SYNCHRONICITY: the law of time. By Valum Votan

  • 2019

Pacal Votan incarnated in the Palenque cycle in the seventh century, from 603-683. He was an emanation of the solar consciousness associated with the Sun 8 signature. 8 is the galactic tone of integrity and harmony. Pacal Votan was a Master of Harmonic Synchronization. Occasionally this intelligence is personified and embodied in different parts of the world. In Norse mythology Odin (Wotan) is the Supreme God of wisdom and means "tree, " associated with the tree of cosmic knowledge.

José Argüelles has been known as the initiator of the famous world peace meditation the Harmonic Convergence, which took place on August 16-17, 1987. On March 3, 2002, he was honored as "Valum Votan, Cycle Closer" by nine indigenous elders on top of the Pyramid of the Sun, Teotihuacán, Mexico. They recognized him as the bearer of new knowledge to regenerate traditional knowledge, and granted him a ceremonial staff to help awaken humanity towards the meaning of 2012, the conclusion of the Grand Cycle of the Mayan Calendar of 5, 125 years (as well as many other cycles ). Year in which the Melodic Resonance would begin until 2027 giving way to the Rhythmic Symphony.

The Law of Time affirms that our divergent ways of conceiving time are due to an "error in time" that occurred about 5000 years ago, and that it is our duty to recognize and repair this error. The Law of Time is the basis of the reformulation of the human mind. Just as air is the atmosphere of the body, so time is the atmosphere of the mind.


The three aspects of the law of time are intuition, sensitivity and telepathy. Three sciences will help us understand them. Cybernetics, ethics and hermeneutics.

Cybernetics as a science of communication-control, began by means of the sense of touch and developed by sound, symbols, art, words and phrases, languages ​​and writings, and, returning again to the stage of superior symbols, by vibratory contact, telepathy, inspiration and enlightenment.

It is the mind that directs the personality and its correct control depends on its full development. The area of ​​the brain that is around the pineal gland is connected with intuition; these cells must be put into activity so that there is a true intuitive perception, which, once achieved, will reveal the control that the soul exerts, spiritual enlightenment, true syllogical understanding towards our fellow men and the development of the true esoteric sense, an objective that all apprentices currently have.

Intuition is a synthetic, prerogative understanding of the soul, which is only possible when the soul, on its own level, goes in two directions: towards the spirit and towards the coordinated and unified personality.

Ethics as a science of emotions is responsible for evaluating the effect that the intellect has on desire generating emotion, the virtues being the permanent modality of healthy emotion. As a science of Sensitivity; it is the art of responding to the phenomena, and it applies especially to the reaction, to the recognition, to the response and to the registration of all the phenomena that are in the physical plane c Semic.

The cultivation of sensitive reactions between each other and with other before humans among whom fate has placed the disciples, involves:

to. Sensitive physical reaction to the centers, to the forces that emanate from the centers of those with whom the disciples are associated. The sensitivity of the ajna center must be specially developed.

b. Sensitivity to the feelings and emotional reactions of those around him, which is achieved by the development of compassion and sympathy, which together with detachment will enable us to act correctly.

C. Sensitivity to the thoughts of others by the mental relationship established with them on the plane of the mind.

When the disciple begins to demonstrate the quality of the soul and love as a second divine aspect, he takes possession of it, controlling and nuancing his whole life, then the superior sensitivity develops automatically becoming a Magnet for spiritual ideas and concepts. Impression sensitivity means generating a magnetic aura on which the highest impressions can act.

Hermeneutics as a science of understanding, interprets the meanings in the concepts. All prints must be interpreted and translated into symbols, by word or by pictorial representations; It is in the use of words (it is unnecessary to say that they are symbols) where you are prone to make mistakes. They are the means by which the registered impression is imparted to the brain consciousness. The impression received and interpreted produces fundamental changes in the life and consciousness of the learner, especially in their orientation. Thus it becomes an evocative and invoking center of energy.

At the moment it could be called, to the synthesis of these three sciences, printing science. Impression is the subtle, more or less correct reaction, the vibrational mental activity of some other mind or set of minds, as its influence affects the entity or set of entities. This impression must descend directly from the mental levels to the brain, in three stages: that of mental registration, that of cerebral reception and that of recognized interpretation.

In a cybernetic loop, the cosmos "reflects on itself", self-captures information about its structure and self-corrects itself through this act of internal reflection. The information of our mind is transferred to the soul and each collective soul issues its collective feelings and universal ideas to every human being, through border effects. We perceive time by enriching information and consciousness would become that relationship of time with the soul.


Carl Jung called special cases synchronicity where physical energy and psychic energy manifest as two aspects of the same reality, where the world of matter appears as a mirror image of the mental world and vice versa. In fact, the word symptom, so used in health, means "two things that appear together" and the key to what we call "health" is the adoption of such a configuration by the etheric body in time / space, and not a fact That happens in space / time. The most characteristic of synchronistic events is the fact that the mind-matter duality appears in them suppressed.

