Book: Archangel Michael How to be a Master of energy? by Susana Blanco Murillo

  • 2016

What I have learned from Archangel Michael

I allow myself to let go of what no longer serves me or harms me, with the help of Archangel Michael, since He gives me the strength to release him and not look back. I bless him and let him go. It doesn't matter if it's a painful situation or A person who doesn't love me anymore. The Archangel Michael is ready with his sword and his Thunderbolt Angels of the blue ray to cut ties and protect all who invoke him for help. The Archangel Michael is often presented with a blue sword and a shield to bring protection, as well as to cut off what is no longer necessary in our life. Bless what you will release, and then ask the Archangel Michael to take it. He is ready to protect us while we sleep against the attack of sinister forces and debris from the astral bass that cling to our energy fields or auras.

With your guide; the road of obstacles is cleared, it gives us the strength and courage to continue during the hard times of our lives. It fills us with hope, inspiration and faith that the Universe is always on our side. The Archangel Michael is associated with a purifying fire that burns the scum and ensures that in spiritual alchemy; The gold one is looking for is produced - evolution and enlightenment. So he asks us to use our higher intelligence, our consciousness at all levels of life.

There is no concern or problem that Miguel cannot address when asked to do so. It appears when necessary to serve as support, assistance and protection in any situation and helps us in the transformation of our limitations. He brings us faith, will and courage, as well as the understanding that one is never alone and that all guardian angels are emissaries of Michael, sent to watch over and guide us. Even he is the guardian angel of many people.

His name symbolizes his position as the right hand of God. It moves through us when we try to correct a mistake or bad habit. He sends us to those who come to us for help and support, and to achieve greater spiritual awareness and to anchor the divine light in the world. If you look closely; in a sword and in a shield, the light bounces off the surface, illuminating all the way. Miguel, is not only the power to cut through limitation and falsehood, but it is also the light that allows us to discern the truth from falsehood. Archangel Michael is the archangel for assistance in times of stress, danger and need. It is the conscience of court and all you have to do is ask for help.

No problem of ours is too small or temporary for God, nor to direct all the attention and flow of the Universe towards its resolution, because as sons and daughters of God, we deserve to live a healthy, loving, joyful, happy and abundant life. For those who believe that it is their karmic duty to pay some kind of debt for something they could have done several lives ago, the Archangel Michael teaches us that all things have a higher purpose. He bathes us with a purifying blue fire to help us in the search for the truth of who we really are, and of what our life plan or purpose of our soul is (what resonates within our own heart as truth). However, if a person is willing to go beyond the old energy, the old concepts and beliefs, this Archangel will surely support him in cutting the old ties.

If we need some kind of energy cleaning and protection at this time. Or maybe we need to gather courage and inner strength to move forward on a new goal, it brings us empowerment and enlightenment to help us be all that we are. So ask him what is the next step they need to take. Sometimes, he appears when we need a push, a tap on the back, to get us out of the traffic jam and for energy to flow into our lives again. Archangel Michael wants us to have confidence in ourselves, learn to protect ourselves and believe that the Universe is now looking to take us to the light and that God desires the best for us. All he needs to do is call the energy of Archangel Michael, and align his triple flame with that of Miguel's heart and he will find that he has always been by your side, supporting and protecting him.

If you face a situation that seems impossible to solve and that is causing a lot of money loss, stress and pain, call Miguel to help them solve the problems and receive your inner guidance. Light a blue candle, dedicating it to Archangel Michael and meditate in front of her. You can also write a letter to this angel, placing it under the candle. The Universe wants nothing more than to be blessed in abundance always and in every way. This angel comes to remind us that even in the darkest times of our lives, the windows of heaven are open and an abundance of blessings and grace is showered upon us.

Many times it seems that when something “terrible” happens in our life, all we can see is what it seems to mean on the surface. A closed door only means that something better awaits us. Ask to be shown the doors that are open, if you cannot see them clearly yet. Your present challenge may involve a health crisis. It may be one that seems impossible to cure and you feel you have little reason to hope. This angel is standing next to him, screaming to get his attention right now. The blessing could also be that it pushes you to live each day to the fullest, the best you can and in the process, you serve as a source of inspiration for others to do the same.

This angel can teach us that it is not what happens to us in life that is so important, but the way in which we choose to respond to each challenge. They might give us intuitive guidance so we can take different actions. Thus we begin to look around and see that the doors are beginning to open so that we can begin to move forward and solve the real problems or crises that have affected us. It may be that his own soul has been urging him to pursue something that has a great purpose and meaning for you, although the illusion of what you want; It will only allow you to move on. The crises or challenges then becomes an opportunity to move forward with what you really like and value life. I ask the Archangel Michael for protection every day. Recently they caused a fire in the mountains that are on the left side of my building. I called the fire department and they told me that I only had a fire truck that was in another area where the fire was even greater. The black smoke entered through the windows, as the fire was a few meters away, I began to wet the walls with water on the outside and decided to take out the six dogs, but I had no belts for everyone. Suddenly I saw two firefighters who were controlling the fire with shovels and without water and began to ask for protection for them.

Susana Blanco Murillo.


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