The Neutral Zones in the Universes By Vicente Beltrán Anglada

  • 2014

Barcelona, ​​November 8, 1986

Vicente : We are going to continue speaking on one of the most really esoteric issues that the world disciple faces today. Magic, organized through the great planetary drivers of the plan of perfection of the world, demands that modern man clearly understand his psychological and spiritual situation in the face of the events they are planning at the etheric levels of humanity. But, quite contrary to what was done in the past, that all the esoteric explanation had to be impregnated by mystical channels, now we must give a very scientific explanation to the esoteric facts.

The production of magic, the creation of everything that exists, has to be explained rationally, and leaving aside the biblical texts, and Genesis, because they do not give an explanation that is capable of interest to the intellectual man of our day. The mind demands discrimination, and discrimination cannot exist if there is no scientific background to clarify all the mysteries that may arise in our investigations of the hidden world.

When we have talked about magic in an essential sense, we have made a very specific emphasis on the neutral, or intermolecular, zones that constitute the mystical essence of all possible creation, and the fact can be explained scientifically by virtue of the small but valuable explanations scientists that are given in first grade schools.

When we are told, for example, that between two forces, positive one and negative other, must result in a resultant force that will have the added force of the two opposites, apparently antagonistic, we are given a scientific explanation that has much to See with the magic. When man, through the machines he has invented to discover what exists in other worlds, has thrown himself into the conquest of space, he has had to overcome a resistance, we call this resistance gravitation, it is the specific weight of the suspended planet. in the ether of space. But what happens when you have exceeded certain limits where the attraction decreases until it is reduced to zero? Then, the bodies, however gigantic, remain without gravitation, have no weight, and even after this cycle of antigravity force has passed, there is a neutral point that constitutes the essence of magic, the essence is the result of two forces in equilibrium in the bosom of any celestial organized body in space.

Every body on Earth has two forces that must be considered to understand where the magician applies his strength, his attention and his intention. In the first place, we have the force of gravitation, the selfishness of matter, which we find everywhere in all levels of expression of the human soul, the physical, astral and mental level, this gravitation force attracts everything that penetrates into the conscience of the researcher, or of the ordinary man, and forces him to retreat within the scale of psychological values ​​of his own human condition; but, also regulated by the laws of human evolution there is another factor, another prevailing force that throws man into space, to the conquest of ether, to the conquest of time, to the conquest of his own uniqueness, to the search for his I superior, and this force we call projection, anti-gravitation, because it escapes the gravitation of its own material being and, in a blunt aspect of cyclical expansion, tends to discover the mystery that is hidden behind its own spirit, wants to return to the House of the Father, and the House of the Father is the celestial attraction that the Soul feels and that is losing through evolution, the gravitational weight of the matter that composes each and every one of its bodies.

But what happens? Sometimes the force of matter, the force of gravitation, is stronger than the force of cyclical expansion within the individual, other times it is the force of the spirit that controls, dominates and governs matter., but, there must necessarily exist in the spirit of the world disciple, in the magician's apprentice, a point within himself where there is no polarity conflict, where gravitation and aggravation are duly compensated, and in this space neutral, in this area where there is no gravity, a third force dynamically emerges, it is the magical force of the spirit, which is where the magician applies his intention.

All the magicians have had to reach this point of stable equilibrium within their psychological nature, neither gravitation nor cyclical expansion, it is the same as with the concert of the worlds, this eternal symphony of creation, (which is) what it allows the stars to circulate freely in their orbital courses, but without losing their own uniqueness. The Sun is powerful, radiates a gravitation superior to all in our Universe, in our Solar System, and all planets are subject to this law of attraction. All the stars exert their influence, on each other, not to conquer each other but to compose together the symphony that the Creator commands.

We are blindly told that the music of the sphere that corresponds to our Earth Scheme is at a point of equilibrium, unknown even by the High Initiates, in which there is zero gravitation among all the planets, including the Sun itself, this point, hidden, is the Alkahest, a Sanskrit name, which means the total absence of the struggle between different polarities, a point where the creative energy of everything that exists exists.

