The Vortex of Archangel Michael in Banff - Metatron

  • 2016
Table of contents hide 1 The Archangel Michael - The Vortex of Michael 2 The healing power of the hot springs with radio 3 Chateau Lake Louise - A truly amazing jewel 4 The energy concentrated in the geological walls 5 The sacred sacred dragons and the elemental 6 Close 7 And it is so, and so it is.

The amazing beauty and magnificence of Miguel Vortex

Greetings, Masters! I am Metatron, Angel of Light! Tyberonn of the Crystalline Service joins me, and I greet you in an unconditional love vector. And then we will talk about the exclusive vibratory frequency and the amazing visual grandeur of Miguel Vortex Portal in Banff.

However, there are many unique and unrecognized aspects in the Banff region and its truly spectacular mountains, rivers, valleys and national parks in this unique sector of Western Canada, due to its gravitational anomalies, its tectonics, its electromagnetic balance., its mineralogy and its location of latitude and longitude, as well as benevolent plasmic fields that allow a more tangible interface with the divine kingdoms.

The sacred lake that you know as Lake Louise, Lake Moraine, Lake Emerald and Lake O'Hara are living conscious entities, but this goes far beyond the spirit of place that occurs wonderfully in the beauty of nature, because you are Healing waters emerald green, turquoise and sapphire, of colloidal silicate particles, suspended glass, these melted glacier waters, have a unique ionic current that allows to house a piezoelectric charge, piezoluminescent and a photonic attribute. These waters, these amazing liquids, are in fact liquid crystals, and these fluid gems project a crystalline geometry that interfaces and merges with what they could call the angelic kingdom. Masters, the energy field that makes Banff something unique is largely defined by its ability to form an extraordinary intersectoral dimensional vector, a geo-crystalline matrix vector, in which the Archangel Michael has anchored.

All those who enter the energies of this region of Canada, of imposing beauty, immediately perceive the enchantment of the spectacular landscape and feel inspired, and we tell them that, although it is unknown to most, however the subtle presence of the angelic kingdom is felt by everyone. The presence of Archangel Michael is absolutely concentrated within every aspect of this attractive region. The depth and spiritual resonance of Miguel's presence provide an invisible prolific magnitude that is felt deep down. This harmonic amplitude concentrically feeds the pulses of the earth and the standing waves of what the canalizer has properly named as Vortex of the Archangel Michael, because the energies affect the human brain biochemically and allow a singular opening of the third eye, the pineal. The empathic seeker will hear Miguel's loving voice and feel the nutritional comfort of his angelic presence with a depth and a clear measure that was not perceived before in such a lucid and moving way.

What defines and differentiates the sacred vectors that humans call power nodes and sacred sites, is their high-level energy. Sacred places have a vibrational frequency capability and the projection of dynamic power can occur in various combinations of energy sources. Among these places of power, the most powerfully endowed are a rare harmonic amalgam, a succinct and contained mixture and potency of an embellished combination of mineralogies, crystal-electricity, piezoelectricity, piezoluminescence, Optimum elevation, latitude and longitude and cosmic alignments. In fact, these regions become exquisitely rich, extraordinarily promoting life force concentrations full of vibrant vitality embellished with the divine particles called adamantine essence. The very high concentration of such differentiated levels of life force units or akash, are also reasons why such sites have been chosen as places of vision, search and prayer .
Teachers, please take note. In regions of concentrated Adamantine essence, focused thinking enables an accelerated manifestation of that thought in reality. We repeat; Focused thinking, in such extraordinary areas of adamantine essence allow an accelerated manifestation of thought, intention, prayer and theta waves in your reality. These are unique points of creation, of co-creation, do you understand? The less usual of these contain, in dimensional layers, wormholes, stargates and amazing alterations of space and time. Miguel's vortex in sacred Canada is one of them, and in 2016 he will predominate even more for his magnificent attributes, which we will discuss, explain and describe in this very special message.

Michael's vortex in Canada is absolutely plethora of life force units, and is consequently one of the most powerful regions on the planet, in communion with the Divine, for understanding the purpose of life and for the manifestation of thought, of intention Focused and prayer. Banff is by the way an amazing container of extremely high concentrations of life force units. Miguel's vortex is, as such, a living natural temple of a higher dimension, a consecrated cathedral of Akash, of what they call Adamantine essence. In your terms, an applicable analogy of such a concentration of life force pixels could resemble the comparison between a standard pixel resolution television and a high definition one. Banff areas are extremely high definition; Life force pixels accumulate so intensely, in such high aggregation, that air often seems to sparkle in this area. All the realms of the living Earth seem extremely vibrant, the vegetable, animal and mineral kingdoms in Banff are therefore highly radiant, vibrant, express themselves with perfection and are extremely aware, certainly extremely aware.

