WINGS - April 16, 2009 ~ OOOOOOH WHEEEEEE! THE NEW ENERGY IS COMING! ~ by Karen Bishop


Massive explosions of energy are coming now, pushing us more and more to our new beginnings. If they are very sensitive, they may be experiencing heart palpitations, shortness of breath, anxiety, fear, and general instability inside.

When these bursts of energy arrive, and we rarely have them, they serve to shake things up, move a lot of energy, and bring much to the surface. Car accidents, personal accidents, feeling of being shaken, and many insecurities, are other common symptoms that derive from a great movement of energy. And almost always when we make big changes inside, allergy symptoms and sinus headaches may appear for many, since we are now vibrating enormously different compared to our external circumstances, and this causes the resistance that can sometimes create allergies and pains Sinus head.

As we approach these new beginnings, and we are already very close with one foot in the air, rounding the landing of our first step on a new shore, we must be prepared in every way. Anything within us that is not in alignment with the new and superior ways of living and being are now in the process of aligning since we must meet the necessary requirements for our new residence.

The "insecurities" are the characteristic indicator of this last wave of energy. When we are hanging in the air, before reaching that shore, we can also feel insecure, since there is nothing yet to hold on to, where to anchor, or where to land. But add to this a great surge of energy, and insecurities can feel multiplied by ten.

Suddenly feeling insecure and scared, once again, while we are still floating in the air, as well as having a lot of pushing the old energies that fly around inside and out, can lead to really strange and disturbing feelings. We could suddenly change our plans abruptly, and now choose to hold on to some immediate solution in search of something that brings us some kind of security or shore. Either we could make a new decision that involves giving us a long-term arrangement, or we could even connect with anyone or everyone in order to find some kind of support and community in the meantime. But that is not what is really happening here, because when we really connect again, after leaving and disconnecting from so much of the old, we will be involved with very new and much more permanent and lasting connections than ever before. And it will feel glorious indeed.

When the energies begin to move like this, it is so much that comes out, that darkness can also be flying everywhere, and this does not help much when we might want to calm down. I just arrived at my daughter's house for a visit of several days, and tonight we are moving the children's beds to another room, because Simeon says that she is afraid to sleep near the window to the street, since the window scares him!

When darkness begins to spin, it can make those of us who are sensitive feel restless, anxious, scared, and also nervous. And intense feelings of vulnerability are always present, especially when so much density has started in these new realities of greater vibration in which we are now functioning.

These newly arrived energies are also encouraging us to meet. Teamwork and unity are stars on the very near horizon. Therefore, we are now encouraged through this last change, to examine within ourselves what needs to be adjusted in regards to unity and teamwork. Are you who normally do everything, take care of everything, and are very tired of doing it? Do others ever help? Or are they who like to cross their arms and allow others to do all the work, perhaps without seeing that they have to participate more? Are you tired of being alone?

Did this last change of energy shake everything enough that many are now willing to join and share the charges? Have they found their equipment, the souls they have chosen to allow them to enter their sacred space, or perhaps they feel very strongly that there are new arrivals on the very near horizon?

This new change in energy is doing all that and much more. It is preparing us for everything we have always wanted, for new and divine connections, and for a happiness beyond all our dreams. If we have been sidelined in any way, we are now encouraged to meet, since this is the beginning of our new beginnings.

There is a lot of joy and change in the very near horizon. Something worth seeing!

During most of the month of March, things finally settled enough for me, that I could write the new electronic mini-book (there are only two or three pages left) Yes!), And also process, process, and process. I had so many moments aj that month, preparing me to let go of holding all that energy for the planet for so long, that they were an incredible moment after another. And this is true for all of us.

If you are among those who still did not have the time or the opportunity to do this, then this new arrival energy that has just come with such a great blow, I will do it for you, by yourself. Alone. It has moved so much energy, that even if they are really very ready for their new beginnings, maybe it could make them feel as if they were having some kind of collapse anyway! We are really preparing now in terms of aligning ourselves with what lies ahead. Before we can move forward, then, anything that may be holding us down will have to be addressed. And this is, as always, simply part of the process.

With a baby blowing in my ear and pulling my cheek, it's time to go for now. until next time Wheeeee! Are you ready?

With much love and gratitude,

New site of Karen Bishop "Emerging The New Angels of the Earth"
All your material can be downloaded in Word file from your site in Spanish

Thanks Margarita López !!!

Your Book Excerpt for Today

From Entering the New Reality:


How do we complete our process on one step before we can move on to the other? Neutralizing any energy of less vibration within us (usually through acceptance and understanding, which results in disabling any extreme emotion of lower vibration and resistance we might have) is mandatory before we can move forward in a more permanent way. We let go of any energy of less vibration and balance any energy that we are going to conserve. What did you just say, Karen?

The ascension process serves to introduce higher vibration energies. They used to arrive more from the outside, as a result of an invocation of the counters of the road that had gone ahead (whether consciously or not, depending on how connected each of us is with our souls ... the more connected we are with our souls, more aware we are about the many high level things that are happening). "From the outside" means through solar eruptions, meteor showers, equinoxes and planetary alignments, and so on. The energies of greater vibration apparently arrived on their own, whether we were ready or not! Therefore, in the initial stages, we could have felt beaten and as if something was happening "to us" when these energies of greater vibration arrived. Then we were not as connected to our souls as we are now, therefore, our consciousness was more limited.

Over time, the counters of the road began to incorporate more and more light into themselves, and therefore, they began the process of bringing along with them souls (or the rest of the planet) that were on lower rungs of the stairs of ascension. Now many more people are beginning their process, and now embodying more light, that there has been a change. Things began to accelerate after a while, and therefore, the changes began to occur more inside than outside. Changes now come much more often when we reach critical mass levels, or rather when enough people on the planet are carrying and incorporating more light. The more we evolve, the more we function as a whole.