The magician who knows these things, the first thing he does to work on intermolecular spaces, empty spaces of all gravitation, is first of all to lose his own gravitation. The purity of the magician is indispensable to create a truly magical work, and when I speak of magic, I only refer to one kind of magic: to white magic, to the magic of the Lord of the World himself, to magic that operates a Solar Logos on its planetary system and universal system.

So what does the wizard have to do? Discovering within each other the intermolecular spaces, and discovering these spaces is the work of many lives of sacrifice and renunciation, because we are all subject to the gravitation of one or another of our periodic vehicles. of expression: the mind with its problems and its illusions; the astral body with its varied mirages, with its intense desires, hopes and fears; and the physical body that brings an inheritance of millions of years of instincts badly governed by our own Soul.

You see that it is not easy to become a magician, a white magician, an Initiate of the Great Fraternity, which is what we try to do, if not, it would not make sense to be here, because we are preparing for conscious magic, it is why we congregate month after month, because at the bottom of our hearts we all hope to resurface triumphant ones like fixix of our own material ashes.

Well, each vehicle, by virtue of Alkahest, by virtue of this primordial substance from which the Logos extract their creations, is why the magician can determine the wonders we see everywhere. The perfect magician as God can create, and the first thing he has to do is create a vacuum within himself, a mental vacuum, an emotional vacuum, and if you give it to me they allow a physical vacuum, and this is very difficult to understand because it is a very abstract idea. More abstract than emptiness, is there anything? Well, we have to reach a zero point within ourselves, and start from scratch again, as if we were newborns who for the first time faced the eternal dilemma or the eternal drama of life.

If the magician manages to pierce by saying it in some way the psychic crust, the mental crust and the instinctive crust of his lower vehicle, and gets to penetrate so deeply that within It does operate a magic of transmutation unknown yet by science and even by many esotericists, from this center of peace found in itself the miracle of peace can operate everywhere, for all parts, and realize that we are really made to His Image and Similarity.

We can all and we must all create, but do it consciously, not act as we do, without the control of thoughts, without the control of emotions, without the control of the instincts of the physical body, it is the same work that is required of the disciple that enters an ashrama of the Hierarchy, the work is identical, because what the ashramas of the Hierarchy claim is to create conscious magicians, creators, people who have acquired the right to feel Children of God, with all the fullness of the Word, and that by virtue of the discovery of any unknown area within himself where there is peace, harmony and balance, and he can maintain this balance no matter what happens in the evolution of time, in the very fact of this discovery, he becomes a magician.

This was done by all the magicians of the past. Apollonius of Tiana, for example, of which the esoteric tradition speaks to us so much, said: "I finally feel empty of myself . " Apollonius of Tiana had been initiated in the Mysteries of Isis, his own Master as we are told, was King Hiarchas, a man unknown to many, but that is the entity itself Hiran Abif, which they allude so frequently within esoteric explanations of Freemasonry Hiran Abif, who we are told was the magician who gave Apolonio de Tiana the sacred amulet that he would eventually move to Geneva to become a sacred city. We are secretly told that anywhere in Lake Léman, in Geneva, is the talisman deposited by Apollonius of Tiana, and King Hiarchas, or Hiran Abif, was a great initiate who had received the ebony, symbol of the higher mind, and the gold of Ofir the symbol of the most perfect intuition, of King Solomon himself who was the first to establish the mysteries, which would later become, after passing from the mouth to the ears of the great disciples, in the four struts where every possible magical work is settled.

Moses, so little known also, because his figure has been distorted by international Zionism, which was a legitimately esoteric being who had been initiated into the most absolute mysteries in the past that he had to live, was taught, as we are told, by Batria, the wife of Pharaoh in those solemn times and that daughter of Batria, Termutis, who found, as the esoteric tradition tells us, the child Moses in a basket on the Nile River, is a chain of perfect facts from the point of view Karmic, who is speaking to us precisely of magic as a system of organization of the planetary evolution plan and, naturally, possessing as they possessed the infinite quality of the initiate, being potential magicians, they performed great magical wonders, not only by introducing sacred talismans blessed by the Lord of the World and other System Hierarchies, but because their lives were a constant irradiation of magic, and to Two wizards are casters.