Examples of synchronicity in nature are so frequent that we consider them normal, just like fish in shoal, all birds fly in formation; when they change direction, they all execute the same movements synchronously. A flock can consist of hundreds of individuals and yet, each one moves in harmony with everyone else without a leader. The instant communication that we commonly see in flocks and schools comes from the spiritual level, from the organizational intelligence that resides in the virtual realm, with the difference that animals use instinct, while humans use intellect.

This instinctive telepathy that serves to direct so mysteriously the movements of herds of animals and the rapid transmission of information between wild races and ignorant peoples, are examples of this inferior exteriorization of an internal spiritual reality. An intermediate stage of this instinctive activity based, for the most part, on the solar plexus reactions, can be observed in modern mass psychology and public opinion. As is well known, this stage is predominantly emotional, ignorant, astral and fluid in its expression, which is rapidly changing and transferring to the realm of the so-called "intelligent public opinion", but is carried out slowly because it involves the activity of the Laryngeal and ajna centers.

Immersion is a good synonym for correlation or synchronization; It is used to describe something that is contained in another substance or force. The result is synchronicity: beings totally in tune with the environment and with everyone else, dancing to the rhythm of the cosmos. Hence the importance of knowing the four components of music: rhythm, melody, harmony and timbre.

Everything that happens in world cycles can be attributed to the synchronization or absence of the notes. Thus harmony occurs: first the fundamental note of matter, then the note of the Spirit gradually dominating the lower note, until finally the note of the Spirit predominates over the others.

Similar to what happens on the musical scale, semitones, or half steps, also occur in the chakra system. The chakras are like lenses, through which we interpret reality. For example, when a new being is born, all his concern is focused on the problem of survival, in being able to remain at this three-dimensional level.


“30 days has September, with April, June and November;

the others of 31, and of 28 there is only one ”.

This is the popular saying that underlines the illogical nature of the Gregorian calendar. By contrast, a much easier and more logical way to divide the solar year would be in thirteen months of 28 days with an extra, free day.

Commonly, calendar means a system to divide time over extended periods. A day is the basic unit of a calendar, and the solar year is the basic extended period.

The duration of the solar year is currently recognized in 365.24199 days. The Gregorian calendar divides that duration into 12 unequal months - four months of 30 days, seven of 31 days and one of 28 days. In the Gregorian calendar, the accumulated fourth day is handled by inserting a February 29 every four years. This is not necessarily the most logical nor the only way to deal with the accumulated quarter day.

12:60 Calendar

The Gregorian calendar is dogma because nobody questions it, nor does it want to question it. The Gregorian calendar forms the basis of the 12:60 time frequency.

All authority granted to this calendar is really a loyalty to an old medieval Christian artifice of time. The authority of this artifice is maintained by the Vatican, geographically the lowest political state on the planet, despite which it enjoys total political protection from the main Western powers (the G-7: USA, Canada, the Kingdom United, France, Germany, Italy and Japan).

The 12 months of the Gregorian calendar, irregularly numbered and irrationally named, emerged as a result of a Papal Bull issued by Pope Gregory in 1572 and implemented on October 5-15 of 1582. The historical context in which this calendar became a fixed pattern, It is of the greatest significance. The European power, instigated by the material purchasing greed and the need of the Church to gather all souls under its cross, had literally taken root in the globe. From then on, no one could receive the "blessings" of Christianity without also receiving the Gregorian calendar.

In Europe itself, the Gregorian calendar was successful at the precise moment when the final mechanization of time was being achieved. By 1600 AD, the year of 12 months and the hour of 60 minutes had become the established pattern of time.

The Gregorian calendar is based on the original Babylonian model that replaced a measurement of space with a measurement of time. Time is not space. Time is of the mind. A circle was used on a flat surface divided into twelve parts of 30º as a model for the annual calendar. A circle on a flat surface has 360 degrees (30 x 12). An annual orbit of the Earth around the Sun adds 365¼ days. The measure of time according to the norm of the circle on a flat surface is irregular, arbitrary and irrational. As is the measure of time, so is the measure of our mind.

In 1582 AD, when Pope Gregory XIII removed the Julian calendar ten days and ordered the final version of the Babylonian calendar, the mechanical clock reached its final perfection. Using the same circle on a flat surface of 12, the clock doubled 12 to 24 hours and 30 degrees to 60 minutes per hour. Taxes, wars and governments were already secondary institutions of the human mind due to the use of the 12-month calendar throughout the Old World for 5, 000 years. But, combined with the mechanical clock that doubled the measurement, the artificial 12:60 time frequency was instituted as the irregular and mentally accelerating mental condition of the human race, separating it from the rest of nature. Then, coupled with taxes, wars and governments, was the machine.

Without the mechanical clock there would be no machines, and all industrial technology would be impossible. By adjusting our biological rhythm to the accelerated frequency of the artificial 12:60 time machine, humans begin the acceleration of our own biological activity, with the consequent time bomb of the overpopulation that today is our plague.

