Thought has Universal power, by Master Jesus through MJG

It is first thing in the morning, a fine rain is falling, I ask my guardian angels, guides, protectors, that my channels be extremely protected - as I always do - and I get ready to leave things here that come to this tape my mind. I know that it is a double information of the habitual thing, of my more human mind, more logical, and more of third dimension, -we can put also- and finally I could continue talking and speaking, but as always I will give way to what happens best. I ask E. again that please from all your love I can transcribe this message.

I think that because of what I have been able to be alone in a little meditation before, it has to do with personal works, clearly from the truth and the lie. This is what I can know right now, a little as well as guidance.

At this moment I see as if there was a double image, I know that it is my being, a more masculine part and that image can be unfolded and that of the master Jesus appears, and then I appear as well as a much smaller human beside him and what they teach me are tunics, like garnets and yellow and they put me in mind:

The time of the loss of consciousness begins, where after these moments so long, so long in time, although sometimes for the being, then already in its concrete summary, they are as instants, although centuries have passed humanly for many, and eons of time also for many, because all that they carry and we have recorded the first seed and essence of the earth, combine and combine with us from the first moment of the DNA code that was lowered where the earth was already sterilized to pay the seed of the harvest of this breed, and the future to come.

It means that we have split in many fields already, higher astral, and lowering them for new geometric and symmetrical shapes at all poles.

Today we are going to give a very simple, very concise information of the earth. We do not want to tire this MJG traveling soul too much, a traveler in much, much in what can now be called the word time. Many parts of her psyche are exhausted by all this genetic change, we also take her to situations of much analysis in her mind and in her left and right brain.

We are not going to talk about all these mechanisms now because they are immense and intense, and I want to make this very clear, which are the epigraphs, I don't know if that word will be understood here humanly as we want to expose it, because we also know that this great difficulty exists .

When you get a vision of the eye and you see a panorama, we have had to transpose it to this dimension so that it looks like this. But we have fragmented and segmented it so that later, the eye, the ear and to be able to reach the touch, so that it could be given, seen, felt.

But imagine how when you reflect in a mirror, but you are not there, there is a separation, there are some atoms away, and we have also had to make that substance from the mirror - which is now very easy for you - because the mind has already He was able to transpolate much beyond those that I can see and feel, he has relied more on these mechanisms.

Today I want to speak to you very much from the heart, with this soul, it is not a soulmate of mine, but we have lived so much, so much time together the breath of the world - and I speak to you of the world - we have participated in so many battles, animated and inanimate - when I speak of inanimate, it is because they are still in creation.

How limited are the words of your vocabulary, and how difficult - today I can say that - is to get to give that exact message or word to move your psyche. It is very difficult when you also carry out work done and you have broken down or broken down and you have allowed yourself to realize the amount of words that could make similar, to a thing, a certain thing, and how many similar and so different words there can be.

We are joining bodies, I am going up, I am speaking, -in case it has not been very clear-, from the connecting part of the soul of this MJG vehicle, and what many could you call or has been called The Alt The same Jesus Christ, the God the Son that the Father created.

Well, well, well, I have been given every name, every little name, every paragraph, every stupidity we could say, because we could look for so many things in the mind of this channel and I know many, many, I can be very close to you. Never, never, never, can I reach a complete psyche - know this - we have to move sometimes and remove you by many angles, sometimes we need you to fall into funds, in deep funds, to see what can be left There of the pain.

I don't know who this whole tape will come to, this message, but I know something very beautiful, and that is that my thought has universal power, and since then it does How will it reach many of you? This would like it to stay as if it were the title, the title, the most important message. I do, although no one reads or listens to it or can have it in front of him, his psyche will only perceive it. In what way? How? and When? I will see.

That is embedded in the word time, in the word universal, in the phrase God gives and always provides or God is the maker and if you ask him, he will listen to you, there are so many mechanisms so that a soul can already shelter itself in my verb, in what I may be leaving here today embodied. In what many beings, that you can say or have been able to say, as the spiritual key of elite, of holy angels, archangels, and I tell you, we are only guardians, guardians, we are protectors, we are lovers, we are knowledgeable, we already know enough of what the truth is, of which the man and the woman, the boy and the girl, the animal and the mineral are composed.

