Message from Jesus: Racism, a problem that still affects many of you

  • 2017

For each of you, beloved beings of light, who already know the truth about " who they are, " we want to talk to you about a problem that still affects many of you. We refer to the problem that is generated from the ego of those beings who have felt that they were rejected or despised because of their race; The root of these feelings is found in the " I ", where there is still a feeling of resentment.

It is necessary to know that these feelings are deeply rooted, so they produce a great sense of inferiority, which is not typical of a specific race. This feeling is usually experienced by those who are within the distinctions that are part of European culture, who are subject to the caste system of India and who live in each of the countries in which they are There are still marked racial differences between individuals and even adults, once they reach old age they get to experience this painful sensation and that racism is about some lower kind of condition. n social, which is present around his entire world; However, we are talking about a principle that is quite the opposite of what the higher principles of human existence really are.

Today, racism is some lower class of social condition

However, we know that the impulse of inferiority is about an innate feeling of the human being, which becomes unbearable to be before apparently prestigious individuals. And the only way they have to put aside the painful sensations caused by racial rejections is to become aware of migrations and ethnic disorders, in addition to the arrival of immigrants to different countries, where different languages ​​are spoken and there are cultures totally different .

To promote an influx of new life, they must say:

“Lord God Almighty, I can say with total certainty that I feel grateful and happy because all this has happened. That is the reason why I am here today, experiencing the resistance it has, the intellect that exists in each of my emotions and in my abilities and although I fell earlier, today I have the ability to get up . I thank you for giving me inspiration and strength to expose to the world the essential equality among all men, so let me send today my love and gratitude to all those beings who founded the foundations that gave me the opportunity to achieve my achievements . ”

Karma causes those who humiliate to return to earth as inferior beings

The laws of universal existence are responsible for making those individuals who were involved in torture and were responsible for the pain suffered by other men return in the next lives as humiliated beings. Have you ever wondered why " poor souls " experience so much suffering? The answer is simple and that those men who made their brothers suffer reincarnate in this world within the races that suffer problems, this is their Karma, it is a circumstance generated by themselves in the past.

It is true that people reincarnate in different strata of society, with the purpose of learning in each of them all the lessons required for their trip; however, they should not forget the following and it is that every human being incarnated on Earth is the one who creates his own future; Through their reincarnations, within this world they experience situations and emotions that are very useful to continue advancing in their evolutionary process. You are all making efforts to this end, whether or not you are aware that you are moving to a higher level of spiritual awareness with each of your reincarnations.

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