The entry point and energy synthesis, by Lisa Renee

Dear family:

Throughout the last year we entered the Cycle of Galactic Consciousness and as a result, the dimensional portals (that is our Star Portal System) have opened and started their systematic reconnection of layers with the Continuous Galactic Time or Galactic Dimensions. It has a strong impact on our consciences, our planet, and it is the sequel that we now observe in the crumbling systems of the old 3D paradigm. This will continue because such structures cannot exist in the same way within these new frequencies. Going forward, it is important to remember (no matter how they look externally) that your authority is none other than your inner Light God, who will serve and protect you in ways that your linear mind could not understand.

As an example, the painful fulfillment or termination of a relationship is subsequently revealed to protect them from an obstacle that is not the expression of your highest evolution. Or upon the completion of that circumstance you are offered a completely new level of personal clarity, freedom and fulfillment. We were twisted and bent many times lately that it is like our father God has been consistently taking us out of harmful or harmful ways. Our experience is like driving bumper cars in Mr. Toad's cross country, and still, the intelligence of the Universe is working! With the collapse of time fields and the flow of new dimension energies, we are consistently making micro adjustments to balance and calibrate each nano second!


Finally we are now able to see the physical manifestation of what has been happening behind the veil within the interdimensional fields for a good while (at pre-manifestation levels). It feels like this year will be one that will have many spontaneous surprises !! Legions of Light forces along with the incarnate crew on the ground have been working diligently in all aspects to repair and rehabilitate the integrity of the timeline structure and its dimensional matrices.

Many of us in the family of stellar seeds are the acupuncture points of the human body of galactic frequencies and we anchor these spectra of energy waves in the planetary grid itself. This is why many of that group are called to travel through the Star Portal or another vortex on the planet. Our bodies are the “ascension” technology that literally anchor the frequencies by placing them at specific pivot points on the tonal axis or grid lines of the surface.

Sometimes we can do this remotely or we will be called to be or reside at that point physically. (Recently our ES group went to Brazil and this was an example of a call to be directly in a specific vortex).

If we pay attention we will begin to see the holographic architecture (the manifestation of patterns) that is behind all forms of manifestation. As more bubbles of reality form around you, you will begin to see the repeated pattern of the energy theme connecting individuals or circumstances in that "hologram." Belief systems also create clear patterns of energy or vibrational issues.

You will notice that each of us is our OWN UNIVERSE, and our bodies are interdimensional portals of God's conscience, each portal subject to its own interpretation of externally seen events. Finally, as we are experiencing that awareness, it allows us to disconnect the artificial intelligences that exist in the 3D illusion. We become the observers watching a "movie", and from the viewer's view we change the records of reality. As the holographic architecture changes and is repaired **, mass consciousness changes!

We are facing the Point of Entry leading us to a new energy architecture platform that supports our new reality of consciousness. (Dismantling the old energy structure and completing the old relationship patterns was like a structure demolition team for the past 60 days! The bombs were detonated quite regularly ...)

Like a divine orchestra preparing to play a symphony, each one has his or her note to play in giving him the "foot" in the ascending timeline. As a divine conductor reading the scores of a musical composition, moving through each of the lines while each person in the orchestra waits until the perfect moment to play his musical instrument, to play his personal note. Together we are collaboratively playing the most beautiful music known to this planet!


Last month we talked about the Galactivation of humans as a Star Seed Project that will begin to physically anchor in 2009. (Listen here for the ES community update on Encarnaci Galactic n:

Our individual bodies are the point of contact with the planetary body, which results in the consequent experimentation of a simultaneous galactic activation and change. When we understand micro and macro relationships better, it allows us to relax more in a process that begins to appear as one of cohesion rather than a fortuitous act from the point of view of the linear mind. Having such a small context to allow a personal framework of our ascensional evolution and how it impacts us, it seems important to recapitulate certain information already given.