That little leaf or twig that comes out that sometimes dries out, and others cut it with that derogatory air, and others do not look at it when passing and others do not remember that they are giving oxygen, others cut and burn those Trees, those forests, those vast plains sometimes and mountains, that The Father and that this system has created so that man can live in it.

Every time a tree is burned, a part of man dies, because he is subtracting that life, he is subtracting that oxygen. You can't imagine what that can lead to in the ecosystem and in creation. There are atoms in many trees that give life to many, many, many beings (very tiny) but those beings, so tiny - I am not going to deviate from what is important to what I want to go - those tiny beings that you barely see or few see, as is the devotee kingdom, then later mineralize, carry pollen too, they are fractions at symmetrical levels and perfect of the earth's DNA.

Microscopically, each strand of the earth has a composition of DNA, and it is necessary to carry and bring along that DNA code, each one of its components, hence the deviotic kingdom, the mineral kingdom, vegetal kingdom. All those components that are in the gut of the earth, all that is part of a great thought.

God and man - we could say - or the creator and his whole world, or the Maker and the Giver of Life in this way and in this ecosystem. I would say "the Christ" as you know me, and I repeat again, I don't know who this will come to, but I know, I know, that I already recognize life.

This was my great gift that I went down in my last stay as Jesus. I recognize life because I recognized love.

That hard stays sometimes have to happen in this gut of the earth, when so much love is missing here, yes, here I could say the sweetheart, here are a few small drops of the nectar of love. Few have come down, "because it is so painful to go down to this plane, to this plane without love", yes, yes, yes.

Here is a level and a kind of love, entangled, convoluted, misunderstood, misused and also, the need for love. You have to discover this, "the double side of the coin."

He descended to a plane of great density - perfect, wonderful - of pure creation and a great hologram to develop, the human race, the alchemical race, the long-lived race of the animal prototype.

The brain of man is quite animal, and you can say, how quite animal? yes, it eats itself, eats the animal, feeds on the animal, also on the plant kingdom. But look at it well. It is a fairly reptilian brain, quite alchemical, which is where it has to come now, to the alchemy of understanding.

Probably, what I am telling you, you understand little, but I will summarize it as much as I can from the blue ray alo, where there has been so much longevity. From the gold-ruby ray as I am talking to you right now, in which I am and I have found myself, although I handle many.

If you knew when you say lightning. The ruby-gold is "an immensity", "it is pentagraphic", "it is something so powerful", "so powerful", that if you knew the density there is when you talk about it with that coldness, that folly, - because it is foolishness, because you have not understood it or because you understand it very little - please!

There is something big that I want to convey today in this message, for everyone who hears it, and it is “THE RESPECT”. Respect, if you do not respect, you will not go beyond the door of knowledge and wisdom.

You will be in the emblems, in that part reflecting like in the mirror. But to get to understand, how I have been able to reflect, and how I can get from there, how I can get out of that labyrinth of the mind, it takes a lot of humility.

This humanity, not 100%, do not stay 100%, but in a high percentage, to pass through the big door you must have known a lot of pain.

Lonely souls and great souls in the experiences, so that they later configure it to a point, a geometric point, we could say how that great wild card is humility, that great treasure of the silence of humility.

Now we have given some groups and many, many on this planet, many, that you go through that door of humility, and it cannot be done with guts full of pain, misunderstanding, and let's not say hate, we wouldn't even touch there these epigraphs

We are giving it to select groups, where they already have the commitment to refine themselves, to recognize themselves in their decrepitude, decrepitude also in this world. And you can say what decrepitude, - well, I am going to summarize it as well - look at what decrepitude is for you, for me it is something already, damaged, sore, aged, but also with a lot of heart, with much, having crossed many difficulties, but, there is the but, decrepitude for us is when a person is already long-lived or with enough knowledge in wisdom and has not come well to understand, to understand.

