The order of the numbers by Master Beinsá Dunó

  • 2015

"Faithful, true, pure and benevolent always be!"


(The theme was read: "Origin of blue eyes and blacks.")

The next time write on the subject: "Regions in which people live with blue eyes and black eyes."

Now we will write on the blackboard the numbers from 1 to 10, but so form only one number, and exactly the number 1, 234, 567, 890. Thus ordered the numbers from 1 to 10, this represents their natural order. How many permutations can be formed from these numbers? P10 = 3, 628, 800. The number 3, 628, 800 shows the capabilities that exist by swapping the numbers from 1 to 10 written in their natural order. If we change the places of one of these numbers, we will receive the number 1, 324, 567, 890. Is it natural this change of place, that 3 is in front of 2? If you have to take this sum, in your favor it is to put the 3 in front of the 2, but if you have to give, it is not in your favor. Then it is preferable that 2 is in front of 3.

Contemporary people like to philosophize and this decreases their mistakes. And for this you will see that someone, when writing 3 in front of 2 asks: What is my mistake? What about this that I put 2 in front of 3? If the error is just a number written on paper, it is not large. 3 will be erased and instead 2. 2 will be written instead. However, if this error is in life, in behaviors among people, it already has its biggest or smallest consequences. Imagine that the father in a home prefers his son in front of everyone else and puts him immediately after himself; This will produce a big scandal, a big disharmony throughout the home. Such is the result of putting 3 in front of 2. If, then, the mother prefers her daughter in front of the son, we will have the number 1, 2, 4, 3 ... This daughter's preference, then, will produce a disharmony Great at home. Such permutations of numbers can occur and in spiritual societies: that they prefer one in front of the other, that they consider it more spiritual than the others. What does the spiritual life conclude?

The spiritual life is expressed in fulfilling the will of God .

I ask then: What is the fulfillment of the will of God if you retreat from your ideal every day and, like little children, you prefer this well, that well? Nowadays all disputes between people come from this that everyone seeks their right. What is your right? What is the right for which you advocate? Someone says: "Fulano does not act straight with me." How do you determine the right act? Right act is, for example, when you write the numbers, that the orders in their natural order. If you have to take someone's money and put the 3 in front of the 2, you don't act straight; if you have to give and put the 2 in front of the 3, again you don't act straight. Numbers, like and ideas in the world, have a natural order by which they develop, numbers represent living units, behaviors between living beings.

What does, for example, mean 1? This means certain forces that act in a given case on the mind. The more intense the energy our body contains, the more beneficial it is.

The less intense the energy, the more harmful it is. Therefore, when storms, disturbances, doubts arise in man, this shows that there are low intensity forces in his organism. Sometimes man sharpens well. Mood is a wealth that depends on other people. When we warm ourselves to the Sun, the disposition we acquire is due to the Sun and not to ourselves. This provision has come out. If we stop warming ourselves in the sun, and the good disposition disappears.

Many think they have mature views on life and say, "We have many experiences ." No one denies your experiences, but I ask: what can you do with your experiences? Can you just make a loaf of bread, starting with the sowing of the wheat grain and ending with the bread ready? Can you, like the prophet Elisha, from a vessel of oil fill many more vessels? (2 Kings 4: 2-7 ndt). If you can do so little to do, this means experience.

Someone says: For whatever you pray to God, he always listens to me. Well, take a vessel in which there is only 10 grams of butter and pray to God to help you fill the entire vessel with butter. If you do this, then God has heard you. I ask: How many of you, those who pass by spiritual men, have a similar experience? In this way you can prove yourself where you have arrived. For now, as I observe you, you are a shattered team. Today no one honors anyone but himself. However, he who does not honor other people, he cannot honor himself. And the opposite is true: he who does not honor himself, he can no longer honor others.

We talk about conscious life, about conscious people, who want to serve God. In order for man to serve God correctly, he must, as a mathematician, calculate whether his actions are right or not.

