The Lighthouses of Light - All Levels Evolve - As above it is below

  • 2012

The Lighthouses of Light ~ ~ Re-cordatories from Home ~ August 15, 2012

~ All levels evolve ~ As above it is below

Re-cordatories from the Home of the Lighthouses of Light are live presentations on the Internet, transcribed and sent in English on the 15th of each month. The Spanish translation is published between the 25th and 30th of the same month. The next Lightworker “VirtualLight” message LIVE will be:

Saturday, August 25, 2012 at 11:00 am U.S. Pacific Time


From Steve:

In this channeling, the Group talked about the way in which the energy wave is affecting other harmonic levels. One of the biggest concerns is for those who left their bodies and died and must still arrive at Home. Anchored in the earthly, these beings have been described as ghosts, among many other names, and belong to that intermediate level of existence. The Group says that the beings that are at those levels are currently having great difficulties as this wave of energy change continues to develop.

The Group wants us to become aware of the stress it feels, as it also creates potential opportunities for many to return home. With very little effort, we can all generate a great impact on this. If we are bearers of light, we must welcome you to dark places. The important part that The Group wants us to remember is that as souls, we now have the opportunity to reunite at all levels.

Have a fantastic month and practice compassion!


Note: The following message has been recanalized and edited with the guide of The Group so that it has greater clarity in this format.


Greetings from Home

The contraola has started

The connection between Home and Earth has become much faster, especially in recent months. The energy of planet Earth is changing, waiting for what will come. Imagine what it would be like if a gigantic wave of water like a tsunami arrived to change everything in its path. Before the wave arrives, the water first withdraws and forms a contraola that goes towards the immense wave that is being formed. It is as if it is necessary to extract all the negative energy before the positive wave can flow and produce the change. It is a characteristic of wave patterns.

We have been talking about wave patterns for some time. Now we are going to talk about the wave they are creating and the tremendous effect it is having. You are excited and ready to ascend. Quite simply, that excitement that is stirring within you makes your heart beat so that you have created a vibratory movement around you. When they combine the vibration with that of other like-minded people, a conglomerate of waves is formed. All waves start strongly, but when they encounter resistance, they weaken and eventually become a straight line. That is a characteristic of all wave patterns until the moment two waves are presented together.

When two waves are combined, they surround the center equally on all sides and by their very nature, they do not degrade. It is what is known as scalar waves, and we tell them that they are doing that with their hearts. It is happening all over the world, not only in a segment of humanity, in an area or in a country. It is literally happening at the same time on many different levels. Due to its established structures and cultures, this new energy will be incorporated slightly differently in different parts of the world. At this time, all mankind is taking monumental steps to raise the vibrations, and in doing so, two things are happening. First, you are closing the gap between what you consider Heaven and Earth. Your spirituality, that part of you that you have always tried to imagine as something separate, is now communicating in another way with your mind and your heart. They are beginning to understand new truths and connect with areas that highlight their powers. They are re-cording the Home more and daring to examine that fact, which is very deep on this planet and at this time. Therefore, dear ones, the connection between you and that part of you that is your spirit is getting stronger. And we have said it before, as all humanity evolves, the time will come when all of you will begin to channel. At that moment the word channeled will disappear, because they don't need words to describe the things that everyone does.

There was a time, during the decade of the 70s, when they invented a word to describe a new phenomenon that they called extra extrasensory perception . The word has completely disappeared from its vocabulary because they no longer need it. They understand that everyone has that ability and is no longer something unusual. Many of you will not be called the same channels and it is fine, because we are not overwhelmed by the ego that you have to handle. We are not interested in who channels, as long as they can feel and accept that energy that is the love that comes to them from Home. All of you, those who live on this planet, have the opportunity to channel the part of the Home that belongs exclusively to you, and that is happening right now. It is not us but you who do it. Humanity has reached the level at which it is able to sustain that power within it, as they continue to grow and pretend to be human within their physical bubble of biology. Well, dear! Well done. Well done.

Now let's talk about the second thing that happens as humanity raises its vibration. There is another wave that is created from the action of the first, and is a form of harmonics that occurs naturally. Very soon, all those waves will combine. Visualize for a moment all the waves that have been arriving with each of the master years. 09-09-09, then 10-10-10-10, 11-11-11 and now short 12-12-12. You have created a human wave of energy that is changing this planet radically.

All levels evolve ~ Those who are anchored in the earthly

There is also an effect that they are not aware of and we want them to pay attention to. The creation of the wave generates its collapse by extracting the old energy to help build and bring the new wave. Although at some level that cause and effect reaction is creating a specific problem, you have the solution.

