The two halves of the orange: The lower half and the upper half

  • 2015

As we make our way to recognize who we are, the two masks of our identity are represented as fractions from us, which have to be transformed to help us be more real, who we really are. Meanwhile this reality resembles a search in which our egos, empower themselves by being part of an identity, which moves away a lot from experiencing who we really are. These two masks have to be unified to be part of a process which, every step we take forward strengthens us and makes us really understand, who we are in the here and now.

As I quoted above there are two halves in us, which have to be developed to fulfill our own planetary legacy as Souls, here on Earth . In this way we recognize the duality that influences us constantly preventing us from seeing the direction of the most sincere path to follow. One of these is our personality as humans, while the other is our Higher Self which awakens through the cycles of the Soul, which we represent as we go deeper inside. In this way we become part of the existence of our lower mental human personality, which acts on a survival level based on physical and material aspects which, as we transcend them, we leave behind that version of ourselves represented by our Lower Egos, the which provide constant energies to the lower telluric network, of which I spoke earlier. And on the other hand the highest manifestation of our Souls is represented, which acts directly through our Higher Egos from where we act in essence, while adopting a higher version of us with which to help others . In many cases and under the influence of the egoic personality we believe, to be able to help others when we only nourish their energies, being at a level so low that our experiences, act conditioned by the outside. This help to others can only be represented once we have fulfilled our identity and manifest it, directly in our lives from our center to the outside.

At present, many of the inhabitants of the planet, are only able to develop one of these while many others and among these, those who read this book have felt a more internal part of your existences that call you to wake up to feel, that that surrounds you does not meet the expectations of your lives so far. If you are living this moment in your lives, congratulations welcome to the ascension of your consciences. At that same moment your vibratory system rises above the structures of a change in vibrational frequency in the constant feeling in fullness of the events that make you act directly, in your own evolutionary path. Every planetary cycle brings with it various changes that we have to establish or integrate to represent the identity of each one at a more personal and internal level, of our existence here on Earth. This call is symbolized in the projection of a superior reality in which we can all see ourselves immersed, and in which we will only live if we are able to develop that personal growth while it is representing within us, the fusion of the ethers through of the Hebrews of our own DNA . As we become aware of this change, we perceive as not only our thoughts and emotions changing direction, but also that our bodies as humans also adhere to transformations that act directly on a more refined version of ourselves.

Many people are not able to go through these " veils " or layers of density, because their lives are so structured in a linear way that they are afraid to break those self-imposed barriers, for fear of what might happen. While we live in this way, we are not able to understand that our lives are being controlled, by fractions of our astral Yos that act by conditioning our existences, through the energies of fear and insecurity. These people are reversed in linear experiences of constant reality, which are only reflected by small events that represent nothing more than external movements, in the way they see things. While we see ourselves reversed in that representation, everything that surrounds us is established in a great manifestation, of what we can believe since our own mental influence, just enables us to live inverse in a mini fraction of everything that surrounds us. These experiences are reflected at the vibrational level due to the energetic constant, which represents our own Almico development cycle. This makes us build an identity through which, only through the commitment and understanding of our existences we enter the original trajectory, of the different levels or densities that are part, of our own personal development. As linear minds we believe we take control of everything when it is rather everything around us, which controls us. In this way we are immersed in each and every one of the events, which control us through the human experience of transpersonal development. This is the reason, to take time to see how everything reflects itself while the development of our stock is carried out through the experiences and events that mark and notably our lives.

In this way, while we are immersed in that reality, our experiences are only enriched through everything that surrounds us, forgetting even ourselves and our interior . Many of the people who are inverse in this reality live submerged in a retroactive holographic projection, which only represents a constant influence on those minds, which feed directly on those energies. Thus, they acted favorably committed to the pain and suffering of their own existences. Meanwhile, their surroundings only act as a catalyst for their own experiences, inverse in their own vision of reality which prevents them from developing their more spiritual capacities, as they are constantly reversed in linear experiences., of its lower projection. These experiences are necessary to fulfill, with the Almic cycles of growth and because of this we must understand that the influences of such will correct part of our experiences for a higher development in a later existence. This experience is reflected in the masses, since the form of control they exercise over these currently reflects a proportion that is superior to everything that surrounds them. They could be called retroactive minds of the lower development system, of planetary energies abroad.

To these people their personal life reflects a total lack of personal self-esteem, because they have self-empowered their own egos which acted through them. If we live in reverse, in experiences close to the energies of these people we will feel, tiredness or lack of personal energy, since when acting at such lower levels they absorb around them as energetic vampires, or those mentioned Organic Portals. This lack of self-esteem is also reflected in a constant struggle with their surroundings, which makes them engage at all levels through aspects mired in fear and insecurity of their experiences. As I cited in previous articles, which can all be read on my blog:, the choices of our identities are chosen by ourselves, without the interference of second or third persons since it is only one personal choice. If on a personal level we do not have the capacity to make decisions for ourselves, we can now catalog ourselves at this level to develop, in the next cycle, our own evolution of consciousness. Since our lower egos constantly need outside to nourish themselves directly, from the ephemeral energy influences of low electromagnetic density that they represent. In some cases we can experience the implantation of other identities, although that aspect leaves the context of this course. For more information read the blog that I cited above where I constantly public material, from my personal view of reality.