I do not know if it will clarify, but you also have to know this, that mirror from where we want to get you to things, is reflected in a different way, and now we have to get closer to each other, why? Because the universe was created, everything, the ecosystem was created, the whole existence was created, it only had to be reflected outside that creation for its manifestation. If you understand this “outside its manifestation, outside the manifestation of the part of its creation” and in that transpolation, they are eons of years, eons of time, that is why the word time must be eradicated so much and so much.

We also want JBG to be able to take it to the other group, it will already be put in mind, but we want it to be recorded, both to the group of what we could call G21, the word time must be eradicated.

Well, I will continue, Right brain and left brain, reflecting, conscious and unconscious. Supraconscious, seventh chakra and seventh body. Seventh body awareness awakens, let's put it that way, let's get to that one.

Fourth body of the human being, very high devotee, where he already contacts the upper astral, quite closed in the psyche of what already connects with the mental body, we could call it the third energy body here and contacting in that transpolation or union with his third body the emotional

If you imagined, -and you have already seen them- in the auras or in the bodies, how symmetrical they are with each other, but sometimes these bodies that have been so united, sometimes have been very divided.

The soul, the soul that has been in that part of the body that could most unite the upper astral with the being, there we could put the fifth body - do not stay exactly with the numbers, I am making a similarity - that being that also can put there in the soul. Now we are wanting this vehicle to read a book so you can understand it a little more from your mind, it's from Alice Ann Bayle.

How much blood in your veins? -referring to this channel, - everything he has written runs through your veins, everything, absolutely everything that has had to be experienced on this earth -in the area that you chose, like me- we chose mainly the one of the lover, and although We are all lovers, but the gratitude we were receiving is to give and without waiting many times in return.

It was hard, it was, it was, because it was an era, the era of Pisces culminated, but in others, we ran great battles, we always defended the DNA of the earth. We sculpted many stones also with blood, yes, and many of those who can hear or even read one day, this message is handwritten, many of us today are lovers in the heavenly planes, as you could say, we painted the walls with blood.

Error or no error, is what it was. Development of a psyche, the Paschal lamb. The Easter of Pisces arrived, and that mirror had to unfold again and see another angle on the part of the creator, another emphasis where He created and now you will meet in this other way, being aware, being already doers, being connoisseurs of my great system .

Now you will summarize, you will specify this great talisman that has been life, attached to a DNA to a genetics. You will be able to break down, undo, know, and reach another point of summary that will follow, but it is another angle of this great creation, and the power now of this great creation, is to know that I am the thinker, the thinker and with it I believe.

The time has come for humanity to know much more clearly, much more clearly that it is a co-creator, with the entire ecosystem, but it had to develop as that small, microscopic, head of a sperm, that brain that goes there so powerful, had to put a new ball of DNA, I no longer need to suffer to live, I no longer need to fight so much in that egg and in that sperm, in that genetics, to see if I can create life, to see if I can get pregnant, to see if I can be born, to see if I can be a being, individual or in a collective, but to see if I can be.

There was always and always has been in that sperm and in that ovule the need to create life, to give life, to be a living being, but with great difficulty, of death, it could be gestated or it could not be gestated. The strength of the sperm lying there in that ovule of the female hand, of that female psyche, which was bringing along so much life, and so many lives, that pain of that begetting, of having to die for being born. "If you knew this, the damage that is recorded in your psyche."

I want that in the next job, -I will make it clearer-, this circle where this vehicle is, work death, death. Well, we will continue giving information, and I do not want to derive from this right now, I will resume it a little later.

Mainly the human being has died so many times, by greed, lies, pain, pain, pain, boredom, apathy, and all this led to a great conclusion of the lack of compression and knowledge. The psyche is very complex, because when you get tired of listening to what you are doing, it is to ignore what you are hearing, take it for granted and no longer accept what one says or what another says. There is very little time of true receptivity in an interlocution.

Friends, brothers, teachers of life, and lovers, I also want to make it clear here and this that is taken to circles, groups, is "that you do not want to understand, do not want to understand if you barely listen" ... you really do not want to get to a reasoning of the interlocution that your interlocutor could have.

Today I am going to make it easier for you, you are with a friend or you are in a meeting, look, there are few who are listening, although you are nothing more than two people, three, and let's not say anymore, truly what the other Person is saying, no, no, no, don't be fooled.

