Mount Shasta

Table of contents hide 1 Importance of Mount Shasta 2 Beliefs in antiquity 3 The Mount today 4 ANOTHER STORY ABOUT MOUNT SHASTA Mount Shasta is a very majestic mountain located at the northern end of the Sierra Nevada mountain range in the Siskiyou County in Northern California about 33 miles from the Oregon border. Mount Shasta is the cone of an extinct volcano that rises more than 14, 162 feet above sea level, and is the largest volcanic peak on the continent of the United States.

Importance of Mount Shasta

Mount Shasta is a very special place, to say the least and represents much more than just a mountain. Mount Shasta can be considered as one of the most sacred places on this planet. The mountain is a source of mystical power for this planet. It is a focal point for angels, spiritual guides, spaceships, masters of the Kingdoms of Light, and is home to some of the survivors of Ancient Lemuria, which sank under the waves of the Pacific Ocean a little more than 12, 000 years ago. For those who have the gift of clairvoyance, Mount Shasta is wrapped in a gigantic etheric purple pyramid whose stone that the crown reaches far beyond this planet into space and that connects us intergalactically to the Confederation of Planets of this sector of the Milky Way Galaxy.

This amazing pyramid has also been created as an inverted version of itself, reaching well down to the Earth's core. Mount Shasta can be designated as the entry point of the Grids of Light of this planet, where most of the energy comes first from the galactic and universal nucleus, before being disseminated to other mountains and the grids. Most of the cusps of the mountains, especially high mountains, are beacons of light, feeding the light grids of this planet.

Strange lights and sounds are often seen or heard on the mountain. Lenticular clouds, shadows and extraordinary sunsets contribute to the mystical aura of the mountain. There are several tunnels that extend deep into the interior of this majestic mountain. Mount Shasta is also home to today's Lemurians, survivors of the sunken continent of Mu, more than 12, 000 years ago. Yes, his Lemurian brothers and sisters are real; they are well and physically alive, living in the underground city of "Telos" below Mount Shasta.

Prior to the sinking of their continent, being fully aware of the eventual destiny of their beloved continent, the ancient Lemurians, using their mastery in energy, crystals, sounds and vibrations, cupped a vast underground city, with the intention of preserving their culture, their treasures and his records of the ancient history of the Earth; history has been lost since the sinking of Atlantis. Lemuria was once a vast continent, and larger than North America, connected with parts of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington. This great continent disappeared overnight in the Pacific Ocean over 12, 000 years ago, in a huge cataclysm.

All the inhabitants of the Earth at that time, considered Lemuria, the country of Mu, as their homeland, and there was much crying on Earth when this happened. About 25, 000 Lemurians at that time were able to migrate into the interior of Mount Shasta, the most important of its various administration centers, prior to the collapse of their homeland. And, my dear ones, you who are reading this writing, know in your heart that they never left. They are still here in tangible, physical and immortal bodies, totally unlimited, living a pure life from Heaven on Earth.

Beliefs in ancient times

The American Indians believed that Mount Shasta was of such immense greatness, that its existence could only be attributed to the creation of a "very Great Spirit." They also believed that an invisible race of very tiny people, about four feet tall, lived on the slopes as Guardians. Those amazing little people, often referred to as "The Little People of Mount Shasta, " are also in some physical type, but not totally, and are often seen visibly around the mountain. They are beings of the third dimension, like humans, but they live on a slightly higher level of the third dimension, as if it were a third and a half level, and they have the ability to become visible or invisible at will. The reason why they don't physically show themselves to many people is because they have a collective fear of humans. At a time, when they were as physical as we are, and could not be made invisible at will, human then viciously defamed them. They became so fearful in front of humans, that they collectively asked the spiritual hierarchy of this planet for the dispensation of being elevated in frequency, so as to be made invisible at will, in order to be able to continue their evolution without Be damaged and in peace.

There are also reports about a race of Big Feet seen in some remote areas of Mount Shasta, along with many other mysterious beings. Now there are few Big Feet in quantity, all over the world and around Mount Shasta. They are of average intelligence and have a peaceful heart. They have also obtained the dispensation to be able to become invisible at will, in order to avoid confrontations with us, and thus, like small people, avoid being hurt, mutilated and used as a slave race.

El Monte today

Things have not changed so much on Earth in our day. As a species we have not yet understood that we are invited here on the planet. We are the guests of the great Mother Earth who volunteered to be the platform for the evolution of the many kingdoms she has chosen to allow her evolution here. Humans are only one of those kingdoms. It was always the intention and the agreement at the beginning that all kingdoms would be honored, and that they were allowed to share this planet with equality . And at the beginning it was like that for a long time.