The Guardians mentioned, in the July 2008 bulletin ( The Magic Change of the Global Brain ), that our planet had reached a critical point of evolution with its magnetic change. (According to this, the radius of particles between electrons and protons of the Earth's magnetosphere has changed dramatically. As more protons were created from our Sun, the effects of the neutral field began to be accessible For more information, please read the bulletin last July). Looking back that was clearly an impetus that initiated the galactic star portal's opening jump that resulted in the related galactic frequency code, and records of the Line of time that came to pour into the matrix of the cellular memory of our planet. Naturally this will continue as we continue moving forward. We are just starting to get this party!

The planetary bodies move from one dimension to another by magnetic attraction within their grid systems, the particles of the unified field of energy for each dimension. n. One dimension is a grouping of geomatically combined energy units and built on a plane or project that reflects sound and light to the manifested form. In the context of the Guardians, a dimensional grouping is synonymous with a linear time of consciousness. All the seasons of our identity, such as those we commonly refer to as past life, are now all happening on another dimensional plane, a temporary time of consciousness. As we physically incarnate in that other dimensional plane (frequency spectrum) we are also embodying the identity and historical records of what is happening in that other l particular time line.

NOTE: This is why when we manage to ascend spiritually to a new dimensional frequency within our body of light, (or activated), it is so common to meet new beings with whom an instant love connection feels like a type sensation "Family soul or soulmate." At each level of dimensionalization you will find different beings with whom you will connect (both internally and in the physical world) to share energy, complete and heal, by activating each other or experiencing the pleasure of recognition with a new / old friend spiritual! That being or person was not able to come to your holographic field of perception until you were able to maintain that specific frequency of light quotient.

The relationship between the "notes" within the dimensional frequency bands is what creates the holographic reflection of light and sound that allows consciousness to perceive the illusion of physical matter. While consciousness has stationed its identity within a particular dimensionalization structure (such as our 3D human birth that contracts that imprint in our personal consciousness with the snapshot of the planetary field of mass mass consciousness at the exact moment of our birth). This also allows the perception of awareness of an externalization of a particular reality system. So to recap, it is our current dimensionalization structure, our current holographic architecture and its matrices, that controls the perception of mass consciousness of this reality system.

Now that we have presented and exposed to “off the planet” frequencies and timelines, we will observe many radical changes, outside the blue events that will come and go very quickly. These frequencies accelerate everything, which will open more information "off the planet" to be given to the public. Such a level of information that is rapidly becoming available is our history of governments and complicity with the planet Mars. Interesting planetary dynamics of the Guardians as it is shared with us shortly of what is happening now ...


In 2008, a Planetary Project Repair Guardian was healing the distorted and damaged timelines in 4D and their relative impact with the fourth strand of DNA within the divine temple of the human body. (This was covered in many of the monthly articles on astral reconfiguration throughout 2008) The fourth level of the human chakra system hosts the first level of divinity, the intelligence of the parent soul. The fourth level, or layer of the human light body, is impacted by the fourth layer of the planetary light body, also called the dimensional "astral" plane. The 4D planetary portal leads us to the layers or levels of the astral plane and is located in Giza, Egypt. The fourth portal, the astral plane, has had an incredibly long history and conflict over its control between both human and non-human interests. For the last 25, 000 years this star portal, which controls the trajectory of the movement between our planet and the sun, has been under the domain of controlling forces. (Factions of Annunaki, Nibiruanos and Zeta, mainly)

Exactly this is why the change of agenda of the pole has been a probable “rumor” of timeline, for as long as they had control of this stellar portal they used it as an influence. (Please note, as already stated: the timelines and related memories of "pole shift" and "invasion" as "rumored" - they are no longer potential future realities). An unnatural 4D star portal, a black hole reverse system (the “phantom matrix”) was connected to those portal systems that exist within the 4D astral planes and its star interface portal. Part of the Astral Reconfiguration Guardian Project consisted of disconnecting this phantom matrix, healing the fragments of the soul in 4D and its artificial ascension realities.

