The esoteric meaning of Sacred Geometry

  • 2016

As clearly as can be said, geometry is a branch of mathematics and is generally described as the study of shapes and patterns, and their sizes and positions . For most of us, geometry is something we learn in school, only to be forgotten later.

What then is Sacred Geometry?

Sacred means something holy or connected to God. The sacred aspect of geometry has developed as a result of different cultures . In fact, there are five cultures that have different points of view regarding Sacred Geometry : the ancient Greeks, the Hindus, the Christians, the ancient Egyptians and the discovery of the Jay Hambidge.

For the uninitiated, the same idea can be totally absurd. Sacred Geometry, after all, is a type of philosophy that not many people can easily enter their minds, especially when they first contemplate on it.

In the ancient teachings of Geometry, they believe that the holiness of absolutely the entire universe can be described and explained in terms of geometric patterns that are transmitted to us directly from God. The harmony and interconnectivity of all things and the events that occur around them have a hidden geometry that, unfortunately, was lost in most people.

Consider the many mysteries behind the apparent magical structure of crystals, the planets and their orbits around the Sun, the many measures and proportions in the design of the human body, the growth of powerful giant oaks of small acorns, the shape and the number of petals of a flower, etc. Anything that describes and explains these mysteries is nothing, if not sacred.

On the other hand, Sacred Geometry thanks to its divine power, gives us the opportunity to heal ourselves. We all possess the ability to consciously heal our entire being.

As controversial as it has always been since it was introduced by the plant geneticist with Dr. Derald Langham in the 1940s, the Genesa Crystal (although not a crystal at all) is widely believed to be ideal for promoting wellness Overall, positivity and good health. The 5 platonic solids are incorporated into its design. All organic life is believed to be created from these building blocks.

Dr. Langham found that these forms symbolize growth patterns that allow vital energy to flow. The Genesa crystal eliminates the imbalanced energies in the environment, allowing people to live a happier life, with greater promotion of productivity, happiness and healing.

There are many other practices that have been derived from the basic principles of this path to promote the healing of the body, healing of relationships and interactions with other people, healing of spaces so that all negative energies are eliminated and positive energies can enter to improve the surrounding environment.

This ancient wisdom has been lost for thousands of years. It is rising from under the heavy cover of denial we call modern life. We are slowly becoming aware again that the thread of connection with the world that centuries have allowed to lose weight until near darkness . Perhaps with this promising trend of things to come, humanity will flourish again as the true administrator of this land, promoting balance and healing the world that we have brought to our knees for our actions without letters.

Let us embrace Sacred Geometry and the lessons we will learn from it, inevitably, for our planet, our spirituality, our life will always take us to the best and most beautiful destinations we could think of. Let's just give it the chance that they can enter our lives and thus enjoy the benefits it offers us.

AUTHOR: JoT333, editor of the great family of

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