Spiritual common sense - Kryon

  • 2016

Introduction to: The Spiritual Common Sense - Kryon

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of the Magnetic Service.

Many listen to these messages; they look for words of wisdom, they look for energies; Many realize that there is more here than they expect. Each of these messages is given live, in front of a group of light workers who have come with the intention of sitting in the chairs.

I can talk about the world; I just do it. I can talk about the energy of the country I am in; I just do it. But what is really happening today, that is changing this planet, is not the macrocosm, but the microcosm of your life. Each one of those here, each one, has a piece of the Creator within them. Create a beautiful quantum field around you that is perceived by other humans and even by what they call Gaia. You are a microcosm of unique reality; You could even say that you have your own planets rotating around your life - this is a metaphor - you have your own problems, your own celebrations, your own desires, your own frustrations - and you think they are alone. However, I am here to tell you something different: that when the Creator of the Universe looks at you and your soul, the Creator does not see the planet; He sees you.

What kind of reality and intelligence could it be that could see billions of souls at the same time and deal with each one? Now I want you to remember that question, because I'm going to ask it again when we re-channel. It is a vast intelligence, rather than intelligent; It is a beautiful creative system that knows you. If I said that God has taken care of you, it would be very different from the truth, because taking care, caring, are human words; It is more than taking care! If I said: “Mother, do you take care of yourself, do you take care of your son? You would say to me: “ More than that! "You would say to me:" There is no word to express what I feel for my son! No language on the planet has invented a word! ”It has that kind of emotion and that kind of feeling. This is the relationship between the Creator and you!

This microcosm that is your soul, is what God sees! Not the macrocosm that you create through your actions, no. See who you are. Because you are family. We have already talked about your systems; the energy of the planet, your timeline, all those things. They are products of the microcosm of your awareness of who you are.

There is a third language; A third language that we cannot really explain to you, is happening now. It happens because you are listening; But in multidimensional form, in quantum form, there is another message that is being transmitted that is unique to you. In this new energy, every human is invited to open a new door. This is a metaphor: use a tool that is new. Begins to realize this third language, because what this does is a multidimensionality; a multidimensional listener - that is you - is required to receive it. If you live in a linear world, all you hear is my voice. But if you open yourself to quantum things in this energy, dear ancient soul, you can muffle the three-dimensional voice and see beauty. Some of you will feel the emotion, and that will be all you will receive. Some of you, right now, hearing this voice, need to feel a peace in each of your cells that says it is fine. We know who you are, we know what you've been through, we're holding your hand, and you're fine. You need to know, you need to feel it, and it's here for you! Within the reach of this voice, there is no problem that is too big for God's love. And when you surround yourself with your practicality, with that intellectual mind that says “This is possible, this is not; This is the box I am in; this is what I will do ”you can get to analyze yourself enough to leave out the love of God (laughs).

Intellectual and logical thinking has a place in the balance of the triad of your brain, your pineal and your heart. There is room for everything to balance, and that is the life force that comes to you. The Masters of the planet, all of them, were nothing silly; they had a keen intellect; They had the logic of the human. And they had the intuition of the Creator . And because of that balance, those Masters entered history, known, loved and special; People want to imitate their balance. That is the new human, it is what is coming. But a lot is already here, so you can work with it and get used to it. Part of all this is the knowledge that God looks at this Earth and sees only the individual souls on the planet. There is no such thing as a group of people having an intuitive thought; there are individuals who have intuitive thinking together (laughs). It is not linear; It doesn't even start to fit in what you expect. Today you can have a thought that you came to hear, without me telling you. That tells you what the future could be for you, and you leave with a smile because now you know everything is fine. I speak for several people in this room and for many who are listening, because I know who they are. They came here to hear something special.

Finally: here are a number of people who don't want to know anything about this (laughs). You may not even hear these words because they are asleep; I want to tell you something. His life is blessed; They are as loved as anyone else here. When they leave this place they may roll their eyes, incredulous, and laugh at all this, and I will say again: the same number of angels accompanied them a, rejoicing that they are alive, that they are here, that they mean something to the planet, and that they are not here by accident. Dear ones, this is not linear; It is the love of God. Absolute, beautiful, and available to everyone.

This is the message of this short channeling. Kryon's message will never change.

And so it is.


The Common Spiritual Sense

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of the Magnetic Service.