For 2016 we have summoned the channeler to conduct a search group pilgrimage with the highest intention of anchoring the love energy of the heart in the new post 2012 energy of the Miguel Vortex: a call to world peace that is certainly essential. The programming is to start on the new moon of the annular solar eclipse. The group has to amplify the message of love and boost the basic work for the golden age of 2038, because Miguel's vortex area is the heart center of the Americas and by the way the planet, and provides a solid center of manifestation to create reality through thinking focused on the highest good. We tell you that Banff is a powerful center for anchoring the divine energy of Archangel Michael, the crystalline transformation and the current from the Andes to the Rockies. You are familiar with the electric flow that you call law lines, and we will add that there are additional energy flow lines and energy projection points in addition to the law lines. Tonal axial lines of harmonic isolation and the unique telluric energy flows that occur along rivers, water lines, aquifers, fault lines and the continuous column of mountain ranges are included.

These currents are living energy conduits of the conscious Earth, so we tell you that the mountain ranges carry an incredible flow of energy and are much more important and much more aligned than you can imagine. In their conduits they generate the energies of the Kundalini force of the Earth crístalo electrical. The mountainous systems of the Earth are characterized by a structure in networks of sensory energies, energies that actually serve, as it were, as the nervous system of the planet. However they are much more than that. The mountainous massifs produce many chakra centers and enable means for planetary consciousness, and provide templates that allow the interface with the higher realms. And no mountain massif is more powerful or larger in its purpose and consciousness than the column of the Andes to the Rockies that crosses all the Americas. This mountain range can be properly considered the backbone of the Americas, because it is a living sensory apparatus that mixes currents of unimaginable power of living energy. Currents that amplify your consciousness, and we tell you, dear teachers, that along the connection of the Rockies to the Andes, the most powerful areas include Banff, the Vortex of Michael in the Sacred Banff. Certainly, Lord Michael is very present in this special vector, and in fact the Archangel Michael is clearly visible within this vortex that bears his name in sacred Canada. And its venerated presence increases with the energy of the new Earth within the crystalline transformation of 2015 and onwards. And Mr. Miguel is there with great purpose, which we will discuss in this message.

The Archangel Michael - The Vortex of Michael

Mr. Miguel began to anchor his presence in a triangulated portal within the core of the Canadian Rockies after the door you called on 11-11; That process required three years to complete. The pinnacles inside the triangulated vector occur in the crystal clear waters of the Louise, O'Hara and Emerald lakes. These three crystalline lakes contain an energy of incredible power and are therefore capable of anchoring and sustaining powerfully the manifestations of the energy presence of Archangel Michael. The clarity that preexisted in these pristine places has facilitated many people to have direct experiences with their divine presence.
Before 12-12 a vortex of energy was set in a counterclockwise direction, which connected the places. The triangulation has formed what can be called Michael's Vortex, and so a great spiritual light spreads throughout the region hundreds of miles away. And it is important to realize, since the energy certainly extends in concentric layers and expands even more than in the internal triangulation between the three anchor points.

For 2015 and beyond, there is a call to connect with these pristine energies, because within these consecrated regions lies an even greater clarity and an even larger concentrated life force. In many nodes of power on the planet there is certainly an increased crystalline clarity in the post-2012 energy of the new Earth. It is certainly an embellished energy that was not expressed, could not be fully expressed in a 12-dimensional format before the completion of 2012 of the crystalline grid 144. It is now present in many nodes of power.

However, dear teachers, we must say that among the nodes of power of your planet that they call sacred sites, the Vortex of Michael in the Canadian Rockies rises and by the way it is distinguished as truly exceptional, because this mountainous region of the National Parks of Banff and Yoho in Alberta and British Columbia in the mountains of Western Canada uniquely and harmoniously combine rare mineralogies, gravitational and electromagnetic forces in a new triple rotation format, a matrix that makes an even more powerful interface between dimensions, that doesn't happen in such a format anywhere else, because Banff also combines light spectra and matter spectra in an accessible way that allows each human seeker to remain uniquely within their incredibly high vibratory energies without depletion of the aura. Certainly, without this harmonic smoothing, we assure you that the energies of the place would be so intense that a auric implosion could occur in the short term.

