How a social memory complex is formed

  • 2012

It is called a social memory complex when a lot of people, beings or entities, form or create a single "mind" to which, consciously everyone is connected. It is typical, as we are told, of all evolutionary levels above ours, with a greater or lesser degree of integration in that unique globally or generic field of consciousness. If anyone has read channeled books of entities or beings that are defined with the evolutionary level of the fourth, fifth or sixth density, you will have seen that most adopt a name for the set of consciousness that They share among everyone. For example, the most famous, Ra's Law of One, is a channeling of a sixth-density social memory complex, made up of millions of individual entities of that evolutionary level that have joined (probably from lower densities) and have formed a unique consciousness which is self-called Ra, who transmits knowledge and explanations with one voice, but does not represent a soul or individual entity, but thousands or millions of them, and has shared knowledge of all of them.

Early formation of a social memory complex

Although it may seem a lie, at our third density, at this level, the conditions could be given so that we could all form a complex of terrestrial social memory. How is it possible? Simply because we already have a connection that unites us all, through the collective unconscious, graphic field or what we could call the planetary mind. If we could manage this connection that we all have consciously, and nurture it, provide and receive information, read it, etc., all the inhabitants of the planet will be We are forming what would be our social memory complex. If we later wanted to give talks to entities of other levels, we could do so with the knowledge of this complex that we have formed, since each of us would have access to all the information of everything the planet, and could use it to help others if we were polarized as a society towards service to others.

The complex of terrestrial social memory in 4D

Even so, this will be what will happen to those who, when the time comes, now or within 80 years, complete their 3D evolutionary process and incarnate in the fourth density on our planet. Once the velo that keeps the conscious mind separate with the unconscious disappears, all 4D entities, whatever corner of the universe they are, have permanent access to the mind of the planetary system to which they belong. We could say that it would be like having free, conscious and constant access to the Akashic Records.

Thereafter, a social memory complex is created, being able to speak all with one voice, having access to the memory and information bank of all the inhabitants of the planet, and of course being able to use it to communicate with each other without as many taps as We do it now. Precisely one of the virtues of leaving this 3D level is that we will be transparent emotionally, energetically, mentally, etc. We can all see ourselves as we really are, so it seems that we can save a lot of "small-talk" to meet the people with whom we have the pleasure of living in that 4D.

Individuality vs. Group Work

That we are part of a social memory complex does not go against each of us remaining an individual entity. That is to say, we do not get rid of our essence to form a joint with the conscience of millions of other souls, we simply all form a single mind, which becomes our repository of information. When someone channels something from a social memory complex, it is usually one of the entities that form it who is transmitting the information, but it is as if it was the group as a whole who spoke, then the mind of one, and that of all, is integrated and connected.

Thus, the social memory complex is reinforced with the contribution of all the knowledge that each of the entities that form it acquires, since the information acquired automatically turns into the group mind, since the connection is permanent. This is a great help for the group when, for example, different “wanderers” or wanderers (see the previous article), move along the length and width of the creation to help other races and groups at other levels, and back, they bring I get all the information collected. The best "teachers" are not individual entities to try to channel, but social memory complexes that incorporate the experiences, information and knowledge of millions of souls, both those that have remained within the group throughout its evolution, as those who have been entering and leaving in their role as wandering souls.

Source: http: //

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