My partner moves aside; he does it quickly ; For years it has started this way. For him, in his life, there is no preparation to channel because I am always there. Years ago he discarded the fear that there was something inappropriate or that was not correct, and he understood that it was correct. And then, no matter what others said, he could not deny the rightness of God's love.

To some, what we want to do tonight may seem like a review; We never gave a message like this, not like that. We bring together all the topics we have talked about for so long related to an element. We have named it before, that singular element is common sense. We will even call it spiritual common sense.

Because of the nature of what we teach, a channeling could offend some, because for years those they love, appreciate and honor have taught them certain things. However, for many it is an opportunity to see something they never really considered. And the metaphor that I will present to initiate this message is that of a child sitting on a beach. The child represents human beings. The fact that he is a child represents that part of the consciousness in which they are now, as a society that is in its infancy in terms of wisdom and knowledge, but asks questions. The beach represents Gaia or a part of it, in which you settle and is your reality.

On the beach, the child begins to ask questions. We are going to ask you a few of those questions, and in each case we will point out the error. When common sense is not used, especially spiritual sense, they always have the option of feeling the truth, or being guided by what they have been taught. And someone will have common sense, and another will have ... what they taught him (laughs). And sometimes that bridge is difficult to cross for billions of people.

The boy is on the beach and asks: Is there a God? The child is not aware of the universe, of the galaxy, of majesty, divinity, love, does not know about the Great Central Source of Creation. It does not come as much from a creator as from a benevolent energy that affects all atomic levels. The child knows nothing about the song that sounds from the Creative Source to life, that sings the glory and beauty of God. The child does not know about the miracle of the creation of the planet at any given time, in a certain place, so that the child can be sitting on that beach.

The child does not have the common sense of looking at humanity and asking what is intuitive thinking? The child does not know that 80% of the planet believes in life after death. That 80% of the planet - no matter what he believes - knows that there is a God!

The child does not know that the same question, is there a God ?, originates from what is inside the child. In the child's DNA there is a piece of God Himself, and he shakes consciousness so that he then asks the question: Is there a God? Common sense: if there was no God, why would you ask? (Serie).

Look around, dear ones, and tell me that there is no God. And some will say: "I looked around, and it is bad and horrible and frightening!" And I say to you: You have not looked at beauty, you have not looked at the situation, you have not known about the chronology of this planet or what it is. involved or what will happen soon.

If they are only guided by what they were taught and do not use common sense, they are inside a box of their own bill, and some of those boxes are very dark. That was number one.

The child concludes: “Yes; there is a God. ” And then he begins to ask the other questions that all humanity asks . "Is it possible that there is another life?" For hundreds of years humanity has sat on the beach watching the beautiful white sands, and taking sand, letting it escape between the infant fingers, and has used its intellect and logic, and he said this: “As I am sitting on a single beach, I have no evidence that there are other beaches on the planet. Therefore, I am pleased to believe that I am on the only beach, because this is the only one I can see. ”That is exactly what they have done, because they cannot see the other life. They decide that, because that life does not visit them, so it becomes deeply obvious that it does not exist. You look at the vast universe and keep asking yourself: “Will there be life?” It is exactly what the child does on the beach, sitting on that beach saying: “There are probably no other beaches, because I can't see them. As they do not visit me, there is no evidence. I'm sitting on the only beach. ”(Laughs).

I want you to start using spiritual common sense. The Creator of all things, that beautiful energy, not only of love and life but of everything that exists, a consciousness that you cannot even begin to imagine, that penetrates the same molecular structure of the soul that builds everything, when it is Energy created the universe and its galaxy, do you really believe that the only place with a unique kind of life among trillions of planets would be yours? Has no sense; It would not be common sense if you were alone. And they are not. A day will come when you will know that I am correct, and it will not be as you think. This galaxy is full of life; there is so much life, so big, so vast - by design - and you naturally do not see it.

By design, the child sits on the beach. By design, you can't see other beaches, because the oceans don't work that way, the beaches don't come to meet the other beaches! The child would have to travel a great distance to check his mistake; that beaches are everywhere, everywhere! And they are so beautiful! If the child used common sense, he would say: “It has to be full of beaches, because that's how it works. This is how the elements come together, creating beaches, and creating life - just like here. ” The same process that creates life here creates it everywhere. They are not alone.