Banff vectors are sacred among the sacred. In ancient times, there were certain vectors recognized as the most sacred among the sacred. They were located in powerful natural nodes of power, amplified by temples of a specific structure according to the golden average phi, aligned in a directional and cosmic way. These revered energies were contained in locations of the temples and sacred pyramids of Atlantis, Egypt, Yucatan, Asia, Greece and Judea . However, they were not accessible to everyone; rather only for + the initiated teachers, the elders and high priests, because the uninitiated could not sustain the great intensity of these carefully perfected places. We tell you that the energies within specific points of Michael's Vortex contain an energy as potent as that of those ancient days. There are vectors in the Rockies of Canada that can be absolutely considered natural temples, within which the totally amazing frequency is equivalent to the interdimensional aspects of the old sancta sanctorum.

And yet in the Vortex of Michael, the vectors of this sacred among the sacred, within this precise mixture, are a unique resonance that is accessible and sustainable for all. That is due to the rare natural harmonious balance and living crystalline geometry placed in the fluid geometric fields of the Banff and Yoho areas. We have already told you that sacred geometry underlies and sustains all realities and all dimensions. Inside the Vortex of Michael in Canada there is an incredible multifaceted geometry, a precise dimensional vector of the three planetary grids, unified within the double penta-dodecahedron format of the crystalline grid 144, which exists harmonically within the triangulation of the Michael Portal. As such, the geometric projection of the area of ​​this vortex portal contains all the sacred geometric codes, including the tetrahedron, the hexahedron, the octahedron, the dodecahedron and the icosahedron. The area projects the sacred geometry and the crystalline codes not only of the Metatronic Cube but also complex geometries of higher dimensions far beyond the precise equity of the s Platonic solids, called carrier crystals. In this geological pattern the energy of Metatron prevails within this region. They have a sacred geometry arrangement. In fact, it is the arrangement of metatronic geometry that forms the portal, the template for the entrance of other angelic energies to manifest in the area, and it is important Note that, while Miguel is the presence of anchorage, the entire scope of the angelic kingdom can manifest itself through this angelic portal and it does, including Rafael, Uriel and Gabriel.

Thus, those who require healing, those who seek clarity of purpose and elimination of obstacles, all are summoned and all can hear the trumpets and the divine call of the legion. One of those beings of divine light that you call angels, because really all the angelic kingdom exists in this template called Michael's Vortex . Take note: this is a benevolent fluid matrix, a complex layered structure with perpetual geometrical support. This structure is such that the geometric template of the Miguel Vortex in Canada enables a constant denial of adverse energy. As we have already said, the energy combinations within the Michael Vortex uniquely form the Metatronic Cube in a very reactive multidimensional matrix such that any telluric force or emotional energy than in others regions would affect the energy equilibrium of the crystalline template, here it immediately finds a compensatory adjustment that maintains perfect symmetry. This is combined with natural telluric energies that offer a smoothing of what, otherwise, would be an energy of great intensity. Thus, there is concisely an impeccable clarity of energy enshrined in the unique and specific vector of the Canadian Rockies. This stretch of the Rocky Mountains is, by far, the most powerful on the planet in its beautified portals and vortex sites. Humans experience it as a place of accelerated manifestation of higher thinking. The highest thought, the pure thought, the loving feelings, are amplified. The elevated human thought, the elevated emotions and the feelings of the heart with loving energies are transduced and printed in the geometric vector within the operating system of these geo-crystalline energies and, therefore, can occur here healing and immediate transformations.

What you call `` negative thinking '' becomes numb so to speak within this positive angelic field; This cancellation is due to the fact that the negativity lacks the frequency pulse with the appropriate hyperdimensional geometry to achieve a reaction or a printable registered recognition within a positive homogeneous matrix. The matrix projects the energy of love, and this immaculate energy certainly spreads contagiously throughout the entire Vortex region of Miguel hundreds of miles away. That is one of the reasons why people living in this place proceed with such a pleasant attitude.

