Teach Your Parents ~ Pamela Kribbe channels Jeshua

  • 2013

Dear friends, I am Jeshua.

I am here with you. I am not visible to your physical eyes because I come to you from an inner space, directly from the heart. Feel my presence.

I greet all of you, individually. Feel my energy moving in this room. Feel my hug while I receive yours. We are friends, we are like roots of the same tree. Our common goal is to take root deep within this Earth to create a strong and beautiful tree that will give shade and shelter to others.

I celebrate this day with you, and in doing this feel my heart with joy. We are family, a spiritual family that transcends ages and does not depend on time and space. You can always tune into our common source, our common roots, when you need to, because I know and I see that life on Earth can be lonely for you. But I see your courage too, and I love them deeply for that.

I am here as a friend and brother, not as a teacher. I don't want to be that teacher anymore, because now is the time for you to stand up and be a teacher for yourself. This is your mission in this life. I know that this mission at times brings you pain and loneliness, but when you do it, when you become a teacher in this new era, it will give you deep satisfaction and will really make your journey on Earth complete. You yourselves will be like a great tree, rooted on Earth and reaching Heaven.

You will see that in this image of the tree you stand alone, because being such a large tree you need a lot of space. This is something that you have to learn to accept in this life: that you are here on Earth to help bring new energy, and because of that you will often march out of rhythm with society. You are creating new paths, so you need to create space for your own tree to grow. And you will all find friction and resistance in fulfilling your mission.

Let's go to your childhood. Feel again the beauty and purity of your soul as you enter this life. Your soul merged with a new body. He jumped into darkness and the unknown. You have to understand that your soul is not a perfect and finished being. With each jump into a new life she takes risks. Your soul is an open and dynamic reality; In every life he wants to explore new territories. And the birth of every new child is that miracle manifesting.

When we speak in broader terms, a child always brings a new energy to humanity. It is not just that the individual soul wants to explore new territories, the soul also wants to bring its unique energy to human society. But because each child holds something new within himself, he will not be fully understood by his parents or family. Instinctively, parents will try to make the child adapt to their own worldview.

Being parents often gives them a sense of responsibility mixed with fear and worry. When people have children their own psychological survival mechanism often comes to the surface. In a sense, their darkest parts, as I mean their most unconscious parts, surface as they raise their children. They do it unconsciously - they don't do it on purpose. Parents often force their children to enter a structure that they feel is correct and safe, and the child may get lost within this structure. However, somewhere deep inside, the child remembers: "This is not me." But before the child can understand the full meaning of this memory, he has to release the structure of the parents in order to get rid of it, and during this process the child will experience deep emotions of alienation, loneliness and despair.

In some sense this is the destiny of every human child. Therefore I ask you to deeply respect the leap that your soul has taken within this life. Your soul was aware of the risk that this implied, of the risk of becoming emotionally lost and away from its soul. When you look at the child you can see an innocent and playful being, but be aware of the deep and sometimes annoying journey you are going through. You yourselves have been a child and now I ask you to connect with the child who is still alive within you.

I ask you to connect with yourself when you were about twelve years old and about to be a teenager and an independent being. Just allow the image of your inner child to come to you, and you don't have to remember exactly what was happening at that time. The child you are now feeling and seeing is no longer new and innocent. He has absorbed his family's emotions and fears, as well as the family's ambitions. Now try to feel or see how this has affected you as a child. Symbolically you can see it as a kind of backpack that the child carries on his back, so feel the energy weight of this backpack.

To release this backpack, one of the greatest difficulties experienced by a growing child is that he loves his parents and feels a deep loyalty to them. Every child wants to be a healer of their parents. Therefore he will tend to carry his burdens for them. Embrace this child and tell him that he can now release this load, this backpack. Much of the heavy energy carried by the child is not the child's own energy; The backpack is full of fear, anxiety, worry and negativity arising from the family's energy. The most important thing for this child, and for you, is to realize that it is by releasing this backpack that you become the true teachers and healers of your family or of your parents. Then you get rid of the limiting structures that still have a grip on them, and so you teach them, through the example, how to get rid of those structures.