The fourth star portal has opened these links to the timelines of the planet Mars in its recent levels of galactic interface (both in frequency and in timelines). (Understand that the star portals of the planetary system are the points of terrestrial connection with the galactic and universal star portals systems. Once sealed and closed, these stellar portals progressively open during the ascensional cycle.

Because the galactic timeline of Mars is opening through the fourth galactic portal in Giza, it gives information to the surface about its history that will become increasingly hard to suppress. This leads us to the Montauk Project and a history of colonization on Mars between Orion, Humans and Zata (the Grays). These were dimensional projects mixed with alien technology that allowed time travel to the future.

Many of the collaborations between humans and aliens were of a negative nature, genetic experiments, development of mind control programs and perfected psychotronic warfare. I am advised that the exact details are irrelevant at this point in the discussion given that there is much information available about the Philadelphia experiment (1943) and the Montauk Project (1983). What they are emphasizing to point out is that the hidden information about ETs associated with humans will happen through the 4D timelines and there is life on Mars that will be the first level of sequence of information revealed. They say this is only the beginning.

NASA released an announcement on January 15 that the planet Mars reveals that there is life.

Also as an example, in July 2008 a strange demonstration was discovered on Montauk beach. (East Coast of Long Island, NY) The Montauk monster is an emanation of the particle and anti-particle of time lines merging that allows certain things to manifest in a certain kind of way through the pull of the Earth's magnetic field. As certain fields are pulled closer to our physical dimension, the magnetic pull condenses the basic etheric form into condensation of physical matter. These inorganic beings cannot physically survive in this dimension.

The Guardians mention that this is an example of such a phenomenon as we have begun to merge fields of particles and anti-particles of time, and they are already beginning to experience this type of effect on the plane of physical matter. In addition, when galactic timelines (including Martian timelines) merge, things that were previously "not seen" will become visible to our dimension.

Knowing that many humans are susceptible to fear of the unknown, they ask that we prepare and be informed. This can be a fantastic trip!


With the opening of the galactic timelines and a new entry point emerging, I have been told that this is the time to write more clearly about the 12D commission. The Melchizedek Guardian Groups, are the ones that supervise and direct the planetary repair projects (since 12D) that specifically results in the collapse and disposal of distorted timelines, distorted human records that created damaged DNA in the past, present and future. It is this group that works with universal holographic architecture to repair its structural integrity back to the ascending timeline. The ascension timeline could reflect the connection to the passage back to God Source, the return to the matrix of God from Point Zero, the point of our creation genesis.

The more humans activate the 12D platinum frequency shields, by calling them to this timeline, this creates a large mass of 12D accumulated frequency in a planetary center. It also activates the individual body of light in a harmonic balance necessary to keep the frequency ladder upward, in order to embody the Avatar level of consciousness (12D). This is one of the purposes of the specific technique given with the exercise of Shield 12D. The "center" 12D operates as an interdimensional elevator that encompasses each level of dimension between 1-12. This allows 12D contact, the Avatar Consciousness of the Cosmic Christ Group to connect with 3D humanity on this plane.

The first step is to build a personal 12D platinum shield and then expand it to create group pillars, at community, planetary levels and so on. In the initial phases one is taught to acclimatize to the frequency by the visual signal of being connected to the external center of the 12D source, until one grows in the understanding that the frequency is being obtained from within the body itself. Eventually, until the integrity of your body of light expands, your entire vertical line (the column chakra) becomes a huge platinum ray with interwoven white crystalline frequency. At this point of activation your 12D shield is permanent and you are called to turn the fields into a larger one from the right inside your own body. Your body is now God's technology that can greatly impact planetary fields by stabilizing inharmonic environments or surface grids.