If anyone here knows how to fight the bullfight well, it is Saint Germain, and there are many, many teachers, but ... My part of Maitreya too, and there is a lot now infusing knowledge and clarity on this planet, in this ecosystem.

I brought the Piscean era, the giver, and now the giver in the sowing he has to collect from that harvest he has been doing for two thousand years, (we will leave it in two thousand), it is not such thus, it is the creative verb, but that has to happen in this system, in this system on the one hand and it is love.

If a person is not there, we are going to make his emotions a little clear, and in his minimal thoughts that are more than everyday, he will not listen to you. Because each word of yours enters into an analysis of your mind, in a comparison with your emotional system, and with an endocrine system of bittersweet substance, it depends on how it happened, it will happen because of his pituitary gland, he will reach the sixth chakra and from there he goes to his stomach, there he will stir and his aura changes completely and automatically closes channels.

If you are talking to a person about hunger, he does all this systematic, systematic tour for everyone, and there as his / her unconscious parameters are, for the needs what happened, how they understood it, how their genetics are going to interact, and there is going to be a revolution of energy in their aura that What he is going to do is reject and close the pituitary channel so that he does not enter information or if it is okay, open it. Understand this, and with this I want to take you to a point. (in the circle, in the group and where you are) you don't want to understand others all at once, just for the moment let them be in you, feel that journey, feel, and for that it is important that before you see the reflection in that mirror, which can be that person, you are in your own, you are in your own.

Where does that word go? Where does it creep, if there is an emotion behind? That is why we have given you that little work of lies - I will not talk much here right now - yes we will continue giving you those exercises, and I want to tell you in all this tongue twister that sometimes it may seem what We are telling you - I know where I am going, and I know the point I want to touch - and I will summarize it this way very easy, very quietly, very serenely, but I have the knowledge of this universe

Sembrad, Sembrad and from it collect is . If you have sown tears, you will gather winds and storms, if you have sown sweetness, the clouds of heaven will depart for you. Understand this that is very simple, you will always be given one hundred and one.

But there is also another part where you can sometimes say, but if I am giving, if I am doing, if I am, I do not deserve this. And I tell you, there are, there are, there are some loafers who have not done their homework on time, have not known systems, have not cleaned them up after how they were done. You have created, or you have left them adjusted or clarified or calm in their essence already, in that perfection they must be.

Here there are many who also came down to play as this was a fun and beautiful game, to be a co-creator, but the system is perfect and in unison with other systems and there are some spheres that when you want to leave them you can not leave through any door you want.

In the spheres of this ecosystem, within them one can be eons of time. He may be reviving and reviving and reviving himself as he wishes, but when he wants to get out of there, he has to leave, we could say, he has to leave with very clean wings to be able to fly to others. And it is to have left that pain. Many other spheres and systems will not be contaminated, when they do not belong.

The earth is partly trapped, it is trapped in those spheres. That is why there are many lovers here, to be able from their breath, from that feeling, from that forgiveness and from that great power of thought to leave humanity in these great spheres.

You can, you know, you are perfect how you were created. Now develop that anagram, that genetic code that will lead you to it, and it is in the sweetness of having lived, of having understood, of having forgiven. And to know that all existence does not end. We could say one day we return to the Father, but that is the great gift, to return again, because it is a compendium of our existence, where one arrives and says, now I know that I am.

Meanwhile we are not in Him, we will always lack something, because it is a part of unity.

Well, I don't know if he has clarified anything. But I know that for those who have an awake mind and some codes already working "not everything, not everything", but well, if we can be chatting one day and still three things are taken. Like children when they go to school and school, they will have to do the “o” many times and it depends on the ability of the teacher how to reach that mind, it will be much easier, much easier. Anyway.

It's algebra, it's grammar, it's numerology. For one the nine is a nuisance and for another changed that it is a six it is nice, but if the nine, or the six we close it, it can become an eight, and if we change it a little there we could do a three, I want To tell you, everything is a set, everything is a filament and everything is life.

And life has each played its own way of creating, of creating its life and its world. And I tell you today in February two thousand and eight, the human genetic field is so changed, so overpopulated, that what before for you two and two were four, now they will become five and six, because you will not be able to handle it.

