The Neville Method Spiritual Books

  • 2016
Table of contents hide 1 How to change the future? by Neville Goddard. 1.1 Steps of the Neville Method. 2 “Our dream, when we follow it, is the best forecaster of our future.” John Maxwell. 3 “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of dreams.” Eleanor Rooseveltn. 4 5 How to put Goddard's methods and spiritual books into practice?

There is a simple way to change the future . The Neville Method, written by Neville Goddard was discovered by elderly teachers, comes to humanity through spiritual books such as the Bible. Its application is so simple and the results so valuable that it is worth trying this method to change the future quickly and easily.

Change the future?

How to change the future? by Neville Goddard.

Steps of the Neville Method.

To change the future, the first thing to do is define what is the desire you want to achieve. To get something, you have to recognize what the objective is that you want to reach, analyze the goal and take action as soon as possible.

In the writing by Neville Goddard it is advisable to create a situation, which may arise when trying to achieve the desired desire. This situation must be something that is necessary to travel to achieve the objective. This requires that you have a good imagination .

Our dream, when we follow it, is the best forecaster of our future. John Maxwell.

With step number three written by Neville Goddard a relaxing position must be taken, where the body is free of tension and still to imagine the event or situation proposed in the In the previous step, it must be imagined in this precise moment and in this place. When imagining the situation you should not be a mere spectator, but a being participates in your desire. You have to maintain a state close to the dream but without falling asleep, while you can have control of your thoughts to fulfill your ideas and direct the situations, taking them wherever you want to go.

When you are able to direct the thoughts to fulfill your wishes, you must repeat to give thanks for getting what you wanted. Unlike other spiritual books, it is advised that you do not care about the consequences of having achieved the goal or if someone harmed by reaching that desire could have left. That should not distract you from having achieved the goal.

There are many ways to achieve the goal and the person is not aware of all, explains the Neville Method, so you have to forget about others, it is common to happen and feel guilty. It is normal to bring some teachings and customs from home that clash with thoughts, but you should not let this divert you from the goal causing a delay on the road to arrival. Now he must be completely motionless and silent for a long period of time, plunged into this contemplation position.

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of dreams." Eleanor Rooseveltn.

When you wake up you will feel that you do not know where you are and how you got there, feeling what you want and now return to reality and no longer has it, will cause a feeling of loss and sadness but it does not matter, this will give a boost approaching the target.

Spiritual Books

How to put Goddard's methods and spiritual books into practice?

This practice should be repeated at least once a day until you fully reach the goal set. It is important to analyze whether the Neville Method is being performed correctly, through observation . If, when the practice of desire is realized , the emotion of having achieved it is felt, the demonstration has been successful, but this must be felt throughout the body and will increase as long as it is closer to the goal. When you are completely satisfied with the emotions reached, you can end the imaginative meditation session.

Continuing to practice the method written by Neville Goddard is the most advisable way to improve, since experience is what gives you knowledge as well as reading these spiritual books that help personal growth .

With the Neville Method, the future changes and so life will take a 180º turn, so that you can have the happiness you deserve not to waste your time, start organizing the goal and reading these spiritual books.

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AUTHOR: Antonio, editor of the great family of

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