When the man lifts one of his fingers up and says to someone: I tell you! T you must listen to me! This shows that this man starts with the 1, that is, with 100, 000, 000 of the atoms found on this finger. When he lifts and his two fingers up, he puts 200, 000, 000 atoms to work. When he lifts and his 3 fingers, he orders 300, 000, 000 million atoms; when he lifts his 4 fingers 400, 000, 000 million of atoms. And finally, when he lifts and his 5 fingers, the city council works 500, 000, 000 of atoms and says: Do you know what I can do? If this man does not believe in God and does not fulfill His will, he can, with the raising of his two hands, do 1, 234, 567, 890 evil and nonsense; if he believes in God and fulfills His will, with the raising of his two hands he can do 1, 234, 567, 890 goodnesses. If you lift one of your fingers, you will say: I, whoever believes in God, can do this and this.

If you lift your two fingers, you will say: I, who am connected with God, cannot become unfaithful to myself. If you lift your three fingers, you will say: I, who believe in God, will not become unfaithful to myself and to the ideas that God has put in me. If you lift the 4 fingers you will say: I, whoever believes in God, will think and act as l . And finally, when you lift and your 5 fingers, you will say: Me and everything in me, the set of all the atoms in my organism, we will serve God . This means that the man consecutively writes the numbers from 1 to 10.

Suppose you write the first permutation: 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0. What will you understand from this?

Until the numbers 1-10 do not come alive in you, you will hardly perceive the new ideas that come into the world and penetrate your mind. - Why? Because each number, as an idea, has a certain form, a certain content and an exact sense. This at the same time represents and a certain number. For the next time, according to the letters with which the word „Богъ” (“Bog” means “God” - ndt) is written in the Bulgarian language, determine the number to which this word equals. The order of the letters in the word is not arbitrary. The entire cosmos is created on the basis of a certain conjugation of numbers and ideas. Many more years will pass until phrenologists and anatomists arrive at the idea of ​​what man is, how energies move throughout his body, how ideas are born in him, etc. As a result of this not knowing and of the great ignorance of many of the contemporary scientific people, they mutilate each other.

For example, some man has feelings of feelings. If he doesn't know how to cope with these feelings, he can mutilate. You say: "Does this thing happen to the Spiritual man?" If you are a spiritual or mundane man, indifferent is this; there are periods in the life of man when the energy in him awakens. The difference, however, lies in this, which the spiritual man has with the method of transforming this energy from inferior to superior.

For such cases, exactly, it is said in the scripture: “ Grant your burden to the Lord! ”This means: the difficult tasks in your life, which you yourself cannot solve, leave them to the Lord . If you try to solve them alone, you will get in the way. Let the energies of Nature pass peacefully through you. Do not hinder his path! Turn to God, may He show you the way for his channeling. When they are channeled, you can use them reasonably. Often some man feels abandoned by all. He suffers, tortures and says; " My life is over !" This is a descending state of the energies in your brain. What should this man do? - Forsake God. If you leave your burden to God, it will not be long and your status will rise, your connection with God will be restored.

In the world there is a Divine reasonableness which watches over all who turn to her and invoke her for help. Eh here why, everything in the world is allowed to happen. And in this sense, for the reasonable man who walks on the Divine path, there are no wrong things. Why? - Because the currents of the energies in your life change very correctly. For example, the energy in your brain moves in a spiral, gradually passing from one of the hemispheres to the other. If this man is not a coward, energy flows quietly from one of the hemispheres to the other, without him feeling any commotions or inaccuracies. When man has faith in God, the energies in him are transformed correctly. If you do not have faith in God and trust only in yourself, certain mistakes will appear in him. When you say that you can do nothing, you trust yourself.

When you say that you can do everything, you trust the Divine in you in whose hands are all possibilities. If the human and the Divine come to be in confrontation, then a series of sufferings are born. You say: “Can't you do without suffering? While man does not straighten the mistakes of his past, sufferings are inevitable for him. Only through suffering can he straighten his life. On the other hand, the meaning of life is not in the sufferings. We will give you methods, ways to endure the sufferings, for its correct use. Nowadays most people live in their past. When they pass this life, they will pass in their present. But for this patience is required.

I say: man's happiness is in his present. If you come to the present, you will be shown a way to be happy and keep this happiness. So, if we talk about man's past, we understand his misfortunes and sufferings. If we talk about the present, we understand their joys and happiness.