The healing power of hot springs with radio

In the Canadian Rockies there are two extraordinary thermal springs. The thermal streams in the village of Banff, at the foot of the Sulfur Mountain, and the thermal streams with radio in British Columbia, near Lake Windermere, contain the rare trace element radio element. As Edgar Cayc e established in his prolific health readings, the radius at very low levels is very beneficial for the human body. The radius is slightly radioactive and appears in both sources of natural thermal water in Canada. The radio is extremely rejuvenating. It is interesting to know that the only natural sources that contain radio with healing radioactivity at benevolent levels of traces, apart from these, are in a crystalline matrix located in the Hot Springs National Park, in the powerful Arkansas crystal vortex. There is a natural axialtonal line of energy that connects the Arkansas crystal vortex with the Michael Vortex in Canada. Following the crystalline structured waters with radio and the native crystalline mineralogy of both areas, the baths in these Canadian thermal streams are the perfect pretreatment in preparation to enter the heart of the archangel Michael's vortex in Lake Louise. These waters eliminate any auric adhesion , reinforce and recharge the human auric field as well as accelerate the alignment of the 12 chakras .

But let's move on. These mineral-rich hot springs are extraordinary living waters, which incorporate conscious energies, and therefore offer many attributes and benefits. We especially recommend spending some time - at least three hours - in these rare, truly remarkable living waters. You will certainly be charged not only with vital force, but also with an additional willpower, an impulse to improve your alignment with your Higher Self and with your true life purpose. You will discover that they give you an inner tranquility and that bathing in these waters enables lucid dreams, because Miguel's energy is naturally in them. Within water, in living water, induction is accelerated within the human etheric field.

Chateau Lake Louise - A truly amazing jewel

Now let's talk about the magnificent waters of Lake Louise. Chateau Lake Louise is on top of a glacial brunette with crevices, created by the Victoria Glacier at the end of the last Ice Age that ended over 12, 000 years ago. The lake is a surprisingly vibrant and bright blue green, so beautifully iridescent that it seems to emit a glow as if illuminated from below. At the far end of the mile-long lake stands Mount Victoria, exquisitely drawn with the bluish white of the crystalline glacier. We tell you that these waters are not only piezoelectric but also piezo-luminescent.

The energy concentrated in the geological walls

Lake Louise is encased on three sides by the high granite walls that enclose a magical place as if they were the hands of God forming a cradle. The rock wall enclosure and the resulting energy containment, provided by the granite walls with quartzite are very, very significant. In fact, this enclosure encased with various flows of telluric, solar and elemental energies is what distinguishes Lake Louise. Its cubic and octahedral formations trap, contain and amplify the level of benevolent energy. It is visibly one of the most beautiful mountain scenery on Earth ... but it has another invisible layer of inner majesty and depth of purpose. Lake Louise is one of the key points of the triangulation of the Vortex of Michael, especially because of its accessibility. In this area of ​​Lake Louise, the powers of balance and healing are immense; It is a sacred place, a healing and balancing energy of great intensity. It is of a great but subtle and geo-softened intensity that benevolently affects every visitor of this special mountain of Lake Louise, and many visitors arrive.

Contrary to what one might initially imagine, the energy of Lake Louise is not at all damaged by the hundreds of daily visitors and hotel guests. On the contrary, it improves energy. Visitors are moved without exception by the energy and incredible inspiring beauty. All visitors experience a deep astonishment and a deep sense of beauty and reverence at the majestic scene that is presented, and that high emotional energy is released within the resonant energy of Lake Louise. This human energetic emotional flow is transduced and printed and thus contributes to the incredible energy of Lake Louise.

At the back end of Lake Louise is the Victoria Glacier. This bluish white diamond made glacier has been in that place for many millennia, and is actually a huge hydro-crystal, an ice crystal. And this glacial crystal amplifies and softens the energy even more. In the summer season, the melting of the ice releases ion currents of anionic charge forming a huge plasma field, a field that provides an incredible sense of well-being as well as the waterfalls or waves of the ocean on the coast create an ionic field of well-being and serenity, expansion and durability.