And then the boy says, "If this is so, I wonder what other kinds of life there will be." And then he says: "Surely they wouldn't be like us, they would be ... weird looking guys, with four noses, five arms, with some eyes hanging from the elbows… ”(laughs). The child is a bit imaginative as to what the other life will look like in other parts of the universe, in other regions of the galaxy. And never use common sense.

Let me tell you something: the beauty of DNA is everywhere, everywhere! Eventually you will discover microbial life in your own solar system, and when you start studying it you will discover DNA. The structure may be different, but it is DNA; the double helix is ​​everywhere, and it is everywhere because the same principles of Physics, of creation, of benevolence, of light and darkness, of heat and cold, are the same everywhere in the galaxy. If Physics is the same and life develops equally, it will develop in the same way everywhere. Do not be surprised when one day you will find what your seed of creation is; those from far away, when the time is right and when you are ready, they will come with love and with open arms. And when they come to meet you, they will be beautiful and will resemble you (laughs) and will not have eyes hanging from the elbows! It's common spiritual sense, isn't it? There will be variety, but the process is the same the beaches look alike! Oh, some have white sands, others have dark sands, sometimes the sand is rough, sometimes it's fine! But the process of the ocean that originated the sand is the same across the planet and on other planets as well. Expect variety, but expect similarities. The common spiritual sense is everywhere!

But the child continues to ask questions, as if he had not felt common, because sometimes the child thinks according to what they taught him, instead of having a mind open to meaning common.

Number four: it is another life. What will the chronology of all that be like? You probably have a story very similar to yours. The boy says; Probably the same kind of story and maybe it involved the same chronology. But the child doesn't really take into account the age of all things. He does not know the greatness of those who preceded him; The child only knows about himself. On the history of humanity; It doesn't go much further than that. And the assumption he makes is that all life everywhere has the same duration in time, more or less. The history. The creation What does common sense say, if the galaxy is four billion years old? Does it say the development has been the same? Or does it say that maybe, just maybe, there are planets with societies that look like you, and that have existed for millions of years? And if you thought outside the box and used common sense, the potential would be overwhelming!

This also shows that you just arrived a moment ago, and there was a purpose for this; that while both the solar system itself and the galaxy in which they are have a history of four billion years, humanity has only been here for about two hundred thousand years. Dear ones, we said it before. What is the meaning of this? Consider it for a moment! If the galaxy could fit in a 24-hour clock, you would have arrived 20 seconds ago (laughs). What are the chances that there are much, but much older, civilizations? What are the chances that, due to their age and because of what they know about consciousness and the Creator, some of them have carried what God himself is through his DNA for millions of years? years? What are the chances that what is happening here and now has happened there and then? While the Earth was forming. And if that is the case, is it common sense? It makes much more common sense than thinking that everyone arrived in the last two seconds! (Serie). And that is the case. Is it possible that they have taken part in the history of the creation of the planet? That you have in your own biology mature, large and great seeds, millions of years old? And that this planet has even been protected so that it grants free will, especially during this change? Will things that were designed to happen for you, to give you this kind of thing, be happening on the planet? Or will it be too far fetched to be common sense?

Number five. The child says: “Who is God? What is the attitude of God, like God? Knows me. Is God pleased or not? Can I offend God? And what would happen if I do it? ”This has received more attention from me than anything else I have done on this planet; I have said this more times than anything else: that the human being is so limited in the structure of his consciousness, that he has conceived God as if he were a human being. And we have already said the basics: if there were a planet of dogs, God would be a dog! If there were a planet of possums, God would be an possum! That is all you know! And thus the dysfunctions of humanity are placed in the Almighty! There is no common sense! Not a little common sense.

The Creator of the Universe, bigger than you can imagine, and yet small enough to fit within you, with a greatness that is ... which is much more than you can even think! And you decided that there are wars in heaven? And fallen angels and punishments? And judgment? Is that true spiritual common sense, or are you in a box with a god who looks like you? What happens to humanity, who wants God to be dysfunctional and human?

God is love; no judgment There is nothing they can do to upset God. They are part of God. It is so controversial about what you have built for yourself and what you call doctrine. They have God scaring children: visions of horror at the time of death; And the Creator of the Universe loves them anyway! Even if it is not common sense.