Man can be happy now, in the present moment, and God lives in the present. Then, in God, in whom we believe, all goodness is hidden, all bliss for our souls. In him there are no contradictions, there are no afflictions. Therefore, if even this moment we confer upon God and fulfill his will, and our souls will be ennobled, they will be filled with an aspiration towards the superior. Then and knowledge and arts, and music - all this will be within our reach. We will feel powerful, we will understand that in us there is something great that works the riches that God has given us. In this way we will understand that we do not work for ourselves and that we do not live only for themselves. Paul says: " I do not live alone " (Galatians 2:20 - ndt). Christ, then, Who could do everything, said: "I did not come to fulfill my will, but the will of him who sent me" (John 6:38 - ndt). To fulfill the will of the One who has sent you represents a great and luminous task in the life of man. The fulfillment of this task brings only joys and elevation; its non-compliance brings only sufferings and failures.

As I observe you today, I see that most of you are happy. Again most are afflicted. In general, many of you go through distressed martyrs. However, few people have found, even and throughout Bulgaria, that they suffer for something great, for something noble. May you suffer for the great, for the beautiful in the world, this is the so-called moral suffering. I meet a man who suffers. Why does he suffer? - Because your personal feelings are affected. He has been debased, he has become encruelecido, he looks like a barrel that is under great pressure and wants to explode. This man complains that he has suffered a lot. I say: you look like an egg that if placed under the sewer will only break.

I want everyone to listen to me tonight, to listen and understand well. Remember only a few thoughts, but apply them. You must free yourself from the deceptions that stumble at every step of your life . Many will say: "Why would it be that we are spoken to like this?" I will present my thoughts in a concrete way. Suppose that some developer is responsible for making a large building that will cost around 35, 000, 000 cams. He wants to do it by all the rules of the technique, but one of the careless masons, has left somewhere, has given a larger slope to the marble. He looks at his work, sees that the slope is with a larger centimeter, but says: " Nothing happens and so it will happen ." For the teacher it can happen and so on, but for the one who pays, the work doesn't happen that way. When he sees that one side of the construction does not correspond to the conditions, he immediately stops the front building and says: “This side has to be corrected; This must be absolutely vertical. If you lean a little, the symmetry of the entire building is broken. ”

In this aspect and your organism is such a building that God Himself builds. You have the material available, and God is the promoter of this building. This building is not yet finished. However, you are sitting around it, you shout, you raise noise, you express a series of requirements saying: “Do you know who I am?” Who are you? God has sent you to Earth, giving them material and money for workers - a total of 35, 000, 000, 000 cams. You must watch the workers, meet frequently with the engineer, measure the lines of your building, so that some of them do not tilt with a centimeter of the vertical line. To construct your building correctly, you must be in a constant connection with the main developer of the construction. God is the main promoter on whom the successful completion of the building depends.

What is the vertical line in man? - The mind. Then, the mind of man must be straight.

What does straight mind and straight heart mean? You will say that man moves along a crooked line. Truly, man moves along a crooked line, but he himself is not crooked.

The fact that man moves along a crooked line does not show that and he must be crooked. When they tell someone that he is a wolf, does he become such? When a dog is given a noble name, does this make the dog more noble than it really is?

So, words do not change the character of things . So, is there a sense that man serves himself with words that have no influence on things? We hold the rule that man must use such words in his language that express the truth itself. For example, when we say " gold, " we mean gold; When we say "acid, " we mean acid. When we say "salt" we mean salt, this shows that each word contains a specific idea, concrete within itself. So what idea is hidden behind the word "good"? What number is that of good? And the writing says that all of us are builders. If God works, and we work on the great Divine building. In the building of this building, some have put gold, another - copper, a third - lead, a room - wood, etc.

However, it is said that the work of each man will be tested through fire. Imagine that I am a man without work, I pass by your side and I see that you build something. I ask you: brother, what will you do if I destroy your material building? You will tell me: "Leave yourself, do not joke, just now I have taken some straw and bast, which is a bit of a patch to my house." - Well, but do you know that this place in which you have built your home will be tested through fire? If fire passes through this place, then you and your home will leave.

