Breaking the Bindings of our Lower Human Ego by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

  • 2010

July 1, 2010 Spanish Translation: Alicia Virelli

In the last messages I have been posing about the opportunity that this summer is presenting to Humanity to free ourselves from the paralyzing claw of our lower human egos. It is impossible for us to understand the magnitude of what this will mean in our lives when this fragmented aspect of our personality is no longer manipulating and controlling us through fear and belief in lack and limitation. Since our fall of Grace eons ago, the vast majority of Humanity has been functioning since the distorted belief that our human egos and our physical bodies are who they are and that the physical plane of the Earth is all that exists. In reality nothing could be beyond the Truth.

We are multidimensional and multifaceted sons and daughters of God and have been invested with the creative faculties of thought and feeling, as well as the gift of free will. The Divine Intent of these gifts is for us to become co-creators with our Father-Mother God learning to create patterns of perfection in the physical world of form, thus manifesting the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. For millennia our human egos have fought with nails and teeth to prevent us from remembering this Truth. Our egos know that once we remember who we are, we will give our God I domain of our Earthly bodies once again. Thus our egos will not be able to manipulate our lives any longer.

Our human egos were formed ago because we made the tragic decision to misqualify our gift of Life through negative thoughts, words, actions and emotions. The dense and discordant frequencies of energy that were created by these negative expressions caused us to fall into such lower vibrations that we lost the conscious wisdom of our God I and the Company of Heaven. We forget that we are incarnated Sons of God on this planet to learn how to co-create the wonders of Heaven on Earth. Without this sacred knowledge we develop a lower consciousness through which we form an alternative perception of reality to try to explain our existence.

This lower consciousness gradually evolved in our human fragmented egos. Our lower egos believe that they are in charge of our lives and that their purpose and reason for existence is to satisfy our physical senses. They also believe that everything they need to enforce this goal is appropriate, even if it means lying, cheating or killing. Our human egos are mutated aspects of our personality that we really believe have the right to do whatever is necessary to maintain control of our lives. To confirm this Truth, think of the infinite number of times you have tried to improve your life by making positive changes and the incredible resistance you have received from your ego.

For example, when you commit to improve your diet, do you not begin to desire anxiously and immediately all that you are not supposed to eat?

When you decide to develop the awareness of prosperity instead of focusing on lack and limitation, do your financial challenges suddenly seem even more overwhelming? When they choose to live in harmony, don't things seem to come to the surface suddenly to confront them and make them angry? And worst of all, think of the interference you received from your ego when you began to wake up and truly remember that you are a Beloved Son of God. How many times after accepting that Truth about themselves his brain chattered and his talk to himself says things like, “Who do you think you're kidding? His life is a mess. Your relationships are a mess and you can hardly pay your bills. How could they perhaps be a Son of God, Beloved and Rounded? ”…… All these things are the attempt of the human ego to block its progress in advance, because his ego knows that once his God I conducts his life, he will not be able to more time being able to manipulate or control them.

During the years the lies and interference from our human egos have trapped us and prevented us from accepting the Truth of who we are and why we are here on Earth. But this is a New Day and the winds of change are upon us. People everywhere are waking up and while doing so they are reconnecting with their God Ies and rising in consciousness. This is creating an unstoppable change of vibration that is affecting every man, woman and child on Earth in a positive way. Step by step the adverse conditions of our fall of Grace are receding and now our Father-Mother God and the entire Company of Heaven are calling us to provide a greater service.

The Beings of Light in the Realms of Enlightened Truth have revealed that through innumerable activities of Light, which were victoriously accomplished through the unified efforts of the entire Company of Heaven and the embodied Lightworkers, Humanity has reached a frequency of vibration that will allow us to shatter the paralyzing claw that our human egos had exerted on our physical bodies and our hearts and minds since our fall from Grace. The wheels for this wonderful Divine Plan that is unveiled have been set in motion and we are now in the middle of the final stages of preparation.

On June 21 we experienced a very powerful Solstice in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres of the Earth. The energy coming from this influx of Light built the momentum paving the way for a powerful Lunar Eclipse of the Full Moon, which took place on June 26. This celestial event included not only the Lunar Eclipse that always creates a great amplification of Divine Light but also a very exceptional alignment of seven planets in a Great Cross formation. There are literally hundreds of reports circulating on the Internet of spiritual astrologers that tell us about the powerful opportunities we are experiencing this summer. In fact I have been reading about the astrological impact of the Solar and Lunar Eclipses and the planetary alignments that will take place during the summer of 2010 for several years. It is not by chance that this powerful moment is preceding the activity of Light that will help Humanity shatter the bonds of our human egos once and for all.

I know this seems amazing but we were always in continuous motion to reach this moment through the process of our Ascension into the Realms of Light of the 5th. Dimension. We simply did not know when this magical opportunity would come. Well now we know. This is the moment!

Everything is composed of energy, vibration and consciousness and our human egos vibrate at a very dense vibration frequency. During the last years the God I of Humanity have been accelerating the frequency of vibration in our physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies the maximum that the Cosmic Law allowed in each 24-hour period. When at a cellular atomic level our Earthly bodies reach a frequency that is beyond the domain of our egos, the bonds will be broken and our egos will not be able to control us by m s time the way they have done in the past.

