Bach flowers for animals

  • 2013

Agrimony (Agrimony): For animals that divert their attention to a conflict. They become "funny" when challenged. It also works for very boring animals. When he sees you bad he will always try to rejoice you. Aspen (Alamo) : For animals with anxiety, nervous and especially fearful of new circumstances, fear for no apparent reason, highly recommended for hypersensitive cats. For animals in the face of storms, earthquakes, thunderous noises and visions in other planes. They often wear their tails between their legs and are too submissive. It can help the dog that has been severely disciplined in the past. Beech (Beech): Intolerance, rigidity, demanding, cases in which the old or adult cat does not accept a new member as a baby or other pet. They become more tolerant. Centaury (Centaurea): For passive, submissive, antisocial animals, which confine the owner. Cerato (Ceratostigma): For animals that need to be given orders more than twice. Doubt at the order of the owner. Chicory (Chicory): For possessive or dominant animals with one or more of their owners, ask for a lot of love and pampering, demonstrations of affection, they are continually at your feet. on or lying on their owners, "stick". They can get jealous. This remedy is useful for those very spoiled pets and is also recommended when we want to introduce a second pet. Ideal for the dog that follows the owner all the time and is always lying at his feet, contracting extremely when left alone. Clematis (Clematis): For lethargic animals, apathetic, who seem to be absent or confused, bored, do not react to talk to them. Dogs sometimes need Clematis when they must remain inside the home because of bad weather, when they expect a loved one to return home, etc. If they are sleepy, but not really asleep . It is also useful after surgery to help them get up from anesthesia. It can be used in combination with Rescue Remedy at the time puppies are born to help them get up and breathe. Chestnut Bud : It is ideal for an emotional complement during training. It softens the process that the puppy performs to distinguish the right from the wrong (for example, the difference between the bone and the shoe of the owner). It must be used in combination with a non-aggressive animal teaching system. Cherry-Plum (Cherry tree): For animals that lose control of their emotions ("pee of joy", releases from the chain and attacks) Crab Apple (Wild Apple): For cats that compulsively groom themselves. Animals that go from very clean to very dirty. They hurt themselves, biting a leg or tail many times out of boredom. They always go to extremes. They have chronic constipation or poor appearance in general due to some disease. It is also recommended for obese animals. Elm (Elmo): For working animals, exhausted by doing their homework. It works very well in female dogs or cats during multiple births. Gentian (Field Gentian): For discouraged, dejected, depressed animals as a result of illness or for someone else's cause. Very used in post operative recovery processes. Gorse (Gorse): Desperate, completely demotivated, weakened, defeated. It is used in more severe cases than those recommended with Gentian and in animals with terminal diseases. Heather (Heather) : For cases where the animal asks for attention, they bark for nothing, break things, plants, clothes etc., they jump continuously, very restless. Holly (Holly): For angry animals that attempt to attack (or indeed do) without prior provocation. They bite other animals, they don't allow anyone to approach their owner, even family members. They urinate everywhere. It is essential to remember that any important change in personality must always be checked with the veterinarian. In addition, Holly can be positive in the treatment of aggressive behaviors often combined with abuse or past trauma. Star of Bethlehem can be used in combination with Holly obtaining excellent results. Honeysuckle (Honeysuckle) : Nostalgic, unmotivated, those cats that have suffered a significant loss as an old companion. For the dog whose most important person has been permanently removed from his life. It can be used in conjunction with Star of Bethlehem, especially if the loved one has died. Also when the animal misses his home and spends some time in another house or pensioner on vacation, when he is left alone for a prolonged period. Hornbeam (Hojaranzo or Carpe) : Obese, sedentary cats, with problems recovering after illness or with mental fatigue. For physical rehabilitations. Impatiens (Impatience): Impatience, irritability, lack of rest, startled. It is also recommended during the introduction of a new cat at home. For very eater animals, they even have tremors before eating or while food is being served. When you take them out for a walk they see the leash and go crazy. They create a rhythm to go for a walk or to the balcony regardless of weather or personal conditions of their owners. Larch (Larch): Inferiority complex, lack of willingness to learn or be trained. This remedy can be used for sandbox training, especially when they refuse to use it, even when they already did. Also for work animals, jumping horses that refuse to jump when they are on the track out of fear, pets that show up in contests and refuse to do their show for fright. Mimulus (Mimulo): When they hide or avoid being with people. They are afraid of the unknown as a new home, new people, loud noises, thunder, vacuum cleaners, trips to the vet, or visits by small children. If fear is transformed into terror, it can be used with Rock Rose or Rescue Remedy. Mustard (Wild Mustard): They present sadness or depression without known cause. Associated with a hormonal issue. Castration. Oak (Oak): For work animals or trained for some situation. Olive (Olive): For animals that are totally exhausted, sick or traumatized. For use in post-operative, after great efforts such as greyhounds, racing horses, exhibition animals. This flower can give a measure of strength and relief to seriously ill animals when used in