I tell you - in these recordings - breathe, love, forgive you, enjoy what you can and hope that the new era will end anchoring on the earth, because this is like a great change from one house to another. You can look for something, "a chair" and not know where it is, because you have kept it, stored in one place and you don't remember; and who says that says a book, or says ... Hum, in your life, in a few years, you will not know sometimes, or where you are going.

The most important thing in this change "Listen to this please" - there are three things that I want to summarize important-, "Listen to this" "trust, unite all you can with each other, because the force will give you that strength some to others, because the weakness of this system is so great, the lower astral (the lower astral), are so dense and so close to the earth, that they flood psyche and all the psyches, nothing that is a bit faint or weak, the horrors of the world are crushing the human psyche.

Everyone should collect their own, but that is also complex, because they are attractive poles, they are attractive energies.

Take care of your thoughts.

Number one, you are what you think you are of yourself.

Number two, feel, feel, feel, everything you can "Love for everything"

Number three, the gateway to true love, and true love, are RESPECT AND HUMILITY.

And to find the square that covers the circles of "I am", "I know myself", and "I expand", we must strengthen in us THE TRUST.

Please trust, trust yourself. Trust the brother you can have next to you. Make pineapples and pineapples in this world so that you can support the pillars of the new earth.

The new Earth DNA is already being implanted. The violet color is interacting a lot, a lot, a lot, a lot, (you have to join them) so we are giving this movement and, apparently, stirring the groups to, joining them, adjusting them, nodding them, that the purpose is achieved.

You are not too prepared, - listen well - you are not too prepared. You still look at each other a lot as an individuality, please, “you are and we are a collective, you are and we are a collective, we are a unit” it is good that we look at each other in fractional terms, the one and the other, we are equal, do not look at the straw in the alien eye, let's look at it in ourselves.

But do not judge you, it is already well of so much judgment. It is already well of both critical, critical and destructive analysis. Remove the constructive from the critical. Every human being, or many, have both polarities. Forget the negative, forget the negative, forget the negative, "please."

Plasma and capture positive, do not record more pain, do not want more emotions, do not want more enthusiasm, so much experience here, as has been done. Now it is another lens that is on earth.

I am, I live, I share myself, but from that square. That is why he has that analysis, that you can see of the Cosmic White Brotherhood.

We are going to let this vehicle rest, but genetics are in motion. The DNA is set in motion, and what used to be a swastika, what used to be the Sanhedrin, what used to be Rome, what used to be Thailand, the planets are changing. Humanity will think in a very different way.

You have to know the Love that is coming down to this earth, and it is unity among all.

Hitler used, also look at all this, he also taught you to use the force of good or evil. There are many very sacred codes to save. There are many planes that must be protected, in this harsh reality that humanity is living right now and has created.

He confused pain for Love and, remember that it was not created from pain, do not get confused.

You barely know what Love is. Love listens without judging. Love does not compare. Love is not shared separately. Love does not fraction. Love knows no races, nor colors. Just segment levels, systems, colors, sounds, anyway…

Thanks again.

For the circle, we will give some small exercises to this vehicle. And for many more groups that we are also sustaining from this energy, from the deprogramming of love and wrong thinking, and delving into everything that can already be done in the psyche. Many have already done many great works. But there is one who believes he is in absolute perfection. It is very difficult in this system.

Your friend, and the nicknames that I like that have also given me, as "The friend who never fails", the leader of many, and I am simply one more, one more among my people, my people, my friends, my gods, and a servant especially of genetics, of the creation of the Father, I do defend it with cape and sword, but especially with this word “Forgive one another and love each other as I have loved you” that is the key, without that you will go through the doors of the threshold of the new Jerusalem.

And I'm not dramatic, nor do I want you to be dramatic, just to reflect. Listen to this tape whenever you want, we will summarize it ... it will be knowledge of and for humanity. Yes it would be good for the circle to listen to it, to transcribe it EGG if it can be, and you also take it to the group, and probably if it seems good to you you can put it even online, without giving names.

See you forever and thank you

"Glory to God in the Heights and Peace on Earth to men of good will."

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