The result of 12:60 is the creation of a frequency of time whose mental field of consciousness is dominated by mechanization and a three-dimensional science of space-matter. The unconscious acceptance of this 12:60 time frequency is the only factor that contributed most to the problem of human alienation from nature.

13: 20 Calendar

Throughout the majority of its 26, 000-year history, homo sapiens has followed the moon and used lunar calendars. The moon is inconstant and erratic. It is, by nature, subtle and elusive. According to current calculations, it rotates on its axis every 29.5 days, the duration of a synodic mooning, which is the reason we always see a face of the moon.

Thirteen moons, 28 days, is the measure of the annual human biological rhythm biosphere. Twenty-eight days, 13 times a year, is the cycle of female human menstruation. By adopting the 13-moon calendar - 28 days, and rejecting the Gregorian calendar, humans will take the first step beyond the collective self-destruction engendered by nationalism and the biospheric self-destruction engendered by Mammon (money machine).

When we learn that 28 is the triangulation of 7, we make people realize that science is based on this cosmic frequency (equation of the Law of Time 4: 7: 7: 13. Where 4 × 7 = 28, the days of the Moon and 7 × 13 = 52, the weeks in a year of 13 moons). People must understand that the reason for doing this is not only because they need another calendar, but because the purpose is to synchronize and create a unified field of consciousness. Going from the Gregorian calendar, to the synchronic of the 13 moons of 28 days is a conscious act, a conscious choice. And awareness is needed to continue following the 13 moons sync. There is an elevation of consciousness and this is a key point. The idea is that there are millions of people around the world in different languages ​​and cultures, who are tuning in with another vibrational frequency that is now beginning to emerge from the Noosphere (mental field of the planet), a totally harmonic and unifying frequency.

In the frequency 13:20, which is a natural galactic time frequency, 13 refers to the "recapitulative cosmology of 13 tones" embodied in a form that we come to know as the enchanted wave. 20 refers to a frequency code embodied in the permutative order or notation system itself 4 x 5, also known as code 0-19. The 20 units of this code also translate into an iconic color-coded language consisting of 20 solar symbols or seals. Inherent to the enchanted wave of 13 tones is a calendar of 13 moons or perfect months, of 28 days each. 13 x 28 gives 364 days, the 365th day being “out of time”, and being called a green day, a day out of time.

Synchronously on February 13 corresponds to day 7 of the galactic moon of the hawk and August 7 corresponds to day 13 of the magnetic moon of the bat.


Evolution unfolds cyclically. Everything is repeated and there is repetition in the facts, in space and in time. A planetary chain repeats its activity (in Time), a solar system repeats its activity (in Space).

There is a general law that produces cyclic effects, the law of attraction-repulsion, of which the law of periodicity and rebirth is subsidiary. Cyclic evolution is the result of wave-particle duality, the Will of the Spirit and the activity of matter. There are two types of cycles involved in the true nature of the Self, their interaction brings with the help of the mind, what we call environment or circumstances.

The two types of cycles occur because there is relationship on the axis and rotation on the orbit. The solar system revolves around its cosmic center.

The planets revolve around the sun, solar systems revolve around Alcyione (Pleiades), 12 constellations revolve around Arcturus. The galaxies revolve around Orion.

Alcione's galactic cycle is 26, 000 years.

The galactic cycle of Sirius is 520, 000 years (26 × 20).

Vega's galactic cycle is 2, 600, 000.

The galactic cycle of Orion is 64, 000, 000. of years.

A solar cycle lasts 365 days.

A galactic cycle lasts 25920 solar cycles, 12 evolutionary cycles.

A cosmic cycle lasts 12 galactic cycles, 311, 040 solar cycles.

A universal cycle lasts 144 cosmic cycles.

The Creation cycle is 360 universal cycles.


Time, which is the fourth dimension, has two essential characteristics: it is mental and it is aesthetic. Time is mental because it is experienced and known through the mind.

Mental culture is basic to the experience of time. Time is aesthetic because it consists of different total levels of order whose proportions and ratios are consistent across the scale, and each level or order is holistically reflected in the others. Artistic contemplation and artistic activity are the object and the expressive reflection of time. Just as the mind is the root of time, the sensory ratios of artistic experience are the expression of time.

Due to its unconscious immersion in the three-dimensional level of space, commonly known as the material plane, the sub-corpus humanity as a species or collective whole has not yet understood the level of tetradimensional conscious operation, or not has risen to him. Unconscious participation in the fourth dimension is common in dreams and similar states, as well as the variety of poorly tolerated artistic expressions. The experience of time as the fourth dimension does not deny but improves the sensory experience of the third dimension, and gives it an orderly context.

The crystalline structure is the highest form of activation of the energy centers, since the nature of space / time of this energy is transmuted into nature time / space regulation and balance, hence the expression jewels or gems is used to express the sevenfold nature of consciousness. A jewel of time would have the potential to modify reality.


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