The greatest common sense they could have is that they are here for a reason and, dear ones, wait to hear the number six. They are not here simply for a reason, but they are part of the puzzle, because they have a soul, a soul created by that Central Source. What you call soul is a piece and a part of the Creative Source that is within you. So, if they are a piece and a part of God, let me ask you something: is it common sense that they send themselves to hell to burn forever? That is you with you!

It is controversial, but it is common sense that God is love, not hate, or judgment, and that this structure of a kind of system in which they would have to behave and torture them forever is very human! Very human! It comes from a low consciousness that wants to control humans, not release them!

Number six. The boy sits on the beach and says: “I have this life; What will happen when I die? Do I come for a moment of time and shine like the sun, with a consciousness that loves God and then - then die? And all that I am, is here for a short time and then I will be dust forever. And there will be nothing more of me.

Then the child starts to wake up, and sees many beaches. Start developing common sense. Start feeling the Creator within yourself; in reality he begins to feel the consciousness of the creator within himself. Start assuming mastery, and the child has a great Aha! He says: “I am eternal! I knew it! ”The boy says:“ I remember! I saw when the Earth was created ! It was created for me and for all those who were with me. I saw all those beautiful things come together. I came as a human being, and when I died I returned as a human being; my soul is eternal; I am forever! And when he dies, I will come back again, because this is a cycle, a beautiful cycle, and it is a cycle of common sense, because the Creator of all things will not create a piece of himself that will end and die! There is no death for the Creator! Time is in a circle . ”

Dear ones, you are that child on the beach, using common sense and starting to wake up to the truth. This, like all things, is a cycle. Except that this cycle they have been in has begun to change. And with that comes more common sense. They may not believe it, but they will believe it. They will believe it. Everyone in the room will take his last breath in his body, everyone. What do you think of that? They think it's death, right? I will tell you what it is: it is a cycle of rejuvenation because they do not live long lives . And after that last breath, after a short period, they wake up again; not here, but in an energy that is not even a place, and they hear the wind of the song that is heard throughout the galaxy, which represents the love of the Creator. And they will know that everything I said is true and real.

And through a system that you have repeated again and again, ancient soul, then you return to the planet with the planning that you always had before, and the choice of the others, which you always did before, and you become young again. Everything is a cycle.

But, as I said before, this time your youth will carry a special wisdom. In the new energy, you will remember. You will not repeat the mistakes you made, you will have a wisdom that has not been seen on this planet, because it is new. And that life will end the same way, only when you take the next last breath (laughs) it will be with a smile, because you will remember that it is a cycle! And there will be no fear, and those around you will miss you, but they will celebrate the fact that there is no death! That is wisdom! When they can surround the person who is dying and sing inspirational songs, because it is a cycle. And they know what their cycle is, and the cycle of others. And it is beautiful! And that, dear ones, is spiritual common sense.

Six themes And with that we finish. What will you take from this meeting? Delusions? Or reality? What is your common sense? Is that what they taught you? Or do you intuit what is real? And if this starts to be real to you, what would you do with this? Dear ones, there are tools on the planet right now that will alert you to common sense. Some of them will go against what they have been taught, but humanity will increasingly begin to seek common sense.

Does it make sense that those who understand the love of God isolate themselves and fight for who is right? The answer is no; That is a contradiction. Turn your face to the neighbor, build a fence because the other does not love God in the same way as you ( laughs) . Spiritual common sense will prevail in that too. Eventually they will have a planet with many types of religions and cults, in which everyone agrees that there is variety in the culture. That God is love, and that there is no "right" and "wrong, " there are only options. That is wisdom; That is common sense. And that is what will come.

So how does this affect you now? It is a question that I cannot answer, because you have free will. The free will to leave here and laugh at what you heard. Or free will to leave here and have a dramatically different life.

For some of you, all I have done is validate what you already know. Ancient soul, welcome to an Earth that is changing . You are in the right place at the right time; There is no mistake.

Now leave this place and show your light to others, and if you have a chance, show them common sense.

And that is enough for today.

And so it is.


AUTHOR: Lee Carroll


SEEN AT: www.traduccionesparaelcamino.blogspot.com.ar

AUDIO 1: http://audio.kryon.com/en/Ottaway-SAT-mini-16.mp3

AUDIO 2: http://audio.kryon.com/en/Ottawa-SAT-main-16.mp3

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