Re-cord, dear ones, you are infinite spirits that participate in the simulation game that are finite. You pretend that you have a beginning and an end, you appear to be human. But at some point, in the most intimate part of your being, each and every one of you knows that this is no more than a game in which you are participating. Its biological bubble is only a temporary refuge. His true self is infinite and is part of all other parts of the universe. Well, this is the challenge. Very often, when humans leave their bodies and leave Earth to go to the Home, they continue on the planet of free will and, on occasion, simply decide not to go to the Home. Humans love fear and often try to get into that state of suspicion. They even invent ghost stories and horror movies to explain that intermediate space and then feel fear. Accept your emotions - even fear because human beings can only remain on Earth if they cling to all human emotions - it is the only way to anchor themselves on Earth.

Human emotions and the gift of tragedy

Many feel empathy for the beings that you think are stuck on Earth, what they call ghosts. However, understand that they are also on the planet of free will, so that they can choose to go Home whenever they want. Some of them simply do not know how. Others cling to their history and have a hard time releasing it for the time necessary to reach the Home. Look, dear ones, human emotions will not work in the Home. What are human emotions? Fear is number one. All negative emotions are based on fear and correspond to human interpretations, because they live in a field of duality. They feel that if they have something good, then there must be something bad to balance it. That has been his modality for a long time. Also, although that is changing now, it is where the problem really originates. For eons of time there have been beings that so far have not returned home. Perhaps they have clung to their anger, fear, jealousy, or perhaps their love is what has kept them stuck. Why is love a human emotion that can condemn some spirits to remain on Earth instead of taking them home? That is not possible if it is true love. His expressions of love on this Earth include both unconditional love and conditional love. However, if conditional love keeps them tied and they cannot do anything other than put conditions on that love, they cannot return to the Home. It is your decision.

This is causing an awakening of the entire dimension of humanity, but do not believe for a moment that they are different from you. They are his parents and grandparents, his brothers and sisters, his sons and daughters and even his grandchildren. In a way, every human being is part of you, regardless of the dimension you are in. Free will has been a great challenge, because you simply cannot open the door between the two dimensions. Consequently, in order to experience the tragedies, collective agreements were often made. One of the ways to open the doors to those beings who are so absorbed in their cycles of stagnation that they are not able to break them, is that the beings on the other side of the veil stand in front of them. Often that is the deepest meaning and the reason for a tragedy. Due to today's technologies, the news spreads rapidly to every heart and everyone feels a pain stop when something happens to another person. That is really beautiful, because that empathy will heal the planet!

Do not try to find an answer to all the tragedies. Many times, those who experienced the tragedy agreed to go home without prior warning. They are changing the planet, because they are opening the doors that communicate with the other side of the veil and will allow some to go to the Home. You are sad when you see or hear that a tragedy occurred, because you are trying to understand the how and why of the event. Know that on another level, that is beautiful and has nothing wrong. So accept it and know that you are helping to create a column of light for them to travel to Home.

Flexing your magnetic field

Here is another part of what we want to share with you. You are magnetic beings and what is happening on planet Earth is a magnetic change that is beyond your understanding. Although they have learned to measure magnetic fields through certain vibrations, they still know very little about the long range fields of their own magnetism. Many times this is how they communicate — telepathically. Some of you are starting to feel depression, which is currently very common on this planet; It is the emotional pull of all the approaching water. They may become serious without a reason, as if in the most intimate of their being they knew that something is happening, even if they do not know clearly what it is. If they are not able to process that feeling, they may become depressed and become a part of that water that is being removed before the wave can reach.

Dear ones, we tell you that the easiest way to overcome your own problems is to reach out and help someone else overcome theirs. Sometimes they worry so much about their own feelings, about their small bubble of biology or about the problems that happen within their field, that they forget that their magic is always to help others. Some have felt the recoil in that way (depression), and now it is hard for them to function on a daily basis. We ask that you leave your personal situation every day for a few moments and concentrate on your brothers and sisters who may be in these dimensions and need some of your help. Communicate through the dimensions, lift the veil, gently touch them on the shoulder, and let them know how much they love you. Tell them that when they release everything, they can go home instantly. Many times, all they have to do is show them the way with their light. If instead they fall into fear, it means that they strengthened their illusion instead of helping them run the veil. "Go to the light, go to the light, go to the light!" Dear, we tell you that sometimes that is really the only thing you need to hear. Share that they have the option to break the cycle and go to the Home if they wish. If they dare to help them, they in turn will help them out of their depression. Holding out your hand will help your own spirit to recover the energy that you truly hold and show you where you can focus your energy.