I say: take my words in a broad sense. I do not speak of the essence of your good desires, but sometimes you are negligent towards yourself. And then you say: “And without music you can, and without poetry you can, and without spirituality you can . Man must not be very spiritual. ” Question: What is the temperature of the spiritual man? First of all you have not reached the degrees of the spiritual man and you say that you should not be spiritual. Be patient so that you reach the degrees of the spiritual man, that you taste the good of this man, and then that you pronounce whether you should be spiritual or not. If you reach the temperature of the spiritual man, your mind will expand and you will begin to think correctly. Spiritual life brings and joys and afflictions for man, but in these changes of states the goods of life are hidden. The one who can't stand this life says: "Come on, let's give it a little broad, let us live a happy life."

I say: it is not the same to put 6 in front of 5, or 3 in front of 2. These are permutations in life.

It is also not the same to live a happy life instead of unhappy. And these are permutations. When you write the numbers from 1 to 10 in their natural order, you will have different behaviors. The number 3, for example, means the laws to which the primordial son is subjected, that is, the Divine, or the I in man . The number 6 means behavior among the spirits. The number 9 shows the laws to which man must submit. The 2 represents the great Divine Spirit that creates. 5 is the mother of man. The 1 is the first Divine principle that creates everything in the world. The 4 represents the behavior among the angels, and the 7 - among the people. So, you have three categories of numbers: 3, 6 and 9; 2, 5 and 8; 1, 4 and 7.

In the same way, people's ideas and feelings must go through 3 levels, through three categories. Keep in mind the following law: if you reach the Divine within you, all the contradictions in your mind and in your heart will disappear. If you trust the Divine, every thought of yours, every wish of yours is going to come true; whatever obstacles you encounter on your way, you will overcome them. If you reach number 4 in your conscience two ideas will be born: for and against; when you reach number 7 in you an internal struggle will appear, why you have arrived on Earth in this dense matter. You will make efforts to get out of this matter, but your task is not in the fight but in the perseverance against these contradictions.

And so, remember the rule; For your mistakes do not consider other people guilty! In the physical world every man is a 1, a conscience . He is simultaneously connected with two more consciousnesses: one of the consciousnesses is in the angelic world, and the other - in the Divine world. These three consciousnesses are related in a whole. So, when you start a job, try all the possibilities for its realization. First, try the possibilities in the first circle, in physical consciousness. If you cannot do it here, try all the possibilities for its realization in the second circle - in the angelic consciousness. If and here you cannot achieve success, try all the possibilities in the third circle - in the Divine consciousness. If you reach the last consciousness, each job is finished correctly. In Divine consciousness they are solved and even the most difficult tasks. Someone says: "This task is very difficult, I cannot solve it." I ask: Before saying you can't solve it, have you tried the possibilities and the three circles?

I ask: How can true behaviors be restored among people? For true behaviors to be created among people, the first thing is that there is respect and honor among them. If you meet any man, look with great respect and honor towards all that God has placed in his soul. Only then can he and he, and you benefit from the beauty that is placed on him.

You go to the side of some man, you look at him and say: "What does he know?" Another, then, says to you: "What does he know?" In this way the questions are not solved. Many of the contemporary men, when they enter some religious societies, instead of consolidating themselves, they become individualized. It is not bad that man is individualized, but this individualization must not reach its extreme limits. How do you know that some man is strongly individualized?

Phrenologically such a man distinguishes himself with a strongly protruding forehead and with fat eyebrows.

To the devil they say he had such fat eyebrows that when he wanted to see people he should raise his eyebrows. In order for you to restore correct behaviors to each other, you must give way to the Divine in you.