Within the vicious circle where these people are represented, we can see how their experiences at the level of knowledge are minimal, since the prism from which they look at their reality, is of a vitality so focused on their exterior, that they lose their own personal identity by giving it to the other people who are part of their inferior reality. These forms of reality act in the consumption and disease of living mired in constant experiences of reality built in their archetypal minds, since their only way of seeing reality is suspended in a constant search by nourishing the praise around them, when their Souls move away from themselves by not vibrating in line with their linear personality. We can say that these Souls are reversed in projection cycles represented by diseases, which are currently being developed, without these becoming aware of it and that thanks to these they will take part in their own personal evolution. Even so, we can only say of these that their representation at a more spiritual level will be reflected in later incarnations which will be represented by a new Solar cycle of planetary manifestation . All the inhabitants of the planet have come to evolve and in one cycle or another if it will be carried out. No one can escape the Divine Law and in this we are shown free will, to choose the direction through which to be able to establish the parameters of our evolution according to mental criteria on a personal level. In this way, and according to our attitudes depending on the personal evolutionary level, the energies that emanate from us will be immersed in the recognition of our lives, while these will be represented through behavioral traits, with which they will expand or contract our own expansion waves.

In many cases our spiritual egos make us believe, that we can help other people in their evolutionary path, when we will only intercede for them to act in favor of their own decisions. On the opposite side of this reality we will see all those people who feel distant from everything around them, in this linear time projection. This representation of distance is nothing more than a lack of personal self-esteem, which takes them away from the world self imposed by their egos, to make them believe what their egos-personalities carry out. These people turn to learn from their surroundings, (and forget about themselves) and thus assume the parts of the puzzle in which they are involved. In this moment each and every one of us, we try through our own knowledge to enter a higher reality through which, we see how we leave behind all those structures in which we were involved. Every process of leaving behind is a first step towards the self-realization of each one, since at the energetic level, the cracked projection of rising of vibratory tonality represents a numerous influence of light knowledge, in our lives. The transformation of this reality can only be represented by that adaptation, to an ephemeral personal accomplishment, which is carried out within the activation of the higher centers, which allied with the lower ones, thus representing what has already been cited by other Masters. : "As it is in Heaven, as it is on Earth."

In this way we act towards a more personal reality, that opens the doors to us to really feel like the representation of a superior vision in which we will feel much better, delves into us and resonates in our identity as a non-transferable personal principle. . Within this new reality which many people already live today, we see each other through therapy conferences or events that resonate with what we believe is real at this time. This transformation is reflected in each of the inhabitants of the planet, when their bodies at the energy level are prepared to be able to manifest it . Otherwise, it will only be a reflection of our egos (like a mirror) in which our actions will represent nothing more than personal frustration. At the beginning of this path we can see ourselves as taking a path in solitude, since everything that was part of our lives stops formulating it by visualizing what surrounds us, within a higher perspective, which does not resonate or vibrates with everything what had been part of our lives until that moment. Even so, every change brings with it new experiences through which, we will enrich ourselves anyway and of course they will be represented in an unusual way, by feeling more ourselves in each new performance we have, facing the outside. So we have understood that while on that lower level everything around us is part of nourishing ourselves with others, in this new reality of us our own identity establishes the energies that others need from us. This will be represented once we are able, to raise above our egos, the constants of our evolutionary process.

As if that were not enough, we will be able to witness as our minds, adopt a change of direction which will open our senses to perceive as we are ourselves, which we will influence in our surroundings when until the moment of our personal change, it was our surroundings that influenced us directly to us. Duality is part of every evolutionary process which is directly represented to make us understand both sides of the same coin. The vision of a reality mired in others only establishes a projection based on our own Egos, which need fuel-energy to continue developing their own strategies. This fuel is represented through energies within the form, which act as possibilities to make us feel good, when they are only illusions of a three-dimensional reality that over time end up being left behind to mark a new objective, in who adopt a higher version as a representation of a life plunged abroad. These states can develop in such a way that people involved in these reality loops can end up representing obsessions, or mental illnesses directly with their own surroundings. Unfortunately, until our minds do not wake up, they consume that constant fuel by continuing to nourish our lower egos, when these experiences take hold of us and prevent our souls from developing themselves, in this linear time experience. When on the contrary we become aware, and we stop acting by nourishing ourselves of others and everything around us and being able to nourish ourselves from the lower centers, in constant alliance with the superiors in the same way that changes our perception of reality, we see ourselves reversed in a more internal projection that will be reconfigured in each new step that we give a more personal and non-transferable truth that will bring down our internal update within the projection of our own Souls, here on Earth.

AUTHOR: Oriol Writer and Therapist.


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