Over the past three decades, the guardians of the earth and grid workers have felt called to experiment and align with the power sites of numerous high-energy sacred formats across the globe. In most of them there is a sense of time limitation, a feeling that it is time to leave after a few days. This is due to an energy differential that could after some time crack the human aura until an equalization is achieved. However, at Banff, the aura not only maintains its proper ovoid integrity and circuits, but continually recharges despite the vibratory differential aspect. It is not interesting? It is an energy as powerful as any on the planet, and yet its intensity is not overwhelming; Its balance is the dish that serves this experience to the pilgrim and the tourist alike in a gentle and tasty way. Comparable energy levels in less smooth formats can deplete the aura. That does not happen in Lake Louise. Nor in any node within the Vortex of Miguel .

As we explained, negativity has a very short effective life; It is virtually nullified within these energies and emotions inspired by reverence, and the deep feelings of beauty and love are amplified. As a result, few of those who visit Lake Louise for the first time can anticipate the depth of the spiritual experience they will have, and they feel deeply affected and healed in it . The emotional reaction to the amazing beauty opens the heart and the balanced frequency energy balances the aura. The penetrating spiritual energy emanating from the Lake triggers the examination of conscience and deep purification. Robust tourists are often seen getting so excited about the beauty and healing energy of the Lake, that their eyes are flooded with tears of joy in a few minutes. This energy is especially healing for couples and visiting families. Few conflicts, fears or anxieties can remain buried in this energy; they arise on the surface in the energy of a sweet love that leads to a purifying liberation. Problems bubble to the surface in this crystal-electromagnetic purification energy; but unlike Sedona's melting pot energies, which are intentionally unbalanced and can eventually lead to an implosion of the aura, Banff's energies lead to spiritual levels of inspiration, alignment and prioritization on a much smoother path of sublime purification and aspiration. The energies of the entire Athabasca mountain range in Banff and Yoho are in harmonic isolation in the divine structure with a gentle and gentle balance that is harmoniously benevolent to the human triad of body, mind and soul. The crystalline fluids, the amazing rivers and lakes, as we have already explained, carry an electric field so complex that it creates an energetic resonance, which penetrates the atomic and molecular structure of everything in its field.

For this reason, certain areas such as Lake Louise, Lake Moraine and Lake Emerald are allowed to receive large tourist flows, many of which are directed from a subtle level. The energy of the crystalline fluids with the imprint of the Arc Miguel Angel penetrates them in such a way that it suddenly radiates within their being and in their physical and emotional levels, and so with that whispering induction It is impossible not to be spiritually affected. All visitors of these special energies are deeply moved and have the opportunity not only to heal emotionally but also to expand spiritually.

However; it is important that when entering Lake Louise, time is used wisely, because it is an incredibly unique area in terms of its dimensional portals. It is beneficial to spend the night in the nearby area but, apart from spending enough time in the place for reflection in solitude, not only to enjoy its beauty but also for meditation. ne introspection, because this is as we already emphasize an absolutely unusual energy. It is a complex scenario of concentrated dimensional arrangement. Space and time are altered here, much like the way space and time are concentrated inside the Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland, and after 2015 towards more moderate dates of 2016.

The heart center that is within the Michael Vortex will allow a message to be printed and recorded in order to create peace towards the arrival of 2038. We tell you that Banff is the heart center n of the Americas. The area of ​​the Rockies in Canada is bright and unique crystalline waters. Banff is rising from the seventh to the 12th chakra and will carry only the energies of the crown and heart. The caretakers and special bearers of the energy of the heart always felt attracted to these places to anchor and record the highest energy well for the planet, and now this is the call to the guardians of the Earth, the light workers, and the grid workers for the new planet Earth of 2016 and beyond. Many are called to come to the center of Miguel on a solo pilgrimage or in a group for anchoring purposes. The channeler is among them, and we have summoned him to return to this place.

Sacred dragons and elementals

This consecrated area of ​​the Canadian Rockies is quite unusual in another aspect . There are positive ways of living and fairy very tangibly in this unique field of resonance. Fairies, elves and elves are in this wonderful energy playful and benevolent. They usually manifest in visible spectra near sacred waters and flowered fields. You will also discover that birds and the smallest members of the animal kingdom have in this region an extremely devious attribute of friendly and playful approach. The squirrels have a vibration very close to that of the flower fairies of the region. The varieties of birds that inhabit Lake Louise are extremely playful and more aware than members of their species in other regions of the smaller valleys. Banff's crows, crows, hawks and eagles are highly advanced and have been recognized as messengers by the natives of the region.