But, for hundreds of thousands of years, humans have taken over, arrogantly thinking that they are a superior race, and that they have the right to control and manipulate the other kingdoms that appear to be more vulnerable than they are. . Many of the species of the animal kingdom have also become invisible. They are still here, but at a slightly higher frequency, and therefore invisible to us. Where do you think all these species have supposedly gone extinguished ? Many of them are extinguished because they have made a collective choice not to continue interacting with us anymore. Those species of the animal kingdom, which still meet us physically, are not always loved and honored by humans. See deep inside your heart and explore how most animals are treated, how they are used and abused by the supposed superior race. Does this mean that all animals have to be treated, honored and loved as beings from other kingdoms and that they have to share this planet on a basis of equality ? Think about how many sharks, dolphins, cows, chickens, cats, dogs, horses, etc. etc. etc. They have been and continue to be used. The list is endless, and it could be the object of several encyclopedias (I know that this last paragraph will cause many to raise their eyebrows, but this had to be said. Now let's continue with Mount Shasta.)

Today, several spiritual groups surrounded the area of ​​Mount Shasta. (NdT in the original English does not include the date of the report). Many truth seekers who have felt and heard in their hearts The call of the Mountain a have moved to this area where they feel they have finally come home . A faint memory of their distant Lemurian origins are calling them back to a previous point of origin.

On a clear day, Mount Shasta rises like a white jewel that can be seen from a distance of at least 100 miles. People who live nearby, have remarkable stories regarding the waterfall of approximately 14, 162 feet of the volcano. The most notable stories are the legends about the mysterious people who live inside the mountain. It is said that they are descendants of an ancient society of the lost continent of Lemuria, living deep inside the mountain, in round houses, and enjoying unlimited health and wealth, and true brotherhood. They have preserved their ancient culture.

Lemurians living underground, near the mountain, are commonly described as funny and tall - seven feet and more - with long, flowing hair. They dress in white robes and sandals, but they have also been seen in very colorful dress. They are said to have long and graceful necks and bodies, which adorn with beautiful decorative necklaces made of beads and precious stones. They have evolved their sixth sense, which allows them to communicate with each other through extrasensory perception. They can also be teleported and made invisible at will. His native language is the Lemurian language, but they also speak impeccable English, with a slightly British accent. They have chosen to learn English as a second language, because they are located in America where people living on their roof speak English as their primary language.

Dr. M. Doreal said years ago that he has visited the Lemurians inside his mountain. He said the space they reached was approximately 2 miles high, about 20 miles long and 15 miles wide. He wrote that the light inside the mountain was as bright as a summer day, because suspended almost in the center of the great space cave was a giant mass of gleaming light. Another man reported that he fell asleep on Mount Shasta, and that he was awakened by a Lemurian who took him inside the mountain to his cave, which was paved with gold. The Lemurian told this man that there were a series of tunnels left by volcanoes that were underground as highways - a world within a world.

Supposedly the Lemurians have managed atomic energy, have developed technological and clairvoyance skills, electronics and science over 18, 000 years ago. They possess technologies that make surface occupants look like wobbly beings compared to them. They control most of their technology with their minds. Some time ago, they knew how to propel ships using energy radiated by crystals. They had spaceships and flew with them to Atlantis and other places. Today they have a whole fleet of spaceships called "Silver Fleet" with which they enter and leave the mountain and go to space. They also have the ability to make their spaceships invisible and soundless, in order to avoid being detected by local and national military. Although they are people of a third-dimensional nature, they are able to change their energy field into the fourth and fifth dimensions, and become invisible, all after a few seconds.

Many people report seeing strange lights on the mountain. One of the explanations is that there are spaceships that come and go constantly from an airport deep in the mountain. Mount Shasta is not only the home of the Lemurians, but it is a multi-dimensional inter-planetary and intergalactic portal. There is a great city of Etheric Light above Mount Shasta, called the Crystal City of the Seven Rays. At some point in our near future, hopefully within the next twelve to twenty years, this amazing city of Light is destined to be lowered into our physical realm, and to become the first city of Light to manifest itself in tangible form in The surface of the planet. In order for this to happen, the people who live here have to match the vibration of their consciousness.

You can easily visit Mount Shasta without reading or hearing something about the Lemurians, but if you had any previous connection with them, you can be blessed with some revelations. Mount Shasta attracts visitors from all over the world, some seeking spiritual introspection, others seeking gratification with the beauty and natural miracles that "Mother Nature" has to offer here, in this unique Alpine region.