What does the term thaumaturge or thaumaturgy imply for us, esoterically speaking, but the power of any initiate to heal with just the irradiation of its magnetic aura? And how can he radiate this peace, this health and this harmonic power if he has not discovered and extracted from the bottom of himself the Peace of those empty creators that he has developed, that he has imposed on his nature? The very fact of the transmutation of metals, knowing the magician the Alkahest, the primary element of which all the chemical elements that can exist in the Universe are attracted to the experience of matter, knowing that so simple, that which is a space Neutral completely, intelligently applied to a lead atom can turn it into a gold atom. The most objective way we know of the chemical transmutation of a vile metal in gold is that by creatively managing the intermolecular spaces that constitute organisms, the forms of nature, it is clear that the magician can at will integrate or disintegrate matter, and create at will bodies similar to ours and vanish them by virtue of their own will and free will.

It is something really important that we understand this question, the examples of the past that we will all surely have read, especially in the esoteric books that are available to us, is to realize how they could produce events as truly magical as the creation or construction of the Egyptian pyramids A stone of the base, semi-base, and above, almost to the cusp, are millions of kilos, are many tons, assuming there were quarries, how could something so imposing and built with such perfection be built that the saddle of the stones, one on top of the other, fit so perfectly that a razor blade cannot be placed between the interstices? If we do not resort to magic, if we do not resort to the centripetal and centrifugal forces that are within any type of matter, if we do not have the intelligence of the magician who knows the exact point where there is a neutral space within the stone, completely neutral, and that through the inhabitants of space, the angelic forces that are the creators of the cyclical expansion of everything that exists, the tendency towards God, and the devas that are the ones that constitute the gravitation of the bodies, and that in by virtue of which the magician through the clairvoyance can realize where the neutral equilibrium point is, it is only necessary to intensify with that attention that neutral point, so that the stone without losing its form loses its weight.

These are things to meditate on scientifically, because as I said earlier, we cannot speak esoterically today without resorting to science, and being aware that science has not yet come to discover even the atoms of the fourth physical level, the first etheric level, It supposes, it seems to exist. It is assumed that there is a force that we call electricity, we use it, but, what is its essence? What is its nature? Is it that the light that illuminates us is not a neutral space, completely neutral despite its power? Why does it have this power? Because the positive polarity and the negative polarity are in perfect balance, they do not fight each other, therefore, the light of initiation, the light of inspiration, the buddhic light, is what which allows the magician to use, extend, develop within himself the intermolecular spaces.

What is, magically speaking, redemption ? Is it even the redemption of matter, not the introduction of light into matter, within each atomic compound, within each cell, within each atom? and what will happen when all the atoms are radioactive ?, we will have the body of an Adept, the emotional body of an Adept, which does not need, but can recover to work for humanity, or the mental body of an Adept completely empty, because it comes from the inspiration of God and does not contain any human strength.

Magically speaking, we have to distinguish, by virtue of the attention placed on the study, the difference between the intention of the magician, the idea that through its neutral zones manages to invoke from the upper space, the buddhic plane, which we call idea, and finally reach the concrete mind, with the multiplicity of thoughts. Well, in order to be magicians, we will have to have a very developed intention through attention, to invoke ideas, to invoke ideas in the sense that by virtue of the neutral spaces of our own redeemed nature we can draw them from the buddhic plane, and then dominate by natural and spontaneous selection, the group of thoughts we need to express that idea.

I intentionally say the buddhic plane, because the buddhic plane within any planetary body of our Cosmic System is the center of its own evolution, where the three higher aspects and the three lower aspects of man are balanced, it will always be in the heart, of there the importance of Agni Yoga, which develops the hearts of human beings.

God is an excellent human being, at an incredible distance from ours, but he also has a duty to participate in the creative work of his Master, the Cosmic Logos, on which he depends and serves. Well, the heart of our Solar System is in the buddhic plane, and if we arrive, perhaps speaking very metaphorically, to the zero point of the buddhic plane, we will find ourselves in the fourth level, or sub-plane, of the buddhic plane. There is the seed of Alkahest, the primordial energy of Creation, and when the Solar Logos is creating, it is magically expressing its will or intention, it has the pure attention deposited on the Alkahest, the cosmic substance that is confused with space, is the only thing that does not have karma within any system, constellation or galaxy.