To do this we must distinguish between true and false loyalty. False loyalty occurs when they act from guilt, shame or fear. They have to remember that your family wants to retain them within their circle of influence. There is an unconscious, instinctive need to do this because your parents need you to be one of them. There is a kind of possessiveness in fatherhood, which is often born of fear, which engenders a false sense of loyalty on the part of the child. You have to free yourself from this kind of loyalty, and when you do then you can develop a true sense of loyalty to your parents and your family from the soul level.

True loyalty means that you free yourself from the limiting structures of your family's mentality. Often these limiting structures come from many generations, and disconnecting from those structures requires a lot of courage and mental clarity. Please keep in mind that you do not disconnect from them when they are angry and upset with your family. It is okay to be angry and upset temporarily, but you have to understand that when you are in such an emotional state you have not yet gotten rid of the energy of your birth family. They will only be free if they are able to fully embrace themselves as an independent being and to look at your birth family from the soul level. If you rise to the soul level and come with the eyes of compassion, you will let go of anger and fear and gain emotional distance from your birth family. Paradoxically, the space they open then allows them to love them in a much more detached way even truly loyal.

I would like to emphasize that loving from the soul is not emotional love. When you arrive from the soul level, you can realize that there is a distance between you and your birth family that is not easily bridged. But that doesn't bother them anymore, and they accept it, because they're really letting go. They can honor and respect your biological parents and yet keep very clear limits on them. This is the path that many of you lightworkers need to take.

Now I invite you to look at the twelve-year-old boy inside you when he has dropped the backpack. When the backpack is gone, how do you feel, being this young person? Do you feel relief or a sense of joy? You are returning to Home in yourselves.

I invite you, being this twelve year old boy, to see a guide coming to you. The approaching guide is greater than you and is taking you by the hand. The guide represents for you a spiritual father and his energy is very different from the limiting structures of your birth family.

Feel like this guide welcomes you. This guide recognizes the new energy within you that you want to bring to Earth. This guide wants to invite you to express your soul energy. Feel the energy and support of this guide, who is part of your spiritual family, your soul family. This guide is encouraging you to do something specific with your life. What do you want to express and experience right now? Your unique soul energy is necessary here on Earth. Each new generation intends to bring a new kind of consciousness.

I want to end by saying a few words about the younger generations that are now on Earth. You are now seeing a new generation of children who are much more with one foot inside the new energy of the heart on Earth. They are often born with parents who are aware, but these parents may not yet know how to handle the new energy and sensitivity of these children, who do not fit into the remains of the old structures. You are the ones who have opened and knocked down the old structures, but the new children are often not completely outside these structures and this creates problems in traditional areas, such as school and work.

The most important advice I would like to give parents in this era is to listen to the soul of their children. You might notice that they behave strangely or that they are not well adapted in highly structured environments; They are often self-aware and intuitive and know what they want even if they cannot express it in words. Look beyond your strange or "bad" behavior and connect with them at the soul level, where you are equal, and where they can be your teacher instead of your student. In their minds and hearts they carry a flame of light, a new kind of energy, and they need your help to be able to channel their energy to human society. They need you to help them express and manifest their unique energy on Earth in new and flexible ways. The true meaning of fatherhood is to preserve from tradition what is good and wise and at the same time be totally open to something new, as well as being open to the wisdom of your children's soul. They can be spiritually ahead of you.

© Pamela Kribbe - www.jeshua.net

Website in Spanish: www.jeshua.net/esp

English translation: Sandra V. Gusella - www.humanitylight.com/blog

Channeled illustration: Carmen Nicola - www.creandodesdeelser.com.ar

Teach Your Parents ~ Pamela Kribbe channels Jeshua

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