Ignoring ignorance: A blind man who wanders meaningless

  • 2016
Table of contents hide 1 The root of suffering 2 Theory is not wisdom 3 We ignore that we are ignorant 4 Wisdom is humility

Of course, when they talk about ignorance, the first thing that comes to our mind is that fortunately we have studied and we are not ignorant at all. In reality, most of us are, from the Eastern point of view of Ignorance, where he is iconographically represented as a blind man who wanders the world without meaning and without seeing around him.

The root of suffering

In fact, when talking about Ignorance, it is understood as the root of all our afflictions and sufferings because they arise from the lack of clarity to understand and decode the things that appear to us as they are and not as we imagine them. There are two types of ignorance, the first is the one we are born with, that is, we naturally ignore things from our birth and the other is the acquired one that is the one we copy or imitate from the environment that surrounds us and that we validate as true for example When we accept corruption as constructive or harm other beings, it is an ignorant process backed by our culture, society or family.

It is important to clarify that being owners of a large number of titles and conceptual knowledge does not make us wise and does not assure us that we are less ignorant. Wisdom has nothing to do with concepts, it is more instinctive and of course clear, precise and characterized because the people who possess it experience, joy, joy and peace.

Theory is not wisdom

In many cases we find people with Nobel prizes who experience emotional deficiencies, adaptation and understanding of the world around them, so the theory is not wisdom, believing that reading many books makes us wiser is not true at all, Only until we analyze, experience and make that knowledge something applicable, useful and intuitive is that it becomes a process of wisdom.

For example, when we say we love someone deeply and do not wish for their well-being, progress and freedom, it is a good attempt but somewhat ignorant, when we love wisely, as a result of the discernment and deep understanding of the other, we desire their freedom, happiness and peace with or Without us there.

we ignore that we are ignorant

This is how we ignore that we are ignorant, when we claim permanence in a world that changes moment by moment, when we want our loved ones to be immortal, when we believe that people and things are always equal and not subject to circumstances, conditions, habits and emotions. . We actually walk in the opposite direction of wisdom and in the direct direction, without scales to ignorance.

I remind teachers that they are undoubtedly genuinely kind, altruistic, compassionate, patient people and who often say that they contribute some of the little they know in their lectures, many times we think it is false modesty and it is not because they understand that the amount of knowledge It is immeasurable and claiming to be the owner of the ultimate truth is nothing but a great act of arrogance and ignorance.

So, in order to affirm that we have reached the last truth, we must discard all the possibilities that affirm the opposite, but who knows when all the possibilities have been exhausted? Have we tried all over the world without finding differences? Are they approved by all beings as true? Are there arguments that refute our claim? We do not know, it is as if In a very humble way we can know something with certainty and that is that we do not know it nor do we master everything.

wisdom is humility

Let us then be willing to see this world of our experience with humility, open to all kinds of intellectual and intuitive knowledge, analyzing at all times what happens to us, expanding our available space of alternatives, we may not notice in a way conscious but we will become every day and every moment a little wiser and less ignorant of our reality as it is.

AUTHOR: Pilar Vázquez, collaborator of the great family of the White Brotherhood

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