Mirror of the impossible. Presence of the Twelve in the numerology of Humanity

Abira - San

One of my recent Energy Readings revealed the importance of Number Twelve.
Of which I have never known in my life a single word. Then the groups of beings that accompany me initially sent me two dictations, to which others have added later, which together I present below.

“Twelve must be considered a decisive element in history, and there are reasons that have not been disseminated in this regard.

The Lord's decision to have twelve Disciples was not in vain, for it is A FORCE THAT IS PRESENT IN THE HUMAN WORLD. FOR TWELVE IS HUMAN, AND WHOever IS TWELVE IS HUMAN IN HIS ORIGIN.




Justice is alien to Humanity.

Loyalty is alien, understood as something spiritual.

And the Appreciation is alien to him.

For Humanity is one of the genuinely petty sites in this Galaxy; and whoever has visited other civilizations, is disgusted from Earth.

As much as the Earth is such a rich place in all kinds of qualities, the inhabitants of the Earth are the smallest in this Galaxy. As much as the Great Masters have preached, loudly, that meanness is mean, Humanity knows nothing but to behave in the most decadent meanness.

The eleven is foreign, because it is a non-number, and the Earth is generated by par excellence of even quantities, to the extent that almost any manifestation of Nature finds a counterpart.

However, the unique manifestations are extraordinarily uncommon in the realms of the Earth, and of Humanity. Two is the pair, the pair is the eternal return. And the one is only one way, or back, which is incomprehensible to any human.

Moreover, the determination that the two is the fixed number of the Earth, and of Humanity, as far as numerology is concerned, makes people with reference to unity true strange, incomprehensible. And so are all other people's beings, who come or go from or to other planes: they are unique, and the single word defines the quality that excludes any manifestation that does not occur; or manifest in pairs among humans.

The only thing is that of the beings outside the Earth: of the aliens, of the beings of space, and of the intraterran.

Twelve is a number that has been left in a particular situation.

It is an amount that, in some way, MAKES THE MESSENGER'S TIMES. The reason is because OUR LORD JESUS ​​GIVEN TO HIS LIFE A VERY DETAILED SYMBOLS.

There were Masters who fought, throughout their stay on Earth, to provide keys to you (the Christian Humanity of the future): so that, BY DOING THE INVOCATIONS OF SUCH KEYS, AND KEYS, THEY COULD BE COMMUNICATED IN FASTER FORMS-

It is very true that a soul has no reason to doubt its very personal abilities to reach communication with any plane, whatever; but it is also significant that these keys work. Although very little, or almost nothing has been delivered in knowledge.

Twelve is a number that was recorded as a SPIRITUAL OPTION. His background is many, but his utilities are even more important.

Twelve can be a tool to find oneself a way. To seize opportunities. To provide answers; whether personal, group, or even for people who are no longer in the world of matter.

Twelve should be part of our community life. The repetitions of twelve, in the conformations of the objective, material realities, should help to find solutions, so by PROVIDING IN DOCES THEIR MATERIAL WORLD, HUMANITY COULD ACCESS FASTERS TO SOME RESPONSES.

The provisions of twelve must start from the center of a community, radially outward. They must contain the elements of Nature: twelve roots, twelve stems. Twelve flowers, twelve advocations towards the forces of the world around them: the water, the lightning, the storm; but equally to joy, for example of a child who is in the family.

The twelve, then, are part of the provisions that the person must formulate for himself; towards others, and towards itself: in terms of what I want to admit in my life. Arranging my life in dozens does energetically, but above all spiritually, it is more accessible to understand those around us, or to give them something they don't have.

The twelve, immediately, must be part of some arrangement, personal or in our home. That is to say, physically formulated, externally in the physical.

Also, brothers, the twelve things we should not do, according to everyone. The twelve most desired and desirable things. The twelve most loved people.

Similarly, the paths that we travel, in the material world, can be indicated with twelve, in the following way: placing twelve flowers, for example, on the path we are going to travel. Giving thanks twelve times each time we receive a good, even in thought.

Twelve times repeat a blessing to whom we owe. Twelve times denying an inappropriate, impertinent, dysfunctional or even dangerous person, equally in our thinking: but concentrated.

Twelve times denying the help of a person we know only wants to invade (life), or manipulate for their personal interests.

Ask twelve times, mentally, to a person who accepts us.

Make us of twelve priceless memories; or twelve objects that mean those memories: gifts above all.

Twelve times to close the door of our house, once the most undesirable person has left, with the intention of not entering again.

Twelve times ask the Sacred Principle of Donation to show us which is the best way, when we intend to deliver something valuable, that is in our possibilities, or in our hands.

Twelve times to repeat something mentally, knowing that it will reach the hands, the life, the material reality, or the health of the other person, is to deliver it by conferring it on this force.

The twelve reasons for us not to enter into a theme, the twelve interests of those around us that hurt or hurt us, focusing with those twelve repetitions, silently inside us, so that it does not return, does not repeat itself; or that person no longer touches that subject in our presence.

