Licorice is antacid, beneficial in cases of gastritis and stomach ulcers

  • 2014

Licorice contains glycyrrine, saponin, flavonoids, phytosterols, glucose and sucrose. From very remote times it is used in respiratory system conditions, while in recent studies it has been proven effective in the cure of stomach ulcers. In 1950 it was scientifically proven that licorice heals the duodenal and stomach ulcers; It acts by forming a protective layer on the stomach lining, freeing it from the corrosive action of gastric juices and promoting healing. It helps regenerate gastric and intestinal mucous membranes.

It is used in cases of cough, hoarseness, colds, bronchitis, gastritis and ulcers . It also helps overcome tobacco addiction because it suppresses the desire to smoke.

In gynecological disorders, licorice acts as an antispasmodic, limiting the pain of the period.

One of its components, glycyrrine, acts on the adrenal glands, resulting in an effect similar to that of cortisone produced by the cortex of these glands.

The main healing benefits of licorice are:
  • As an antispasmodic, licorice is very useful for treating stomach colic. It is also highly recommended to use in case of diarrhea, both in children and adults.
  • Licorice turns out to be an excellent plant to regulate digestive processes, it is very useful for treating cases of constipation. Because it stimulates renal function and regulates digestion, it generates a protective liver action.
  • As an antacid, licorice plant helps to treat cases of heartburn, gastritis and ulcers.
  • It is highly recommended to treat colds, since it has antiviral properties, it is also very useful to treat cases of cough, since it relieves sore throats because it softens the respiratory mucous membranes.
  • Licorice root has in its components some substances that can be very useful for treating cases of depression, as well as discouragement or chronic fatigue.
  • Popularly, licorice infusions have been used in conjunction with other herbs such as natural aphrodisiac.

Ways to prepare it:

Maceration: Macerate overnight in a liter of water 50 grams of clean root and cut into small pieces. Filter and drink 3 cups a day.

Cooking: Cook a tablespoon of cut root in a cup of water. Take 2 or 3 times a day.

Contraindications : Hypertensive people or with corticosteroid treatments.

Licorice is antacid, beneficial in cases of gastritis and stomach ulcers

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