And, of course, all these seemingly known things contain the secret of our own realization. The day we think with the heart, paradoxical as it may seem, then we will know what magic is. Now we only think with the mind, and through the mind we are trying to discover, because the mind is ambitious, it is always hungry for knowledge, the heart is stable, it knows effortlessly and, therefore, magic must be performed effortlessly precisely because it arises from the heart.

Any environmental situation, any problem, any disease can be properly corrected and cured through attention to any neutral space that we have managed to discover. What do you think the great doctor Hippocrates, or Galen, or any of the great masters of medicine did, if not magically work on the neutral spaces of the body where there was an alteration of the principle of polarity, where positive polarity and Negative polarity were in frank imbalance? Then, the magician, the doctor, really the man prepared to heal, limited himself with the support of the light invoked of his own being to introduce his harmony within that conflict zone, corrected that inaccuracy, to put it concretely, because where there is an alteration There is necessarily an imbalance of polarity, and the imbalance can be physical, it can be astral and it can be mental, speaking only of the areas we know of our psychological personality.

That is to say, that all how much we have been saying about space, which is multidimensional, multimolecular and multigeometric, adopting the currency that everything is the same, the top and bottom, and considering space as a entity, we can say that there are three bodies within what we do not see that space is, because space is what separates us and, nevertheless, allows our interrelation. Without space we would not be able to communicate, there would be no thought of our own, there would be no desire for physical activity, there would be no intercommunication because of the space we communicated because the dimension it is an entity, all the molecules of space gathered constituting the simplest and the purest thing known, which is Alkahest, which is the primary element, and all the forms we see in the space are always expressions of this entity that keeps them, so to speak, in suspension, and yet the space that contains everything is pure in its essence, as pure is the woman before and After the birth of your child, you have to realize this truth, attributed only to the Virgin Mary, we talk about cosmic things, not vulgar things, personality things, we are talking about the Virgin Nature, of the Virgin Space, whose matrices are open to all eagerness to conquer The singularity itself.

Realizing this great truth is when we begin to think correctly, to feel naturally, without stridency, and to keep the body in accordance with what we think and feel. The body does not have an established principle, it had it in the past universe, not now, now the immediate step of the human being is to control the emotional nature, discover the zero element within the emotional body, and then realize that the mind has a zero point where there is no gravitation or expansion if it is the immutable law of creation, it is the element of organized magic, and transfer consciousness to everything we know, esot Generally speaking, always applying the principle of analogy, and realizing everything that exists will always occur on the basis of three elements: intention, idea and geometrical form.

Thus, it is always the same as an Arc as an Angel, the forms will vary, the archetypes more or less sublime, the nature of things will vary, only something must always remain permanent, and this is the MAN, with capital letters, this is us.

And also realize that the zero point of the mind we are creating with attention . If the mind is very attentive, the mind is not willing to speak, it does not lend itself to the deceptive play of environmental illusions, because the first thing the initiate learns is to think with property and justice, and this can only be done in This 4th Round in which we are all located, through this tremendous force that has managed to discover and develop, and allows you to continue the process of elaboration of thoughts according to a pure and abstract idea, which in turn it is insufflated by the winds of intuition, for the pure reason of the buddhic plane . Realize when we are talking here psychologically, talking about the need to be attentive.

If we realized that attention is the basis of magic, it is the search and discovery of the intermolecular or intermediate spaces of our own human nature. By constant aggravation we rise, ascend, acquire successive initiations, and this is what we are doing here, without realizing, by virtue of attention, we are self-initiating into mysteries. Mysteries that are not objectively revealed but are there. The day that we can maintain serene attention for only one hour, which is the time allotted to the righteous, we will know what the zero point really is, the balance point, and we will also know about the strength of our spirit, this spirit that galvanizes us, which instructs us, that allows us to move forward overcoming all the obstacles that we find in our path.

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