The Mayan Legacy, October 2009 AD

The Mayan Prophecies say that the Maya were astronomers with advanced knowledge of the universe and could make their predictions of future times. The Ship of the Earth Time 2013 the prophecy of the Mayas for 2012 is nothing more and nothing less than the end of its great account of the days: 1, 872, 000 days or 5, 200 tunes equivalent to 5, 125 solar years. This account begins in the year 3113 BC which is the Entrance to the Galactic Synchronization Beam and will end for the year 2012 with the Synchronization n Galactic . Now this GREAT CYCLE consists, as already said of: 1, 872, 000 kines / days; 5, 200 tunes of 360 kines / days each (slightly less than one year per tun); 260 katunes of 7, 200 kines / days each (a little less than twenty years per kat n); twenty Ahau cycles of thirteen katunes or 93, 600 kines / days each (260) tunes or approximately 256 years per Ahau cycle); thirteen baktunes of 144, 000 kines / days each (400 tunes or a little more than 394 years per baktun.)

The key unit in this case is then the BAKTUN, then 400 tunes = 20 katunes = 1 baktun and is equivalent to a little more than 394 indefinite solar years (365.2422 days). With this series of 13 baktunes represented by the 13 vertical columns of the Mayan Harmonic Module (TZOLKIN), we can begin to build the calendar of the Great cycle, overlapping it to the period 3113 BC to 2012 AD It should be noted that the first baktun cycle is 0, the second is baktun 1, etc. which implies that a cycle is not counted until its period has lasted, that is, until it ends.

Baktun 0. Baktun of the Star Plantation 3113 - 2718 BC Earth's entry into the Galactic Synchronization Beam. Plantation of "Star Transmissions" of the galactic league between people throughout the planet. Consolidation of Upper and Lower Egypt, 3100 BC Sumerian Expansion, 3000 BC Construction of Stonehenge begins, 2800 BC Baktun 1. Baktun of the Pyramid 2718 - 2324 BC Construction and Activation of the Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt; the period 2700 - 2600 BC indicates the fixation of the light body of the planet. Sumerian, Akkad and Ur civilization extension and bronze development. Beginnings of the Harappa civilization, in India. Beginning of sedentary agricultural life, China, Mesoamerica, Los Andes.

Baktun 2. Baktun de la Rueda 2324 - 1930 BC Full establishment of the wheel, initiation of transport technology and cyclical thinking, codes of written laws and metallurgical technology in Mesopotamia. Sargon and the first Babylonian empire. Start of battles in tanks, territorial imperialism. It was from the legendary emperors in China. Establishment of the Minoan civilization in Crete.

Baktun 3. Baktun of the Sacred Mountain 1930 - 1536 BC Middle and New Kingdoms in Egypt; The relocation of the center to the Sacred Mountain of the West, Valley of the Kings, signals the decision of the Egyptians to perpetuate dynastic dominance, consolidates the pattern of defensive territorialism as a norm for civilized life. Surge of invaders: Hittites, Aryans; destruction of the Minoan and Hindu civilizations.

Baktun 4. Baktun of the House of Shang 1536 - 1141 BC Establishment of the Shang dynasty in China, statement of the yin / yang doctrine, advanced bronze metallurgy and patron of the Chinese civilization. Beginnings of the Veda civilization in India. Emergence of the Chavín civilization in the Andes and Olmec in Mesoamerica. Akhenaten, in Egypt; Abraham and Moses, in Israel; Hittite consolidation, Mesopotamia.

Baktun 5. Baktun of the Imperial Seal or I Ching 1141 - AC Babylonian-Assyrian Empires. Iron armament and war machines. Emergence of the Mycenaean Greeks in the Mediterranean, site of Troy. Chou dynasty in China, emergence of the I Ching. Dissemination of the Olmec culture in Mesoamerica. Use of horses for war, pattern of imperialist imperialist dominance and dynastic succession established as a norm for the civilized life of the planet.