This is why it may seem that there is more darkness now for longer periods of time. This is why when a cosmic event comes, we can feel good only for a short time, and then things seem to dissipate. Now we are embodying more light, so it is we who have to create the movements and change, and then align them with the cosmic events that come to support us. This is also why there is sometimes the wait before a change can come. We are waiting for enough souls to be ready or reach a certain vibrational frequency within themselves. We want everyone on board.

So then, energy changes are now much more determined by what is going on inside us, since we, ourselves, are bringing the light more than ever before. We no longer need so much help from the outside. That's why sometimes our progress seems to snort, and it doesn't really seem to take off ... there is not, then, a sufficient amount of the masses at a certain level, so we can only advance one inch at a time. And to add even more confusion to this scenario, no major cosmic event will occur until enough of the masses are ready for their benefit. We invoke from the inside through our vibrational level and preparation, and the outside responds reciprocally. Creation always occurs when everything meets in the center at exactly the same time. Things are now slower, or rather the great waves of light are much less frequent and for shorter periods of time, because now many more are carrying the light, and much more of it. And, again, now we are much more a whole.

Suppose they had a car that had run out of fuel (or light). Eventually, they were able to fill their fuel tank, so they started the engine, preparing for a great leap forward, toward the road. But the car only advanced to small, intermittent sections, although the tank was full. Eventually they realized that some parts of the engine were not running at full capacity, since they were damaged and needed to be adjusted or repaired (the masses). After they fixed the engine, and with the tank full of fuel that he had now been waiting for a while, they then set off for a new horizon at full speed.

And we will "repair" the engine parts (or the masses), by helping and serving through our shop windows. Then we will all go one step further as individuals within the whole.

How, then, do we complete our process on one step before we can move on to another?

When new energies arrive, each of us is given the opportunity to adjust, making changes within ourselves and within our belief and perceptions systems. These changes occur through purges, liberation, or balance of energies within us, and so ... a step forward is created. If we voluntarily choose to flow through this process, we can see more clearly how we have been vibrating (or how we have been perceiving and mistakenly believing), honoring and accepting this, and then letting it go as we are now ready to vibrate higher. In this way, sometimes we can wonder who the hell we are now, because many of us seem to no longer exist! Hence the continued loss of identity that creates the ascension process.

Oh! There is also a somewhat unexpected turn in this process. The evolutionary process that we are experiencing also creates feelings of intolerance and other quite unpleasant sensations when we are in the presence of energies of less vibration (some of us who are very sensitive can feel really repelled, and we don't seem very spiritual!). This is partly because we are being encouraged to move forward and create something new that is of greater vibration, but it is mostly because the energies of greater and lesser vibration cannot exist in the same space. There is now a huge disparity present, and you can feel frankly uncomfortable at best, when we are around these old energies.

So then, after we understand, we feel love and integrate within us these energies of less vibration in a more balanced way (and in many cases we release them completely), we can then move forward and we no longer need to experience or be again in their presence in the same way. And after we're done with this process, it can feel downright horrible to be around the density of these old energies that could surround us! So then, it can really be a challenge to accept and feel love for energies towards which we have no tolerance! Therefore, our personal sanctuaries become our individual Heavens until the whole can reach us. But because the whole is almost always at various levels of the ascension process, a difficult path is almost always presented in this regard. Although we can wait until enough of the masses are ready, before we experience substantial changes, the masses are still at a variety of levels.

How can we experience intolerance towards lower vibration energies and also love and understand them at the same time? How can we be in his presence for a long time without feeling so uncomfortable? A real challenge, and that is the way of dimensional hierarchies. Just as non-physical beings and angels, we can go to the lower dimensions, but only for brief periods of time. We can also go higher for very short periods (during interdimensional trips or when reading, etc.), but the higher we go, the more we run out, because we use too much of our reservations. We cannot go higher unless there are at least some aspects of ourselves embodying these higher dimensions, allowing us access to start. In regards to the ascension process, we gain permanent access to the higher realms when we are vibrating permanently higher. Thus, the ascension process is leading the entire planet as a whole, towards a much higher dimension, step by step.

"This sounds very confusing and complicated to me, " they might think. Or maybe, “I don't feel like concentrating so much! This sounds like a big mess very confusing! How the hell are we supposed to live in this chaos and continuous transition? ”

Here is a simple guide to follow for a better understanding of this process: If they feel disgusted and heavy in certain energies, very tired of them, they feel as if they were drowning, they feel scared, they feel as if they have nothing to do with you, and feel a strong desire to flee, most likely they have evolved beyond them. If you feel angry, resisting, mortified, in great disagreement, have judgments and feel frustrated with certain energies, it is likely that it is time for you to diffuse these emotions through acceptance and love, as you look within yourself to see what are they incorporating that serves to connect with them.

When we have a deep, painful, sad, and almost suffocating reaction to the energies of less vibration (not an emotional, resistance, and personal reaction), we can barely identify with them, we feel very heavy and almost suffocated by them, and we have a serious preference to be somewhere else, so this is because we are residing in a higher dimension or realm where these energies can no longer exist. It can be easy to get tangled up on the pretext that we are more highly developed than others, and use this as an excuse to ignore what is still inside us, thus blaming another. You can't jump, remember? The ascension process is an evolutionary process step by step, and it takes a lot of time.

~ Ooooooh Wheeeeee! The New Energy is coming! ~
April 16, 2009
by Karen Bishop

Translation: Margarita López

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