Masters, many of you may be surprised at what we tell you now: that the legion of Ascended Masters who reside tangibly in the Banff and Yoho region also includes what the holy angelic dragon can call ; These benevolent and fully conscious beings exist, and they are part of their Earth as much as humanity is. They possess supreme divine intelligence and are extremely advanced. They are protectors of humanity and the planet, and they are waking up to a greater role in the new Earth of 2016 and beyond. These beings are masters in what you call kundalini, and as such they are involved in engineering aspects of the so-called dragon lines and law lines, which are actually life force arteries on your planet . They wake up to a greater role and are highly involved in the formation of new energy lines within the electromagnetic increase of the crystalline transformation, and then it is logical that these benevolent beings reside in Banff's piezoelectric energies. The sacred dragons act in a central role for the consolidation and reform of the incredible crystal-electric energies of the multipated Earth, currently aligned in the vertical column that connects the Rocky Mountains with the sacred mountains of the South American mountains and the Andes.

Within this region all the realms of the living Earth are extremely vibrant; the kingdoms of plants, animals and minerals are therefore highly radiant, highly vibrant, perfectly expressed and extremely aware. There are members of the fairy kingdom of the fairies that are only from this area and in the summer and early autumn with warm days, in season of vibrant expression of plants, the place is fully populated with delicious elementals, plant elves, geniecillos, water elves and air fairies. Because of all the factors mentioned in this message, Banff has a much larger variety of the fairy kingdom in this season than any other region on the planet. And in Banff, only in Banff, even the electric life forms within the fairy kingdom are in the positive range, while in other deviant regions of the planet, such as Ireland and Scotland, these electric life forms also occur in vibrations. Less friendly, mischievous, rather negative. Not so in Banff. And many of these delicious beings are quite visible in the 3rd and 4th days for empaths. Before the vegetable kingdom of the sacred Banff enters the lethargy of winter, there is no such kingdom on the planet that is so embellished with the fairy kingdom, and in these regions these beings are of a remarkably positive vibration. This also affects the emotional state in Banff ; the fairies in Banff often lead people to higher emotional states, literally producing waves of joy and laughter within visitors within this unique sacred geometry.

And there is more; porque en esta zona, en la poderosa interfaz y presencia del reino angélico, también existen huestes de seres de luz fotónica sumamente inusuales, residuos conscientes generados por el Arcángel Miguel, seres amorosos de luz que podrían llamarse angélicos, y los empáticos pueden oírlos resonar en 3ªD como un coro de voces angélicas.

En los lagos sagrados, especialmente el Lago Louise y el Lago Moraine, existen espíritus de las aguas sumamente conscientes, incluso espíritus del lago, de naturaleza femenina divina, y debido al silicato cristalino suspendido en partículas que diferencia la naturaleza de estas aguas de cristal fluido, estos lagos poseen espíritus altamente concientes, energías asombrosamente nutricias de lo que podría llamarse el reino de los devas. No es común que existan en otros lugares.

Muchos son convocados a venir al centro de Miguel en peregrinaje solitario y en grupos con propósito de anclaje. El canalizador está entre ellos, y hemos llamado a un regreso a esta zona, porque es un tiempo de cambio esencial para la nueva Tierra. Es claro para ustedes que el planeta está ahora en una etapa aparentemente caótica de purificación; la Tierra está en una astrología de crisol y es momento adecuado para resolver energías que deben tener solución antes del retorno de la luz en 2038. Muchos están confundidos por los conflictos crecientes; pueden sentirse indefensos a merced de tales sucesos, algo dudosos de cómo ayudar pero, les decimos, maestros, que en la ilusión con propósito de esta Universidad de la Dualidad en la Tierra, ustedes están aprendiendo el arte divino de la co creación. La mayoría de los portadores de sabiduría entre ustedes son llamados a reunirse y co crear, orar y visualizar la energía del más alto bien y proyectar la energía del amor. Entonces, para muchos el llamado del vórtice de Miguel es una convocatoria, ya que las energías en él están llamando a una claridad cada vez mayor, porque la energía del Arcángel Miguel dentro de este vórtice es en esencia una reestructuración del corazón, del sistema de 33 chakras del nuevo humano cristalino, y en la reconexión de las Rocallosas y los Andes, específicamente a causa de las extraordinarias energías telúricas y mineralogías de las Rocallosas canadienses, las regiones de Banff y Yoho en Canadá albergan la presencia viviente del centro corazón para las Américas, a través de la resonancia nutricia del Arcángel Miguel. En esta tierra, en esta región, los buscadores meditativos, los portadores de la sabiduría del centro corazón, son llamados a reestructurar y proyectar la visión de la nueva Tierra, a meditar en grupo para enviar a lo largo de la columna de montañas sagradas el flujo de la visión theta del más alto bien y la paz mundial.