You say: "How can this thing be achieved?" - Through the law of sacrifice. For the Lord man must make sacrifices. He must sacrifice at least 1/3 of his life for the Lord. If he works nine hours a day, he must sacrifice 3 hours for the Lord, that is, for the Divine world, 3 hours for the angels - for the angelic world, and 3 hours for himself - for the physical world. What do contemporary people do? They work only for themselves. If man works this way, he is exposed to thousands of misfortunes and trials. 3 hours work for the Lord, during which time you will dedicate and your mind, and the heart, and the will only to Him. Whoever works for the Lord, he feels an extraordinary elevation of his soul and his spirit, and his heart and his mind become ennobled and illuminate. For 3 hours he will finish as much work as he has never done again. He who works for God, he feels an internal contentment within himself.

Now I will give you the following exercise. Write the numbers from 1 to 10 in their natural order and for 10 days, any error or any good you do, put it in the place of one of the ten numbers and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0. When you change the places of these numbers you will have different results.

For example, if you take the numbers 1234, 2134, 3214 and 4321, do they have equal values ​​and all four? If these numbers are money, which of these are you going to prefer? If you have to give, you will choose the smallest of these; If you have to drink, the biggest. The numbers from 1 to 10 show the behaviors of the Divine towards us. So, when we want to solve a question, you will call the numbers 1 to 10, written in their natural order, to help. This shows that in God there are 1, 234, 567, 890 methods by which difficulties in life can be solved. To straighten an error within you, or to fulfill some work, the Spirit will see which of these methods corresponds more and to this it will apply.

You say: "The Spirit can do everything." Under the word " Spirit ", we understand God, that is, God can do everything, but this takes time. God distinguishes himself from people by this, that when he works He saves energy, he spends time . People, then, save time, spend energy. We spend energy and save time because we have no patience; We want in a short time a lot of work to accomplish. However, this is impossible, because as people, we have neither the necessary intensity, nor the necessary knowledge that the superior beings of the Invisible world have. As a result of these incorrect actions, a series of contradictions are born between people, a series of painful states. All this is due to the internal disharmony that exists in man.

Remember the following position: the School is a place of order and arrangement. Many have entered the school in order to do experiments. School is not a place of experiments . Whoever wants to study, he must distinguish himself with purity, justice, intelligence and kindness. If he keeps these qualities in reserve, he will increase them even more in school. If he studies well, the disciple will move on to a higher phase of spiritual life, of Divine life. If you achieve this position, all contests, all misunderstandings between you will disappear and correct behaviors will be restored.

Now we often talk about the coming of the sixth race on Earth . Many of the contemporary people prepare to enter this race. I wish that and among you workers appear in this race . If you now roll and hatch in time, it will be good for you and for the beings of the sixth race with whom you will work together; However, if you now cling, but by any chance you do not save the time span for your hatching and you remain unhatched, what will your sixth race benefit from? They say that somewhere in America there were already types of the sixth race. What is more beautiful for contemporary man than this, to sustain the internal aspiration towards the elevation of the ideals of his soul? The ideal of the human soul is that it lives in eternal joy, and that from this joy, as from an eternal source, extract and give to other people. This is the task of the people of the sixth race. Externally man must be silent, calm, and internally - always cheerful.

God, who lives in the soul of man, never grieves. God allows affliction, but for Him it does not exist. He lives above all contradictions, above all sufferings. For God there is eternal joy, eternal happiness and bliss, so He wants to improve people's lives, free them from contradictions, sufferings, diseases and death, and put them in conditions in which he lives. This is the aspiration and of the Divine in man.

I say: To achieve all this new methods are required. What are the new methods with which you should serve? One of the important methods for work is the following: when you face a certain contradiction, do not look for the cause outside of you, but think about why this contradiction appears and what you can learn from it. For example, you walk the road and stumble on some stone. Where is the contradiction: in the stone or in you? - In you, of course.

You should be careful. That you surround the stone, or if it is in the middle of the road, that you bend down and remove it a little sideways. You go through some deep river and start drowning.

Where is the contradiction in the river or in you? - Again in you. You should know the law of swimming of bodies, that you become lighter and that you swim the river without danger. Can the goose drown? - It ca n't. The goose has solved the question of swimming, and man, with all his knowledge and great intelligence, when he enters the water drowns. If you reach a deep river, say: "I want to have the experience and knowledge of the goose." If you connect with her, you will swim the river without drowning.

