Archangel Gabriel - 2016: A year of magnetism to prepare the integration of the soul

  • 2016

Tenderly beloved Children of Light, as you know we are called Gabriel. And as always, we are very happy to be in your Divine Presence.

This time we come to talk about 2016, which we call 'A year of Magnetism towards the New Reality of the Soul'.

What do we mean by magnetism? This is another name for which we have called "resonance."

This is a year in which you get to know your personal resonance like never before. With what resound? What is my true mission?

This implies knowledge of your conscious tasks and a growing need to make you aware of your subconscious tasks; those tasks that have remained in the survival system of your life. These are tasks that have typically been compensating for your shortcomings, emotional wounds; compensators and committed to get away from the pain, guilt and conflict that you have associated with the first years of your life.

In the subconscious you resonate with powerful survival options; and it is vital that you understand this as you enter this year of magnetism.

You will attract to yourself anything with which you resonate more fully and deeply. If you remain unaware of what fears, guilt and judgments are in the subconscious, more powerfully you will never attract opportunities to become aware of them, to see the essence of what you fear and are committed to avoid.

It is vitally important that you learn to approach the wounds of the subconscious as an adult presence, empowered and solicitous. You must learn to become the teacher of your injured subconscious. This is a year to deepen the courage of this healing approach.

Let us give an example of what we want to say: If you usually struggle with some feeling that you experience as a "lack", you will find yourself avoiding and struggling with experiences of lack, as never before.

You might ask : "Why fight the experience of 'lack' ?" If as a child your physical, emotional and mental needs were not identified, if you were not attended to and protected, you experienced a perceived threat, a dissatisfaction of your needs

Without an education about the deepest truth of your needs and the way life really works, you may have made the decision to try to avoid this feeling of at all costs lack : I do not want to again lack what I need . And then you have tried to avoid that feeling, controlling your experience in any way you could.

What you have not understood is that the difficulties of your years of development were the way in which your Programmic for this life was activated. For example, that may have included the need to negotiate gaps through experiences with the dispossessed.

This means that you were created with the Sacred Skill of FEELING dispossessed, so that you would recognize the impact of the shortcomings. So this gave you a particular approach to specific deficiencies, giving you the opportunity not only to discover how important this need is in your life, but it also gave you the opportunity to Later, once the basic years of the childhood are over, you will spend time focusing on HOW you could learn to satisfy that same lack.

So experience with the dispossessed is not really threatening. It is stimulating. It encourages you to find the answer to what you have been missing.

However, it is too frequent that without a clear vital education you have mistakenly understood the feeling of privaci n as a threat; and you have sought to avoid it at all costs.

This means that you will have committed to fight against the privaci n ; and you will have begun to attract to you reflections of this commitment. Lovingly, life will have responded to your choice and will have constantly given you ways to fulfill the commitment to fight.

Here is a way to combat deprivation, if that is what you choose. And the more you have fought it, the more you will have decided that it was a threat instead of an opportunity to look deeper, to discover what it was trying to reveal: The NEED behind the lack.

This revelation would be empowering, but when you are very busy fighting with a feeling, you tend not to land or look inside, not to get deeper than even the feeling you struggle with. This has kept you aware of survival throughout your life.

The deepest truth is that you have been given an Almic Program for your life, which shows you particular directions that give you clues about what will allow you to claim important parts of yourself.

To prepare for the Soul, which is trying to emerge at this time on your Planet, you must learn to stop and observe what is in the Soul Program for the scenario of this life. You must become aware of what you have learned to fight, what is in the subconscious programming as a commitment to survival.

Perhaps in recent years you have felt that things are getting more intense, like a constant bombardment of challenges. This is only the pressure of the Soul that is emerging. He has brought to the surface what there is of fear, guilt and judgment; so you can face him as the adult you are.

By learning to face what life reveals to you as part of your usual struggle, you prepare for the Soul.