El canalizador tomó conciencia de la presencia del Señor Miguel mucho antes de darse cuenta conscientemente, años antes de poder comprender el significado que tenía para el planeta. Por eso ahora él ha depositado una porción energética de su espíritu, grabándola en esta magnífica región de Banff y Yoho. Por eso ha regresado a esta zona muchas veces, y esa es la razón de sentirse llamado a regresar en peregrinaje en 2016, como muchos de ustedes que oyen nuestras palabras. Porque cada uno que venga, a su vez depositará una porción de su energía en esta energía asombrosa, la energ a del lugar, y la energía de Miguel será recibida dentro de sus chakras y en el nuevo cuerpo etérico humano de 33 chakras .

El vórtice de Miguel en Canadá es absolutamente abundante en unidades de fuerza de vida; es una de las regiones más potentes del planeta para manifestar el pensamiento, la intención enfocada y la oración.

Ciertamente Banff es un contenedor asombroso de concentraciones sumamente altas de unidades de fuerza vital.

El vórtice de Miguel es, como tal, un templo natural viviente de dimensión más alta.


Las Rocallosas canadienses son magníficas más allá de las palabras; la energía que existe en ellas está alineada con energías extraordinarias exclusivas a partir de aspectos de mineralogía, agua, luz y electromagnetismo; una energía increíble emana de las montañas de granito, cuarzo, estratos metamórficos y sedimentarios, combinados con la impresionante disposición de hidro energías de los ríos, arroyos, cascadas y glaciares. The lakes are of a class not surpassed in the world and its accessibility makes a region abundant in prolific balance and healing.

La presencia angélica suprema y benévola del Arcángel Miguel enriquece aún más la energía de esta zona como instrumento de ascensión, y tanto los buscadores como los turistas pueden experimentarlo. El portal de Miguel se presenta en una geometría metatrónica sorprendente, en las vibrantes aguas vivientes y lagos asombrosos. La presencia divina siempre pudo discernirse aquí, como bien saben las primeras naciones indígenas de los Stoney y los Cree. Pero en la energía acelerada de la nueva Tierra, el vórtice de Miguel se erige en una asombrosa claridad y profundidad espiritual y ofrece una resonancia sin paralelo para los buscadores de claridad, alegría, propósito de vida, inspiración y sabiduría.

Hemos instado al canalizador a conducir en 2016 un peregrinaje grupal de búsqueda, y de la más alta intención para anclar la energía de amor del corazón en la nueva energía post 2012 del vórtice de Miguel. La programación comienza en la luna nueva del eclipse solar anular. El propósito es amplificar el mensaje de amor y establecer el trabajo básico para la venida de la edad dorada de 2038. Esta región magnífica es verdaderamente una catedral viviente.

Queridos, algunos pueden sentir que la meditación en el nodo vorticial de poder no tendría por qué ser diferente de meditar en el propio living room, pero les decimos lo contrario . Ciertamente hay una expansión que ocurre más rápidamente y más poderosamente en regiones de energía embellecida. Estas frecuencias extraordinarias dentro de zonas con velos dimensionales delgados puede expandirlos y habilitar una corriente de energ a exclusiva que los actualice con c digos transformadores notables y asombroso conocimiento. Se siente una sensaci n de realidad mayor e invisible. Tal vez es como un viento que sopla en sus cabellos cuando no hay viento, o un brillante destello de luz visto con el rabillo del ojo. Pero para los sabios entre ustedes, hablamos para la generalidad. Hay cadenas entretejidas de influencia, tapices de luz y sonido, que los esperan en el v rtice consagrado del Banff sagrado; no se encontrar n en otros lugares, y el Arc ngel Miguel est all esper ndolos entre estas monta as en una claridad sumamente l cida. El clar n llama a anclar esta energ ay sus atributos nicos de amplificaci n, para establecer la energ a del amor.

Somos Metatr ny Tyberonn del Servicio Cristalino, y compartimos con ustedes estas verdades. You are loved.

Y es as, y as es.


AUTHOR: James Tyberonn


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