Baktun 6. Baktun of the Teachings of the Mind or the Galactic Maya 747-353 BC Period of the first wave of Galactic Mayas in Mesoamerica. The Persian Empire Philosophical emergence individualistic supplanting previous collective forms. Pythagoras, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle in Greece; six schools of Veda thought, Mahavira and Buddha in India; Lao Tse, Confucius, Chuang Tzu in China. Construction of Monte Albán, in Mexico, beginnings of the Mayan calendrical systems.

Baktun 7. Baktun of the Consecrated 353 BC - 41 AD Hellenistic civilization, Alexander the Great; emergence of Rome, early Roman Empire; the Celts in Europe, advanced iron technology; consolidation of the Conflict States of China by Ch'in Huang Ti, early Han Dynasty, the Great Wall of China; dissemination of Buddhism as a cosmopolitan religion from India to Central Asia. Jesus Christ, Gnostic religions of the Middle East; diffusion of the Olmecs and beginnings of Teotihuacan.

Baktun 8. Baktun of the Lords of Red and Black 41 - 435 AD Conclusion of the Pyramidal Center of Teotihuacan, consolidation of the Mesoamerican cultural regime, the Lords of Red and Black, first teachings of Quetzalcoatl; Moche, Nazca and Tiahuanaco in the Andes; Easter Island; rise of the kingdoms of West Africa; expansion and fall of the Roman Empire, rise of Christianity; Fall of the Han Dynasty, extension of Buddhism in China, Southeast Asia.

Baktun 9. Baktun of the Maya 435 - 830 AD Galactic quote of the Maya, Pacal Votan de Palenque and flourishing of the Mayan cultural regime; Muhammad and rise of Islam; Roman Christianity in Western Europe and Byzantine Orthodox Christianity in Eastern Europe; rise of Hinduism in Tibet, Korea, Japan; T'ang dynasty in China; emergence of kingdoms in Southeast Asia, Indonesia (Borobadur, Java); ancestry of Tiahuanaco, Los Andes; polytheistic civilization, Oceania; First flourishes of the Nigerian civilization.

Baktun 10. Baktun of the Holy Wars 830 - 1224 AD Fall of the classic Mayan and Central Mexican civilizations, 1 Quetzalcoatl arrow and rise of the Toltecs; Chan Chan and the Chimú civilization in the Andes; I'fe consecration in Nigeria; flourishing and diffusion of Islam and confrontation with the Christian civilization, the Crusades; emergence of Tibetan civilization; Sung dynasty in China, the printing press, gunpowder; Khmer Dynasty, Southeast Asia. Greater Zimbabwe, East Africa.

Baktun 11. Baktun of the Hidden Seed 1224 - 1618 AD Expansion of Islam to India, Central and Southeast Asia, West Africa; Tibet isolation; rise of the Turks the Mongols, conquest of China; Japan isolation; emergence of Zimbabwe, East Africa; I'fe and Benin, West Africa; Highlight of Christian civilization, Western Europe and emergence of Russian Orthodox civilization, Eastern Europe; reform and division of the Christian Church; diffusion and triumph of the European civilization to conquer the Inca and Aztec empires; beginnings of the auropean colonization, decline of the sacred conception of the world (the hidden seed).

Baktun 12. Baktun of the Transformation of Matter 1618 - 2012 DC Emergence and triumph of cinematic materialism, conquest of the world by Europe, Industrial Revolution. Democratic revolutions in America and Europe; colonization of Africa, Latin America, Asia; indistrialization of Japan; Karl Marx and the rise of communism; the communist revolutions of Russia, China; First and Second World Wars; the atomic bomb and the nuclear age; emergence of the powers of the Third World, Islam, Mexico and India; global terrorism and the collapse of technological civilization; Earth purification and was the end of the global regeneration; era of information and solar crystal technology; galactic sync

What we can observe in this summary is the acceleration and expansion of the activity, accumulating in a great wave formation that reaches its climax in the thirteenth cycle, baktun 12 of the transformation of matter. This gives us the clues: what seems to be a historical process "The Great Cycle" is actually a planetary process, a stage in the conscious growth of the Earth, the conformation of the body of light of the Earth.


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