Everyone likes a mystery, especially a mystery about Mount Shasta. There were many fascinating myths and legends that were written about this giant in northern California, and the lonely mountain just keeps sleeping, with its secrets intact. But, from time to time, another mysterious story comes to the surface, new types of characters emerge and the focus is once again on the mystical mountain. This is how it has been for years and probably always will be. Mount Shasta has a tendency to reveal “himself” only to those who honor the vine, honor themselves for what they really are, honor the Earth and honor all the other kingdoms that share this planet.


The main character of the following story is an elusive man named JC Brown, who, in 1904, was an employee of the Lord Cowdray Mining Company of London, England. He was employed to look for precious metals in this region of gold veins, and while he was here, he ran into a section of rock in front of a rock that seemed not to match the formation that surrounded it. While he was examining this curious stone, he noticed that it blocked the entrance to what appeared to be a cave. Brown, who was a geologist, thought the whole scene was not natural and began digging at the entrance to the cave, which was full of garbage and vegetation. He began to see that it was not a small cave and after much digging he found himself in a tunnel that formed a downward curve inside the mountain. Equipped with flashlights and mining utensils, he left to explore.

He later said that "three miles from the tunnel entrance I found a crossroads showing gold-containing ore and later, I found another crossroads where an ancient race had apparently worked copper." He believed that the other crosses appeared somewhere else on the mountain. The decline continued for about 11 miles inside the mountain where he found what he called "The Village Deposit" (The Village Blets), where many pieces and rooms were found.

The rooms were literally filled with various sheets, all neatly inscribed. The walls were lined with rolled copper and there were hanging shields and decorative pieces for the wall, made of gold. Some of the gold plates noticed that they were engraved with certain drawings and hieroglyphs. The pieces opened to other rooms, one of which seems to have been a place of worship. In addition to this, there were 13 statues made of copper and gold and a design of a great sun from which golden radiations stood out. The way in which the objects were stacked, gave him the feeling that the occupants of the underground city left under the impulse of the moment. And then he found himself in front of a macabre scene - in one piece he counted 27 skeletons, the smallest of which was about 6'6 ″ and the largest one reached more than 10 feet. Two of the bodies were mummified, each dressed in ornate and colored robes. Brown spent many days exploring, studying hieroglyphs and printing them indelibly in his mind. He was very excited about this great archeological find and decided to leave the tunnel and its contents, leaving everything exactly as he had found it. He thought he was going back. But, first, he deftly concealed the entrance to the tunnel and marked on his map exactly where it was on the mountain.

During the following three decades, those that go from 1904-1934, Brown's activities seem to be surrounded by mystery, but it has been known that he studied literature and philosophy corresponding to the lost continent of Mu and the lost Lemurian civilization, among others knowledge of prehistoric races. Years of study and comparison of the hieroglyphs and pictographs he found in the tunnel convinced him that they were certainly records of the Lemurian race. And so, after 30 long years, Brown surfaced. He decided that the glory of those Lemurians and the golden artifacts that were still quietly hanging in the mountain cave, would have to be shared with others. In 1934, at the age of 79, Brown appeared in Stockton, California. It was his idea to organize a group of people interested in accompanying him, on his own, to Mount Shasta, and that once there, they would continue exploring beyond the old tunnel he had found in 1904.

Eight anxious residents of Stockton, including the editor of a newspaper, a museum guardian, a retired printer, several scientists and other solid citizens formed a group to investigate the tunnel alongside JC Brown. For six weeks they were at night to plan the expedition, and also to listen to Brown's fabulous stories about lost, hieroglyphic continents, and the seductive descriptions of the treasure, which seemed to be right at your fingertips. Some even abandoned their jobs and some sold a lot of their personal property during these six weeks, so sure they felt that their lives would be altered and enriched after their notorious discoveries. The editor and the museum's guardian questioned Brown intensely, going over and over again the details of his rare story. Brown announced that he had spent a large part of the previous 30 years looking for ancient records corresponding to the Lemurians, and his mental picture of the hieroglyphs in the tunnel of the underground village had convinced him to have found the missing link in history of civilization.

And he told them that he believed that the gold antiques he had found were those of the Lemurians or their descendants. Brown even promised to supply a yacht to transport the group as far north as they could go by water. They would depart on June 19 at 1:00 pm The day dawned clear and beautiful, and 80 citizens of Stockton were waiting at the appointed time for the arrival of their leader. They had met the night before in order to finalize the final details, after which JC Brown said goodbye until the following afternoon. However, Brown was never seen by someone in the group again, and what happened to him is a riddle of each. The members of the group feared for his life, since he had previously mentioned that once he had been kidnapped by people who did not want this information to come out, (usually government agencies); and that he could barely escape alive. They involved the Stockton police, but no trace of the man was found. He had totally disappeared. But the 80 people who waited in vain to appear on that June day, believed in the authenticity of their history and they believe in the existence of the wide tunnel on Mount Shasta, filled with gold artifacts.