Learning to show yourself how the willing and compassionate adult, who is learning to claim the injured emotional body, is a particularly important clue for you to solve the challenges of your soul program, creating a sense of integrity in your experience of the physical I.

2016 will be a Year of Magnetism

It will reveal the truth of your deepest tasks, both conscious and subconscious. Just pay attention to what you are manifesting and attracting; and you will have all the clues you need.

We have spent many years training the channel and subsequently its community of healers to face, care for and solve these emotional challenges that are in the body system in the lower mind and in the lower chakras.

We have taught them to face and resolve wounds such as the struggle of the feeling of "deprivation." We have taught you to look for deeper truths concerning these vital parts of the Self .

Let's look at some deeper truths about "deprivation" at this time , to give you an idea.

Once you are an adult and have options, no matter what you choose in a moment, you will experience deprivation as part of the moment. If you choose to play tennis, you will not ride a horse. When you choose to play tennis, you are deprived of the riding experience.

When you spend time in one place, you deprive yourself of being in a different place . This is a natural feeling of balance. In your current levels of consciousness you cannot experience all things at once.

Consequently, it was necessary for you to be taught that the feeling of deprivation is there to serve you in balance with the abundance you create by committing yourself to the things that are important to you. So if at this time you prefer to play tennis, commit to that experience and create an intimacy with that abundant experience; and you will no longer be struggling with what is not, with the deprivation of the ride while you are on the tennis court.

We use this simple example only to share that "deprivation" is not a bad feeling. It is not threatening to your well-being or your sense of self. You have options

The balance of deprivation and abundance constitutes a quite satisfactory experience. You are given Free Will to choose whatever you decide is important to you. Then you are supported with deeper connection and intimacy with anything you choose to dedicate yourself to.

However, this has not been the typical life experience on your Planet, since you have usually got stuck at the level of survival consciousness, always fighting with the feelings that you have learned that are somehow threatening to you (such as deprivation).

If you want to create a more satisfying relationship with life, you need a much deeper education about yourself and how life works . All experiences are to serve you.

Allowing you to release what you are not choosing at the moment, to remain neutral, constitutes a healthy relationship with the experience of abundance and deprivation. However, in survival, most people focus so completely on what they want to avoid, that they don't spend much time learning to unite intimately with what they choose.

Usually, my nervous system is looking for where I could be deprived.

This does not allow much focus on intimacy or connection with what you choose. This is an example of an endless set of experiences that all serve you, if you allow yourself to consciously choose what is most important to you.

You would be surprised at the percentage of choices made outside the agendas to avoid fear, guilt and judgment.

An example would be to make agenda choices to try to get those around you to see you in a certain way. Looking outside of yourself, as you learned in the first years of your life when you sought to please mom and dad; You learned to choose from fear.

If you are looking for the validation of your self-esteem abroad, your decisions probably still have the influence of what you “should” choose to be seen in a certain way, to be accepted, to be validated or to please someone.

This has kept you from the deepest peace and satisfaction of getting to know your most authentic Self. This is the only way to truly satisfy you.

So we pointed out 2 examples of ways to attract from commitments and fearful agendas.

If on the other hand, today you are in touch with your deepest truth and you commit to the things that are important to you as an individual, you have much greater chances of attracting to you the experiences that are truly important to you. .

When you do this, you are doing something authentic and meaningful.

And then this year will be very focused on accelerating the magnetism of your choices.

We suggest that you become aware of what you have in the subconscious programming of the first years of your life, which were a perfect staging for your life.

Discover where you are satisfying needs with awareness of them, committed to the satisfaction of your needs as an adult. And where do you stay in the hurtful struggle with unsatisfied needs, with choices that continue to avoid and combat what you lack.

When you are learning to claim and perform each of your energy centers; and there are 7 levels of consciousness in these 7 energy centers, you discover that each chakra has inherent needs.

