and now the waters are transcended emotions, the intentions granted, the accounts settled and the walking above showing us the path to liberation towards freedom ……., and the Great Mother looks at him and says:


We will ride on the esplanade of Fatima, on the esplanade of life and we will be one with the Spirit, we will be one with the Christic, Buddhic Energy, with the Great Spirit and with Allah, and ……, because we are all one and we all go to the same place forming a great family, the family of the essence of the Spirit where everything is understood and everything is forgiven.

I, Bethlehem of Peace, today bare my feet free of ties to roll over the accounts, of the settled accounts and …… .., looking towards the horizon I see something new, something different… .., and that is today my search It has ceased because now I am back in my home where I always wanted to return, now nothing matters anymore ……., whatever happens, I am safe

I have a key for you, a key that opens life full of abundance and grace because everything is canceled, dissipated, dissolved, annulled, all Karma is dispensed, now everything is different

Your sacrifice is over

Now you can be reborn free of cause and effect

And I loved and loved and loved and I met you Mother and when I found you my doubts and bewilderments dissipated and you healed me and healed my soul and from my body a drop of blood sprouted as a sign of new life and new breath and guided by your hand divine I was born again and the Great Spirit has come to visit me and has settled in me so that I can embrace the descendants of my family of light.

And now the Announcing Angel says that I have a new alliance with you Mother.

Thank you Mother for existing, you fill my joys and fill me with renewed new sap, the announcement of your next visit honors me and makes me throb with emotion

I know you're going to fill me with gifts, I know, I know you're going to make me a great woman worthy of an example and I know I'll bloom before you

I feel a great river, it is the river of life, of the universal current that runs inside me and ascends me flat, it is the light that illuminates and transcends me, it is the light of noon.

Today, March 19, the doors of honor and truth open

Today all the forecasts and all the prophecies are fulfilled

The world has changed for those who have changed and the miracle is the renewal of the incarnated spirits, the miracle is the future of the new times

Elijah will be with you, Elijah incarnate in the new earth is one of the 12 male apostles of the new earth

Look for the synchronicities and challenges in them are the answers of your soul and your search

You are about to merge with the Stars

The Orders of love are remote modulated frequencies between fraternal planets that support interplanetary systems with each other

Today, March 19, 2013 the Earth becomes part of that system of love frequencies of high vibration and can thus reinforce and crowd those frequencies in you to be able to sustain them for others, so much so that those who are already there will vibrate in pure love and in a modulation that until now you did not know

Your struggle has ceased and love and light have entered and seized you, yours

Now all destinations have merged into one and there is no other way but the one ahead of you, the highest

The luminous spheres that are traveling the planet are acting as catalysts to remove the environment and energies, these spheres spread seeds of light, energy packages that are opening memories and frequencies of the 5th Dimension, it is a gradual and evolutionary process to go step by step adapting to the New Order and the Middle.

In the month of April you will use the Sword of Truth to cut definitively with what no longer serves you and you cannot take with you, to separate the new and make way for the truth and action

In April you will banish everything and everyone when they are no longer part of your new vibration and reality and with that your entry into the 5th dimension is more than done

In April you will return your look to the beautiful and easy and it will be and will be in your life, towards your great prosperity and mission, your life will change drastically in a rapid way Ask for it and you will never be the same

In April you will solve everything that you have pending to solve and you will start from root what does not serve to raise the flight and fly freely

By the time 100 years have elapsed since the Apparitions in Last the Church must have left its power and the souls will rise to prove a new reality


I reveal the mysteries of Water

Water is the protagonist of the new land

Water reminds you of the forgotten

Water has no borders and in it is the true salvation and healing

Water has privileges that you still did not know

In the Water there are experiences to live, there are codes to reveal

Water will bring the health of the sick

The Water will reveal forgotten mysteries

Water has memory and when you wash and drink it, you will bring those memories to your oblivion

And in the meantime I tell you and I remind you that the seas and rivers are being restored and continued, they will be released, since their memories were censored and captured

With these new memories of water everything will be reborn and flourish, everything.

There is no true memory without water

There is no true reconnection without water

There is no true healing without water

Ultimately she threw water on my face several times to refresh my memory, to take my veil from oblivion, so that I would heal my forgotten memories and thus be able to free them, she gave me health and cleared My mind, took me out of the enchantment and rescued my true Self to bring me back here, so that my memory was fresh and clear, to cut definitively with the memory of the memories of a succession n of lives that prevented me from being

And finally I remember now ... and finally I see you now

And the Water knows, and the water sustains it and gathers everything, and the water flows

The Church kills us little by little because it steals our soul, because it stole from us the water of Fátima, the water from the source of life

True Religion gives us water

Waters are broken to be born and the floor of Fatima has to break so that the water, the water of the new life, the new baptismal waters of a new order aligned with the Great Spirit and with the new Being sprout

You will forget everything you were, everything you suffered, and you will want to remember and you will not be able to stop because the door will close but it is what it should be to not get caught in the time that no longer corresponds to you

You are making the total and definitive detachment of everything that you were but before you had to remember it, release it, it is the definitive closure of the cycle of lives and existences on this Planet Earth in the 3rd dimension.

You have to detach and not look back to avoid becoming salt statues and get caught again.

Once released everything will close the doors of memory and will open others that you had forgotten and that now you must remember and the doors of the road that you must now travel will open

What if……, . Now I can see it, I can glimpse it and now I can see myself at this point in my long walk, I look back and see how everything is completed and closes and I look forward and I see how everything opens and shows me and I have finally arrived here and all that I see and glimpse is pure light, I take with you both those who are going to come and those who are going to stay

And a white butterfly flies and perches beside me as a symbol of that new rebirth in the light

I return to my origins, I am again, definitely I.

I take advantage of the publication of this channel to remember that at the foot of these pages and those of all my channels the conditions of being able to publish them in other blogs, magazines, newspapers, etc. are expressed, and these conditions I am seeing as a large number of people They do not comply by publishing them on their blogs by hiding my data and deleting the address of my blog and the address of my email, being totally prohibited to do so, and other people are plagiarizing the content of my channels, from here I remind you again the conditions to make use of my works (you can read them again below) and as long as they are not fulfilled I tell you that they do not have my permission or that of the Great Mother to make public the work that so much effort and sacrifice carry with them, the freedom of a person It ends when another's rights are abused.

Seville, February 25 and 28, March 19 and 24 and April 2, 2013

Channeling Water and Spontaneous Healings channeled by Belen De La Paz


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