Shattering the bonds of the paralyzing claw that our human egos have exerted on us during times of life is the next vitally important stage of the Divine Plan that is unveiled. An activity of light that involves the God I of all Humanity and the entire Company of Heaven is now on its way. Please take a step back, take a deep breath and release any interference that your human ego may be using to try to prevent you from understanding the magnitude of the opportunity at your fingertips. Allow the Divinity within your heart to expand and expand as you read these words with an open heart and mind. Miracles are happening and we are receiving more help from the Company of Heaven than ever before.

The two weeks between the Lunar Eclipse and the planetary alignment of the Great Cross on June 26 and the Solar Eclipse that will take place on July 11, will be a very intense time of purification., release and cleaning. This will be true for each of us individually and for all of Humanity collectively. Our God I will guide us through any experience we personally need to help us raise our vibrations beyond the control of our human egos. Listen to your heart and pay close attention to your internal warnings. Is your God I guiding you to improve your diet, your relationships, your attitude, your mental state, your thoughts and emotions or anything else that helps you raise your vibrations? If so, please respond to that guide and take the steps that your ego has been trying to prevent you from taking. You know exactly what I mean by this.

The activity of Light destined to help all Humanity to raise our vibrations above the oppressive claw of our human egos will take place this summer. This event will include the unified efforts of the God I of each man, woman and child on Earth and the entire Company of Heaven. From August 14 to 19, 2010, during the anniversary of the first Harmonic Convergence that took place on August 15-18, 1987, Lightworkers around the world will meet within the Washington force field, D. C, in the United States. Together, we will form a powerful Light transformer through which the Light of God will be shed to open the 5th Freedom Portal. Dimension, Divine Justice, Emancipation, Victory and the Violet Flame of the Infinite Perfection of God. Our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven have revealed that the infinite power of these Divine Qualities is the key to raising the energy, vibration and awareness of physical bodies, et Human, mental and emotional enough of Humanity effectively enough to blow up the bonds that our human egos have used to manipulate and control us for eons of time.

This unprecedented activity of Divine Grace and Mercy will arise through the I God of each person on the planet in perfect alignment with his Divine Plan and for the greater good of all involved. It is impossible that we truly understand the magnitude of what it will mean for us to be free from the manipulation of our egos, but our lives will be transformed. Instead of feeling like we are always walking towards our goals through winds full of tar and strong winds blowing in our faces, we will be empowered by our God I and the Divine Intervention of the Celestial Realms. The patterns of perfection for our individual lives and our collective lives will manifest much more rapidly and together we will co-create the New Earth in tangible form.

Through this activity of Light, we are ALL being called to a superior service. This is a joint effort between Heaven and Earth. Those of us who have the call of the heart to participate need to listen to our inner guidance and respond accordingly. Our Light and Love are a critical factor in the success of this facet of the Divine Mission. Do not allow your human ego to deny the inner wisdom that is emerging to the surface in your heart of hearts.

The vehicle that will be used to gather the Lightworkers inside the Freedom Portal of the 5th. Dimension, Emancipation, Divine Justice and the Violet Flame of God's Infinite Perfection is the 24th. Annual World Lighting Congress. This event will be held from August 14 to 19, 2010, at the Marriott Crystal Gateway Hotel in Arlington, Virginia, United States.

Ask your God I what is your role in this Divine Plan. Listen to your heart and you WILL KNOW. If you have the call of the heart to travel to Arlington, Virginia, which is the area of ​​Washington, DC to serve Humanity and all Life in this way, ask for assistance. The gates of Heaven will open to pave the way for you to attend this activity of Light. If you need assistance over time, energy, or money be open, be receptive and trust.

Many people will have the call of the heart to serve as the Hands of God on behalf of ALL Humanity. They will travel to Arlington, Virginia, to be part of the powerful transformer through which the Light of God will flow to open the portal of Freedom, Emancipation, Divine Justice, Victory and the Violet Flame of God's Infinite Perfection. If they do not have the call of the heart to be physically present in Washington, DC, there will be other ways in which they can participate.

Some Lightworkers will be inspired to travel to various sacred sites to anchor these patterns in the Mother Earth's Crystal Grid System. Others will gather in groups at their own locations to weave their Light into this unified activity of Light. And still others will join in consciousness from the solitude of their own sanctuaries.

All these ways of participating are vital to the success of this Divine Mission. The important thing is that you truly listen to your heart and respond according to YOUR particular facet of this Divine Plan. No matter where you are led to be, know that we are ALL One. Precious Being, your Light and Love are needed NOW!

For the information they will need to participate in the 24th. Annual World Congress on Lighting, please go to our website: or call us at 520-885-7909

Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

FAX: 520-751-2981;

Phone: 520-885-7909

New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose

PO Box 41883,

Tucson, Arizona 85717

This month's information has been given to Humanity by the Beings of Light in The Illuminated Realms of Truth. The Divine Attempt of this information is to encourage, empower, elevate and inspire all of us to be able to see the whole picture, during these wonderful times, but extremely challenging. This article is copyrighted, but you have permission to share it by any means provided that the corresponding credits are included.

© 2010 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

Spanish translation sharing the light,

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