The mister of Mount Shasta

Unfortunately, JC Brown never revealed the exact location of the secret tunnel in the mountains, and it is highly likely that these treasures of a prehistoric era will never come back. delight the sight of another human being. Wrapped in clouds and fog and sealed across the ages in ice and snow, Mount Shasta keeps its secret to itself, as always.

There are numerous tales and visions that suggest that an ancient race, which employs high technology, now resides in the bowels of Mount Shasta in the Cascade Zone of Northern California. According to researcher William F. Hamilton, who claims to have met with representatives of this society, the inhabitants of the underground city of Telos under Mount Shasta, are generally tall, blond, blue-eyed, whose number exceeds more than one and a half million people in its underground city of five levels and 20 miles long. Mount Shasta has been a major site for UFO contact for decades. These stories are so well known that many of the tourist guides to the Shasta area mention the legends of the ancient settlers, who are said to inhabit this ancient volcanic peak.

Mr. Hamilton said that in the course of my investigations I met some fascinating people, who tells many unusual stories. While I was on the track of information on the location of bases for UFOs, I met a very beautiful young woman, blonde, with almond eyes and small and perfect teeth, whose name was Bonnie Bonnie told me an incredible story, and told an interesting volume of information. Bonnie is sincere, cheerful and rational. She says she was born in 1951 in a city called TELOS, built inside a dome-shaped artificial cave inside the Earth about a mile or so near Mount Shasta.

Bonnie, her mother (Rana Mu), her father (Ra Mu), her sister Judy, her cousins ​​Lorae and Matox, live and move in our society, returning frequently to TELOS to rest and recover. Bonnie says that her people use holes to dig tunnels on Earth. These holes heat the rock to incandescence, and then vitrify it, thus eliminating the need for beams and supports. A tube-shaped transit tunnel is used to connect the cities that exist in different underground regions of our hemisphere. Tube trains are powered by electromagnetic impulses reaching speeds of 2500 miles per hour. One of the pipes connects one of its cities with the jungle of Matto Grosso in Brazil. ”

“They plant their food hydroponically under a full spectrum of lighting, their gardens being attended by automatons. The food and resources of Telos are abundantly distributed to the million and a half population that is managed with an economy that does not involve money. ”

“I have met Bonnie's cousin, Matox, who, like her, is a strict vegetarian and maintains the same attitudes regarding the motives of the US government. "His government is constantly guarding against discoveries that are not usual, " he said. The advanced awareness and technology of the Lemurians helps them remain vigilant and unnoticed. ”

"Science fiction? "Bonnie is a real person, " Mr. Hamilton said. “Many have met her. Are you running a hoax? And for what reason? She doesn't look for publicity and I had a very hard time to convince her to go to meetings and talk to others, but she did. There were few variants in its history and its answers during the last three years. She has given me an excellent introspection regarding the technique of building a crystal-based generator, which extracts energy from the environment. Bonnie's father, Ra Mu, is 300 years old and is a member of the governing council of Telos. ”

“Many tunnels are insecure and have been closed. All tube-shaped transit tunnels are protected and designed to expel uninvited people. Does Bonnie have the answers we are looking for? I don't know ... Bonnie says she would like to meet our needs regarding tests and will work with me to get a satisfactory answer to this problem, but she doesn't care whether people accept it or not. Bonnie has humor, is of pleasant treatment and good behavior, however sometimes she gets mysterious and thoughtful. ”

When Hill Hamilton asked Bonnie to elaborate on the energy sources that her town uses to drive the so-called “flying saucers” ships, she replied: “A quantity of it is generated by crystals, especially atmospheric vehicles. A mercury-ion machine drives vehicles from planet to planet. Spacecraft can reach speeds beyond the speed of light - they can penetrate hyper-space - which means that one generates within the fourth dimension. This is controlled by a computer that is on board, which introduces and extracts it from hyper-space, ”he continues. “I know this is a simplification. When you are in a ship that goes out to hyper-space, you will hear this vibration, and a loud screaming sound when you enter, and then you will not hear anything… ”

Bonnie talks about her home, Telos, a city built a mile or so, near Mount Shasta, California. “This city was built just before the termination of the Lemurian continent. When the scientists and priests of Lemuria realized that their continent was about to sink, they asked a group called the Agharta Network, which controls all the underground cities. They asked permission to build their own city under Mount Shasta. There were a number of original caves there. We chose to enlarge these caves to make them bigger and more habitable. Now there are a million and a half of us living there. ”

There is so much more that could be told about Mount Shasta!

From: Anita Manasse

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