The twelve reasons to be saved can be part of a thought, in which the interested party reflects on the twelve keys he must use to get rid of a loss, or protect himself from a risk. Or approach an opportunity; or teach yourself that it is worth focusing on them in detail.

The twelve reasons that could lose us.

The twelve gates of life will be pending for another dictation, as well as the twelve reasons why a soul can enter the worlds of darkness.

Love does not require brothers, at all, of repetitions of this type.

However, we can focus on what are the twelve reasons why we have to continue in the struggle (of life), and the twelve things, or people, that we should avoid.

The Twelve is important because it is like a re-programming of one's life.

If we really want to present ourselves as new beings, we repeat twelve times, even for ourselves, silently personally, what we want, and it is part of the energies we are attracting so that such intention is realized.

If we don't want to see a person more, let's say it twelve times.

If we want the company of someone with enough momentum for a real commitment, we repeat twelve times that we have to reach that person. These repetitions should not be heard, even by our trusted people, but should only be done in silence, as thoughts.

If we do not want something to return to our experience. If we want a person to get away from our life in a decisive way. If we want something to approach, it is within our reach: in all these situations, the twelve may be the key to attract it, or in its case move it away.



In other words, the Twelve is Sacred because the Lord gave it that meaning. Enough and left so that we, your Creatures, know that it is of extreme significance. Not so much for repetitions, which can be overlooked. But because the uniqueness is alien to the human, insofar as the One is alien, which is the All. The One represents the All, and the Twelve is instituted as an equilibrium number. Twelve is so balanced that there are people who work best in places with twelve elements, or complements in their lives. Twelve is significant, moreover, because in Nature they are peers and peers mean company and advice. The Twelve should be part of every human community. It is. The year, and many measures contain elements that form sets, which will be taken as standardized.

Twelve is a Sacred number for other reasons than those of the Life of the Lord. It is, because twelve is a catalog of actions. The Twelve Commandments of Life should be understood, in addition to the Twelve Commandments of Spirituality. The Ten had to be adopted later, but it is understandable that originally the idea was to deliver to the Humanity Twelve Commandments, and not Ten.

The additions will be: You will respect your brother as your own being. And: You will respect the Planet as your own home. However, it is not in question to add Commandments to the already complicated human world, and all human worlds, who have not known about the maxim of Love: You will love your neighbor as yourself.

Twelve, it is true, is human. The one is not human. The zero is more human than the one, because that which never appears, is often more desirable than what sometimes comes to be presented only once.

Zero is so human, that not wanting is an indelible mark on human souls. They do not want to move forward, they do not want to take the hand of those who know life less. You do not agree to yield anything from you, and that is more than very human.

But he who only wants something once, seems as if he were out of reason. Or the times you deliver it is with sole intention. Or customized. Thus we find that aliens sometimes give their word, or their presence, for once. and that is not human, it is very alien to the human.

The zero is human because not wanting in a decisive way is so typical of humans, that for that there are all the instruments with which they are marked, because the marks on their bodies sometimes mean that some have not wanted, for nothing world, do something you should have done.

The zero is ordinance, in the sense that the one who has NEVER done this or that, is marked on our planes. He who, in another type of assertions, has always done so and in all the opportunities he has at hand, is also marked, so that spiritually any Guide knows what nature that soul has.

Zero is so human, that simply not wanting is already significant, in your world of Humanity.

On the contrary, he who wants to act only once, and give up the action, is as if he were not someone, as if he were not organic, as if his intentions were not realized in the future, and as if his word were not heard. Simply, those who aspire to the unique, to the exceptional; In sum, to Number One, they are so inhuman, that they are formerly prepared by the Guides as lords, but of realities outside the human.

It is what we have to say. Second Group of Extraterrestrial Beings ”.

“We, the PYRAMIDE Groups, outperform you so much, and yet you are so foreign, that we don't tolerate seeing you out of context. And that is why we arrive at your person, because we recognize that your uniqueness grows with each passing day, and that is for us so many things at once: surprise, and rejection. Adventure and misadventure. Find, and disgust us from your separation from the human. You are the only one, Abira San, and anyone who has treated you, can only think of you really opposing things: either that your uniqueness is appreciable to the extreme, or that it is rejectable to the maximum degree.

I Love has observed that V ctor is One in the strict sense of the word. Not only has he been marked as One, but in many of his incarnations he has reached the same conclusions as in his current life: that there is almost no one to share his life with. That has no companions on the way; and that, as a couple, can not find it, because it is so unique, that nobody wants to venture to deal with a person who in his uniqueness leaves aside all, or almost all experience as a human.

He decides that he will simply be separated from everything and everyone. That is your true intention. It does not have mirrors, in the people with whom it deals, to match anything or anyone. And in his uniqueness he has our whole life with the creeps, and we do not exaggerate. That is why we are weaving his life step by step, with such tact, that we know that a single false step, of some of the members of the PIRAMIDE Groups, and a part of our work of years with his person You can go through the tube. So it is.