combination with Star of Bethlehem. Pine (Pine): they do things on their own or others' fault but they always take charge. Submissive Red Chestnut (Red Casta o): They get nervous when they see that in their home there are different movements to the daily routine, when seeing bags, moving etc. They usually lie in the same place always with a sad face, in the case of bitches or cats that see their litter at the slightest noise. Rock Rose (Heliantem) : Special for animals that are paralyzed, with eyes wide open and staring or running away to any side, taking everything on, very common in dogs in order to year with the roar of fireworks. Rock Water: Of great help in front of changes of feeding or when they reject a new food. For animals conditioned to routines. Scleranthus (Scleranto) : Animals that change mood, are fickle, that can go from being hungry to losing their appetite, or from tenderness to anger, when they leave they want to enter and vice versa. Restless from one place to another. It can be useful for relieving decompositions caused by car trips, neurological disorders, seizures, especially when combined with Rescue Remedy. Star of Bethlehem (Star of Belénno Leche de Gallina): Unhappiness, grief or pain after a traumatic event such as the death of a family member, an accident, shock, stress, life experiences Past and present habits. This remedy is good for cases of emotional shock aggression. It is used in dogs that howl when they are alone. Sweet Chestnut (Sweet Chestnut): For cases of loss of the owner. Vervain (Verbena): For very enthusiastic animals, unable to relax, nervous. Ideal for dogs that are constantly and inevitably jumping and barking. Always keeping in mind that the degree of enthusiasm is related to the different species, this flower can help calm your dog's nerves when they are excessive. Vine (Vine): Dominant with one or more animals from their environment, aggressive, tyrants. An intimidator Walnut (Walnut): For problems of adaptation, change of house, travel, change of customs (arrival of a baby, birth of his first litter) Water violet: This flower is ideal for behaviors in cats that are kept isolated or not involved with the family, who prefer to remain alone and / or hide during their illnesses. Very useful for indifferent dogs, self sufficient, intelligent but lonely. It is good when the animal was socialized relatively late, such as when we adopt an adult street cat or dog. It can often represent an excellent option for dogs crossed with wolves or coyotes, or who have maroon ancestors. White Chestnut: For cases in dogs that run the tail. Obsessive with something. Wild Oat: Ideal for lost, disoriented animals. Wild Rose (Wild Rose or Rosehip) : Chronic diseases. Completely passive, without spark. They always seem bored and do not interact with their owners. There is no way to stimulate them, they live without interest in life, they don't eat, they don't drink. (Gerontes) Willow (Willow): spiteful animals that are offended and do not approach the owners throughout the day. Dosage for cats and / or dogs Four drops can be given, four times a day directly on the tongue (it is very important to avoid contaminating the dropper with the animal's saliva, so it should not come into contact with its tongue or food), trying not to cause stress to the animal, this mainly take it into account, in the case of dogs it is much easier than in cats. Another way to supply the drops and particularly is the one that I use and advise the most, is to place the drops in the water the pet drinks, mixing ten (10) drops of the solution of the essence with the water. Keep in mind that every time the pet's water is changed you must place the 10 drops again ... If you have many animals but the drops are for one or two in particular, there is no problem that the other animals that take from the same drinking fountain consume, remember that the drops are to balance emotions, therefore they do no harm for those who have their harmonic and stable emotions. On the use and application of Rescue Remedy - Rescue Remedy This combination of essences is very effective in combating stress and acute trauma (Clematis, Rock Rose, Impatiens, Cherry Plums, Star of Bethleheim). It is appropriate for any type of accident, illness or injury that your pet could experience. Do not stop going to the veterinarian for serious cases, regardless of the use of flowers. The Rescue Remedy can also be used in cases of pregnancy or lactation, in exhibitions and competitions of cats and / or dogs, trips by boat or plane, during a long absence of homeowners, before and after a surgical intervention or Each time your cat seems to be experiencing the effects of unusual tension. The Rescue Remedy is a great ally that we must always have at home in the face of the extreme situations that may arise and that unfortunately none of us is exempt from them. But remember also, that you are not a professional or a good floral therapist if Rescue Remedy is recommended for all pathologies, it is a great ally, like having the famous “aspirin” at home that we use for everything… but it is necessary to make a consultation, know the environment of the animal and perform the appropriate floral combination to modify the behavior and achieve the desired balance. Dosage for Rescue Remedy Give four drops, four times a day directly on the tongue (it is very important to avoid contaminating the dropper with the animal's saliva, so it should not come into contact with its tongue or food), trying not to cause stress to the animal, or it can also be administered in the water the pet drinks, mixing ten drops of the solution of the essence with the water, each time the pet's water is changed. For acute cases, in the first hour, give 10 drops every 10 minutes. In the second hour, every 20 minutes and then every hour, for a period of two days (48.), This facilitates the impregnation to give effectiveness to the treatment. Then we proceed to usual shots.

Bach flowers for animals

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