This literally means that you can choose to use your Christ-given Christ Light to evade disasters, clean timelines, create harmonic patterns, etc. At this level of activation, your sphere of influence and impact on the planetary fields is much more expansive and immediate. (Realizing that if your physical body has 220 volts (110 volts in the original in English, since that is the voltage of the electric current in the US) output, it will be gradually prepared to handle a 1000 volt application. They will also be put through your step to understand how to handle this level of energy power as it emanates from your body consciousness)

Before the activation of the planetary ascension of your body of light, (the seventh body of light - the induction of the violet flame) your body of light does not interface with the planetary body of light as a mechanism of "cleaning" as part of your organic functioning. (Remember that your aura of the body of light is your personal holographic architecture that controls the functioning of your consciousness). As light workers, they are always able to clean and support the direction of the frequency of healing with the focus of your conscious mind; However, this is the first phase of energy mastery.

The vibrational impact and influence is amplified from the consciousness of pure observation, relative to the mind consciousness approach. But it is imperative that the conscious mind (3D intelligent ego) be directed to sublimate itself to the observer, so the first phase to discipline your ego is to learn how to focus the mind. This is the physical creation of an ascending consciousness and has nothing to do with any value assigned in any form or manner.

Until they reach and build the seventh planetary ascension frequency of your personal light body / hologram, the planetary light body is cleaning your personal light body. This is why many lightworkers connect to the earth and anchor to its center, they are cleaned in this way by Mother Earth. After the planetary ascension your bodies of light begin to cleanse the terrestrial planetary body as well as the body of light of the mass consciousness of humanity. Those, galactically activated, are already involved with this as a project group, and since this is a function of the DNA package and stellar genetics, there is no way to avoid that agreement unless you decide to stop your own evolution.

Moving in these terrestrial “centers” of 12D are the frequency orbits that support an anchor that allow Melchizedek Guardian Groups to work alongside their embodied human counterparts. When we connect with the 12D centers and create a handshake with the Guardians, we are going through gaps in the frequency barrier of the artificial controlling matrices. They can't do it for us! If you are initiators of the repair of the planetary grid, you still feel moved to participate as a part of the expression of your source God, using the 12D technique and through this suggested process you are a great star. They will activate your body of light at the same time that they mentally begin to focus on these exercises. (We are working on a new list of techniques, on the Internet page, to support this process)

If we do not ask for it inside, they are not able to “lower” their vibration enough to create the 12D handshake and have completed work of repair levels. This is a collaborative and project effort between incarnated humans and our Star Christ and Families of Light. We have been building the portal connection and the grid connection in this dimension by creating the 12D pillars, individually and within the collective body (our ES community has a 12D group center specifically to allow the connection with the Guardian Groups). This creates a mutual connection of cleansing of miasma (karmic) damage in personal bodies, aligning them with the original plane of the divine human body, while building communication and spiritual ties with the Guardian Races.

Subsequently after the 12D handshake and the center is secured then we will be able to create an orbit in the Cosmic Trinity of Creation or the Cosmic Triad. It supports the three fields of Primary Sound of Creation and has all the Living Codes of Light and Geomances to genetically repair the Universe through the human and planetary bodies. It is also through the link of the Cosmic Triad that we connect with the Aurora / Aedenic Races and the 13th star portal. (The opening of the Neutron Window at the Zero Point of the Matrix of God). Through the 13th Portal we are then able to send fragments of the soul, inorganic entities and other races back to be returned home anyway to merge back to the Source of Light.

While we are entering the following month, the frequency accumulation of this 12D is important, such as the next opening of the galactic star portal located on the island of Kauai and southern France. They are the 12D frequencies that must connect to this stellar portal to fully activate it in the highest sequence. Once connected the galactic timelines will enable the fulfillment of massive healing on the Hawaiian land masses, having to do it with the Lemurian holocaust. All timelines related to a holocaust are linked together, so it can be an incredibly powerful healing time as these memories resurface. Highlight your awareness to this healing purpose if and when this comes in your healing process or grid healing work for this planet.