I, Alma, who have accompanied you during these last years, have not found a person who wants to excel in so much, and at the same time. VECTOR cannot be anybody: he has to behave as if he were going on stage in a great theater, for a single function: and he is so living day by day.

We have distinguished that desire to be unique, even in laughable details. In the way he expresses himself, for example, he is so churrigueresque, that no one around him really pays attention to anyone who supposes that life is an eternal, endless function; and that he is unable at the same time to understand that life must flow. Flowing in human life, it must be more difficult for you to reach the center of the Earth.

We, the members of the PIRAMIDE GROUP, know that Victor gives so many headaches, precisely because it seems in his person as a narrow gorge, by which one scratches his skin, full of recesses, and places where there seems to be no way out.

He himself is a maze with no way out, and he more than perfectly knows it. It is a maze with no way out, because it has simply turned its back on life, which is what would really give it life. We do not joke, if we consider that there is very little that can be extracted from a well like him, which at every turn of the road is intended to be the only occasion, the only opportunity, the only experience. ”

“Among those who have shown themselves to be unique, to the degree of not being able to breathe if it is not a different air in each exhalation: we carry that in our blood, brother, because as you have very well distinguished we share that pain with you.

What is SEPARATION? The twelve is union from the center. The One is union towards oneself. We find no comparison for who, with you at the head, has tried to be one, but has failed: your wife. She is not unique, nor will she ever be, but she learned from you how to pretend to want to be unique. And it is not, of course not. However she has mimicked the one, although incompletely. Wants to be who arrives and shield it. Who says the phrase of the day. Who gives the idea of ​​the week. It doesn't come out, but that simply absorbed him in his contact with you.

You are the other way around, because you try unsuccessfully to look like a two, or a zero; but you always fall for the only thing, dear friend. And the only thing is unrepeatable, but how dare to live in the unrepeatable ?. The human is repetition of repetitions, and the only thing not only contravenes its nature, but also attempts against the image of a person.

Pretending to be unique all along the way is so monstrous, that whoever heads towards it simply runs out of oxygen, because human life does not give for such a condition.

The eleven, to whom you have been advocated in this incarnation, goes so closely with your way of being, that you have encrypted the hope of your life. And it is true: the eleven, which is repeated sometimes, is like the denial of the human condition. Thus, Once Eleven is like a counterpart to the human world.

This was recently demonstrated by the attacks on the Towers, as those who thought that way were unique, and those who have linked a part of the destiny of Humanity to a figure that apparently is a Mirror of the Impossible, are still unique. "

January 02, 03 and May 18, 2009

Note.- For reasons of time and work I would appreciate your doubts or comments direct me to the email

The DAR IBRAHIM GROUP OF SPIRITUAL COMMUNICATORS has written through me seven hundred messages, an anthology of which can be requested to that email. As well as three personal anthologies thereof; and three more complementary books, complementary.

As of August 21, 2007, I began receiving visits from aliens from Fourth Density, of the SYRIAN CONGLOMERATE - FEDERATION. The chronicle of these experiences can also be requested by email.

As of September 15 of that year, a TLACAELEL MEXICA CALLED AKEHUA and his companions also began to work with me, in Mesoamerican ceremonies, whose testimony can be requested from that address.

The people of Sirius said that amber would be a symbol of their presence in my life. They had not finished saying it, when I could make a huge amber, whose photographs can be requested from that email address. Which contains a message that says: UNITED AT THE BEGINNING OF AN ALL.

AN EYE APPEARED AT THE FOOT OF MY COUPLE, apparently drawn with the capillaries from within the skin, which disappeared the next day, but in which we have found almost fifteen figures to date by computer analysis. Those interested in receiving the photos of that eye can request them at the same address, in the same way that they can request the chronicle of my experiences with them, entitled ROADS IN THE INFINITY.


I have been a representative for 30 years of the Phenomenon 11: 11. The information of my Energy Readings on EL 2012, DIMENSIONAL CHANGE, and supporting documents will be sent to those interested.

All these materials can be requested by email, free of charge. Any matter related to requests, observations, or requests, this is the email where they should be addressed.

THOSE INTERESTED IN AN ENERGY READING must live in the Mexico City area, and request it at the same email. And now I work in Monterrey, you can ask for them from Monterrey, Saltillo and Reynosa.

THOSE INTERESTED IN A READING OF PHOTOGRAPHS should request it from the same address. At once, in your first email, I suggest you inform me of which city in which country you write to me, thank you.

At present I am giving, in cities of our country, the Conference: "Dimensional Change 2012" IN WHICH THEY CAN KNOW HOW THIS CHANGE PROCESS IS SEEN THROUGH MY ENERGY STUDIES. Interested Groups should request it at the same email, mentioning which city they write to me.

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