And so, take advantage of the experiences, knowledge and assets of all beings, if you want to correctly solve the difficulties of your life . To clarify this thought I will give you the following example. A shepherd is killed by 2 sheep. He is not in a hurry to sell his skin, to win something, but skinning them, and from his skins he makes two skins that he retains for himself.

Where it goes, and the wineskins it carries. They ask him: "Why are these wineskins necessary for you?" He remains silent, nobody answers anything. One day he is in front of a deep river. Look here and there, nowhere is a bridge. Then he puts the wineskins under his armpits and calmly swims the river . Then, the skins of the two sheep saved him. I ask: How will your intelligence be, if, like this pastor, you cannot skin the hairs of your sufferings, and with them you can swim the deep river in front of which I found you? is? Does your intelligence reside below your sufferings?

And so, when you wonder why the sufferings come you will know that the sufferings of man are sent to save him from some greater evil. Accept the smallest suffering so that the greatest does not come. That is why we have and the proverb: See badly, because without you worse . Cuando el mundo invisible quiere salvar al hombre de alguna tonter a que le va a costar su vida, ste le env a alg n sufrimiento para hacerlo entrar en raz n. Sin embargo, el sentido de la vida no est en el sufrimiento. El sentido de la vida concluye en el logro de la felicidad eterna ahora ya os hablar sobre la felicidad como un ideal del alma humana. Cuando dejo de hablar de los sufrimientos, comenzar a hablar del sentido interno de la vida de la felicidad. La ciencia verdadera reside en el logro de la felicidad.

Ya es tiempo que demos paso hacia la observaci n de la cuesti n de la felicidad, que veamos c mo se adquiere y guarda, cu les son sus bases, c mo debe crecer y desarrollarse . Dec s: De qu manera se puede adquirir la felicidad? Muchas maneras hay para lograr la felicidad. A n desde los tiempos m s remotos han dicho que hombre feliz puede ser este que est delante de las puertas de la Sabidur a. Cristo, pues, ha dicho: La paz os doy, mi paz os dejo . Yo no os la doy como el mundo la da; mas cuando venga el Esp ritu de la Verdad en vosotros, l os ense ar todo. l os traer la felicidad (Juan 14:27; Juan 16:13 ndt). Mientras no aprend is, como el pastor, a despellejar los pelos de los sufrimientos, y que los sufrimientos mueran para vosotros como las dos ovejas del pastor, vosotros no pod is entrar en el reino de la felicidad. Despu s de pentecost s, los disc pulos de Cristo entraron en la reuni n para orar, pero fueron atacados y pegados. Sin embargo, ellos regresaron a sus hogares gozosos y alegres. Esto muestra que ellos comprendieron en qu reside la verdadera felicidad.

Digo: como disc pulos, vosotros deb is entrar en la fase de la felicidad verdadera. Negaos de esta felicidad que se corta como una telara a. Nadie puede quitaros la felicidad verdadera. Si os apart is del Amor de Dios, la aflicci n vendr y la felicidad desaparecer . Si os relacion is con el Amor, vendr la alegr a la cu l traer la felicidad. El Se or dice: No tem is, adelante caminad, Yo estoy con vosotros! Dec s: Es posible que Dios siempre est con nosotros? Es posible. El salmista dice:

Caer n mil a tu lado y diez mil a tu diestra; mas a ti no se acercar n (Salmo 91:7 ndt). Miles de desdichas pod is pasar, sobre cad veres andar, pero no os va a ocurrir ning n mal. Dios ordenar a sus ngeles que en manos os lleven, para que por si acaso no tropec is en piedra vuestro pie. Cu ndo ser esto? Cuando cumpl is la voluntad de Dios.

Y as, como disc pulos de la Magna Escuela Divina, vosotros deb is saber que sois cumplidores de una voluntad sagrada . En el mundo existe solo una voluntad la de Dios. Durante todos los tiempos y pocas, todos los seres, toda la gente, peque os y grandes que han terminado su desarrollo en la Tierra, siempre han servido a esta voluntad sagrada. Si decidís y vosotros cumplir la voluntad de Dios, adquiriréis y conocimiento, y riqueza, y fuerza. Si no cumplís la voluntad de Dios perderéis y esto lo que tenéis. Frecuentemente entre los discípulos se observa una desobediencia grande, sin embargo, el Espíritu Divino requiere una obediencia absoluta, cada uno de vosotros llegará a ser obediente, pero importante es que se vuelva tal aún ahora mientras está en la Tierra. Si llega luego, cuando partáis para el otro mundo, no os va a provechar mucho. De todo se requiere una obediencia voluntaria.

