The incredible power of emotions

  • 2015

Emotions are energies that are found within our body, which act directly on our health, and the incredible power of emotions is often not known to people.

For many people , it is not to their liking to show others their emotions. They usually suppress anger, depression, crying and anger. Many are not allowed to let off steam, cry. Causing negative reactions inside your body.

Emotions are energies that by not letting them out, they do accumulate inside the person causing a great imbalance within the organism, causing great physical and mental problems. You can not imagine the incredible power of emotions that act on health.

The incredible power of emotions .

If you belong to the group of people, who do not know how to release the emotions they feel and, on the contrary, try not to give them the importance they have, repressing them internally and not allowing themselves to let off steam, they will accumulate all those energies which has not been able to take out, it is necessary to receive therapy to learn to drain them.

If you can learn to use the incredible power of emotions, you can use them to avoid getting diseases. They will bring you great positive things for your life and your body, emotions are a great tool that we have inside, and with them we can achieve great changes, not only in health, but also in our environment.

You must make decisions of change in your personality, emotions can be directed in a positive way . Learning to let out the emotions that are inside of you by constantly pressing , negatively within your mind and body, will affect you physically.

The incredible power of emotions.

I know it has been scientifically proven that people who suffer from great suffering, caused by a traumatic episode, the loss of a loved one , are prone to suffer serious, incurable emotional diseases that end with death. For that reason we must positively direct the sorrows and suffering.

Positive emotions .

People who have and show positive emotions are cheerful and optimistic, they are much healthier and little developed or infected with diseases. Positive emotions make them more agile, they learn faster, they are happier people and they make their environment happy. They are stronger people in difficult situations. People who learn to know the incredible power of emotions create positive thoughts to impact their health and their environment by reducing negative emotions. Positive emotions have been proven by scientific studies, which have the power to act on diseases, achieving miraculous cures for cancer or heart problems. Therefore, the popular saying is very true , healthy body mind san a.

The negative emotions .

Negative emotions but can help you avoid worse situations through fear, anger and rage, serving as a warning against danger or abuse. It is no less true that when there are more negative emotions than positive the problems will be much more serious. Therefore you need to learn to manage your emotions.

You have to learn to get rid of those emotions quickly, externalizing them in a controlled manner and letting others know your fear, your anger or your anger. Never stay long with them. Negative emotions will make you a negative person.

People who fail to direct their emotions and fail to express them feel unhappy, suffering depression and illness, among them is stress . This disease is caused by the accumulation of negative emotions causing multiple damage to your health. Digestive problems, palpitations, headaches negatively impacting your work.

You need to learn how to handle them and use your emotions for your benefit.

Author: Antonio, editor of the great family of the

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