The ego and love cannot coexist. They are like light and dark

The ego and love cannot coexist. They are like light and obsequality : when the light arrives, oblivion disappears; if you love yourself, the ego disappears, since self-love implies the disappearance of the ego. Love melts the frozen ego. The ego is like an ice cube; love is like the morning sun both allow it to melt.

Besides, you already know it! You may not know it in regards to self-love, since you have not loved yourself, but you have loved other people; you must have had a glimpse of this. some few moments in which for a moment, suddenly you were there and there was only love.

Only the energy of love flowed, from nowhere, from nowhere to nowhere. When two lovers are sitting next to each other there are two * swims * sitting together, two zeros sitting together; and here lies the beauty of love, in that totally empties you of your ego.

Therefore remember, selfish pride is never love of self. Selfish pride is precisely the opposite. He who is not capable of loving himself becomes selfish. Selfish pride is what the psychoanalyst has called the narcissistic life model, narcissism.

You may have heard the myth of Narcissus: he fell in love with himself, when he looked at himself in the water of a silent pond, he fell in love with his own reflection.

Now you have to see the difference: the man who loves himself does not love his reflection; he only loves himself. There is no need for a mirror; it is known internally.

You don't know yourself, you don't know it exists, do you need proof that you exist, do you need a mirror to prove that you exist, if you didn't have a mirror, would you doubt your existence?

Narcissus fell in love with his own reflection, not with himself: He fell in love with the reflection; the reflection is the other's, becoming two, Narcissus is divided, is mired in a kind of schizophrenia.

He had become two: the lover and the beloved. He had become his own object of love, and this is what happens to many people who think they are in love.

When you fall in love, be alert, it may not be anything other than narcissism. The woman's face may work like a lake where you are seeing your reflection ...

I have observed this: of one hundred loves ninety nine are narcissistic. The man does not love the woman there. He loves the appreciation that the woman is giving him, the attention he is devoting, the compliments with what is being wrapped. The woman flatters the man, the man flatters the woman, is a mutual compliment. The woman says: * There is no one as wonderful as you *. Are you a miracle! You are the greatest person that God has created. Even Alexander the Great It was nothing by your side. You are amazed, your chest swells and your head starts to spin; they are nothing but nonsense, but you start to spin.

You say to the woman: * You are the greatest creation of God. Even Cleopatra was nothing compared to you. I doubt God can improve you. There will never be another woman like you *

This is what you call love !! This is narcissism: the man becomes a pond and reflects the woman, and the woman becomes a pond and reflects the man. In fact, it does not only reflect the truth, but it adorns it in a thousand ways by MAKING IT LOOK MORE BEAUTIFUL. THIS IS WHAT PEOPLE DENOMINATE LOVE. But it is not; it is a mutual tailoring of the ego.

Authentic love is unaware of the ego: Authentic love begins with love Asia self.

Obviously, you have this body, this being, you are rooted in it, enjoy it, caress it, celebrate it!

There is no place for pride or ego because you are not comparing yourself to anyone.

The ego only arises with comparison.

Self-love ignores the comparison; you are you and that is all.

Light, love and peace be in your heart and in the heart of all my brothers.


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