The 1st Chakra at the base of the spine is focused on your connection to physical reality. Your 3 main needs are to experience connection, nutrition and safety. This is what will create satisfaction in the first energy center of your body.

When these needs were not met, by parents who did not receive this attention in the previous generation, you experienced fear and contraction, rather than satisfaction and safety. This perfect staging of your Thermal Program for this life is ultimately to bring awareness of how important it is for you to meet these particular needs.

When they are not taken care of, they can eventually provide focus and awareness of how important they are, encouraging you to learn to identify them and then to satisfy them for yourself.

But typically, you have protected yourself from these unmet needs . So we suggest that for you to realize yourself in each of these 7 levels of your Being, look for a good education.

During the last decades we have given enormous amounts of information on these topics through the channel. He has dedicated his life to teaching others from this body of information.

We suggest that you look for ways to get a good education about what will prepare you for the most satisfying, true and authentic individual experience, for your particular level of soul consciousness while you continue the journey of your Soul.

This way you can make informed decisions. This is a powerful way to ensure that you are attracting exactly what you need into your life, reinforced with what is truly important to you as an individual.

In recent years you have been linking the Higher Self with the Lower Self. In 2013, universal energies began to link the 7th energy center and the grids of the Divine Plan, with the 1st center at the base of the spine. In 2014 you started to awaken your individual soul plan towards the 2nd center of experience in the navel region in the body. And in 2015 you started to wake up the first portals of the Heart Chakra towards the 3rd center of the Solar Plexus.

The superior is linking with the inferior. And now in 2016 you will wake up the 5th energy center, for the realization of everything you have learned through the Inferior Self informed. The 5th Chakra is the center of self-expression, of elections and commitments.

Many of you have felt lost, insecure and confused when the familiar lower energies of personality have been penetrated by the impact of higher energies.

No longer being sure who you are, it is a very disconcerting experience that comes from the penetration of these higher energies. These energies are very benign, sustaining the highest potentials of your experience.

This is the bridge that will allow you to bring the Almic energy to your life in the physical . Now this configuration is ready to include the 5th Chakra, revealing your most powerful choices and commitments, both conscious and subconscious.

If you start from the simplicity of what you DO, based on what has been revealed in recent years, there will be plenty for you to create clear commitments. And now you can include that it won't help you to commit to experiences that you usually want to avoid, such as "deprivation."

Attachments to agendas such as validation will no longer serve you. These are only 2 of the revelations that you may have discovered in recent years in the Life Program of this Life.

So we emphasize that abandoning the options that no longer serve you is as important as knowing which clear options you are moving towards. Trust your conscious heart and the simple truth that you know they are important to you.

For example, you may know that you are committed to specific experiences, such as connection and intimacy . Focus on the people you care about, on the career and interests that are important to you, on the experience of life that you really want to create and that is important to you.

It could be the experience of adventure, expansion, establish yourself in the intimacy of your main relationship and in your home. Only you can know what is most important to you at this stage of your life.

We suggest you let go of what you have tried to avoid, thus causing the wound that has kept your fear, your guilt and your judgment active. Change the focus of your commitments towards what serves your deepest and most authentic truth.

This is what will be revealed in 2016. You will be powerful demonstrators of what you are most committed to, attracting clues so that you can respond and prepare for the Soul that is emerging.

So we encourage you to get clarity and commitment to your present truth, because the truth is always developing if you allow it. Life is trying to move you to the level of Almic Consciousness, your most sacred and authentic individual Essence.

This can only reach a neutral space in the heart. So get the education you need to be clear and prepare for the unprecedented changes that are to come, manifesting through meaning, value and purpose, rather than fear, guilt and judgment. This is your chance.

These are the things we wanted to say about 2016, a Year of Magnetism, which reveals your most true commitments, in preparation for the Soul.

And now, with the most jubilant of your permits, as we always ask you to remember to love each other.

TRANSLATION: Jairo Rodríguez R. Energy and Spiritual Consulting

AUTHOR: Robert Baker


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