The end of the road (part II), by Miguel Díaz Morlet

  • 2010

We must understand, once and for all, that since the day of our birth, the Father through his pure and unconditional love made a pact with all of us, in which he I will become everything we think and desire.

This pact is still in force and will continue until the end of the day, this pact makes us heirs of all that is the Father, that is why Our Father has always given us everything that He has become, so that we can experience and understand the totality of what he is, is the basis of the culmination of our dreams, but here is the real challenge, the great truth Who makes the dreams?

We, it has always been us, to understand this, will grant you the power, the responsibility and the freedom to create whatever you want for yourself, everything depends on us, the Father will always say: if that is your desire, let it be do your will, you can see the enormous gift of our free will, it is and will be unconditional love in all its expression.

After all this time, all the way, the only thing left is to feel deserving of being creators, if we do not achieve this, we will not be able to create even a glass of water. After all the structures have been broken, where our world has become shattered, where there is not a piece left to pick up, because it is not worth it, after all that, we must raise our heads, look forward and see ourselves, and realize that we have become, surely we have become more humble, because unlike others, we can recognize our successes and mistakes and correct them, what we He becomes aware of his own destiny and his own life.

When you can see yourself in the mirror and you can smile again, for who you are and not for what you have been, then you will be ready, to be able to create whatever you want, because you will know who you are and where you are going, you will know that everything you've been through, you created it yourself, to become what you are now, a child of God with all his creative power inherited by him, to all of us.

For this reason, your faith and your desire to form a new land, a place where we can have the best of both worlds, a place where instead of existing duality, unity will reign, but it only depends on each of It has always been that way, and it will continue to be, until the end of our days, that is the covenant, and the Father never bargains, on the contrary, if you ask for one, it gives you two, so is my Father, what can I say to you? .

Open your arms and feel the freedom, feel the wind on your face, discover what you have always been, a free, creative being, with plenty of love to give away, maybe when you get to feel this, you will not have much desire to create things materials, because you will have understood the real value of life, you will know what in many lives you did not know, you will know that you will not die, because you are eternal and would have no case to be reborn in another body, whose brain has not learned to know who it is, the great irony of this great game of life, is that when you can finally manifest what you want with your will, you will no longer be interested in continuing in this life, and then you will know that the time has come to leave for a new level, where you will find what you always looked for and never found in this great game of life.

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