Holding power

On this planet, each and every one of you are teachers. They hope to achieve mastery in all areas, but we tell you that that didn't work well in the past. This person there has a special gift, that person there has a different one. We are impatient because they know each other and when they finally succeed and say: “We have tried to know each other for 20 years, why do we take so long? The unification will be perfect. Each and every one of you carries a crystal that shines to the maximum only in your heart. Its purpose is not to save all humanity, because it is simply the part of the puzzle that only you carry. Only you can stand up and say, "I have this unique piece of Home." Many times their personal judgment prevents them from saying that. Rather, they say: “Who am I to do that? There are all those famous people and surely they can do it; As for me, I am someone unimportant that nothing can do. What could I say in my book that hasn't been written before? ”But that's not the way to see it, dear ones. Each and every one of you has a unique and special art, and when you begin to combine some of the pieces, you create the Home. When you dare to share it and allow your voice to be heard on another side of the veil, that will create an energy that will also be heard on planet Earth. That will lead them to the new millennium, to the thousand years of peace that were predicted long ago. You are magical, however, the most difficult thing is that you believe in your own magic. Sometimes the evidence of their magic is presented differently than they thought it would. Perhaps their contact with the universe did not bring the result they expected, because perhaps that spirit was leading them towards something higher. Now a time is coming when they can learn to experience a fluid way of life, allowing the spirit to be part of their energy at all times and not only when they stop to channel or write, or play music. When they look at someone across the room and for a moment they send a wave of love, they must understand that they may not only be changing their day but also their whole life.

You have that power, but the question is: what are you going to do with it? The waves are beginning to arrive. This setback will reach its highest peak in mid-August, and from that moment they will begin to see how the waves are forming and the waves are coming. The idea is to place yourself freely in front of the wave. Surf the wave and let me drive you. Hold your breath if you have to, because you often run away from the wave and try to protect yourself. Dropping everything is what makes them feel overwhelmed by it when it finally arrives. This was not achieved through some kind of alignment, because you created this wave. It was not made by predictions. You did it, because you wanted to change your lives, your direction and your world. We only have one answer: "And so it is."

You are the greatest angels that have ever lived. They feel the arrival of the new energy and yet they also feel the pain and limitations. Sometimes they feel the absence of love, and possibly even feel fear. What they do with that energy is what will generate the change. What can they learn from that darkness and turn it into light? What part of that belongs to them? We are incredibly proud to observe and see the bright spirit that radiates from each of you. We know who they are, dear. We see them clearly and we love them beyond what they could understand. This world is changing, one heart at a time, and you are doing a wonderful job. Come closer and do what you can. When they feel they no longer know what else to do, they reach out and help someone else find their way. That is his gift. Therefore, try to discover how to empower someone in your environment, and then watch as your world and your life change very quickly. We are very honored to be able to communicate with you in this way.

We ask that you treat each other with respect. Take care of each other whenever you can. They are participating in a totally new game ... play it well together.


The group


By Barbara Rother

The world is surrounded by love.

Hello everyone. I'm glad to be with you again. Exactly three months ago I got seriously ill. I'm recovering, as Steve has told you in his monthly reports. I have learned to be patient in this process. I want to be the same as always, but I have been told to take my recovery calmly.

Actually, it is not possible to be the same as always because they gave me the opportunity to be a new improved version of myself. I choose to remain optimistic and celebrate my life that was surprisingly about to end. I definitely chose to stay. I am not ready to leave the wonderful life I have.

I've made jokes on Steve all this time, telling him that it was the message from The Group in which he said we would change the templates of our body, which triggered all this. Many times, the Group causes us to experience its message in the hope that we can help others in their process of change, whatever it may be.

In addition to Steve and Austin, who were accompanying me at every step of this journey, I want to thank the rest of our biological family. And especially thank each and every one of you for sending me your love and support. Believe me I felt it and I appreciate it. That is what gives me strength and determination to recover my health.

Our special friends Meg and Greg sent me a charm for my bracelet today. I cried when I saw him. It is a small world of silver surrounded by mother of pearl hearts. The world is surrounded by love. When we connect our hearts, miracles can happen.

From my heart to yours, thank you very much.

Love and light



Lightworker is a corporation dedicated to expanding Light through empowerment.


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Copyright 2000-2012 Lightworker. This information may circulate and may be disseminated freely, in whole or in part, in accordance with the following conditions: 1. The words Copyright 2000 2012 Lightworker. must be included in all material that is published. 2. The user agrees that all rights, including those of the author of the translated material, remain the property of Lightworker. More information about Steve and the Group can be obtained at: and in English at

Thank you for helping us expand the Light!

Translation and Editing: Volunteer Translator Team

August 2012

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