In deep love and gratitude to our Galactic Families!

Stay in the luminosity of your Hearts and in the Path of God! We are here as One.

With love, Lisa.

** Repaired (context): The Guardian's perspective is that many of the holographic layers (manifested patterns) were distorted in such a discrepancy that the imminent destruction of the original divine plane was highly likely without direct intervention. The Conscious Intervention was planned during the ascension cycle and only possible if the Star Seed Beings and Indigo Races came to incarnate in human body patterns to recode their genetics, both individually and planetarium. This form or manner was not a violation of the free will of creation, since the star seeds would be physically embodied as “earthly” human beings and therefore genetically activated to remember “Ask for the help of the Forces of Light and Star Families. " In this last dark cycle, many humans have forgotten their divine commission and were not calling on the Forces of God or evolutionary support. In addition, through mind control agendas from technologically more advanced races (it does not denote spiritual advancement), humanity was and is subject to slavery without realizing it or with informed consent. This resulted in DNA damage that required repair work to be activated during the ascension cycle.

This monthly ES news article reflects the Guardian's perspective of the ascension timeline (timeline 2012) as support, both energetically and informatively, for Galactic Star Seed Families and Indigo races. This spiritual Family has accepted the role of Guardianship to support the foundation of Cosmic Citizenship as an evolutionary model for this planet and humanity, and this is a level of land based on the designated support for this specific group.

There is absolutely no difference in value given to the role that each being has chosen for its expression. The directive mission of the Guardian Groups is the rehabilitation of the hologram, repairing its energy architecture (DNA), embodying the Ascended Human Protoform, providing information context on Ascension dynamics and Exopolitics (ET) agendas and re-educating both human and non-human. humans to be aligned congruently with the Universal Law of One. Freedom, Fraternity and the Sovereign Right of All Beings to be Knowledgeable of the Source God, is protected by the Shared Collective Unit Vote together with our Universal Guard Groups:


Warriors Defenders of Truth, Sovereignty and Liberation. All Guardian races Serving One. For All Multi-universes We Call For You to Join Us Now. Our Unification Principle considered as demonstrated in the waves of Omni Love - We sound our Group Note to You Now. Our Patron Group Updated, Individually and Collectively, Renovated and Perpetuated Forever in the Light Sustained Eternally. Our Alchemical Container is consecrated and dedicated to the Purpose of the One, and we try to be the Knower of God in order to be the One Who Shows the Way of God. Sustaining ourselves in the Eternal Power of our Consecration.

We have asked for your Guardian of the Portal to sustain our community, our missions, our highest mutual purposes in Service to the One Light, Our Source, the Code of Living Light. Our Intent is Unification - The Christ Principle - as an Energy Reality, Here and Now.

We ask for the handshake of our community to fortify our spiritual ties through the Universal Cosmic Triad, and within the Heart of One, the Zero Point Matrix, which is the source of our Genesis. With deep reverence for all Life, Dear God, Inspiring your Life Codes in all created forms. We give our intention now to be remembered for Who We Are, fully, completely and totally.

To Establish Our Mutual Purpose as One, Resurface All Inorganic Patterns to Living Organic Light Now. And for that we say, Thank God, We are the Cosmic Christ!

And so it is. Lovingly decreed.

(C) 2009, Lisa Renee

Please note that to distribute this newsletter in other forums, you must do so with the following indications: include the author's credit, copyright and the ES website address.

(C) 2009 Lisa Renee E nergetic S ynthesis

This email was sent by Energetic Synthesis, 1318 2nd Street, Ste 15, Santa Monica, CA 90401 EE. UU.


Lisa Renee - Intuitive Healer, Galactic Emissary and Ascension Guide

February 2, 2009 - ENERGY SYNTHESIS

Translation: Sergio Hache

Edition: Anita Manasse -

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