Muchos de vosotros dirán: “Todo lo que se nos habla es bueno, ¿pero cómo vamos a arreglárnoslas con las condiciones de la vida? – Las condiciones de la vida están en las manos de Dios. – ¿Cómo solucionaremos nuestras dificultades? – Las dificultades están en las manos de Dios. – ¿Qué haremos con la gente mala? – Y la gente mala está en las manos de Dios. Cualquier cosa que ocurra en vuestra vida, todo está en las manos de Dios. A través de estas cosas él os prueba y forja. Él cada día os prueba si cumplís su voluntad o no. Todas estas cosas son aparentes y pasajeras. Vosotros no debéis engañarse como la gente externa se engaña, sino que debéis saber que Dios, esta inteligencia superior, reina en todas partes. Y hasta el grado que nosotros somos inteligentes y cumplimos la voluntad de Dios, hasta tal grado y Él se nos descubre. Decís: “¿Quién proveerá para nosotros?”

Dios ha provisto para todos los seres, y en la Tierra, y en el Cielo. A cualquiera que encuentre, él le mira sonrientemente y le dice: “¡ No temas, adelante camina !” ¿Cuándo sonríe Dios? – Cuando respetáis su voluntad. Si no la respetáis, alrededor de vosotros llega obscuridad y tinieblas, tormentas y truenos.

Si no respetáis la voluntad de Dios, todas las fuerzas en la Naturaleza se enfrentarán contra vosotros, y vosotros sentiréis el peso de todo el infierno sobre sí. Aquellos de los discípulos que se piensan fuertes, dirán: “Nosotros queremos hacer conexión con Dios, que Le sirvamos”. Digo: los fuertes deben llevar a los débiles. Los científicos deben llevar a los ignorantes. Los ricos deben llevar a los pobres.

Algunos dicen: “Queremos que se nos diga algo nuevo”. Decir algo nuevo a la gente, esto significa que le quites su ropa vieja y le vistas en nueva. ¿Hace la ropa nueva a la gente mejor que cuando estaba con la vieja? Aunque se vista con ropa nueva, el hombre de nuevo envejece. Esto se refiere a la vida física del hombre. Si entra el hombre en la vida Divina, allí él nunca envejece, sino que siempre está animoso y fresco. Cristo expresa esta idea en el siguiente versículo: “Yo soy el agua viva y el pan vivo”.

En este aspecto Él no tiene necesidad de renovarse. Cristo es una fuente que constantemente brota.

Ahora, os deseo que durante este año que viene cumpláis la voluntad de Dios, en cualesquiera condiciones que os encontréis. Aplicad esto lo que os hablo. Agradeced y por la alegría más pequeña, como y por la aflicción más grande que os sobrevienen. Sabed que Dios todo lo convertirá para vuestro bien. Vuélquense hacia Dios con un corazón puro y decid: “ Señor, que Tu Paz y Tu Alegría estén siempre con nosotros, para que puedan nuestros corazones y mentes iluminarse, y que Te sirvamos con todo nuestro corazón, con toda nuestra mente, con toda nuestra alma y con toda nuestra fuerza”. Esta es la magna tarea que cada uno de vosotros debe solucionar. Si soluciona su tarea correctamente, él logrará salud, fuerza, conocimiento, sabiduría, nobleza, y su vida cobrará sentido.

Recordad lo siguiente: ¡No cambiéis el orden natural de las cosas! Cuando ordenéis los números del 1 al 10 en su orden natural y los apliquéis en vuestra vida, vosotros comprenderéis el sentido profundo de la vida y los comportamientos entre la gente.

"Faithful, true, pure and benevolent always be!"

El orden de los números por el Maestro Beinsá Dunó

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